Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and seventeen - 1 set of combo punches

"Hollywood Draw(!

As the secretary carefully changed the channel, there were two or three TV stations facing the whole country before that were reporting on this Hollywood "ethics" scandal.

The three people present knew in their hearts that there must be all kinds of media hype, various follow-up reports and big discussions for a while, and whether Morgan Freeman can be released on bail now is of little significance.

The most important thing now is to get the public relations department to act quickly, to carry out all-out public relations activities for the upcoming negative information, so as to reduce the impact of this scandal on the film.

Nikki Marvin turned off the TV, and after waiting for the secretary to go out, she asked suspiciously, "Why are there other TV stations joining in the fun? Even Disney wants to step on it!"

Paul Knight shrugged and waved to explain. "Hollywood\'s big companies have always cooperated and competed with each other. When there is an opportunity to step on someone else\'s foot, it won\'t cost too much anyway, and no one will miss this opportunity."

"As for Disney\'s involvement, there should be other reasons." He recalled for a while, and then continued with more certainty: "It\'s Miramax\'s Pulp Fiction! This movie was released after us. It should be the main purpose of Disney\'s involvement."

Although there is a three-week difference between the two films in terms of schedule, Disney can definitely take this opportunity to pour dirty water on "The Shawshank Redemption".

Many things do not require evidence at all. As long as you look at the consequences of this incident, whoever is most beneficial will most likely be a participant.

Paul Knight glanced at the time and warned: "The crew should keep a low profile first, and you go back and warn them not to disclose to reporters any questions about Morgan Freeman, and do not express your own opinions.

I will go to the meeting first and let the public relations department start making a plan as soon as possible. Now it is just a simple actor issue. The greater public pressure will soon be transferred to the film. Since Warner Bros. chooses this time to start, it will definitely not be so easy. leave us alone. "

Nikki Marvin nodded. Now she and the crew can\'t do much, and can only passively wait for Columbia\'s action.

Then she always knew that although it was also one of the six giants, Sony Columbia seemed to suffer forever. In many things, Benzi\'s Columbia was like an outsider.

Now all her hopes are pinned on the word-of-mouth of "The Shawshank Redemption". This film, whether it is professional word-of-mouth, or the word-of-mouth of the media and fans after the preview, is all one-sided praise, this may be the film After the release, the only advantage you can rely on.

Sony Columbia is in turmoil. At the headquarters of Emperor Entertainment in Knoxville, Tennessee, the film "The Shawshank Redemption" is also being discussed.

Originally, after Jeff Robinoff\'s call, the company agreed to increase the screening scale of "Joker\'s Soul" on Monday. As the box office of this film has been rising all the way, it has shown an explosive trend, and it has given more reasons to the theater company.

Now that the film "The Shawshank Redemption" has not yet been released, it has suddenly encountered such a scandal. The theater company has already held a meeting to discuss whether it should reduce the scale of the film and give more curtains to the box office explosion of "Joker\'s Soul". "above.

"According to this trend, "The Shawshank Redemption" will definitely be affected, and more ordinary movie fans will definitely not choose to watch a movie starring an unethical actor!"

In the conference room of the office building of the headquarters of the Imperial Cinema Line, several executives listened to the speech of the operation manager Cohen Campbell. They all knew the specific information. Now they are hesitating about the allocation of theaters.

A director said, "However, the reputation of The Shawshank Redemption is indeed..."

"Good word of mouth does not necessarily translate into high box office. Everything will be clear after the screening." Cohen-Campbell remembered the analysis of the company\'s film experts, and interrupted the other party\'s words directly.

After he finished speaking, he directly opened the file bag he brought, and arranged the information in it, and asked his secretary to distribute it to the executives at the conference table one by one.

When they all turned their attention to the information, he continued: "This is the data report fed back by the company\'s film viewing team and the hired survey team, whether it is our own film viewing experts or the survey company\'s questionnaire to ordinary movie fans. , it all proves that "The Clown\'s Soul" is an A-level commercial film!

Yes, you heard it right, not a horror film or a genre film, but an A-level commercial film! Before its release, we still underestimated the box office potential of this film. After the two-day box office analysis by the survey company, the final box office of this film will not be less than 200 million US dollars. "

The various data analysis on the data, the suggestions given by more than 30 film experts, and the detailed data obtained by the survey company, plus the explanation of the operation manager, made several executives have to pay attention to it. .

Emperor Cinema\'s CEO Michael Hopkins frowned, and also watched the report carefully before saying: "Cohen, I know you are very optimistic about this film, but the good reputation of "The Shawshank Redemption" is absolutely can not be ignored."

His words were approved by many people, and everyone nodded involuntarily. If it weren\'t for the good word of mouth in various media, with these messy things now, this film\'s opening theater line will definitely be reduced a lot.

"But don\'t forget, the reputation of "The Clown Returns to the Soul" is equally good. Whether it is the word-of-mouth of movie fans or the professional word-of-mouth of film critics, it far exceeds the category of horror movies!"

Cohen-Campbell was the only one among the executives who attended the preview, so he believed in his judgment very much, and the box office of the past two days also made him more convinced that the market potential of this film is not limited to what it is now.

"I personally think that we should squeeze the opening theater line of "The Shawshank Redemption", and start giving more theaters to "The Clown\'s Soul" on Monday, and let the subordinate theaters increase the proportion of films. According to my analysis, the box office of this film is The potential is far from being unleashed!"

After he finished speaking, he looked directly at the CEO\'s position. In the end, the only person who could make a decision was the head of the Imperial Cinema.

These remarks also aroused discussion. Several executives basically agreed with his point of view. For all reasons, there is no survey data in the documents in hand, and the box office figures are convincing.

An executive who was also in the operation department suddenly said: "I suggest leaving some room for adjustment. After all, the professional reputation of "The Shawshank Redemption" is close to full marks, and no one knows if it will break out. And Paramount\'s Shirley -Ms. Lansing, also called me, she wants to keep the show size of "Forrest Gump"."

This is indeed true. Even if you want to increase the number of theaters in "Joker\'s Soul", you must leave room to avoid any uncontrollable situation.

"I have a little idea, maybe I can give you some reference."

Sitting in the corner of the conference room, a senior film expert who rarely participates in operational issues, Alexander Odyssey said with a frown.

For this expert who has been in the company for more than 20 years, everyone trusts his vision very much, and his sudden speech also attracts everyone\'s attention.

"The Shawshank Redemption is a good movie, but in my opinion, it has little chance of a big box office hit!" Ignoring the surprised expressions of the people around him, Alexander Odyssey carefully analyzed:

"The first is the subject matter, this is a prison-themed work! And when watching this film, it always gives people a weird feeling, as if this kind of film should not appear in the cinema, the most suitable place for it. It\'s Blockbuster, yes, the video rental company."

After speaking his opinion, the chief film viewing expert of the Emperor Cinemas tightly closed his mouth. He did not understand the operational issues and would only give his views on the film.

"That\'s it." CEO Michael Hopkins knocked on the table and said the final plan. "The number of screens for "Forrest Gump" and "Cannonball Expert" should be maintained as much as possible, and the number of screens for "The Shawshank Redemption" will be reduced by 15%. On the weekend, we will adjust according to the box office situation!"

This is the plan that is most in line with the opinions of the public. The screening contract with Sony Columbia has flexible terms. After the reduction of 15%, it will not involve the issue of breach of contract.

Even The Shawshank Redemption, which does explode next week, has more wiggle room for them.

After the meeting at the Imperial Cinemas, CEO Michael Hopkins called Warner Bros. and asked them to send more copies of the film by mail as soon as possible.

Not only the No. 1 theater chain company in North America, but almost AMC and the American artist chain theater chain, to varying degrees, reduced the number of theater chains reserved for "The Shawshank Redemption" and temporarily added it to "The Clown\'s Soul". ".

The first goal of a theater company is always the box office number of the film. The higher the number, the greater the flow of people in the theater.

However, their profit point is far more than the box office share. The first profit point of the theater has always been the sales of products brought by the flow of people~www.novelhall.com~ Everyone in the circle knows that the profit of popcorn and cola Terribly tall.

The same news was notified not only to the distribution department of Warner Bros., but also to the distribution department of Sony Columbia. The director of distribution, who had just finished a one-day meeting, smashed the ashtray again when he returned to the office.

Warner Bros.\'s combination of punches, before all the punches were finished, gave Paul Knight another impulse to resign.

However, what should be faced is still to be faced. Since the number of opening theaters has been reduced to more than 2,500, this result cannot be changed, so we can only expect the performance of the film to be released.

If the box office can surpass the next week\'s "The Clown\'s Soul" and win the weekend championship, it is not impossible to expand the screening.

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