Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and sixteen - Exaggerated box office, Warner fights back!

"Hollywood Draw(!

Saturday is a day off, and after a busy week of work, young people choose to go to the cinema the most.

The night slowly enveloped the hustle and bustle of the city. Compared with the more impetuous Los Angeles after dark, the windy city of Chicago is much more calm.

At this time, in a villa on the outskirts of Chicago, Roger Albert was sitting in the living room with his agent, Jon Harper, who had just arrived.

"Warner Bros. put $250,000 into the studio\'s account at noon today. What they mean is, I hope you, the leader of the film critics, can better guide the public to watch good films!"

After the two sat down, the agent Jon Hubble said. He knows better than anyone what kind of person his client is. Even though he always advertises art, he has a lot of contacts with major film companies.

This $250,000 offer can definitely impress its customers, not to mention, this is the second "guidance fund" from Warner Bros.

Although Roger Albert was really tempted to hear this number, he still asked in surprise. "I wrote a review of "The Clown Returns" in my column this morning. It\'s impossible for Warner Bros. to not notice, right?"

"No, Roger."

The agent organized the language and continued: "Warner Bros. feels that this level is not enough. They hope that you, the wind vane of guiding movie fans to watch movies, can publish a better and detailed long movie review in tomorrow\'s column, so that Only then can more fans go into the theater to experience the artistry of this film.”

This kind of thing is quite common, at least in the circle of film critics, Roger Albert is definitely the most influential one. Therefore, there will be production companies that will conduct secondary public relations, but this will only happen to films that perform well.

"The box office of "The Clown Returns" broke out on the first day, and Warner Bros. is willing to invest more!" Roger Albert said softly, of course he understood these things.

"In reply to Warner Bros., film criticism has an important guiding role for the entire film industry. It is the job that film critics should do to guide the public to watch more artistic films. For example, "The Clown Returns to the Soul" is a meticulous analysis of children\'s growth. \'s works need to be seen by more fans!"

Although the Pulitzer Prize winner said very high-soundingly, the agent Jon Hubble still understood what he meant, which showed that he would do a good job in this matter. A fully recommended film review will appear in A column in the Chicago Sun-Times.

Jon Hubble knows that no matter how nice his client\'s mouth is, it\'s the US dollar that impresses him. This is the reality. Roger Albert is no different from ordinary film critics. The movie company **** blood for life.

"Another offer, also from Warner Bros.!"

Seeing that he agreed, the agent began to tell the second thing he came over. "Warner Bros., I hope you stop the rave reviews of The Shawshank Redemption. If you can rate that film a little bit sharper, there will be another \'director money\' that will hit the studio account on Monday."

Roger Albert didn\'t even think about it, and directly rejected the agent. "No, Columbia\'s public relations are very strong, and this matter should be rejected by Warner Bros."

The agent understands that Warner Bros. is just trying it out. No matter how shameless these film critics are, they still have reservations about the most basic "professional ethics". As long as this kind of thing is opened once, it will affect all subsequent income.

He also just tried to say that if he succeeds, he will get an extra commission, and it doesn\'t matter if he fails.

"The Shawshank Redemption" has been well received in the market since it has gone through two previews and has not yet been released. Almost all film critics and media are singing praises to the film.

It can maintain high ratings for the film in all kinds of media, and the professional reputation of the film has also been rising all the way. It can be seen that a large part of Sony Columbia\'s publicity funds must be invested here.

"Okay, that\'s it, I\'ll go back and communicate with Warner Bros." Agent Jon Hubble nodded and left the suburban mansion. This big house, including the extravagant decorations in the house, all came from That column movie review.

After the agent left, Roger Albert recalled the content of the movie, returned to the study and took out a pen. It didn\'t take long, and a long movie review appeared on the paper. At the end, he still drew habitually. up a thumbs up.

Before it was too late, he sent this million-dollar film review to the "Chicago Sun", which will also appear in the latest newspaper tomorrow morning.

As the most well-known film critic, Roger Albert\'s knowledge is definitely not bad, and he is definitely the top few people in the analysis of movies, otherwise he would not have made few mistakes for decades.

Just from the memory of just writing the film review, he compared the two films in his mind.

Although "The Clown Returns to the Soul", as always, maintains the special style of Wayne Greenberg, the horror elements mixed in it are all absolute selling points with exquisite arrangements. From this point of view, the market acceptance of the film is not good. will be low.

"The Shawshank Redemption" is indeed a good movie. Anyone who has seen it must admit that it can be accepted by the market. That is another matter.

"If nothing else happens next week, The Shawshank Redemption is in big trouble..."

Roger Albert understands that even if it is in an absolute dominant position, Warner Bros. will not allow its competitors to release it in a stable manner. It can be seen from the quotations brought by the agent today that Warner Bros. has already begun to take action ahead of schedule.

When the first ray of sunshine in Los Angeles came out, after just a short day, the major newspapers and media suddenly changed their minds. Not only the reports on "The Clown\'s Soul" were two voices, but more complicated news also appeared. in major newspapers.

First of all, the most are the box office reports about "The Clown Returns to the Soul", and a small number of gossip tabloids are repeatedly hyping the poisoning incident of the Canadian crew, and analyze the damage to the child actors in a sensible way. Some tabloids simply wrote directly. How the crew squeezed various dramas of minors.

Needless to say, yesterday\'s report by Sony\'s Columbia TV station cbs still had some influence.

"The new film directed by Wayne Greenberg, "The Clown Returns to the Soul" landed in the theater market this Friday. After winning $5.9 million in advance on Thursday, it was released on Friday and gained more than 20 million US dollars, the first day box office received 26.32 million US dollars.

Yesterday, the second day of the film\'s release, the box office figures went up all the way, and it once again reaped 26.98 million US dollars. This week, the North American market has ushered in a new high because of the box office explosion of "The Clown\'s Soul". The second place is Sylvester Stallone\'s "The Cannonball Expert". The film was released for three weeks and also maintained considerable competition. force……"

In front of the newsstand, Paul Knight put down the Daily Entertainment newspaper in his hand and frowned deeply.

He originally wanted to see how much response his actions would cause, but he didn\'t expect to see the bad news at first sight.

He was really helpless about the operation of discrediting the "Joker\'s Soul" crew on CBS. When I heard that the box office on the first day was more than 26 million, it is absolutely impossible to do nothing, even if it can play a role and affect some people\'s viewing choices.

Moreover, this kind of mutual smearing is definitely within the competition rules of Hollywood, and it will not touch the bottom line. Almost any film will have this treatment when it is released.

But before he could watch more news, a car stopped in front of the newsstand at the entrance of the company. Nikki Marvin hurriedly got out of the car and said with an ugly face:

"Paul, I just got the news that Morgan Freeman was taken away by the LAPD at about four in the morning!"


Ignoring the newspaper in his hand, Paul Knight threw a Franklin to his boss, picked up a large stack of newspapers, turned around and walked towards the company gate.

As he walked, he asked, "What\'s going on? With Morgan\'s reputation, unless he went to sell his independence, how could the police take him away in the early hours of the morning?"

This time it hits Paul Knight\'s heart. The "Shawshank Redemption" crew is about to start a large-scale publicity campaign. All kinds of TV shows, newspapers and magazine interviews that have been arranged in advance are all yellow, not to mention It is said that the American road show after the film is released.

Morgan Freeman, who wanted to take the opportunity to clean up, went straight to the police station, but this time there was one less lead actor, which completely disrupted all the rhythm of the film.

"Morgan Freeman\'s granddaughter suddenly reported the case and provided the police with clear and complete evidence. The lawyers of the girls who had been biting him before suddenly put pressure on the judicial department together..."

Hearing the bad news, Paul Knight suddenly felt a burst of powerlessness. Isn\'t Warner Bros. overreacting? In this circle, it has never been popular to beat people to death with one stick.

Then things obviously just started. Just after returning to the office, before the two of them began to discuss the solution~www.novelhall.com~ the secretary walked in quickly and turned on the TV in the office.

I saw a reporter on the CNN channel interviewing his granddaughter and wife at the door of Morgan Freeman\'s house. After the scandal subsided for a few months, it was broadcast live to the whole of North America again.

With his eyes fixed on the TV screen, Paul Knight\'s voice rang out. "Our team of lawyers, don\'t have to go to the police station to bail him. Damn, that **** CNN satellite news truck drove straight to the door. Morgan Freeman is over!"

With a "click", the secretary switched the channel, and saw that the channel of abc, one of the four major TV networks, was also broadcasting this program.


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