Hollywood Drawing

~: 218 - Mr. Greenberg, congratulations

Early Monday morning, Wayne was woken up by congratulatory calls, from executives at Warner Bros. to members of the cast promoting Salt Lake City to Steven Spielberg of DreamWorks. , and then a congratulatory call came.

This film has been confirmed to be a success, and his goddaughter Drew Barrymore, because of her outstanding image in the film, has also gained very high popularity.

When the old man hung up the phone and invited him to play golf together, Wayne thought about it, he was busy with two movies, and he really couldn\'t find time to decline.

Now is the period when DreamWorks is about to exert its strength. The films of Spielberg\'s live-action department will have harvests in the Oscar and theatrical markets at the same time, but the next big squeeze is the six major squeezes.

This Hollywood is already so crowded that the six giants will never allow a seventh.

Spielberg, who is now very ambitious, will lose his partner when he started his business in the future, and then he will be stuck in the neck from the distribution, and finally developed to the film of DreamWorks and sent to mpa for grading. A whole bunch of puzzles.

Wayne doesn\'t mind maintaining a good personal relationship with the other party, but their positions will gradually become antagonistic over time in the future. The biggest tacit understanding of the six giants will also become a joint squeeze of DreamWorks in the next few years.

So, the whole morning of this Monday, he spent non-stop answering the phone calls from his assistant.

It was not just acquaintances who also sent congratulations. Harvey Weinstein\'s phone call surprised him as well. For the other party\'s proposal to come and talk, Wayne also nodded and agreed, but the location was not at home, but at Warner Bros. Studios.

Although he kept his attention there almost every day, he was still going to take a look today to check the preparation progress of various departments.

Wayne plans to start filming "Batman" around the end of October, and there are still nearly two months from now. There is no problem with the long-term preparations, and the remaining supporting roles still need to be decided by him.

At ten o\'clock in the morning, Sergey drove him and his assistant to the gate of the studio. Before Wayne could get on the tram, he was surrounded by reporters who had been waiting here.

A reporter with a "Premier" magazine badge on his chest put the recorder directly in front of him. "Wayne, the first weekend box office of "The Clown\'s Soul" has collected nearly 70 million US dollars, which is the third largest first-week box office record in North America. Can you talk about your current thoughts?"

"To be honest, this number is something I didn\'t even think of myself!"

Facing each other\'s questions, Wayne answered as he walked into the studio. "I didn\'t expect that after a summer vacation, the enthusiasm of the fans is still so high, which also gave me more motivation to shoot more excellent films..."

"Director Greenberg, can you say a few more words?"

"Wayne, what do you think of the accusations of child protection organizations?"

"Wayne, may I ask you to come..."

Under the constant questioning of reporters, he did not intend to stop himself, and directly got on the tram of the studio and drove to the studio where various preparatory work was being done.

Just like answering the questions of those reporters, he himself did not expect that the box office of "The Clown" would be so high in the first week, which was nearly 20 million US dollars higher than his own expected figure.

The film made $26.32 million on the first day with an advance show on Friday. Starting on Saturday, with the continuous increase in attendance, the film won $26.98 million that day, followed by Sunday, because the next day is a working day. Because of this, the box office numbers continued to decline healthily, taking in $15.99 million.

The first weekend totaled 69.29 million US dollars at the terrifying box office, and there is no suspense that this weekend\'s box office champion.

And this first weekend\'s opening score is the third best after "Joker" and "Jurassic Park", which is the main reason for the non-stop congratulations this morning.

Early in the morning, a number of North American forecasting agencies put the box office of "The Clown Back" in the middle of 200 million to 280 million US dollars, and even the Las Vegas gaming department has put the film to 250 million US dollars at the box office The odds have quietly doubled.

This kind of opening result also made Warner Bros. once again decide to add an additional $5 million in publicity funds to maximize the implementation of the follow-up publicity plan.

The production cost of "The Clown Returns to the Soul" was US$25 million, but the box office in the first week exceeded the cost line by more than double the cost line. Starting early in the morning, major media and newspapers were best at the title of "Little Boda" director. Snapped to his head.

This is still a relatively neutral title. Various media under Warner Bros. have described him even more excessively. Various versions of Wayne Greenberg\'s success story are endless.

Thinking of the film\'s box-office numbers, Wayne felt the September slot was the right one.

He never put "The Shawshank Redemption" in his eyes, and Wayne, who knew the result long ago, knew that it was impossible for it to explode at the box office.

Coupled with the fierce pursuit of Warner Bros., the main actor was still in the police station 6 days before the film was released, which made this film even worse.

Not only to fight against competitors, but with more publicity funds invested, coupled with the publicity plan that was ready to be implemented, Wayne believes that "The Clown" will definitely occupy the entire schedule in September.

The tram stopped at the entrance of the big studio. After Wayne got off the bus with Nina, he walked towards the studio.

In the studio, the most conspicuous is the sweaty Christian Bale, whose body has changed dramatically from a few months ago.

As far as his muscles are concerned, he definitely surpasses the big-breasted US team in Wayne\'s impression, and this is not the end, there is still more than a month of training time, and it is too late for him to build a stronger body.

In Wayne\'s "Batman", he certainly will not deliberately weaken Bruce Wayne\'s ability, so having a strong body at a glance can maximize the persuasiveness of the film.

The first film that will start shooting right away is relatively easy to say. The production goal of this film is that he must make the film full of comics. After all, the main story is born out of the comic "First Year" that almost everyone knows.

Even ordinary people who haven\'t read comics must have heard of this story. It mainly talks about the process of Bruce Wayne\'s transformation into Batman, starting from the death of his parents, and solving various problems encountered in the middle.

Then, through various problems encountered, he began to slowly hone his fighting skills, gradually build various equipment, and finally became the dark guardian of Gotham City.

It\'s the same story, and the changes he can make won\'t be too much. At most, it will only make Bruce Wayne more human, so as to stick to a moviegoer\'s sense of substitution and accumulate a wider audience for this series.

But starting from the second part, his plan has changed. Bruce Wayne will never lose his combat effectiveness. He is not Christopher Nolan. A mighty superhero, turned into an ordinary person.

"Hi, Mr. Greenberg, congratulations!"

Christian Bale noticed his gaze, walked over covered in sweat, and greeted him politely.


Wayne carefully observed his muscles up close and nodded with satisfaction. Such a masculine male body is the body shape a superhero should have.

It can be seen that Christian Bale must have suffered a lot for this muscle.

"Hold on, believe me, women all over North America will scream at your body when you appear on the big screen."

After saying that he would stop disturbing his training plan, he walked to the door of the office and knocked on the door before he opened the door and walked in.

Tim Burton\'s hair felt messier, but he was still dressed in a neat suit, and his thin body looked particularly weak and helpless compared to the muscular man just now.

"Hey, why are you here?" Looking up and seeing the two people who came in, the producer opened his mouth in surprise. "Shouldn\'t you be busy with "The Clown\'s Soul" now? By the way, congratulations, you have created another Greenberg-style success."

"Thank you." Sitting across from the desk, Wayne glanced at the expense form on the desk. "I don\'t worry about the preparatory work here. It\'s better to take time to take a look at it. How is the connection between the two locations? Have you encountered any difficulties."

This is his biggest concern~www.novelhall.com~ The shooting location had better be settled as soon as possible, which will affect his subsequent work on customizing the shooting plan.

"It\'s done over there in New York."

Tim Burton saw that he didn\'t mean to greet him. He said that he was concerned about the progress of the work. He shrugged and took out a file bag. After opening it, he took out two signed agreements.

"There is an acquaintance of yours in New York. As soon as we mentioned that this is your crew, he immediately gave the most lenient conditions. After the filming starts, a special police force will be dispatched to cooperate with the crew, and the time for filming will be closed. are also more relaxed.”

Looking down at the agreement, Wayne asked in surprise. "acquaintance?"

Tim Burton said: "Yeah, it\'s like Saul, Saul Feinstein? This guy is very passionate about our own people."

This reminded him of that middle-aged Jewish man from the New York City government, a rare compatriot who is not engaged in business or politics. I remember that he seemed to have helped me last time, but I didn\'t expect to meet him again this time.

"Ok, I remembered, everything went well. How about Xiangjiang? You know, we can\'t go to the other side to shoot."

Tim Burton stretched out his thin arm and pointed to the signature of the second agreement. "There is a film company called Jiahe, which has cooperated with Warner Bros. After we go, they will be in charge of reception."

Oh wow, seeing the name Wayne is an eye-opener. It\'s fate. The person who signed the agreement has participated in several Hollywood projects, and his godson has become a Hollywood action star.

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