Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and ninety-something is written here

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While the film crew and creators were waiting on the plane, in the airport\'s waiting hall, countless reporters carrying photographic equipment and radio equipment, as well as hundreds of movie fans were eagerly looking forward to it.

The goals of the two groups are different. Fans still want to see Christian Bale. The British actor is now invincible in popularity and has become popular in North America in a few days.

Among the reporters and paparazzi, the main targets were Wayne and Tim Burton.

After a few years of understanding, no matter how big or small, all the media clearly know that Wayne, a young man, is rarely willing to give interviews if it is not for promoting the film.

He is too clear about his position and doesn\'t care about the exposure that people in the circle want.

But the more this is the case, the more journalists want to hear about him. There is no way. Today\'s readers are full of curiosity about this young man who has continued to succeed.

"If there is a representative of the American Dream in recent years, it must be Wayne Greenberg!"

Martin Stoklassa and Jamie Weston, who arrived in Seattle early to wait, were two reporters from the Los Angeles Times. Not only them, but the media reporters who were almost able to arrive now, all rushed over in advance and just Even the gossip tabloids are no exception.

"Jamie, don\'t think of him as a young man, or even a director!" Martin Stoklasa looked at the new intern beside him, shook his head and reminded in a low voice. "Wayne Greenberg, if he was a simple man, would have been swallowed up by the cutthroat Hollywood.

He can succeed all the way and succeed again and again, and gain a lot of wealth and status in the circle in a few years, which cannot be achieved entirely by filming. It is now recognized in the circle that after he put down the camera, he is a ruthless and ruthless capitalist, and the sunshine is handsome on the surface, but it only stays on the surface. "

Obviously this is not the same as what Jamie Weston knows. As a new photojournalist, all the news about Wayne is only those widely circulated by the outside world.

"I heard he had a good relationship with our newspaper, didn\'t he? Why did we come to Seattle overnight when we could always get an interview with him."

Jamie Weston complained, his tired face suddenly full of gossip, he approached the company seniors, lowered his head with a wretched smile and asked in a low voice, "I heard that the reason we always get exclusive interviews is because Grant The editor-in-chief has an affair with him..."


Martin Stoklassa interrupted him with a wave and stared at him seriously. "I don\'t think I\'ve heard this question before. Just a reminder, don\'t mention it to the people in the company when you return to Los Angeles, if you still want to spend your internship in peace."

Bella Grant is a big beauty, which is recognized by the whole company, not only has a delicate and beautiful face, but also has a bomb-like figure, but she has no suitors.

As her work status rose, the beauty editor-in-chief became more and more visible without the slightest harassment in the workplace, which is too rare in the male-dominated entertainment industry.

Just because everyone in the circle knows that this beautiful woman who can\'t take a man\'s attention away, as long as she is on vacation, she will spend the night at Greenberg Manor, and sometimes come to work with the iconic Rolls Royce. Silver thorn delivery.

Having a new Hollywood boss behind her basically keeps a lot of bad things away from her.

Since Wayne officially became a major shareholder of Warner Bros., now the newspaper has acquiesced in one thing, that is, try not to talk about Bella Grant\'s private life and gossip, and no one wants to enter the newspaper with the right foot the next day. , while being fired is not.

"The police are here, they should be out, Jamie, pay attention to take more shots of Wayne Greenberg." Martin Stoklasa saw the police enter the scene and pulled up a long cordon, reminding the new A partner.

"If he\'s going to be interviewed, we should have a chance, just take care of the filming, don\'t worry about anything else, there are too many people now."

"no problem!"

In the noisy and chaotic hall just now, the fans suddenly shouted neatly. Amid the countless calls to Bruce Wayne, Christian Bale came out with sunglasses and the actors.

Due to the large number of fans at the scene, even if the police and security guards blocked, people still rushed in front of them from time to time, and several starring actors kept signing autographs while moving out with their heads lowered.

Compared with high-profile actors and stars, the behind-the-scenes people walking behind are much easier.

But when Wayne and his party appeared, they were still surrounded by reporters carrying long guns and short cannons.

"Wayne, Batman made more than $70 million in the first weekend, can you talk about how you feel at the moment?"

"Director Greenberg, can you talk about Batman\'s expected box office, will this film end at $300 million?"

"\'Batman: Hour of War\' will be released overseas this weekend. Are you confident that it will surpass the global box office of the previous work, \'Joker\'?"

Facing dozens of microphones, voice recorders, flashing lights, and countless noisy questions, Wayne raised his hands and pressed down to make them quiet.

"Okay, friends, one question at a time."

Wayne watched most of the reporters shut their mouths before continuing to say to them: "Well, to be honest, the film can achieve such a high box office in its first weekend, neither Warner Bros nor I thought that all of this was recognized by fans. Proof that without the support of the fans, I don\'t think I would have been able to succeed.

As for the expected box office of the film, Warner Bros. initially set a target of 250 million US dollars in North America. Personally, I am optimistic that the film can get more than 300 million US dollars. This is my confidence in the enthusiasm of the fans.

When it comes to the film\'s overseas performance, all this is still unknown, and no one knows if there will be a situation of acclimatization. It can only be said that the probability of the film surpassing the global box office of "Joker" is very small. I even think that there are no films in the past two years that can reach the results of "Joker" and "Jurassic Park". "Actually, what Wayne said is relatively conservative. Others don\'t know what he is very clear about. Except for the big ship that has been in preparation for several years, 20th Century Fox and Paramount have been forced to invest several times, and the filming has not yet started. It\'s too hard for a movie to make more than $1 billion worldwide.

Even if it is the film he shot by himself, there is no certainty about this matter.

"Director Greenberg, this weekend, "Batman: War Hour" will usher in another strong competitor, "Braveheart" directed by Mel Gibson, do you think this film will bring Batman Get out of the champion\'s place?"

Martin Stoklasa seized the opportunity and immediately asked the prepared question aloud as soon as the other party\'s voice fell.

"No, I heard that "Braveheart" tells the story of Scotland?" Wayne mentioned his competitor and immediately put away his smile.

"A 13th to 14th century Scottish struggle story can\'t make fans like it. It\'s not something that happened in North America. Why do movie fans go to see a foreign hero? We have our own superheroes, no ?"

That\'s what Wayne is promoting, and if there\'s one movie market in the world that\'s the most exclusive, it\'s definitely North America. Regardless of the state of mind of the audience here, they generally only care about the story of the film in their own country.

Many ambitious directors want to export films outside North America, but unfortunately very few succeed. This market is extremely exclusive, and even many stars who are not local, it is difficult to achieve success.

This is just a question of the audience\'s mentality. Maybe Wayne didn\'t mention it before no one noticed, but he has already mentioned it. Since "Braveheart" is not a story that happened in North America, it will definitely make many fans give up this movie. Warner Bros. will do the same.

"Wayne, Mr. Mel Gibson was interviewed by the media yesterday, and he is confident in his film and..."

Just when the reporters in front thought they had found a topic that was eye-catching enough to provoke a war of words between Wayne and Mel Gibson, Nina, who had been answering the phone with her ears covered, changed her face the moment she put down the phone. It was all white and unsightly.

She ignored the surrounding reporters and photographers, instructed Sergey to savagely separate the crowd, hurried a few steps and ran to her boss, ignoring the countless scenes at the scene, and leaned on tiptoe in his ear and said a word .

"What? F**k! Are you sure?"

Wayne\'s face was also pale for a moment, all the blood was gone, and the calm temperament he had always maintained was also thrown thousands of miles away at the same time, and there was only anxiety on his face.

"It\'s confirmed, Hela said it\'s better for us to rush back. Patton died in his sleep under the garden awning, and Fendi has been guarding its body, neither eating nor drinking nor letting anyone approach it..."

These two golden retrievers are too old, even though Wayne knew that such a day would come sooner or later, he was still not mentally prepared.

They accompany their childhood, teenagers to youth, because Wayne has no friends since he was a child~www.novelhall.com~ The level of intimacy with Golden Retriever is no less than that of his parents.

The reporters surrounding them, seeing Wayne\'s expression at the moment, instantly entered a state of high nest, knowing that there must be an emergency, and it was the first time that they could make this young man lose his calm in public. See.

"Contact the captain, we\'re going back to Los Angeles now!" Wayne couldn\'t care about the reporters around him or the ongoing publicity activities, and now there was only anxiety left in his heart.

"Okay, I\'ll go right away!" Nina also knew what it meant, turning around and running towards the packed plane.

"Mr. Greenberg, what happened..." When a reporter saw that he was leaving, he immediately stopped in front of him, holding a recorder with a very excited expression on his face.

"Sorry, I\'m in a hurry, let me go."

Almost all the reporters around had a reasonable path. They knew that they were not dealing with a small director, and no one here was qualified to force him to answer questions.

"Mr. Greenberg, what happened? The public has a right to know..."

The excited paparazzi obviously did not understand the situation, nor did he notice that his colleagues around him were far away from him. He ran two steps quickly and stopped in front of Wayne again.

He has a hunch that something that can make this director lose his cool is definitely big news.

"shutthef**kup!" Wayne slapped the recorder, shoved it on the opponent\'s chest, raised his legs, and was ready to go back to the plane.

The reporters who had already cleared the way were instantly excited when they saw his action, and the flashlights flashed like they didn\'t want money. Now they don\'t have to worry about reporting the box office numbers.

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