Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and eighty-nine - superhero movies are not easy to copy

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There was a strange atmosphere in the surprise on the plane, even if Wayne explained it again and again, there were still people who sent him congratulations.

It wasn\'t until Zach Snyder walked away from him with a complicated expression on his face that Nina and the others were quiet.

The atmosphere after that was a bit abnormal. The group did not hurry to rest as usual when they got on the plane, and there was no chat and laugh. Almost all formed small groups, whispering about box office numbers, From time to time, he also used various eyes to glance at the director\'s position.

Tim Burton\'s mood is equally complicated. If you talk about Batman movies, or superhero movies, you can\'t get around his first successful work in 1989.

Now, this young man has overshadowed the brilliance of the previous two Batman films in just one weekend. With a superhero familiar to North America and even the world, he has caused a movie-watching frenzy throughout North America.

Since boarding the plane today, almost all of the group have been holding a few newspapers, including Tim Burton himself. It can be seen from the various newspapers and magazines in the newsstand. Those newspaper editors must add It took a night shift to get all the print media to be full of news about the movie.

Different from others, he and Wayne also have a telegram from Warner Bros., which not only contains box office figures, but also specific analysis of various moviegoers.

After "Batman: War Hour" won $35.88 million on the first day, it went all the way on Saturday and continued to maintain a very high attendance rate. The first-tier cities have reached the point where tickets are hard to get, and the box office was reported again on the same day. received $22.1 million.

On Sunday, the cinema was finally no longer congested, because Monday was a working day, and the first two days also consumed a lot of heat. On the same day, it won 15.8 million US dollars again, and the box office trend was very healthy.

"Batman: War Hour" was released for three days, and it smashed 73.78 million US dollars in the first weekend. In the face of this Batman who has been pushed back, the media gave a unified title, "The King of Darkness follows "Joker" , once again crushed the beginning of the summer vacation!"

"Die Hard 3", which was released at the same time as Batman, was not too popular. If you don\'t look at the results of the competitor Batman, the film\'s box office of more than 22 million US dollars in the first weekend is at best not up to expectations. Follow-up There is no possibility of recovering the cost or even making a profit.

But after putting the two films together, everyone will find that "Batman: Time for War" completely crushed "Die Hard 3", and almost squeezed the other side without much market share left.

If it weren\'t for the fact that the film is really on the way for the summer season, Bruce Wesley still has some appeal, and I am afraid that after the first weekend, he will face the embarrassing situation of reducing the scale of screenings.

There are many factors that contributed to the box office miracle of "Batman: Hour of War", but the most important reason, even Wayne himself, has to admit that the excessively intensive bombardment and marketing drove many family movie fans and teenage movie fans into the theater. .

You know, because of the PG13 rating, parents can rest assured that the movie will not have a bad impact on their children. Once they watch movies together on weekends, they will get at least three or four movie tickets.

The same is true for teenagers. According to the Warner Bros. survey report, groups of teenagers will get several movie tickets at a time, and in the early stage of the movie, there will be a phenomenon of repeated viewing.

Compared with these two groups, Wayne\'s main movie fans are young people between the ages of 18 and 30. They have not exerted their strength until now. Their attitude towards watching movies is more rational. The viewing schedule has been postponed.

This is also where Wayne and Warner Bros. have confidence in the follow-up box office trend. The audience for the first weekend are almost all teenagers who can\'t wait. Their enthusiasm is the highest and they have free time.

"The profits of those movie derivatives are terrifying!" Tim Burton sighed when he saw Wayne hadn\'t slept and sat next to him. "Warner Bros. may have made a profit this time. Oh, no, you are also one of the bosses of Warner Bros."

"The cake in this market is too big." Wayne nodded lightly, also envying the profits of various derivatives. "Even if I had a hunch, I gave those equipped enough lenses, but I didn\'t expect the bat armor and masks to be sold out of stock. Those teenagers are crazy."

In the fax they received, Warner Bros. clearly stated that the various props that appeared in the movie alone sold nearly $65 million in sales.

Needless to say, the out-of-stock bat armor and masks, even the expensive Batmobiles, were directly taken away by three people, and then Warner Bros. started the ordering activity. Seven or eight of this kind of cars have been pre-ordered. .

"This is simply huge profits, Wayne." Tim Burton glanced out the window and sighed sincerely: "In addition to the terrifying profits of animated feature films, you have created a second type! Look at it! , I estimate that there will be many superhero movies in the summer next year, and the benefits here are too great, and those companies can\'t help it."

"It\'s hard."

Wayne does not agree with his point of view. If there are a lot of follow-up productions, he still believes it. Just like when he was shooting horror films, there have been many shoddy American mill plasma horror films this year.

Why is Hollywood more and more called the assembly line? Various collective follow-up productions account for a large part of the reason. If you compare them carefully, you can find that many successful films are very similar. This is a group of production companies that are good at summarizing successful experiences.

"Tim, if you want to make a superhero movie well, the investment is too high. This is destined to not be a game that small companies can play. The investment in a movie can make those small and medium companies go bankrupt and liquidate, and this level can be screened. Get rid of most of the followers." "Don\'t forget, in addition to Warner Bros., there are also those five giants that are coveting." Tim Burton has been in the industry for so many years, and he knows too much about the virtues of a production company. "They won\'t let the Warner Bros. family take over the huge profits here. By the way, I heard that you have a good relationship with Steven Spielberg? I\'m afraid DreamWorks also has the strength to produce."

"Then let them come, don\'t fall hard, no one can understand the difficulty." Wayne\'s mouth was upturned, with obvious mockery. "Even if someone can solve the IP problem, they don\'t really think that superhero movies have become mainstream, right?"

His words woke up Tim Burton. Yes, in this era, only he and Wayne have made superhero movies that can be successful. The things that need to be prepared here are too difficult to face. More, by no means can be replicated in a few months.

Moreover, the most important point is that the mainstream commercial films are sci-fi, action, war, and epic films. Even comedies and horror films, which are good at being small and big, are better than non-mainstream and niche superheroes. .

"Tim, Batman: Hour of War was successful because the Justice Triumvirate\'s reputation was so big that people ignored the situation of superhero movies, and also very important, without you in \'89 To accumulate fans with the two previous works in 1991 and expand the influence of Batman, I dare not try it lightly this time."

To put it bluntly, he dared to try Batman earlier this time, there is really a reason for Tim Burton, this gothic ghost director, has fully expanded the influence of Batman, so that fans can accept it, on the big screen to watch superhero movies.

This is equivalent to standing on the shoulders of each other. The three most famous superheroes in DC, Diana Prinz is a woman. Unless the status of women is greatly improved, under the current social ideology, he will never To touch, a big production of a single female protagonist, it is recognized that whoever touches will die.

Clark Kent is invincible in influence, and deserves the name of the world\'s first superhero, but the special effects problem is too big. In Wayne\'s idea, it will take two years to wait until the computer special effects are popularized before starting production. .

The rest is Bruce Wayne, no matter from the cost of production or the difficulty of shooting, this is the best candidate, not to mention the genius director on the opposite side, who has already helped him expand enough influence. force.

"No, Wayne, you\'re better than me." Tim Burton was deeply touched by this. "After "Batman Returns", I just want to understand one thing, not all movies have to be over-personalized, the gothic style is very good, and the fans also recognize it very much, but excessive abuse can Not necessarily."

One of the things he admires most about the young people around him is his ability to restrain his own production style.

All of North America knows Wayne Greenberg\'s directing style, which must be the core of the dark and serious story. The film analyzes a lot of human nature and social issues, and there are essential large-scale shots to let the audience release their emotions. Line storytelling, blah blah blah…

But this time, "Batman: Hour of War" did retain most of his production style, but perfectly restrained his own sexuality, so that the film could have a large audience, otherwise this kind of bitter character story , R-rated film is the best choice.

It is never ashamed to compromise for the market, and a director who clings to the so-called artistic attributes cannot achieve such great success as him.

"Mr. Burton, the plane is about to land, please return to your own position and fasten your safety measures."

The time was ignored in the unknowingly chatting between the two, and the flight attendant had to come over to remind them politely.

"Ok, I\'m back, Wayne, are you ready to be surrounded by reporters? Ha, those reporters won\'t let you go easily." Tim Burton spread his hands and returned to his own with a joke. Location.

Just as he said, just as the plane stopped on the runway, the airport staff reminded them that there were not only a large group of movie fans waiting in the waiting hall, but also hundreds of media reporters.

There are not enough security personnel at the airport, and they\'d better wait a few minutes for the police to arrive before getting off the plane.

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