Hollywood Drawing

~: 291 - I think I need a break

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Under the onlookers of the airport security personnel and a large group of media reporters and fans, Wayne hurriedly returned to the airport. It was not until his back disappeared completely that the lights of various equipment stopped flashing.

The reporter who was pushed to the ground was always held by Sergey with one hand. Now this big Russian man has also appeared on the scene. I don\'t know how many photos were taken.

"Listen, sir!" Sergey waited until the boss disappeared, let him go, took out two business cards from his jacket pocket, and stuffed them into the reporter\'s hand.

"If you need to see a doctor, please mail the bill to Greenberg Manor. If you want to call the police, this is the business card of Mr. Greenberg\'s personal lawyer, so the police can contact him. Of course, you can also call this number, Let\'s talk about how to resolve the matter."

After speaking, regardless of the other party\'s ugly face, he stood up and ran into the airport with his long legs.

While the plane was applying for the route before it took off, Wayne tried his best to suppress his irritability, looked out the window and said to Nina beside him: "Help me call Tim Burton and tell him that the next promotion will depend on He is."

"Okay." The assistant nodded, looked at him worriedly, took out her mobile phone and dialed.

As long as the people around Wayne, almost all understand his feelings for the two dogs, and this situation is very common in North America, dogs are never pets, they are family and friends.

Many families here have this habit. When the children are very young, they buy one or two companion dogs to let them grow together. It can also cultivate the children\'s sense of responsibility and maintain the children\'s innate kindness.

No matter how deformed the social form here is, as long as they are normal parents, the first rule of educating their children is always to be kind and be a "goodman" when they grow up.

Domestic companion dogs, on the other hand, usually play the role of children\'s friends and family members in family life.

"The notification has arrived." Nina hung up the phone and sat down beside Wayne and said softly. "Tim Burton will help inform Warner Bros. so you don\'t have to worry about the publicity plan, he\'ll take care of it all."

The assistant lady watched his face change, and could clearly see that although Wayne looked out the window, he fell into memories from time to time.

Gently sighing in his heart, until this time, this man who had always remained calm and tough, showed a hint of emotion that a young man should have.

This sudden feeling of emptiness filled Wayne\'s heart from the moment he heard the news. In fact, his mind was very clear, and he understood the reason better than anyone else. After all, the two dogs were too old. But after all, the feelings are too deep, they have accompanied him for so many years, so that he can\'t help but always think of his childhood.

In the dull atmosphere, the plane taxied on the runway, and then plunged into the sky, but he looked at the blue sky and white clouds, always recalling the past unconsciously.

I remembered that when I was a child, I never had any friends. It was the two golden retrievers who always squatted in front of him and listened to him play the guitar, accompanied him to watch football games, and even when they were sleeping, they couldn\'t help but lie on his bed.

"Don\'t think too much, those two little **** are having a good time, they\'re just too old, God told them it\'s time to go back."

A hand suddenly reached out and gently held Wayne\'s hand, and Nina\'s voice rang out at the same time. "I know, you see them as relatives. My brother and I have experienced these too, but my family\'s Terry is not as lucky as these two golden retrievers. I had a car accident when I was fifteen years old."

"I\'m fine, don\'t worry Nina."

Wayne patted her hand in return, turned his head and gave her a smile. "The situation is different. Since moving to Los Angeles, the two little guys have always been very attached to me. Now that I think about it, I have too many things in my eyes and I am too busy. I slowly ignore them, and I But it\'s the whole of their world!"

Only when a person loses something important will he suddenly think a lot more clearly. Everyone understands the truth, but only after he has truly experienced the loss can he appreciate the mixed flavors of it.

"Okay, I\'m fine." Wayne let go of Nina\'s hand and turned his head out the window again.

Now that things have happened, although he is not mentally prepared, all he can do now is accept it. After all, he is different from the people around him. Everyone around him has faith. He can pray to God in everything and ask for peace of mind, but he has too many secrets that can only be told to Golden Retriever.

That\'s right, even if he has lived his second life, he is an atheist now, and there are some things in his heart that even God dare not say.

"After Batman\'s work is over, I\'ll start a long vacation. If you want to take a break, you can also take the opportunity to go home with your parents, or have a relationship or something, we\'ve all worked too long!"

Nina was stunned. In her mind, after Wayne finished making this movie, he would definitely give up the vacation he talked about, and then couldn\'t wait to enter the preparations for the next movie. This is a continuous film. A workaholic who doesn\'t take vacations for several years.

It can be seen that this incident still has an impact on him. People around him have the illusion that Wayne seems to be chasing time constantly, and is always reluctant to waste a minute and a second.

"I\'ll think about it." Nina took a deep look at his back, leaned back in the chair and fell into contemplation.

Time slowly advanced in silence. When the plane landed at Los Angeles International Airport, Sergey ran out first, got the car ready, and waited for the two people behind to come out of the waiting hall, and took them to the airport. manor.

The news always travels faster than the plane. No matter what the reason is, Wayne is pushed to a reporter. This incident has also attracted the attention of a large number of media. Many paparazzi have blocked the gate of the manor.

"Boss, this matter is a bit troublesome." The car gradually entered the manor, Nina looked at the excited crowd from the window, and said helplessly: "Whether it is a serious reporter or not, even if he is a gossip paparazzi, this It also touched the nerves of those media, we had better public relations in advance..."

She still didn\'t dare to say some words, and it was estimated that her boss wouldn\'t listen now. If the public relations are not made in advance, it is estimated that the photos that Wayne will push to reporters will be reported on the headlines of many media tomorrow morning.

With the integrity of these reporters, things might be twisted into something.

These reporter paparazzi who hold the public\'s right to know are still looking for trouble. Even if they are concerned about Wayne\'s status, I am afraid it is not so easy to give up this kind of reporting. After all, they are a group that promises justice and glass-hearted people Likewise a lot.

"What needs to be done?" Wayne said.

"It\'s better to issue an apology statement in advance..." Nina looked at him even worse. Knowing that he might not accept this idea, she raised her hand and made a gesture of surrender. "Ok, okay, I\'ll call Warner Bros."

When the car parked on the small square, Hela opened the car door immediately, and walked towards the awning with Wayne, while talking about the whole process in a short tone.

"Last night I felt something was wrong. Usually two little guys would go to the bedroom on the third floor to sleep after dark, but when I went to observe in the early morning yesterday, there was only one, which was Fendi himself. but disappeared."

Seeing Wayne\'s calm expression, Hela breathed a sigh of relief in her heart and continued, "Before I went to find Patton, Fendi\'s abnormal behavior caught my attention.

I usually feed them, so they are very close to me, but last night before I got close to it, it ran out of the villa with a snack bar in its mouth. I could feel that it didn\'t want anyone to approach it, and it was very cautious. .

After that, I didn\'t wake up the others, I followed it from a distance, and I saw where you usually like to lie, Barton lay motionless on the reclining chair, Fendi was putting their favorite snack bars, desperately to the place. Patton\'s mouth sent..."

As they approached the awning, the golden retriever, who had been guarding next to his companion, whimpered and ran towards Wayne, grabbing his trouser legs and pulling it back.

In fact, Hela confirmed it in the early hours of the morning. Barton has indeed lost his heartbeat, but when she wanted to pick up the body, the other golden retriever rarely showed fierce teeth~www.novelhall.com~ The tug of war continued. by morning.

Wayne sat silently on the reclining chair, put Patton\'s head on his lap, and used their favorite movements to gently run it along the hair. From the traces on the scene, Hela was right, Finn said. Dee bit the mushy snack bar and kept trying to put it in Patton\'s mouth.

At this time, Fendi also put his head on his lap, and gently arched the body of his companion. Seeing that it still didn\'t respond, he whimpered softly again, and his voice was indescribably sad.


Turning his head and calling the housekeeper, Wayne let out a long sigh and said, "Help me dig a hole here. Maybe this little **** will know that I\'m back when I bask in the sun in the future!"

"Okay, sir."

Hela waved her hand, called two gardeners, and instructed them to start digging a hole in front of the deck chair, giving him a worried look from time to time.

Wayne understood the housekeeper\'s concerns. She was afraid that she would lose her temper and anger her, and she was also afraid of losing this respectable and well-paying job.

"It\'s not your fault, Hela, everything is the will of God."

If there were any excuses that would comfort people the most, then God was definitely the best choice, and Wayne just said it casually.

"God will bless it."

A not-so-big pit was dug quickly, and Wayne directly picked up the body. There was no coffin and no ceremony. He put Barton at the bottom of the pit in silence.

Fendi kept clinging to him, leaning on his lap to look at him, and slowly burying his companion.

"Nina." After staring at the ground for a long time, Wayne suddenly said, "You are responsible for communicating everything in the past two days. I think I need to rest."

After he finished speaking, he walked back to the main building step by step with the golden retriever clinging to him, and went straight back to the bedroom on the third floor, where he lay down on the chaise longue on the balcony.