Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and ninety-nine - 1 bottle of perfume brings feelings closer

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Life on the farm is slow, and it\'s a world away from Los Angeles, which is just a short distance away.

Every time I come back home, Wayne\'s restless heart will be calmed down. There are no feasts and lavish parties, and almost every day life seems to be a copy of the previous day, simple and quiet.

In the bedroom on the second floor of the wooden villa, Wayne sat on the balcony and watched the cattle and sheep in the distance. The cowboys released the animals early in the morning. Looking at the familiar scenery in front of him, since he was a child, he can always think of the pictures in "Brokeback Mountain", the same pure and the same beauty.

On the table beside him is an old-fashioned typewriter. Although computers have become popular in North America in the past two years, he is like an old man at work, and he still prefers typewriters that he has used for many years.

At the foot of the small table, the golden retriever, who was lazy in the early morning, was lying on his stomach. After his companion left, he didn\'t seem to have any energy, and he seemed more reluctant to exercise than before. He slept beside Wayne most of the day. .

"Clang, clang, dear, there are guests at home!"

There were two knocks on the door, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Anna Greenberg looked at his back and called him.

Wayne glanced at the half-written plan, stretched and stood up, looked back at his mother who came over, and said, "Okay, mom, where\'s dad?"

"Downstairs." Anna Greenberg looked serious, looked at him and suddenly reminded: "Your father is reminiscing with Townsend Rothman, although I don\'t know the purpose of his coming this time, but it is absolutely impossible to just watch Look at old friends, the only explanation is for you, Wayne, don\'t worry about my relationship with your father and him, remember how I taught you?"

"I understand that business is business, and business is just business!"

With a nod, Wayne took the golden retriever and followed his mother out of the bedroom and walked to the living room downstairs.

It can be said that his parents have told him more than once since he was a child. This sentence originally came from the French work "Secret Garden", but it has become one of the basic norms of Jews and even North America.

It is not difficult to understand what his mother reminded him. As long as it involves business, no matter whether the other party uses friendship or family affection, business is just business and has nothing to do with feelings. Let him not be affected.

"Good morning, Townsend."

"Hi, good morning, Wayne."

After saying hello, he found that his father didn\'t seem to be very enthusiastic when he saw his old friends. He was far less happy when he saw his collections, and even the atmosphere between them had a strange meaning.

"Anna, look at what I brought you?" Townsend-Rothman kept smiling, took out a small box from his carry-on bag, and wrapped a layer of gift paper on the outside of the box.

"Trust me, you will absolutely love this thing, I got it by accident, and I thought of you the first time."

Anna Greenberg took the gift suspiciously and said, "Thank you."

Then he directly opened the wrapping paper and opened the gift in front of the guests.

There is a bottle of perfume in the box. Although the bottle is very beautiful, it can be seen that this thing has been a few years old, and the collection significance of perfume may be greater than practicality.

After seeing this ordinary bottle of perfume, Anna Greenberg suddenly raised a hand, covered her mouth in surprise, and looked at her old friend excitedly.

"ohmygod! Taboo?!"

Wayne and his father looked at each other, and the old Greenberg shrugged and made a helpless expression.

With a smile on his face all the time, Townsend-Rothman sat on the sofa, took a sip of his coffee, and said, "Yes, I met Givenchy at an event a month ago, and I got it from him. Here\'s the bottle."

Speaking of Givenchy, the three middle-aged and elderly people present were almost in a trance at the same time, and there was a hint of memory on their faces.

"Thank you, Townsend." Old Greenberg sighed. "I didn\'t expect you to remember this."

"Of course I won\'t forget." The upper body leaned forward slightly, Townsend-Rothman looked at his old friend with a look of memory. "I always remember that when Anna was young, she was very obsessed with Givenchy and regarded him as an idol. Unfortunately, this guy is also retiring and will officially leave the fashion center next year."

"Hey, hey, I\'m not obsessed with him." Anna Greenberg glanced at her son and corrected him. "I just think that Mr. Givenchy represents great love, so what girl is not touched by him?"

"Ok." Townsend-Rothman shook his head with a wry smile. He could feel the value of this gift. This bottle of perfume made the strangeness between them disappear quickly.

"I have to remind you, Anna, don\'t try to use this bottle of perfume, this is the batch that the old guy made for Audrey Hepburn by himself. It\'s been too long."

This kind of thing is actually not very valuable, and its commemorative significance is far greater than its actual value. This bottle of perfume that I don’t know if it can still be used may be worthless in the eyes of men, but in the eyes of women of Anna Greenberg’s generation, it is absolutely The symbol that best represents true love.

As soon as he heard the name Givenchy and saw the bottle of perfume called "Taboo", Wayne knew that the other party had really lost a lot of thought, not to mention ten or twenty years ago, even now he knows that his mother I\'ve always liked Givenchy.

Why do you say this bottle of perfume represents love? In fact, in his eyes, Givenchy is definitely the number one dog licking in the century. He licked Audrey Hepburn all his life, and he never married once until his death. A woman\'s representative.

For the most elegant woman in the world, Audrey Hepburn\'s funeral in 1993, Wayne did have some impressions. At that time, the person who carried the coffin in the first place was Givenchy. It can be said that he walked with this woman. After the last journey, he has been protecting this woman with all his life. The story of Audrey Hepburn and Givenchy has been sung many years ago. The two of them met in their early twenties, one was a young actor and the other was a fledgling designer.

This story is regrettable. Hepburn starred in the first movie wearing Givenchy\'s clothes, wearing his evening dress, and won the first Academy Award. He also watched Hepburn wearing his own wedding dress. , married another man.

The perfume in the hands of Anna Greenberg was specially prepared by Givenchy for Audrey Hepburn. This perfume, called "taboo", was officially sold after Hepburn used it for three years alone, even after two years. More than ten years later, it is still regarded as a classic by many girls.

When the beauty lost her face when she got old, Givenchy was still the only one who was still standing by Hepburn\'s side and kept telling her, "I\'m willing to do anything for you."

This protection and company continued until 1993, when Audrey Hepburn died.

Givenchy\'s protection of Audrey Hepburn also made many women in this era willing to believe that love really exists, and made more middle-aged women like Anna Greenberg to regard him as a lifelong idol.

This now-grey-haired designer has made amazing achievements in the fashion industry and business, but he has stayed with a woman all his life and never married. He has shown many people what the ultimate dog licking looks like, that is, I love you ,Nothing to do with you.

Wayne also appreciates this kind of feeling very much, not to mention that Givenchy is still doing it in the fashion industry, which is known for its chaos and corruption. That circle is much more chaotic than Hollywood.

"Wayne, Wayne."

Townsend-Rothman chatted with his old friend for a while, then turned his attention to the young man who was in a daze, and called him twice in a row.

According to his observation, after returning to the farm, Wayne was completely different from the public image in the media. The other party took off the black suit that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, and also took off the calm temperament beyond his age.

Now this pair of jeans and sympathetic home wear makes people feel dazed for a while. This Hollywood newcomer is actually only twenty-five years old.

Wayne shook his head slightly and looked at the future CEO of Fox. "Sorry, I lost my mind!"

"There are rumors outside that you are in conflict with Warner Bros.?" Townsend-Rothman pondered how to enter the subject, tried the other side with words, with a warm smile on his face~www.novelhall.com~Whether this is or not Really, Twentieth Century Fox is always ready to work with you. "

Through the reminiscence with the Ruben couple just now, he has been able to determine that his parents will definitely not be an obstacle to this matter.

And he is very confident, and he definitely gave this young man a great impression. He has been investigating each other all the time. After several years of data collection, the biggest discovery is that this young man attaches great importance to feelings.

Don\'t be misled by the media\'s evaluation of him, this child is indeed a playboy, and he is not a high-profile person, as if it is difficult to reach. But he has absolutely nothing to say to the people around him.

Whether it is the agent who has been with him for the longest time, or the assistant or bodyguard around him, it can be said that he has lived a life without food and clothing, and the salary he received can make the executives of small Hollywood companies ashamed.

Even those women who frequently appeared in the gossip tabloids, as long as they had an affair with him, almost none of them said that he was not good. Nor did he speak ill of him in the media.

All these things can prove that this young man values ​​feelings, and starting from this aspect can definitely increase the success rate of the things to be discussed!

Wayne picked up the cigarette on the coffee table, lit one with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and spit out a thick mist, saying, "Thomson, why do you believe this kind of eye-catching news? I\'m not afraid to tell you, my hand is in my hand. Owning more than seven percent of Warner Bros. shares, PwC, my private accountant, still buys fractional shares from the secondary market from time to time, you know what I mean?"

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