Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred - I won't take over someone else's project

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Despite being skeptical about the tabloid reports that Wayne was at odds with Warner Bros., and realizing that the odds were low, Townsend-Rothman didn\'t give up.

But when he heard the other party speak bluntly about the shares in his hand, his heart was really cold.

According to the current shareholding ratio, Wayne can be said to be one of the major shareholders of Warner Bros. I am afraid there is no reason to abandon his own company and cooperate with outsiders.

No matter what plan he made in his heart, he didn\'t go around in circles because of the special relationship between the other party and his own family, and said directly: "Townsend, for the rest of this year, I have already decided on a work plan, and I won\'t do it again. Start directing any film.

Therefore, the rest of the rest of the year will be dominated by rest. Some projects may be launched in the middle. Even if the work of a part-time producer is at most, it is to do planning, and will not go to the front-line crew to work. "

"You\'re going on vacation?!"

This news really surprised Townsend Rothman. As we all know, Wayne Greenberg is definitely one of the representatives of Hollywood workaholics. He is like an iron man, and he keeps filming film after film.

However, his work efficiency and achievements are completely worthy of the title of workaholic.

"Yes." Nodding affirmatively, Wayne took a deep breath of his cigarette and glanced at his mother who was in a good mood. "So, Townsend, if you have anything, you can say it directly. I will definitely help anyone who can help. After all, it was you who gave me the first chance and released "Happy Death Day"."

This is his sincerity, and there is no moisture in it. If there is anyone to be thankful for, the first thing he thinks of is Townsend Rothman.

Although the father is actually behind this, but the other party gave him a chance to show himself, which is an objective thing.

In addition, the other party went to great lengths to find the first batch of perfumes handmade by the mother idol, fulfilling the fantasy of the mother when she was young.

Even if they parted ways immediately after the first movie, ended their short-lived partnership, and there were some unpleasant things in the middle, it didn\'t affect the other party\'s goodwill towards him.

"That\'s good." Townsend-Rothman crossed his hands, leaned on the sofa and looked at several people around him, including assistant Nina, who was sitting alone in a corner.

"Then I\'ll just say it, Wayne. Yesterday, Ms. Shirley Lansing from Paramount, and I had a long conversation on the phone. About the project that our two companies invested in together, yes, it has become The "Titanic" of the joke in the circle.

The film has been in preparation since 1992, but now half of 1995 has passed. In addition to chasing us to invest, James Cameron has delayed the shooting plan again and again. For more than three years, we have invested more than 150 million US dollars in this project, but we have not even seen a single lens material!

So, Shirley Lansing and I have been wanting to change directors! But there is no suitable candidate in the circle, if you are willing to take over this series, in terms of director and producer remuneration, we can give you a sky-high share..."

"No, I won\'t take over someone else\'s project!"

Before listening to the other party\'s finish or the conditions that were about to be offered, Wayne interrupted him directly.

The fundamental reason is that the difficulty here is too great. First of all, let\'s not mention the production style. For a project that has been in preparation for nearly four years, all the specific plans are in the mind of the director team. Whoever takes over and who dies.

No matter who takes over this hot potato, the first thing to do is to change the core team, and then face the mess where hundreds of people have worked half of the work. After it is straightened out, it may take a few years.

There is also the most important production style, Wayne himself is very sure, that kind of warm movie, he can never make it, like this enduring love story, it will completely change its taste in his hands.

His family knows his own affairs, and each director is good at different aspects, and Wayne himself does the same. Just like now, he will never overthink his own way to shoot comedy movies and pure love movies, which is not at all with him. a way.

"You\'re sure not to think about it again." Townsend-Rothman\'s voice was unhurried. "Trust me, with the speed at which you are shooting vegetarian dishes, this project that has been basically prepared should take less than two or three months to complete all the shots."

Wayne never shied away from his reputation as a quick shooter, but he really didn\'t dare to touch this film.

Townsend-Rothman is an insider, yes, but he\'s not a director and doesn\'t understand the difficulty at all.

"Townsend, I suggest you give up the idea of ​​changing directors." Wayne put out the cigarette in the ashtray, tilted his head and gave his sincere advice. "There is too much work involved, which is definitely beyond your and Paramount\'s imagination, and the effect is not necessarily good. Director James Cameron is the most suitable candidate."

Every day in Hollywood, new projects start filming, and it involves countless changes in the middle. It is normal to change actors and so on. The most taboo thing for the crew is to change the director.

No matter whether there is a producer or not, the director will always be the leader of the filming work, and the work of the normal crew members will always revolve around the director\'s creativity.

However, Hollywood has always had the final say in capital, even if they know the various disadvantages of changing directors, sometimes they have to change. For example, if there is a conflict between a big-name star and the director, making it impossible for the work to proceed normally, or if the producer has an opinion on the director, it may cause the director to lose his job after more than half of the film is shot.

Just like the classic "Gone with the Wind", in the preparatory stage of the film, because of the actors\' remuneration, the filming finally started. .

The producer chose to stand on the side of the big star, blaming George Cook for the shooting progress and other issues. MGM founder Louie Mayer weighed the pros and cons, and finally fired the director who was halfway through the shooting and replaced it with a famous one. Great director Victor Fleming. Poor George Cook worked hard for more than two years to prepare, and only took more than three weeks to shoot, and was tragically fired.

There is also a more famous thing. After the formation of Marvel, Disney announced that Edgar Wright will direct the latest movie "Ant-Man". A large number of fans and the media all over the world feel that this film must be It\'s the best one in the Marvel Universe.

But that backfired, Edgar Wright\'s strong personal style was not in harmony with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In an interview with the media, he said helplessly: \'I want to make a Marvel movie, but Marvel doesn\'t want to make an Edgar Wright-style movie. ’

In the end, when the film was about to be filmed, the two sides parted ways after a disagreement.

Wayne\'s situation is not much different from Edgar Wright\'s. A director with a strong personal style like them is most afraid of this tricky situation.

So even if he knew the potential of "Titanic", he never thought about it.

"Ok, then let\'s not talk about this topic." Townsend-Rothman saw his firm attitude, and did not continue to persevere. Instead, he took out a stack of comic books from his bag.

"Look at this, I think you should be interested."

This time, even though he knew that the hope was not too great, he had made full preparations. "Batman: Time for War" is now all over the world, frantically blowing a dark hurricane, whether it is in North America or overseas theater markets, are also shivering under this dark and serious movie.

What is even more eye-catching is the crazy peripheral income of Warner Bros. The 20th Century Fox marketing department has made an estimate. I am afraid that "Batman: Time for War" will not be released in North America. The production cost of this film will be from the peripherals. Earn it back!

The revenue generated by this kind of film is too terrifying. I don’t know how many companies are jealous, but 20th Century Fox is lucky. They also have a treasure in their hands, which is this set of comic books.

"Aha, "X-Men"!" Wayne exclaimed, flipping open the top book, which was the first issue of "X-Men" published in 1969, by Stan Lee and Jack - Kobe.

Others don\'t know this series, but he understands it very well. This is a big gold mine. Even if 20th Century Fox has no overall plan at all, it can still maintain a successful series after a few shots.

Since Townsend-Rothman and Wayne talked about business~www.novelhall.com~ The old Greenbergs have not spoken, and they do not want to influence their son\'s decision because of themselves.

Seeing him focus on the comics, several talents continued to communicate, constantly recalling the past events of their youth.

"New Line can\'t support it anymore. I have heard news more than once that Shay intends to sell his shares to Time Warner. This year they only invested in one big production, and Warner Bros. participated in it. Please bring David- Fincher directed The Seven Deadly Sins."

Even if Ruben and Anna didn\'t ask, Townsend Rothman sighed and chatted about the recent situation of the new line. He knew that the old Greenberg should want to hear this.

"No, the new line won\'t fall down so easily." Ruben Greenberg shook his head, leaned on the sofa with his big belly, and said with confidence: "Shay\'s character is not that fragile, as long as this film is called The film "Seven Deadly Sins", if he succeeds in betting, the new line will come back to life again."

Old Greenberg believed that he knew his former partner. That person was very serious about rights, and he would never completely sell the company willingly.

Shrugging his shoulders, Townsend-Rothman tilted his head and said, "Who knows, investing in movies is like gambling, unless..."

Speaking of this, he immediately looked at the young man opposite, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he was flipping through the old comic.

Anna Greenberg also looked at her son at the same time. They all knew in their hearts that the person who could make movie investment a must-win bet was the young man opposite, who was also the director with the most terrifying success rate in Hollywood in recent years.

As early as a long time ago, the media reported more than once that the name Wayne Greenberg represented success!

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