Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and ninety-eight - each has a calculation

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How powerful can a piece of gossip news be? The subsequent development is very mysterious.

When Wayne returned to the farm, started tasting his mother\'s food, and talked about football with his father, the news about him in Los Angeles began to spread more and more strangely.

In fact, most of the people in the circle who are concerned about this news, especially the executives of large companies, think that it is fake at first reaction, but some of them have the idea of ​​giving it a try. Nothing is lost.

Before leaving get off work that night, the CEO of Paramount who had been busy all day, Shirley Lansing sat alone behind her desk, staring at the newspaper in front of her in a daze.

"Braveheart", which is currently being released, is far from the company\'s expected box office. It has been almost a week since the film was released, and the box office has not exceeded 20 million US dollars. It can be said that it has basically declared a failure.

If this film wants to recover the investment cost in the theater market, either the word-of-mouth outbreak begins now, and the box office continues to rise against the trend, or it can only choose the award-winning strategy and let the film return to the theater for re-release through the powerful marketing capabilities of Oscar. .

It can be said that these two methods are relatively difficult to achieve, especially the Academy Awards. If you want to make a difference in the awards season, you must spend a lot of media resources and a large amount of public relations funds.

Once you get nothing at the awards ceremony, all these early investments will be in vain.

The production cost of "Braveheart" was 72 million US dollars, and the follow-up publicity investment was also about 30 million US dollars. If you want to recover this hundreds of millions of investment online, the film\'s global box office must be at least Three to four times the cost of production.

Since Shirley Lansing took over Paramount, several investments can be said to be unfavorable. The glory of "Forrest Gump" is still vivid in my eyes. She only took a very short time to lead this veteran movie giant. , emerged from the turmoil of being acquired.

Maybe Paramount\'s performance is among the top six, and it is not one of the best two in recent years, but compared with Colombia after the acquisition, anyone with a discerning eye can see how much Shirley Lansing is a woman. sharp.

Now this rare female executive, the most troublesome thing is not "Braveheart", this film will follow the current trend, even if the cost cannot be recovered through theater screening, after the film is down, it will be recovered through the operation of various offline channels. Investing is not too difficult either.

Now the most annoying thing for her is James Cameron, the tyrant on the set.

Several years have passed since the "Titanic" project was established, and half of the year 1995 has passed, but the crew still hasn\'t started filming.

Not only Paramount, but also 20th Century Fox, which invested together, also has a headache for this mess.

Shirley Lansing and Townsend Rothman have been on the phone more than once. Faced with this unsatisfactory project, they have talked many times between them, but they have not come up with a satisfactory solution.

But on James Cameron\'s side, not only was he not in a hurry to start filming, but he was still asking for investment again and again. It was still on the basis of two companies that had invested more than 150 million US dollars in production costs.

Now this big ship project has become a joke in the circle, and they have to pinch their noses, continue to add production costs, and pray that the truck driver will start shooting as soon as possible.

And today\'s gossip news gave Shirley Lansing a wake-up call.

After Hollywood entered the 1990s, who was the most famous fast shooter director? There is no doubt that the directors who can guarantee both the speed and the quality of the film are only those two Jews, Steven Spielberg and Wayne Greenberg.

In fact, in terms of the type of "Titanic", Steven Spielberg is the best director, but it is impossible for the other party to focus on the growth of DreamWorks.

The rest is nothing more than Wayne Greenberg, but even if the other party does break with Warner Bros., it is still unknown whether he can agree to this matter, and the production style of the film is tantamount to a big adventure.

"No way, James, I\'ve given you enough patience!"

With a "pop", Shirley Lansing slapped the newspaper on the table, her eyes filled with gamblers\' light, she picked up the phone, and dialed Townsend Rothman\'s number.

Although in the film "Braveheart", the cooperation between the two was not very pleasant, and Paramount was put together by 20th Century Fox, but these are normal business practices, Shirley Lansing admits Switching positions, she will do the same.

In addition, in the face of the huge investment of "Titanic", the two sides must negotiate a solution. If this is dragged on, this mud pit will only make the two sides sink deeper and deeper.

"Hello Townsend, I have a proposal for Titanic, I want to talk to you, yes, maybe we can try another option, replace the grumpy truck driver, yes, you noticed today\'s Is there a message..."

"No problem, I can try to talk to him, but I can\'t guarantee the result. The little love I had for helping him release "Happy Death Day" is definitely not enough to influence the young man\'s thoughts, well, I will try my best try!"

"Okay, that\'s it, I hope everything goes well, bye..."

The call time was only ten minutes, and they didn\'t talk about the specific content, let alone how to impress the young man, because they all knew that if they wanted to invite Wayne Greenberg, they would have to pay at least a sky-high salary and box office. The share must not be lower than Spielberg\'s contract for "Jurassic Park".

Now, the worth of this young director is indeed worth paying the sky-high contract. Even so, with the exception of Warner Bros., you may not have the opportunity to let him take action if you have a contract with a sky-high price!

Here, Shirley Lansing hung up the phone, let out a long breath, glanced at the time, put on her coat and went straight to get off work. She has done everything she can, and the final result. It can only be handed over to God, not her control.

They have proposed to change directors more than once, but there are too many things involved. This proposal has been discussed many times in the past two years, but each time it was ended without a hitch.

Townsend Rothman, who is far away in the Fox Building in Century City, is not as relaxed as his partner. Since hanging up the phone, he has been looking out the window and thinking.

If the CEO of Paramount is here, he will definitely see at a glance that the same gossip tabloids are placed on his desk, and not just that one, but a dozen or so.

On the top of each newspaper, there is a common feature circled with a pen.

In the whole of Hollywood, I am afraid there is no one who cares more about the truth of this matter than Townsend Rothman.

Since the news came out, he immediately sent people from a newspaper office to find the source of the news. After a day, he finally locked the paparazzi who took the photo, but it was from Time Warner\'s own gossip tabloid, which made him even more trapped. Confused.

But no matter what, even if there is only a slight possibility of some things, he has to try his best, and he has an advantage that others do not have at all.

Thinking of this, Townsend-Rothman did not hesitate at all, threw the newspapers and investigative reports into the shredder, put on his coat and left the Fox Building.

After having a warm dinner with his wife, he held a glass of red wine to accompany the meal, glanced at the time, picked up the phone in the study, and dialed a number that was both familiar and very unfamiliar.

After a few rings, the phone was connected. "Hi Anna, I\'m Townsend, is Reuben here?"

"Townsend? What\'s your business with Ruben?" The other party\'s puzzled voice could be heard from the phone. Anna Greenberg was very surprised to receive his call.

"They\'re all in the study. Reuben and Wayne, along with his big bodyguard, have been playing with those broken guns since dinner. Do you want me to call him for you?"

"No, it\'s the same as telling you." Townsend-Rothman let out a hearty laugh, and the woman\'s voice on the phone seemed to bring him back to twenty years ago.

"I\'m going to be a guest on the farm tomorrow and chat with an old friend I haven\'t seen in so many years. How about it? Welcome?"

"What? Of course I mean! If Reuben knew you were coming, he would be very happy."

"Okay, that\'s it, I can probably go there tomorrow morning. Anna, I also prepared a gift for you, which is definitely a surprise you can\'t guess..."

After hanging up the phone ~www.novelhall.com~ Townsend-Rothman looked up and saw his wife, staring at him with questioning eyes.

He smiled wryly and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. "My dear, I don\'t want to disturb their quiet life, but Reuben\'s son is doing so well, this may be the method with the highest success rate."

"I didn\'t blame you, I never cared about your work." The wife, as gentle as always, glanced at him, turned and walked out of the study. "Rest early and don\'t work too late."

They\'ve been married for decades, and Townsend-Rothman himself is convinced that his smooth, generous and gentle wife at work is at least half the credit.

Glancing at the safe in the corner, he recalled Anna\'s hobbies when she was young. He smiled and turned off the light and walked to the bedroom.

In any case, he has prepared everything he should, and all that is left is to get a good night\'s sleep and try according to plan.

As for Shirley Lansing\'s proposal for a director change, he didn\'t even consider it, he just pressed the negative button in his heart. Let Wayne Greenberg shoot a romance? The proposal seemed like a horror story to him!

I am afraid that after the film is finally made, Ruth and Jack will not only have no beautiful love, but will also be full of dark intrigue. He has reason to believe that Wayne can definitely do it and let Jack stab Ruth to death.

On the contrary, Wayne Greenberg\'s most prominent ability now is to operate superheroes, and 20th Century Fox happens to have a treasure-like comic copyright!

The series of characters and stories in this comic are naturally full of dark attributes, which are a perfect match for the production style of the other party.

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