Hollywood Drawing

~: 297 - Wayne breaks with Warner Bros? !

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After a night of venting toil, coupled with the early morning exercise with the ball, Wayne felt the long-lost body aches.

Maybe it was because he consumed too much energy. After getting up and taking a shower, he came to the restaurant. After Wayne and Bella Grant sat opposite Nina, he refused milk, bread and bacon, and asked the housekeeper Hela for a large plate. beef.

The editor-in-chief of the beauty took a sip of milk and ate the bread to herself. Suddenly she looked up at Wayne who was waiting for the beef, her delicate face was full of seriousness.

"Darling, don\'t forget the interview you promised. I will write a report in the name of the interview when I go back. Well, I want to ask you, which aspect can I write about? Or, what is not allowed? report it?"

"You can control it yourself, you know the scale." Leaning on the chair, Wayne looked overworked, and his attitude was full of indifference. "As long as it\'s about Batman, you can write whatever you want, and you can also write about my current state of life, but don\'t mention Barton, I hate the public and the media discussing my relatives!"

While eating breakfast quickly, Bella Grant nodded. "I see."

She knew in her heart that with the accumulation of film after film, especially "Batman: War Hour" is creating brilliance, now whether it is various media, mass fans, or even teenage girls in North America, but four or five Ten-year-old women are full of endless curiosity about this representative of the American dream in Hollywood.

But this tough and handsome young man doesn\'t like to be in the limelight very much, and he is not willing to accept media interviews and disclose his private life, which will make him more and more mysterious.

As a half-public figure, the more success Wayne achieves, the more curious ordinary people are about him. At this point in time, no matter who gets his exclusive report, it will add a lot of performance and attention to his own media.

As a woman who has always maintained a close relationship with Wayne, she knows too much, even ten special reports are enough, but she has never written about any of each other\'s private life, which is why their relationship has always been harmonious. one.

"Ok, just wait, I\'m full." Bella Grant ate quickly, and in less than five minutes, she swept away the food on the plate in front of her.

She nodded to Nina, took up the milk and drank it, stood up and was ready to go to work at the newspaper office.

"Oh, yes, let Mr. Sergey take me there."

Waving weakly, Wayne said, "No problem, you can talk to him yourself."

But just as he was talking, another woman with a sweet appearance and a hot body walked into the restaurant with a warm smile.

"Hi Honey, good morning..."

The sweet smile on Cameron Diaz\'s face stiffened a little when he saw another woman, and then sat down beside Wayne familiarly as if he didn\'t see each other.

Nina ate breakfast slowly, her eyes with interest, and began to wander back and forth between the two women.

"Good morning, Cammy."

Wayne leaned back in his chair and greeted her, ignoring the embarrassing situation with his cheekiness.

Glancing at Cameron Diaz, Bella Grant deliberately puffed out her chest. She was wearing a professional suit. The shirt on her upper body made it even more choppy.

Then she walked out with the unique graceful steps of a working woman.

It just so happened that Hela walked in with the beef in her own hands, and after placing it on the dining table, Wayne directly started to devour himself, and the two women around him were dazed for a while.

"Haney." With a cup of coffee in his hand, Cameron Diaz teased: "It\'s like you just returned from a refugee in Mexico, don\'t tell me, the contraband dealers there need Batman protection too!"

"I didn\'t eat anything last night." Wayne shrugged while eating without raising his head. "I was starving this morning."

Cameron Diaz thought of the turbulent woman just now, carefully observed Wayne\'s face again, suddenly rolled his eyes, and said, "You won\'t be crazy with that cow just now, will you?"

"Do you think it\'s possible?" Wayne said vaguely, stuffing beef into his mouth. "I\'m not really Batman, I don\'t have that steel body."

"Ha, how many times have you rolled the sheets?" Cameron Diaz tilted his head, watching him gobble in a sullen state, and finally his eyes stopped on Wayne\'s neck, where there was still a trace of heat The red mark left by the kiss.


Wayne watched her talk more and more, raised his head and glared at her before continuing to deal with the beef on the plate. "Why did you think of coming here today? Why didn\'t you make a phone call before you came."

After the two large pieces of steak were eaten and he had almost eaten, he seemed to feel that his energy had returned to him, and he took up the large glass of milk and slowly drank it.

"I was on vacation and saw the media reports that you suddenly quit the Batman promotion, so come back to see you, Haney," Cameron Diaz said.

Drinking up the milk in one gulp, Wayne burped contentedly, took out a cigarette and lit it before saying, "It\'s unfortunate that you\'re in a hurry, I\'m going back to the farm to live for a while, so I can\'t accompany you."

Cameron Diaz raised his eyebrows, raised his hand to his ear, and made a phone call, "Okay, Honey, call me when you get back to Los Angeles."

After he finished speaking, he gave him a sweet smile, just like when he came, and walked out in a hurry.

"Haney, aha." Wayne looked at the woman\'s back, and shook his head gently with a cigarette in his mouth. He knew very well that the Honey in this woman\'s mouth was like saying "hello, money!"

But what makes her admire is that she has a fiery personality, but she is never entangled in her manners. It is obvious that she is here to gain popularity, and to earn a brand-name luxury goods by the way, but she always behaves so generously. Just as he thought, when Sergey drove back and took advantage of the housekeeper to load Wayne\'s clothes into the car, the first sentence of the Russian man made him feel helpless for a while.

"Boss, Ms. Diaz is at the gate of the manor and is being interviewed by the paparazzi. I asked the brothers at the gate, and they said that it seems to have been going on for a while, and she seems to be holding a small press conference again..."

"f**k, this woman is too smart!"

After he finished speaking, he was too lazy to think about these things, and got into the car with the golden retriever.

After tasting the sweetness of this kind of thing once, Cameron Diaz obviously wants to copy it again. She can clearly feel that as long as Wayne is hot, she will come here once in a while, even if she doesn\'t have a movie. It can also firmly maintain its exposure.

Just as Wayne got into the car and returned to his farm in Ventura County, Greater Los Angeles, a piece of news was suddenly reported in the gossip tabloids. More than one news broke out. In the morning, there were dozens of them. Tabloids and magazines follow.

"According to the information learned by this reporter, the most legendary young director in Hollywood, Wayne Greenberg, the representative of the American dream in recent years, is about to part ways with Warner Bros. It is very likely that there will be irreconcilable conflicts between them. !

Warner Bros. CEO Jeff Robinoff arrived at the Greenberg estate yesterday, after Wayne Greenberg abruptly quit the Batman: War Hour promotional team and returned to Los Angeles alone. This conversation can be extremely unpleasant!

According to the photos taken by reporters, it can be found that Jeff Robinoff looked very unhappy when he left the manor. And from the time he entered the manor to the time he left, he stayed for about half an hour in total, and all signs show that Warner Bros. is very dissatisfied with Wayne Greenberg\'s sudden withdrawal from the publicity plan because of a dog..."

There are many reports of this kind of catching the wind. In almost the same reports, there is a photo that is not too clear, and the person in the photo is Jeff Robinoff.

Maybe it was shot through the glass of the car, or it could be due to the angle and light. The person in the photo did look in a bad mood, and his face was very serious and ugly.

If you add a specially written soft article to give readers the first impression, UU reading www. uukanshu.com does seem to have just finished a fight.

In fact, when Wayne\'s film is released every year, this kind of chasing the wind and promoting the news that he is about to part ways with Warner Bros. never stops.

Not only this kind of news, but also an inventory of Wayne Greenberg\'s girlfriend, speculation about his net worth, there are never a lot of various reports, as long as there are fans who are willing to watch these, the gossip tabloids never know the bottom line. WTF.

There are even a lot of gossip tabloids, which themselves belong to the Time Warner Group, but all of them report this way, and their own is certainly no exception.

It stands to reason that this kind of news is basically fun for movie fans, and almost no one in the circle will believe it, but the appearance of "Batman: Time for War" this year has indeed stirred the hearts of many capitalists in the circle.

Just watching the film is still in theaters, Warner Bros. has made a lot of money, and none of the remaining large production companies are not jealous.

In addition, the reasons given in the newspaper are very good, Wayne did fly back to Los Angeles from San Francisco privately during the important period of the film\'s announcement, and he never left the manor since he came back. , so that many people have a new view on this news.

This kind of news has never been interrupted. People around Warner Bros. and Wayne have never regarded it as an important matter, so it is impossible to stand up and refute rumors through the media. I\'m afraid Warner Bros. just don\'t do anything.

But after half a day passed, these fake news appeared on the desks of many company executives. Some people scoffed, and some people looked at the newspaper and planned it seriously.

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