Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and nineteen - this thing is too good to copy!

"Hollywood Draw(!

There are not many scenes that need to be shot to go to Xiangjiang, but a large number of Asian actors are required to participate. This is the main reason why Wayne chose to go there. In addition, he also wants to verify some doubts in his heart up close.

And the film company Jia\'He\' really let him put down most of his concerns. Although the current Hollywood of the East is going downhill, it can definitely be regarded as the number one in Asia.

Tim Burton didn\'t notice that his partner was a little stunned, and continued to talk about the arrangement there. "All the Asian actors we need can be contacted by that company, and the other party in the venue can also help solve it, but the other party also has their own demands."

"any request?"

"They hope that the Asian supporting roles used by the crew will try to use the people they recommend. I have already agreed to this, and it doesn\'t matter, does it?" Tim Burton smiled and didn\'t care about this matter. Take it too seriously.

As he thought, Wayne didn\'t take it to heart. Almost all of the Asian supporting roles in the film were very small roles, and basically they didn\'t have too many scenes. It didn\'t matter who they played.

The two of them can also guess the other\'s thoughts, but they are still yearning for Hollywood.

But Wayne knew very well in his heart that so many actors from Xiangjiang came to Hollywood, and the final results were not ideal. Only those two action superstars who really have some coffee positions, jet-li still passed by the other side.

Except for these two who are out of coffee, almost all of the remaining Xiangjiang actors are not very ideal.

He knows a little more about jet-li. He can become a "brand" as an Asian actor in a place like Hollywood where everything is based on data. There are no two in all of Asia.

Going forward, there are only a few Asians who can be recognized in North America, such as blue-lee, jet-li, and jackie-chan, almost all of them broke in with excellent skills. .

Kung Fu is about to become popular in Hollywood, which will give people in Hong Kong a lot of opportunities. The opportunities here, Wayne is not only referring to the actors, but the behind-the-scenes teams who are skilled and dare to fight.

Whether it is the martial arts instructors that must have been required in the years when kung fu became popular, or the stuntmen who are also lacking in Hollywood now, they actually have more opportunities than actors.

As long as you come, don\'t stick to that tradition, and take the initiative to integrate into the film industry system. With their special skills, the probability of success for these behind-the-scenes personnel is much higher than those of the actors.

He shook his head, threw out all those messy thoughts, continued to chat with Tim Burton for a while, the preparation progress of props and other things, and then took Nina out of the producer\'s office.

There is a producer who is responsible and capable, and the preparations here are basically smooth, which also makes Wayne put down a lot of worries.

This will be his first large-scale production with hundreds of millions of investment, and the film type is also out of his comfort zone. Movies of this type like "Batman" are not very different from the summer sci-fi action blockbusters that have invested heavily.

The sudden increase in action scenes is also the first test for him. The literary drama is Wayne\'s advantage. After all, it is said that by telling stories in multiple lines, he can win the high box office. Now Hollywood can really compare with him. .

Walking around the huge studio, he had to take a close look at each of the divided areas, and also received congratulations from many staff members. When he was watching the produced Batmobile, he was watching The security guard at the door ran over and told him that someone was looking for him.

"Let\'s go, Nina, let\'s talk to that fat man about some profitable business, and we\'ll give you a bonus if it goes well."

The assistant lady ignored the boss\'s ridicule and followed him out of the studio.

Now this is definitely not a place to talk about things. All the work in the studio is confidential. Even the staff involved in the production of props have signed a non-disclosure agreement first.

This is the practice of the big Hollywood crew. Before the filming, or even during the filming, they will tacitly keep secrets from the media, unless it is for special publicity needs.

Seeing them come out, Harvey Weinstein took the initiative to stretch out his hand, and looked at the young director with incredible eyes. "Hi Wayne, congratulations again, you once again created the best opening result of the year."

"Thank you, you\'ve said it twice today!" Wayne shook his hand with the same formulaic enthusiasm on his face.

"Compared to the achievements you have created, it\'s not enough to say it many times, is it?"

Business touting this thing is almost a skill that everyone in this circle comes with. Wayne didn\'t take the other person\'s praise seriously, shrugged and said: "We went to the opposite side of the studio, there is a cafe with a good environment, just in time for me. There\'s something else I want to talk to you about."


After getting on the tram, Harvey Weinstein has been watching Wayne. When he saw the newspaper early in the morning, although he was mentally prepared, he was still shocked by the exaggerated box office numbers.

At this time, the young director\'s expression was very calm, as if he always carried the calm and sobriety that did not match his age. Even if "The Clown Returns to the Soul" created the best opening result of the year, it did not make him lose his cool head.

Even if all the movies in North America are counted, the opening score of "The Clown\'s Soul" can still be ranked in the top three, but two of the top three movies on this list are from this young man. hand.

This success rate is absolutely unprecedented in Hollywood, and it is estimated that it will be difficult for anyone to surpass it in the future.

The reason why Harvey Weinstein looks complicated is because a little guy who he could easily handle a few years ago has inadvertently turned into a big guy in the same circle as himself.

Wayne Greenberg only spent less than five years, but he has achieved success without fighting for a lifetime. By the way, there is also a terrifying net worth. In 1993, the Hollywood celebrity income list, with the horror income of the clown, He was ranked ninth.

For this young man, even if he was a fellow Jewish fellow, Harvey Weinstein was full of amazement and admiration for him in his heart.

The tram drove to the entrance of the studio. Facing a group of reporters who were guarding here, Wayne smiled and shook his head at the big fat man. Under the **** of the security guards, they walked to the opposite cafe together.

"Harvey, you are here to find Director Greenberg, does that mean you will try to cooperate?"

"Hey Wayne, with Harvey, is there a problem with your collaboration with Warner Bros.?"

The two looked at each other, no matter what the reporters said, they all bowed their heads without saying a word, and it was not until they entered the small private room of the coffee shop that Wayne let out a long sigh of relief and complained:

"Harvey, you know what, I actually hate the media, both at work and in life."

"Wayne, you have to get used to this slowly, now you are not a little director." Harvey Weinstein stretched his stomach and spread his hands and said: "Maybe the trash can at your door has already been designated by paparazzi. Squat down."

Although things are not that exaggerated, they should be not far off, but Wayne knows in his heart that this kind of enthusiasm will only last for a while, and when the popularity of "Joker Returns" passes, those reporters will not be staring at him.

The director, in any case, is still a behind-the-scenes profession. After the popularity has passed, the gossip tabloids will write his stories again, and consumers will not necessarily pay.

"Okay, let\'s talk about serious business." Wayne put away his smile, and saw that Sergey was already sitting outside the door, and then opened his mouth to talk about serious business. "Harvey, I have a plan here, maybe we can try to work together."

Hearing this, Harvey Weinstein blurted out. "The adaptation plan for The Lord of the Rings?"

"No, it\'s another plan."

Beckoning to the assistant, Wayne took the briefcase handed over by Nina and took out a prepared document from it.

A few sheets of printing paper were simply stapled together. The above is his perfected plan. This plan fully takes into account the current social environment, the media analysis that needs to be used, the implementation plan divided into several steps, and the most important capital investment budget. .

This thing is more like a marketing plan than a project plan. It can be said that it is a product of mutual integration, but most of it is a marketing plan, and the proportion of film creativity is very small.

Wayne put the document on the table, took a sip of his coffee, and just as Harvey Weinstein reached for it, he reached out and pressed it.

In the eyes of the other party\'s doubts, his face was tense and serious, and he said: "Harvey, after reading the things, it means that we have tacitly agreed to our cooperative relationship, and we have reached it, you must think about it!"

Harvey Weinstein\'s fat face showed the same solemn look, nodded and still picked up the document, opened the first page and read it.

But after only reading the first page, his brows unconsciously wrinkled. This thing was written for a long time, and the more he read it, the more amazed he became. It was like a textbook, a project plan and a marketing plan.

Sure enough~www.novelhall.com~ He has always been suspicious in his heart that Wayne Greenberg, a young man, has a talent for being a producer, definitely more than being a simple director. This kind of business sense and market vision is absolutely The best in this circle.

In the small private room, there is only the sound of flipping documents. I don’t mention this part of the marketing plan, only a brief project plan. Although it is not long, it includes pre-market research, target group analysis, production capital cost analysis, etc. Articles and paragraphs are simply neat like a template.

Combined with the following marketing plan, it immediately makes this thing very feasible.

Harvey Weinstein also understood why the other party said that before he saw it, because after watching this thing, there is no secret, it is so easy to copy!

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