Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and sixty-four - divided into another

As the natural person\'s major shareholder of Warner Bros., a thigh of the company\'s revenue, Wayne should get the salary and box office share, there has never been any waves.

No one knows better than Warner Bros what kind of urine this young man is. He is typically the kind of sunny youth with a broad mind on the surface, but behind the scenes, his bottom line is so low that he can make any money as long as he thinks about it. Be careful.

Talented people with unusual quirks have always had a market in the West, and Wayne is definitely one of them. The handsome face carries the moodiness of a traditional Jewish capitalist. From Katie, the ex-girlfriend of Warner Bros. legal department, you can find rumors of similar sadism, not necessarily groundless.

Such a person who is easy-going on the surface, complicated and changeable on the inside, holds a large stake in Warner Bros., and is extremely important to the company\'s revenue. Unless the board of directors and executives are crazy, they will delay his share until the end of the deadline.

In case of any dissatisfaction with this willful and dark lunatic, there are at least five big companies waiting in line to see them break up, and there are at least five people who are willing to take out their own shares to welcome this black gem in the crown of Hollywood movies. .

In this commercialized society, don\'t think that the two parties are tied together and you can sit back and relax. The founders of big companies will break up because of trivial matters, not to mention the extremely realistic entertainment industry. I am afraid it is only in the drunken Hollywood. , can so many strange things happen than in the movies.

"Well, you\'re keeping an eye on Colin Howard yourself and doing a good job of avoiding taxes on that money."

After carefully watching the digital report, in fact, except for the figure close to 70 million US dollars marked at the end, Wayne couldn\'t understand the rest at all.

"Batman: Time for War" has a global box office of about 790 million US dollars. Warner Bros. is not worth the money, not to mention the accountant team led by Colin has been staring at this.

He took the pen from the assistant, signed his name on the authorization document, and continued: "The money is put in the studio account first, and we are not in a hurry to invest it."

"no problem."

Nina nodded and put away the document, and put another sorted document in front of him. "This is the price that Jimmy finally negotiated. Marvel Comics won\'t let go by 6% in the profit sharing of film and television. It should be their bottom line."

No matter what means the agent negotiated the agreement in Wayne\'s name, he was very satisfied with the price in front of him.

Iron Man and Black Widow animation film and television copyright, packaged and bought out exclusively to Greenberg Studios, in addition to paying $17 million in cash, Marvel will own 100 of the full copyright profits from film and television adaptation. six out of five.

This kind of condition is relatively normal. The share ratio is not much different from that of Universal Pictures\' Hulk, Sony Columbia\'s Spider-Man, and Fox\'s X-Men, Fantastic Four, etc. This is the only hope that Marvel Comics reserves.

At a certain time in his previous life, Marvel Comics watched "Spider-Man", "X-Men", "Fantastic Four" and other films become popular, but he could only get a small share of the huge profits to survive. maintain the company.

In this time and space now, it means Wayne took the money that Surprise had desperately bet on, and dismantled Surprise to pieces by himself, but so what, let them continue to survive.

What annoyed Jimmy, the leader of the whole thing, was actually Batman made by his own client. Without the success of Bruce Wayne\'s grandfather, if he wanted to get the copyrights of these two second- and third-tier heroes, it would not have cost nearly 20 million US dollars. .

"The good news comes one after another. Don\'t worry, your bonus is going to increase again. If this goes on, you can definitely consider hiring a few male models."

Wayne happily handed the document back, happily took out his cigarette, and teased the assistant.

As if she hadn\'t heard the enticing advice, Nina carefully checked the signature on the document and put it in her briefcase together.

In fact, this is not a joke. As an out-and-out little rich woman, the assistant can get a lot of bonus figures from every income of Wayne, and it is definitely not delusional to buy a few male models.

Now when it comes to the money-making service providers around big coffee in the circle, the first impression is that Tom Cruise\'s agent, the head of the public relations team, Pat Kingsley, this woman joined the 10% club early in the morning.

However, the income of the assistant lady in the past two years will never be much higher than that of her counterpart. After all, her boss\'s ability to attract money is much higher than that of the superstar.

This is just one aspect of it. The IQ under Nina\'s ordinary face may be higher than 90% of the practitioners in this circle. Colin Howard helped Wayne to buy shares in the two Internet companies, and she has been investing all the time. is the lion\'s share of income.

Rolls-Royce Silver Thorn turned into the manor. What was different from usual was that there were more paparazzi waiting at the gate of the manor today.

These practitioners at the bottom of the circle can all be called human elites. They collect all the information that can be sold for money, and the soon-to-be-born little Greenberg is the reason why this group of people is gathered here.

"Do you want to find a way to drive them away?"

After the car stopped, Sergey stretched out his long arm and pointed to the direction outside the gate. "Brothers told me this morning that the number of paparazzi is constantly increasing. If they are raised by this group of cousins, if they affect Nami, I swear, I will break the necks of these little cousins ​​one by one."

"never mind."

Wayne got out of the car and adjusted his suit, reached out and patted the Russian bear\'s arm, and shook his head with a smile. "Let them go, we\'ll accompany Nami to the hospital tomorrow."

Originally, he planned to set up a small infirmary in the manor, but he was firmly opposed by the Australian girl. There was no problem at all, and he would be at ease in two days.

The housekeeper Hela waited at the door of the main building, and walked a few steps to his side. The two reported softly as they walked in. "Mr. Peter Jackson has been waiting for an hour and Ms. Watts is with him in the living room."

"Well, I see."

Entering the living room, the New Zealander in front of him is a lot more agile. The messy beard has been specially trimmed. The clothes on his body are still casual, but there are no obvious wrinkles, and his face has returned to normal color.

"sit down."

Seeing them come in, Peter Jackson clasped his hands, a nervous expression awaiting trial.

Before waiting for him to say hello, Wayne waved his hand, indicating that you are welcome and speak directly.

The New Zealander didn\'t wait for him to sit down and asked impatiently, "Mr. Greenberg, the script I adapted..."


Looking at the lonely eyes of the other party for a moment, Wayne\'s tone did not change at all, and continued: "I read that thing from beginning to end, compared to the trilogy series, it is too long and messy. , such a script is completely unqualified.

All the plots that are not related to the main line must be cut off, and some main lines should also be deleted as appropriate. Now you adapt the script, let alone the trilogy, even the length of the five movies is rich, there is still a lot of time, take it back and re-edit . "

"I understand."

Peter Jackson has no nonsense. After understanding the request, he turned around and prepared to go back to work. He is a die-hard book fan of this series, and his first thought must be to put all the plot into the script.

Since this version does not work now, he is not particularly disappointed. As long as the other party does not intend to replace him, it is not a big problem to continue to modify the script.

"Another workaholic." Nao Miwatts sighed as he watched Peter Jackson leave.

"Only dedicated people are worthy of success."

Wayne shrugged, agreeing with the Aussie. Wanting to make the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy is destined to be impossible, the script is just the beginning, and there will be more troubles waiting for the New Zealand beard.

Peter Jackson has been very lucky to meet himself. He only has to care about his work, and he doesn\'t have to worry about other things.

You know, the previous life "The Lord of the Rings" almost went bankrupt during the preparatory period. The Weinstein brothers, who initially agreed to invest in the filming of two films, suddenly changed their minds and told the busy New Zealanders that the money was only enough for one film.

Angrily, Peter Jackson, who had done a lot of work, directly scolded the street. In the end, the New Zealander played procrastination while taking his money for a 25-minute demo, begging his grandfather to sue his grandmother for secret investment.

It was not until Xie Yi, the president of New Line Pictures, that after seeing the sample film he made, he concluded that the film would definitely become a hit, and then he asked the question, the original novel is a trilogy, why should two films be produced? Wouldn\'t it be bad to just make a trilogy?

He didn\'t dare to tell the truth~www.novelhall.com~ because the Weinstein brothers were annoyed by him and didn\'t give him money, for fear of directly stating the numbers they needed and scare away the only potential investors who were interested.

The development of the matter was unexpected, and New Line Pictures did not hesitate at all, expressing its willingness to pay for the investment of more than 200 million US dollars for "The Lord of the Rings", and the film officially started after stumbling.

The only one who suffers here is the Weinstein Brothers, who first integrated the copyright of the Lord of the Rings, and finally most of the film\'s revenue was taken away by New Line Pictures.

According to the rules of the circle, the company that invests in the production and distribution of the film enjoys all the copyrights of the work.

In fact, before the film was stumbled and shot, no one thought it would be so successful, otherwise the big fat man Harvey would not easily let the new line enter the game, especially the production funds that need to be invested in the early stage, which is 280 million in real money. Millions of dollars!

This price, no matter what era it is placed in, is an astronomical sum for anyone, not to mention the late 1990s, when the purchasing power of the US dollar was still extremely strong.

"Wayne, hey, Haney?!"

Naomi Watts reached out and waved in front of Wayne\'s eyes, knowing that he was habitually distracted again.

"What?" Shaking his head vigorously, he looked at the expectant mother beside him.

"Promise me, don\'t enter the delivery room, I don\'t need your company!"

This issue is very important. Australian girls do not want him to leave some shadows. The father of the child accompanies the expectant mother into the operating room, which is not a new thing here.

"Ok, you have the final say."

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