Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and four - another one with over 300 million

"Hollywood Draw(!

"Wayne, I\'ve been looking at the prosecutor\'s profile."

Before going to bed, the two were leaning against the bedside chatting casually, and Naomi Watts asked him casually. "Do I still need to go to the audition?"

"Let your agent, Jenny, go to Tim Burton to negotiate a contract!"

He knows this woman Wayne very well, and this is different from the hero Bruce Wayne, and the role of police chief Jim Gordon. It is almost a matter of his mind to audition or not.

But after thinking about it, he still said two more words. "I mentioned it to him on Tim Burton\'s side, and discussed it with your agent in advance. The salary of this role will not be too high, you must think about it!"

Not only the salary of this role will not be too high, but the salary of the personnel of the entire project will not be too high. Most of the money for the first film, he plans to save and put into production.

Naomi Watts nodded. "I will agree with Jenny in advance that I will accompany you at the premiere of "The Clown\'s Return"?"

"Yes, but this time it is very simple. After all, the investment in this film is not high, and it is still a genre film." Wayne closed the book in his hand and put it on the bedside, and turned off the lamp in front of the bed.

"This is a horror film. The publicity fund from Warner Bros. is only tens of millions of dollars of half the production cost. Come if you want. This film can\'t have the popularity of "Joker"."

After he finished speaking, he hugged the woman in his arms and closed his eyes comfortably. The reason why many stars are willing to participate in the premiere, especially the premiere of a hit movie, is to help the film platform only for the second purpose, mainly to maintain exposure.

There has always been a truth in the Hollywood circle, whether it is good or bad public opinion, it is better to be discussed or even abused than no one cares.

This is mainly talking about those little stars. Of course, those A coffees are definitely not in this ranks, because they are the focus of the media themselves, the makers of the topic, and basically don\'t bother to get exposure opportunities.

If their cafes reach that level, even the trash cans in front of celebrities\' houses will be regularly turned over by the paparazzi every day, and even the small umbrellas they used last night will be the target of gossip tabloids.

Since July, the box office of "Forrest Gump" has not been as sluggish as the media expected in the second week of its release. It has maintained a steady box office trend since the first weekend. There is a wave in North American society.

Things were just as Wayne thought, the entertainment sections of various media and newspapers began to reverse their remarks in unison, and began to praise Tom Hanks.

The reason is that although the box office of "Forrest Gump" has never exploded, everyone found that after the second week\'s statistics came out, compared to the first weekend, the box office of this film did not see a drop at all.

For normal summer popcorn movies, the box office hits the highest in the first weekend, and the next week will definitely see a big drop. If this rate can be kept below 40%, it will be considered a very healthy market trend. .

But "Forrest Gump" completely ignores this market law. With the blessing of strong audience reputation, it has been reaping the box office with stable to terrible results.

Of course, "Forrest Gump" still can\'t be a big one, but its stability is unexpected.

On July 15, the cinema market ushered in another summer blockbuster, released by 20th Century Fox, "True Lies" by James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

This film can be said to be the most anticipated summer action blockbuster by fans. It can also be said to be a classic among the classics among the action films of the 1990s. As soon as it was released, it immediately dominated the theater market.

Coincidentally, this was also the beginning of the import of Hollywood blockbusters across the Pacific Ocean, and the fans there saw it for the first time. Such a popular action blockbuster opened the concept of Hollywood blockbusters across the Pacific Ocean.

At the beginning of August, the popularity of "True Lies" and "Forrest Gump" was just about to subside, just when the fans shouted that this summer is a carnival for fans, a popular comedy called "Grange in Disguise" is coming. The mass fans collectively pushed to the high nest.

This film officially established Jim Carrey\'s status in the circle, and his relationship with the extremely terrible audience, his rich facial expressions, became his trademark among fans.

Cameron Diaz also became famous for his performances and became another popular goddess. Only Charlie\'s Angels in her early 20s is definitely synonymous with **** and glamorous on the big screen.

However, the carnival of the public fans is not over yet. It has only been a week since it was jointly released by Paramount and Universal, directed by Philip Noyce and starring Harrison Ford. It took over the theater as soon as it was released. online market.

It is also a very popular blockbuster, and it is also a superstar. This is the biggest password for the high box office in the summer of the 1990s.

This is also the reason why Wayne wants to avoid this summer vacation. After 20 years, these films are still regarded by the public as classic Hollywood films of the 90s, and almost all of them get together in the same period in the same year.

Among them, the tragic intensity of the fighting was definitely the highest in recent years, and it was simply a fight between gods.

He is not afraid of the so-called competition in Hollywood. If he wants to survive in this fiercely fighting circle, everyone can\'t wait to shoot anyone with a gun. But I didn\'t think that if I knew a little more news, I could crush all the movie elites in this era, and they were the real geniuses in this industry.

Knowing that it would be better if he plunged into it, Wayne would never collide with those films head-on. When he came across this kind of fairy fight schedule, it was a profit to be able to fight both ways.

These blockbusters, which were released not far apart, have reaped huge box office sales, and all of them made a lot of money this summer. This is very telling. These films are fighting each other fiercely. Each of them achieved quite impressive results.

When the time gradually advanced to September, the steady and outrageous "Forrest Gump" has actually been silent, harvesting nearly 300 million US dollars at the North American box office, reaching more than 290 million US dollars.

At this time, the media and various film critics, as if they had forgotten their bad views, collectively began to try to tout Tom Hanks.

"So, for the entertainment information in the newspapers, just look at the box office numbers. What they like to do most is to slap their mouths."

The Rolls-Royce Silver Spike drove smoothly on the road, and Wayne casually put the newspaper aside in the carriage. Naomi Watts was also stunned by the box office figures of "Forrest Gump". The film I watched a few months ago has created such a great brilliance quietly.

The media seems to have been attracted by this frenzied summer season, until "Forrest Gump" broke $200 million at the box office and continued to move forward with extremely steady steps. past.

The four major television networks in North America, the three major newspaper groups, various professional film magazines, and entertainment media have begun to frequently discuss the topic of this film, from the character Gan to various major events that allude to reality in the film , are the focus of social discussion.

"Nami." Wayne leaned back on the comfortable leather seat and said with a smile, "Look, the box office of this film is not here, and the most glorious period is not now, this year\'s Oscar "Forrest Gump" ” will also be a big winner.”

The speed of the car slowly slowed down, and now it has entered the block of the Chinese Grand Theater, and the road is slowly blocked. No matter how simple Wayne thinks the premiere of "Joker" was held, it still attracted a large number of media reporters.

After all, this is Wayne\'s new film after a lapse of more than a year. Last year\'s "Joker" swept the world as if it was still in sight. Even if no celebrity was invited to the premiere, there was still no shortage of media attention.

Naomi Watts glanced out the car window, tidied up her dress again, and asked him suspiciously. "Aren\'t you afraid that the North American box office of "Forrest Gump" will surpass you?"

"I don\'t have time to pay attention to those!"

Wayne smiled and shook his head. "In the past two years, it is estimated that no film can reach the box office heights of "Joker" and "Jurassic Park", but it will be hard to say after two years."

Now ranked in the North American box office, the first and second films are these two films, Spielberg and Wayne, who are definitely one of the biggest winners in the film market last year.

Even if there is a lack of entertainment now, and most people have not been involved in the online world, movie ticket prices are indeed not as high as ten years later, and this does not include high ticket prices such as 3D and IMAX.

Compared with each other in this way, the 1990s was indeed a golden age for movies, but it is not difficult to easily obtain a super high box office like a dozen years later.

Therefore, it is definitely a very difficult thing to easily exceed 300 million US dollars at the North American box office. Even if hundreds of films enter the theater market every year, it is very difficult to achieve this standard.

It can be said that every film that can reach this box office figure is almost the product of special circumstances. If it cannot cause a strong social repercussions and let more people enter the theater to watch it repeatedly, it is almost impossible with the current movie ticket price.

"Is my makeup okay?"

Naomi Watts put the small mirror and lipstick in her handbag, and approached Wayne worriedly and asked him to check again.

"No problem~www.novelhall.com~Nami, you will definitely be the most beautiful woman tonight."

Today\'s Australian beauty is wearing a black dress and a small dress with a low-cut and hip-packed design, which deliberately highlights her long legs, and the pure black looks mysterious and sexy.

A head of golden hair was tucked behind her head, revealing a slender neck, and a simple diamond necklace was embellished on her chest, which was definitely synonymous with **** and charming.

On the other hand, Wayne himself is just a simple handmade black suit. Although it is still decent, it will always be the same style for thousands of years.

Men are much more worry-free than women in this regard. As long as it is a dark and decent suit, no matter what event they attend, they will not go wrong.

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