Hollywood Drawing

~: 203 - It's okay, don't let them meet!

"Hollywood Draw(!

"... After experiencing the "Stone City Paradise" in May, and the bombardment of films such as "Speed ​​of Life" and "The Lion King" in June, this year\'s summer box office trend in North America has once again ushered in a new high. This week, let Paira The highly anticipated "Forrest Gump" landed in the theater market.

This masterpiece, directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Oscar winner Tom Hanks, Robin Wright and others, had a poor first weekend box office performance. Although it successfully won the box office champion of the week, it only got 2,400. At more than $10,000, that\'s definitely less than Paramount\'s expected box office.

Could it be that Tom Hanks can\'t escape the curse of Oscar, or will encounter the waterloo of his acting career, and the new Oscar winner may not be magical..."

Naomi Watts put down the newspaper in her hand and turned her gaze to the man beside her. She didn\'t pay all her attention to the "Los Angeles Daily Entertainment" newspaper. When she read the box office figures of "Forrest Gump", the big director beside her had a mocking smile on her lips.

This expression only shows one thing, he disagrees with the views of those film critics, and even despises the manuscripts written by the other party, otherwise such unbridled ridicule would not appear.

"Why don\'t you continue reading?" Wayne looked at the Australian beauty a little strangely, and found that she tilted her head and kept staring at him with a smile. "What happened? Didn\'t you read it to me yourself?"

Naomi Watts stretched out a white finger and pressed it on the corner of Wayne\'s mouth. "What do you mean by that smile just now? Do you think this film starring Tom Hanks can be saved?"

He grabbed the white palm and rubbed the beautiful hand neither lightly nor heavy. A mocking chuckle appeared on the corner of his mouth again. He stretched out his other hand and tapped the newspaper on the table.

"Is Tom Hanks magical?"

This sentence is obviously a question sentence, but it comes out of Wayne\'s mouth full of ridicule. "Nami, it\'s best to never trust the nonsense of those movie critics! A bunch of laymen who are too embarrassed to jump up and down in the newspapers?

It\'s been almost a week since "Forrest Gump" was released, which insiders have you heard said that this movie is not good? Did you say Tom Hanks is dead? For these so-called entertainment boards, just look at the box office numbers, don\'t read the comments with your head. "

Some films may have never exploded at the box office, but when the box office numbers are finally counted, they can definitely make a group of media dumbfounded.

That\'s right, "Forrest Gump" has never achieved a high box office or a single week, but all the insiders who got the news know that this film will not only not become Big Tom\'s Waterloo, but will further his popularity. Push higher.

As long as the audience who has seen this movie, almost all gave the movie an A rating or above! This can only show one problem. The audience of this film is very popular, and the box office figures will only be a matter of time.

If you want to see the box-office trend of a movie, you must never read media reports, and don’t trust the professional word of mouth of movie critics. These things can be used for public relations, otherwise, where will part of the distribution company’s publicity expenses be used?

To understand the public praise of movie fans, they are the first-hand consumers of the movie product. The power of word of mouth will be scary even after 20 years, let alone now.

"You mean this movie has a lot of stamina?" Naomi Watts stabbed Wayne in the ribs hard, dissatisfied with his pretense of being sophisticated. "Oh, I said how did you suddenly learn to be romantic, and you asked me to watch a movie? Isn\'t it just to watch this movie?"

"Hey Nami!"

Wayne made a sullen face. "Why can\'t I be romantic? Yes, you guessed it, we\'re just going to see this movie."

Facing the man\'s thick skin, Naomi Watts pouted and rolled her eyes at him without hesitation.

Opened the small refrigerator in the car and took out two bottles of pure water from it. Since she was going to the movies, she was going to bring water in. I\'m afraid no one knows better than her what kind of virtue the man beside her is.

He would definitely rather die of thirst than take a sip of the inexplicable drink in the movie theater. He doesn\'t seem to care about the quality of life, but it\'s actually because Nina takes good care of him, so he never has to worry about it.

Watching the woman prepare herself, Wayne wrapped her arms around her waist. When Los Angeles was officially the hottest, Naomi Watts only wore a small T-shirt and shorts, which made him instantly have some special ideas.

"I\'m asking you, Nami!"

"Wayne, this is where you won\'t be romantic!" Naomi Watts was very helpless to the man, afraid of falling on her hips, and said: "You are used to being strong when facing girls, and The girl has to cooperate with your aggression, you don\'t understand romance at all, you animal..."

The car soon stopped at the entrance of a theater. Naomi Watts disguised for a while before getting off the car, wearing a mask, sunglasses, and a peaked cap, dressed as a girl next door. He went into the theater.

Fortunately, the attentive assistant lady helped them book a VIP theater. There were not many people there. After the two of them entered, they got into the corner of the back row.

The two of them are like a young couple of movie fans. They watch the whole movie hand in hand and earnestly. From time to time, when they encounter doubts, Naomi Watts will lie on Wayne\'s shoulder and ask a few words softly.

Until the movie was over, the two of them followed the few fans and applauded the curtain before coming out. From the perspective of a normal North American, the movie conveyed too much information to them, far more than white. Moonlight is as simple as that.

As the crowd walked out, Naomi Watts asked him in a low voice, "That fruit company, can investing in it really make so much money? How can I remember that the founders were kicked out."

Today Wayne is in a very good mood. The preparations for "Batman" are going well, and he rarely enters a relaxed state. Hearing the girl\'s curiosity, he said casually:

"Don\'t worry, that is one of my idols. The fruit company cannot do without him. Sooner or later, he will be invited back. Otherwise, the company will never be able to come back to life."


After leaving the theater door, the two got into the car together, and Naomi Watts took off the mask and everything, feeling even more curious.

"Wayne, this is the first time I heard that you have an idol! Don\'t deny it, the woman who knows you best is definitely me. Although you seem to be very kind to everyone, even the temporary workers at the bottom of the crew can get your smile. , but I know very well, you are so proud that watching us is like watching a group of game tools, at least this feeling can\'t be wrong!"

At this time, Wayne frowned slightly, and began to wonder if he was walking too smoothly, or if he said too much today? That\'s right, even though more than two decades have passed, a sense of unreality has always lingered in his heart.

That\'s why I gave Naomi Watts this feeling. Wayne did have this opinion at some point, as if everything looked like an NPC, but when he turned his head, everything was real and terrifying.

"Hey, Honey, what\'s the matter with you?" Seeing that he didn\'t say anything for a long time, the Australian beauty reached out and stroked his face with concern.

"It\'s okay, I\'m sorry, I\'m distracted, this is an old problem. As for that gang leader Joe is of course my idol, even if he leaves the fruit company, he will do even greater things when he comes to Hollywood, some people. , even God would be jealous of his talent..."

Feeling the temperature of the palms on his face, Wayne smiled slowly as he spoke. Is there anything more real than this?

The car drives smoothly in Beverly Hills. The City of Angels is brightly lit under the night. Although this city is not filled with tall buildings like New York, the looming light on Beverly Hills in front of me is still conveying the prosperity. information.

When the car passed the gate inspection and stopped by the fountain again, Wayne seemed to have another dream, and silently dragged Naomi Watts to the bedroom on the third floor.

Whenever a man is cured by one or more women, there is hardly any trouble.

It was the best-aged Australian beauty, obviously his psychiatrist tonight. They were like couples after a date, squandering enthusiasm on each other.

It wasn\'t until nearly an hour later that Naomi Watts put on a bathrobe and walked out of the bathroom to the balcony first, stroking her two big heads with their tongues out.

"You said, could it be your high-pitched voice just woke up these two little bastards?" Wayne hugged her from behind and whispered in her ear.

"You\'re a savage beast, Wayne."

Naomi Watts sat on the recliner with him and spoke sternly. "Which woman brought those strange things in the bathroom? Don\'t say that you bought them back to torture me, I won\'t be so perverted, only those who deliberately please you will do that!"

As if he hadn\'t heard her words, Wayne poured a cup of black tea and lit a cigarette leisurely. Thick-skinned is one of his best skills in this life. The proficiency of this skill will never be lower than that in The rating on the director\'s film.

At least some unfulfilled dreams in his previous life have been easily achieved by him now. For example, when he is 30 years old, his career will be stable, and then there are a few small goals:

1- Find a woman who can make you laugh.

2- Find a woman with a steady income.

3- Find a woman who obeys you in everything~www.novelhall.com~ Find a woman who is seductive and wavering.

5- Find a woman who likes to please yourself.

6- It\'s okay, don\'t let them meet!

Some **** ideals come true after all, don\'t they?

Wayne hugged Naomi Watts and occasionally patted the two dogs he grew up with, enjoying the first quiet holiday in months.

After waking up tomorrow, he will plunge into work again. Whether it is the "Batman" that is being prepared or the "Joker\'s Soul" that will be released soon, there are too many things waiting for him to deal with.

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