Hollywood Drawing

~: 205 - Premiere

"Hollywood Draw(!

The car began to slowly approach the Chinese Grand Theater, and Naomi Watts was also ready for the media to film enough. In front of them were a group of young actors and Li Guohao\'s car.

Although this group of people is not yet well-known, the fans and reporters on both sides are still very respectful, screaming screams, applauding, and flashing lights from time to time.

The production cost of "The Clown Returns to the Soul" is only more than 20 million, and relatively speaking, the publicity investment is not much. Warner Bros.\' major publicity funding came in a week before the film\'s release.

Everyone in the industry understands that no matter what type of film is a big hit, it is inseparable from high-density publicity and promotion. A week before today\'s premiere, several young actors and Li Guohao began to participate in various shows, interviews and activities.

Newspapers that Warner Bros. have a good relationship with, various types of entertainment magazines, big posters that appear in movie theaters in advance, talk shows on local TV stations, and various big billboards outdoors, these are all conventional means of publicity before a movie is released. .

The hard thing to do is that the little actors in the crew are basically underage, otherwise the PR department of Warner Bros. would have hyped their relationship upside down in the entertainment tabloids.

The only exception is the director Wayne. Because of his work, he did not stand in front of the stage in person this time, and the distribution department of Warner Bros. did not customize a similar plan for him.

Compared with the investment scale of this film, it is obvious that the project with an investment of hundreds of millions cannot be delayed.

It was not until all kinds of work were done, such as contacting the theater chain, distributing film copies in cities across North America, and determining the premiere theater, Warner Bros. notified Wayne and asked him to attend the premiere on time.

Backed by a giant-level media group, it can be said that everything that has nothing to do with making movies can be done without Wayne worrying about it. Warner Bros. has a complete variety of professional departments and personnel, as well as a very complete variety of publicity channels, upstream and downstream. Operational ability, what he has to do is to continuously produce high-quality content.

This is also the most comfortable place for him. As long as his value continues to increase, the honeymoon period between Warner Bros. and him will be extended indefinitely, and he can save countless energy for film and television production.

After the film, Wayne will quickly take a stake in Warner Bros. Colin Howard has contacted more than five major banks. Now it can be confirmed that hundreds of millions of funds have been loaned out, and Wayne\'s credit and income are absolutely no problem.

This is an important transition for him to change from a "worker" to a boss. However, in the evaluation of Wayne by the outside world, it is never recognized that he is a pure film director, and normal people will not treat him that way. With Wayne -The name Greenberg appears, usually producers and film directors.

The media and insiders generally commented on him similar to Steven Spielberg, "Pick up the camera and you\'re a top talent director, put down the camera, and Wayne is a movie businessman." ’

This is related to the rights and benefits that he generally obtains. He can decide the crew, all the actors, and preside over the post-production rights of the movie. Even in Hollywood, few directors can get it.

All of this comes from uninterrupted success, the success that constantly exceeds everyone\'s expectations. This circle is so realistic. Whoever can create greater benefits is the winner. It is a winner-take-all game.

"These little actors are so unfortunate!"

Before getting off the bus, Naomi Watts watched Drew Barrymore finally walk on the red carpet and said with emotion.

"What? They\'ll make it famous, you\'re too sentimental, Nami!" Wayne buttoned his suit jacket, opened the door, got out of the car, turned around and stretched out his hand to help the Australian beauty down.

As the only big name in the film, after watching him walk on the red carpet, the reporters area on the left burst into full enthusiasm instantly, and the dazzling flash was like daylight.

"I mean, isn\'t it unfortunate enough that these little actors can\'t watch their own films after the red carpet?"

Naomi Watts explained in a low voice, smiling and letting various media take pictures.

"They can see it as long as they want, as long as they don\'t watch it in public, it\'s ok, this is an R-rated film!"

Wayne usually walks the red carpet very quickly, he is not a star on the stage, and there is no need to maintain this kind of exposure. But this time, because he was the only publicity point, and in order to take care of Australian beauties, he deliberately slowed down.

"Wayne! Wayne..."

"Hey Wayne, look this way!"

"Ah, ah..."

Seeing him walking to the middle of the red carpet, some fans screamed loudly, and some shouted his name. The film will be officially released tomorrow and Friday. Today, there are only about 2,000 advance screenings in the United States. Those who can come here to participate in the premiere can be regarded as his die-hard fans.

"Aren\'t you going to sign them? Damn it, why do you, a director, have so many **** fans? It\'s not scientific!"

Seeing that he was about to pass by those large crowds of fans, Naomi Watts looked at the security guards who were working hard to stop them, and said to him with a smile and a low voice.

"If I don\'t go, I\'m afraid it will cause unnecessary confusion. I still remember the events of last year very clearly!"

After Wayne finished speaking, he ignored the screaming fans, pulled Naomi Watts to speed up, and walked quickly to the entrance of the theater, ready to finish the routine interview in a hurry to enter the theater.

Different from the previous interview format, Bella Grant, who was already the entertainment editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Times, waited directly in the interview area. With her current status, she finally did not need to be crowded in the reporter area.

There are only two media that can wait at the entrance of the theater. The other is CNN, which is owned by Warner Bros. Different from TV stations, the "Los Angeles Times" pays more attention to the timeliness of words. What CNN wants is much simpler than them.

As soon as Naomi Watts entered the interview area, the two women looked at each other, then quickly looked away from each other\'s faces.

"Your fierce "good friend" is also there. I often see her in the gossip tabloids. Wayne, how can you like a cow? I remember you don\'t like model bodies? This taste has become a bit..."

"Nami, let\'s go to the autograph."

Wayne doesn\'t seem to have heard her words. The cheeky trick has been tried and tested against Naomi Watts. She only complained a few words. .

After signing on the signature board, Bella Grant came up directly with the microphone.

"Mr. Greenberg, can you talk about your expectations for the film?"

Wayne said with a tight face: "The Clown Returns will be the box office champion this weekend!"

"Okay, is Ms. Naomi Watts your girlfriend? She\'s your girlfriend at every important event. When did you start dating?"

"Hey Bella, please ask a question about the movie." Wayne shrugged, but explained a few words with a smile. "We\'ve always been good friends, don\'t hurt me, those male fans of Nami will kill me!"

Bella-Grant continued: "Okay, last question, Mr. Greenberg, this is a story about several teenagers. As the main planner of the film, what was your original intention for shooting this story?"

Seeing that the question raised came back to the movie, Wayne was also relieved, thinking into the microphone for a while before saying: "Although this is a horror movie, it is also a history of the growth of a teenager.

Pure, heartbroken teenagers face their inner fears, from loser to lover, whether it is friendship or hazy juvenile love, it is the only way to grow! I\'m sorry, I can\'t reveal too much, more fans still need to find it in the movie! "

Bella Grant retracts the microphone. "Ok, thanks to Director Greenberg for sharing!"

After the routine interview, the two entered the theater to join Jimmy and Nina, who had come in early, and walked to the VIP lounge area on the second floor.

But as soon as he came to the second floor, Wayne saw an unexpected person. He remembered that Warner Bros. did not inform him that this person would come to the premiere.

Nina deliberately fell behind a few steps and whispered in her boss\'s ear. "Boss, he came in through the staff channel. He\'s been waiting for you, and it\'s probably still about The Lord of the Rings. It\'s really persevering!"

Wayne nodded, and took the initiative to walk up to the big fat man to say hello. After all, no matter what, he could come to support the film.

"Good evening, Harvey, I\'m glad you came."

"Good evening, Wayne, and wish your new movie continues to be a big hit at the box office!"

The two shook hands, walked to the rest area and sat down together. Before the big fat man could speak first, Wayne said directly: "Harvey, if you want to talk about the film and television copyright of that masterpiece, then forget it. Well, my meaning won\'t change."

"Wayne, don\'t be too busy to refuse." Harvey Weinstein, with a smile on his fat face, glanced at Naomi Watts and his assistant Nina, who were sitting beside the young director, and waited for a while. They didn\'t mean to leave voluntarily, so they looked at him and said:

"I have an idea, you can think about it. The copyright of this masterpiece is still yours~www.novelhall.com~ Miramax can make it together with you, we can jointly set up a studio, and then distribute the film according to the investment ratio. shoot out.

Of course, all the problems of pre-production and filming can be solved by Miramax. You only need to take out the copyright, so that even if you don’t invest in the production funds, you can still get the profits proportionally. We can discuss together! "

Wayne stretched out his hand to Nina, and the assistant took out his cigarette from his bag consciously. Everyone around him knew him. As long as he needed to think seriously, he must be surrounded by blue smoke.

Harvey Weinstein\'s proposal is not impossible for him now. The copyright can\'t create value when he holds it in his hand. If he can use the other party\'s money to shoot it and give it to Warner Bros. for distribution, it is equivalent to most of the The benefits are still obtained by themselves, and there is no need to pay for the copyright.

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