Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and forty-nine - I believe he will continue to succeed

Christian Bale walked to the director\'s seat, and faced the director with a cigarette in his mouth and a cold face, he said directly: "This won\'t solve the problem, Naomi Watts\' acting skills are not an obstacle, she is just entering the role comparison. slow."

The actor of the crew had a serious look on his face, and wanted to show from his attitude that his purpose in saying these words was not to challenge the authority of the director, but entirely for his work.

Seeing Wayne didn\'t mean to be angry, Christian Bale glanced at the time and continued nervously: "I think this shot can be shot in the afternoon, giving Naomi Watts more time to adjust, after all It was her first scene."

An actor, especially an actor who has no celebrity status, would not dare to point fingers at the director\'s shooting plan like this. He would not dare to put it on another crew, but he knew the character of the director in front of him. As long as it was for work, he would never do it. be harassed.

"Okay." Wayne thought for a moment, then waved in the direction of the car and asked Naomi Watts to come over. He raised his head and shouted to the assistant director: "Zach, tell everyone to rest and continue shooting in the afternoon."

After finishing speaking, he took his assistant to the director\'s trailer. This is a street in Brooklyn, New York. It was set up as a temporary set by the crew. Originally, there were not many scenes here, and the plan should be completed in less than two days.

But if Naomi Watts is always NG, how long it will take to complete the filming is really uncertain.

She is the heroine of this play, her importance is self-evident, but she has been unable to enter the role, which is a headache for Wayne, the crew can\'t accompany her all the time, otherwise the subsequent shooting plans will be hit chaos.

"What\'s the matter with you?"

After returning to the trailer, Wayne asked angrily. This woman was obviously able to memorize the script, but when it was actually filmed, she acted like an amateur actor.

Naomi Watts raised her head, looked at him for a moment, and then looked away immediately. "I don\'t know either. At first, it was just a bit difficult to fight Christian, and then I couldn\'t find the feeling of being a character."


Wayne let out a sigh of relief and pulled her to sit beside him. "Do you need me to help you? You have to be clear, Nami, there are nearly 200 staff in the crew, and it\'s impossible to wait for you all the time."

"Give me some time, this role is not a problem for me, I promise to return to normal in the afternoon." Naomi Watts said seriously.

"Ok, I have a personal suggestion."

While Nina put the food on the table, he thought about it and said to the Australian girl: "You can try to communicate with Christian more, he is now fully immersed in the role, after all, your partner\'s role will be relatively many."

Christian Bale really sinks into the character, and even sinks a little too far, Wayne thinks, until the filming is over. The actor is expected to take a long break before he can break away from this role.

"I\'ll try." Naomi Watts nodded and helped Miss Li to lift all the lids of the lunch box together. "Damn, why is this Chinese food again? We ate these things last night."

Nina raised her eyebrows playfully, picked up a piece of roast goose with her hands, and put it in her mouth. "It\'s only been a few days? You don\'t know, when I was filming "Joker" in New York that year, I followed the boss to eat these for more than a month."

Obviously, the Cantonese-style Chinese food here is very different from what Hella\'s husband cooks in the manor. After tasting a few bites, Naomi Watts shook her head and walked off the trailer, ready to find some sandwiches to fill her stomach.

Before these dishes were delivered, they were made according to the instructions of the assistant, and the flavors were not changed. Most North Americans should not be used to eating them.

"Jimmy called." Nina took out a tissue and wiped her hands. While her boss was eating, she quickly took out her notebook and repeated what the agent said.

After listening, Wayne nodded and said: "When the share is received, you inform Colin Howard and let him call the money as soon as possible. Also, tell Jimmy, don\'t run to Miramax if it\'s okay, Problems are resolved over the phone.”

He is very clear that with the current speed of information dissemination, if a film wants to sell well, it must use a relatively reasonable method to use various media channels to carry out large-scale marketing and promotion.

Before the advent of the Internet age, these media resources were the channels for people to understand information, and to use these channels, they had to invest a lot of money.

This is definitely a crazy plan, but the success rate is extremely high. As long as Harvey Weinstein can provoke enough social repercussions in the expected way, it will definitely make money.

At one o\'clock in the afternoon, the crew came back to life again. For a whole noon, Naomi Watts sat alone by herself. When she was ready to start shooting again, she opened the car door and sat in.

The screenwriter walked to Robert\'s camera, glanced at the two actors in the car, raised the screenboard and placed it in front of the camera, and hit it with a "smack".

"Batman, scene sixty-ninth, act three, start!"

The two people in the car quickly entered the state, and they all continued to be stuck on this short shot.

Naomi Watts suddenly turned to look at the male protagonist, with a hint of anger in his eyes, stretched out his arms, and without hesitation, "slap" and "slap" on his face are two slaps.

After a few seconds, Wayne\'s voice rang. "cut! This time is very good, Nami, you have improved a lot compared to the morning, but it is not enough, your expression is a bit too much, we are coming!"

Then, while the makeup artist retouched Christian Bale, Wayne continued: "Your performance is as good as ever, keep it up."

All of this is seen by the invisible Tim Burton. As long as the film crew officially starts filming, he will usually watch it silently. Each director may have different shooting habits, but he absolutely hates the producer\'s finger-pointing. .

Although he has done a lot as a producer, after all, he is also a director and can definitely understand the feeling.

Tim Burton can see that although this is definitely a film with a strong commercial nature, Wayne\'s requirements are very strict, and he has not relaxed his requirements because it is a commercial film.

As a crew producer who personally participated in the preparations, he had had enough communication with Wayne in the early stage, and fully understood why his partner was strict with actors. This film is more realistic, and it is in the same film as "Joker" In a well-set city, the performance of the actors is very important to the whole film.

The film not only requires action scenes, but the characters in it must also conform to reality. The same is true for this "Gotham". Darkness, crime, murder, and depression shroud the entire city. The combination of city and theme brings the audience a The real Gotham.

In the movie "Joker", it only revealed the real corner of the city. On this basis, this movie will show more reality of Chi Luoluo, bringing to the audience that this is not a fiction, but an existence. The illusion in reality evokes memories that the audience empathizes with.

With more emotional resonance, the audience will look forward to Batman\'s rescue more, and a Bruce Wayne with humanity will also deepen this sense of expectation and favorability.

From the filming of the film to the present, Tim Burton discovered Christian Bale\'s acting talent from the beginning of the scene on the Xiangjiang side, regardless of whether he made himself a little too deep into the drama because of the seven or eight months of training, His performance is really good.

Many of the scenes where the male protagonist\'s heart fluctuates are not difficult for him at all. Such difficult performances will pass smoothly after three or five NGs at most. On the contrary, in those short-shot action scenes, his performance is like a normal person.

As a well-known director and producer in the circle, Tim Burton certainly understands why Christian Bale is like this, because he is too serious and wants to seize this rare opportunity.

This is a huge system with an investment of 120 million yuan. To be able to choose him, a young actor who is not yet in his early years, as the leading actor, instead of directly inviting a coffee, has invisibly put him under huge pressure. Fortunately, this actor is dedicated enough, and if nothing else, he will become famous in one fell swoop.

Another part of the pressure comes from the director Wayne Greenberg. His films are naturally artistic, but they can also reap box office success. This will bring more opportunities to aspiring actors, and will also affect the actors\' performance. Basic quality requirements are higher.

Tim Burton felt that Wayne should find an opportunity to have a good talk with Christian Bale, lest the male lead, who was already too deeply involved in the film and under great pressure, would be overwhelmed by the pressure before the filming was completed.

The filming is still in progress, and Naomi Watts has finally entered the role~www.novelhall.com~ The second time this shot has also passed smoothly.

"Why didn\'t you see it?"

Tim Burton turned and was about to return to the trailer when an inquiry sounded behind him. He glanced back, and it was the more transparent third producer in the crew, DC Comics executive Digg Harris.

Everyone knows the existence of this person, but he did not say anything about the filming except attending the core team meeting. He really only had his eyes and closed his mouth.

Before Dig-Harris came, he was indeed instructed by the CEO to only participate in the crew to watch, and never felt uncomfortable.

"I\'m going to communicate with a third-party guarantee company to ensure that the crew\'s expenses are sufficient." Tim Burton walked back and asked curiously, "What do you think about the shooting?"

"I\'m actually a complete layman when it comes to filmmaking," Dig-Harris said unabashedly, shaking his head. "But I\'ve always believed that Wayne, the director, is the most suitable person for DC. Whether it\'s because of the great "Joker" or the state of his work, I believe that he will continue to be successful."