Hollywood Drawing

~: 248 - Virus source to get ready

Just when Wayne led the crew and started filming again, far away in Burbank, Los Angeles, the source of his viral project also completed production.

Miramax\'s pull-out room, which has just finished screening, has been edited for The Witch.

The director of the film, Glass-Claude, was sitting in the corner of the drawing room, looking at several executives of Miramax nervously. From their watching expressions, one could see the dislike of the film.

Bob Weinstein rubbed his eyes and sighed helplessly in his heart. He knew the production cost of 400,000 US dollars, and most of the budget was spent on buying film. It is definitely impossible to make a good film, but It\'s so bad it\'s hard to believe.

Although he watched it with a frown, Harvey Weinstein didn\'t care. The reason why the film was made like this had a lot to do with his interference. If it wasn\'t bad enough, where would the gimmicks be used as a selling point?

The production cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars must be completed within a month. He has already prepared psychologically for what the finished film will look like.

When the lights came on, he winked at his brother. Bob Weinstein nodded, stood up and walked towards the film director.

"Director Claude, the production effect is good, let\'s go out and talk about the follow-up publicity plan."

"Okay, Mr. Weinstein." Glass-Claude\'s face flashed with joy, and he nodded and followed him out of the drawing room.

Jimmy, who had just returned to Los Angeles, also rubbed his eyes in pain. Now he felt that he must have made a fool of himself, so he took the initiative to watch this tortured thing out of curiosity.

The Miramax film expert next to her, Tully Yulia felt that if the film was longer, she would definitely vomit. The two propaganda directors on one side, Harris and Devin, closed their eyes as soon as the film ended.

Harvey Weinstein personally opened the curtains, letting the bright sunshine in Los Angeles come in, looking at a few people in the room and said: "This is probably the way the film is, everything that can be used for the footage has been cut in, even if we go again. Re-editing, the effect will not be different from now."

"Harvey." Tully-Yulia rubbed her forehead and said without hesitation: "This movie is worthless in my opinion, it\'s even worse than shit, at least **** still has value. !"

This middle-aged black woman\'s film expert is also one of the first to discover the commercial value of "Happy Death Day" at the Saint Denis Film Festival, and then she will report it to her boss.

As soon as we entered the drawing room today, Jimmy and her recognized each other. Although this woman didn\'t know why the other party was here, she was very smart and didn\'t ask any more questions.

"Of course, I know." Harvey Weinstein guessed there would be such a comment, but he didn\'t care at all. "I asked you to come here because I want you to see if there are any obvious logical loopholes in this film."

"I\'m sorry, Harvey." Tully Yulia shook her head. "Those long shots that jittered to the point of nausea took away most of my attention, but it doesn\'t matter to me whether there are logical loopholes in such a film, no one will like to watch this stuff! "

"Okay, it\'s hard for you, you go back first, you won\'t be needed here for the time being." Harvey Weinstein also felt dizzy, and even asked the film expert to see this thing, anyway, the meaning is true Not much.

When Tully-Yulia walked out of the pulling room, he turned to look at the remaining few. "Harris, is there any problem with the side you are in charge of? I don\'t want any unexpected situation to occur after the plan is launched."

Harris nodded, opened his notebook and said, "Everything is fine. The extras involved in the filming and several crew members signed a high-value non-disclosure agreement. The director of the film just now also signed. made an agreement.

According to the agreement, they must cooperate with all our promotion plans before and after the film is released. I gave them $5,000 each from the Witch Studios account, and it didn\'t go wrong. "

Harvey Weinstein and Wayne don\'t care about this money, but for those at the bottom of Hollywood, it is definitely a huge sum of money that allows them to continue to live. If you want to pursue the Hollywood dream, first of all The city survived.

Not only has money, but if the film can be screened in theaters, the subsequent fame it may bring is also the main driving force for these people.

After he finished speaking, Devin next to him also said, "The witch information you asked me to collect is all ready, ready to be used for publicity at any time."

Harvey Weinstein nodded with satisfaction. Everything that can be done now is ready. As long as the follow-up publicity funds arrive, the virus spreading plan can be officially launched at any time.

This is also the reason why he invited Jimmy to come here today. Every word they exchanged here, he believed that the agent would notify the big director far away in New York.

"Jimmy." He sat down beside the agent with his stomach stretched out. "You tell Wayne, through Miramax\'s relationship, I have already got in touch with the theater company, and I have also discussed the screening. About 100 independent theaters that cooperate with our company have agreed. .

There is definitely no way to talk about it on the chain theater chain. We all understand that such a documentary-style pseudo-horror film simply cannot pass the review of the three major chain theater chains. But if our publicity plan goes well, I\'m sure I\'ll talk about the theater line. "

Jimmy nodded. What he meant was very clear. The chain companies headed by the three major theater chains will definitely fail the audit now, but not necessarily after they can.

The purpose of commercial theaters is to make profits. If this film allows them to see the prospect of making a profit, those talents will not care whether it is a good or bad film. As long as the film can make money for the theater, it is a good film.

"I will tell Wayne, but we will definitely not be involved. This film has nothing to do with us. I believe you can understand this, right?"

These are all things that have been negotiated for a long time and are also the premise of their cooperation. Harvey Weinstein has no opinion. Now he is concerned about when to start.

Seeing this fat man has nothing to say, Jimmy continued: "I have communicated with Warner Bros. Wayne\'s first director\'s share will be credited before the end of the year. I will notify the accountant as soon as possible and let him use the promotional funds. Hit the witch studio."


Harvey Weinstein smiled, and money was his main concern. "After the funds are in place, I will immediately start the promotion plan. Rest assured, this film will not have any connection with Wayne, and the creator will only be the little director just now."

He has made a detailed publicity budget. If you want to achieve the expected effect, you need more than 10 million US dollars for various media and some activities, otherwise the viral effect will not be achieved at all.

This is just publicity funds. Movie copies are also big money-hungry consumers. He expects to make at least 2,500 copies. The cost of this part will be several million. Ernstein wouldn\'t play like that if he was crazy.

"Okay, Mr. Weinstein, that\'s all for today. You can contact me at any time if you have any other circumstances."

Jimmy and the big fat man shook hands politely. After coming out of Miramax, he called Nina as soon as possible and repeated everything.

Far away in the New York studio, the assistant lady hung up the phone in her hand and looked at the filming crew. She wrote down all the key points the agent said in the record book, and was ready to report to the boss during the lunch break.

At this time, on the street scene, cameras of different heights and lows surrounded a car on the side of the road. Naomi Watts sat in the driver\'s seat with anger in her eyes, looking at Christian Bale sitting next to her.

"Crack, snap!"

Immediately afterwards, she slapped two big mouths in a row on the male protagonist\'s face.

"Cut! Camera reset, Lily, go and touch up Christian\'s makeup."

Wayne came out from behind the monitor, shouting loudly, holding the megaphone. After coming to the car, he looked at Naomi Watts sitting in the driver\'s seat, and said loudly with an ugly face:

"What\'s the matter? You\'ve eaten too little in the morning, and you still want to eat lunch? Push hard, understand? Now Bruce Wayne is going to do something wrong, and you\'re going to wake up your first love. Also, why am I? You can\'t see the emotion in your eyes!

Is this the first time? If you don\'t want Christian to continue to be beaten, then do better, otherwise, I\'ll let you shoot until I\'m satisfied! "

After he finished speaking, he turned around and returned to the director\'s seat. His face was ashen and he lit a cigarette~www.novelhall.com~ In the morning, Christian Bale performed as well as ever. Tom Weir, who played against him for the first time, Jin Sen, who joined the group on the first day, was also very good, and he played the gangster boss vividly.

But when it comes to the male and female lead scenes, Naomi Watts has been NG in different poses. This is the sixth time. Half of the male lead\'s face was almost swollen by her, and now she can only rely on makeup. hidden.

Naomi Watts sat in the car, tears rolled in her eyes, but she was stubbornly holding it back.

She knew in her heart that no matter how close and special her relationship with Wayne was, as long as he entered the working state, he would never have any sympathy to talk about.

"Nami, hey, we have to talk." Christian Bale squeezed out a smile and looked at her sincerely. "You have to get into your emotions, hit me hard, and don\'t care about my feelings. I\'ll go and apply for it with the director. I\'ll shoot this scene in the afternoon. Find your emotions."

"Thank you!" Naomi Watts nodded gratefully, looked at half of his face, and said embarrassedly: "I\'m sorry, I will adjust it soon."