Hollywood Drawing

~: 250 - Don't Deify Wayne Too Much

Tim Burton chatted with DC Comics\' Dig Harris, left him in place to continue watching the filming, shook his head and turned to his trailer.

Even if the two only talked for a while, he felt that the other party was a little blind, not only Dig Harris himself, but also the CEO of DC Comics, they were overly deifying Wayne.

Of course, this is just his own feeling, and Tim Burton also admires Wayne and believes that he can continue to achieve success, but this success requires a cycle and cannot last forever.

Every master-level director will have a golden period of creation, or a period of vigorous energy. During this period, he is like a **** possessed, and his talent and inspiration will continue to overflow, no matter what the shooting is. videos will be successful.

And it will continue to succeed. Every director with amazing achievements will have such a period of time, which is almost a consensus in the circle.

In Tim Burton\'s view, Wayne belongs to the kind of director who entered the golden creative period as soon as he made his debut. When "Joker" came out, it made him a goddess prematurely.

But this period will always pass, and even Spielberg can\'t stop this rule. Everyone only remembers the successful works of "et", "Jaws", "Jurassic Park", etc. of the good man, but it is not clear that he still It will also miss, the early "1941" still makes fans and film critics scolded unclear.

There are also David Finch, Francis Coppola, Cohen Brothers, Clint Eastwood, these famous directors, almost all of them have fallen behind after continuous success, who can guarantee that they will never miss .

Even Tim Burton himself missed some times. He clearly knew that Wayne was indeed succeeding now, but he must not blindly deify this young man. No one can always succeed without losing.

But even if there will be a miss in the future, he feels that this young man will not fall into a big somersault. Wayne\'s mind is too clear, as if he is maintaining his original intention at all times.

In all of Hollywood, including star directors and producers, there is no one like him. After gaining huge wealth, success, and status in the circle, he can still maintain no expansion, and continue to stabilize his mind and make movies one year a year. This is simply incredible.

With the essence of not changing the original intention and keeping a clear head at all times, Tim Burton has a hunch that Wayne may be able to maintain this director\'s golden creative period for a long enough time.

Of course, he hopes that the longer the time, the better. In this circle, there are not many directors who can achieve success and maintain a strong personal style. In fact, there are not many directors. Except for himself and Wayne, there is really no such style as the two of them. Consistent.

Taking another look at the shooting scene, shaking his head vigorously, suppressing all the messy thoughts, Tim Burton returned to the trailer and dialed the third-party guarantee company.

"Let all the staff call it a day, and pay attention to the finished film."

After a full day of shooting, Wayne looked at the shooting plan, nodded with satisfaction, made sure there was nothing wrong, and raised his head to say to Zach Snyder.

And Naomi Watts, who was in trouble on the first day of filming, had been sitting alone on the side without her part in the scene, holding the script in her hand and constantly pondering, completely unlike her usual playful character.

Nina walked over to the Australian beauty and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey Nami, it\'s over, we should go back."

"Oh well."

Reaching out and rubbing her face hard, Naomi Watts pulled Nina to her feet and walked with her to Wayne\'s car, ready to go back to the hotel with them after the crew left.

"Don\'t embarrass yourself too much, Nami." The assistant looked at her worriedly. Now her condition is not very good, and her white face is full of entanglements. "The boss knows your abilities, as do the old people in the crew. No one believes you can\'t play such a role."

Naomi Watts shook her head silently. After sitting back in the car, she was still muttering her lines. She would read the script from time to time, control her expression, and experience and practice the heroine\'s emotions in advance.

Nina looked at the boss who was still standing on the set, watching the staff packing up the equipment, she couldn\'t help but said loudly: "Nami, the working hours are over, there is no need to embarrass yourself too much."

"No, you don\'t understand, Nina."

Naomi Watts put down the thick script in her hand, also looked in the direction of the studio, and said softly: "I am the heroine he directly settled on, everyone knows this, in order for me to play this role, He rejected Nicole Kidman and Angelina Jolie.

For this reason, even if I don\'t have my role in Hong Kong, I will watch it with the crew every day. Since everyone knows that my relationship with Wayne is not normal, I have to work hard to make those who are envious and jealous. Balanced people are speechless.

But I still almost screwed up, and I knew in my mind what the problem was, which was a very bad feeling! "

Nina asked curiously, "Do you know what the problem is?"

"Of course." Naomi Watts pointed to her chest and said with an ugly face: "It\'s because of my mentality, in my heart, I have tacitly agreed that as long as Wayne is there, I will definitely succeed. , has quietly lost the earliest motivation, and also lost the kind of ruthlessness that desperately wants to survive in this circle."

After seeing how hard Christian Bale worked, she really felt a change in herself today. The role was indeed not too difficult, but she almost screwed up. She felt that her mentality was a problem.

Since there is a problem, try to solve the problem. Naomi Watts is not a hypocritical person. Of course, she will not refuse Wayne\'s help to herself, and will continue to accept it in the future.

But she can\'t just wait for him to help, she must show at least a qualified performance, so even if someone criticizes her sourly, she can\'t deny the fact that she is indeed capable of playing every role well.

"What\'s wrong?"

As the crew of the crew left one by one, Wayne got in the car and found that the atmosphere was not right. The three people in the car were silent. He gave Naomi Watts a strange look, leaning back in the seat and wondering asked a question.

The Aussie beauty shook her head, smiled and hugged his arm. "It\'s alright, it\'s just that I had my role on the first day, and I was a little tired."

"Ok, then go back and rest early today." Wayne didn\'t take it seriously. The crew had so much work that he didn\'t have time to pay attention to things other than work. "The makeshift pull-out room has to get out quickly, Nina, remember to tell Tim for me tomorrow."

"No problem, boss." The assistant nodded, opened the work log and wrote it down.

Today\'s shooting plan is generally smooth. Tom Wilkinson, who plays the boss of the gang, performed very well on the first day of joining the group. After understanding the performance effects that the director needs, several scenes with Christian Bale There are not many scenes.

If the other actors also perform well, he is sure to end the filming in New York early.

After a few movies, Wayne has entered a state of peace of mind, because the core creative team has developed a great understanding through continuous cooperation, and they all understand the director\'s needs very well.

This is very different from when he was shooting the first two films. At the beginning, Wayne told them the effects he needed to those behind the scenes, but the final shots would always explain something to him. difference.

Then he can only run in again and again, what kind of set, what kind of lighting, camera lens scheduling and camera position, etc., all require him to constantly organize the cooperation of various types of work.

Regardless of whether the crew is large or small, the principles involved are the same. If you want to shoot a scene, start from the time when the staff arrives on the set, set the scene, props, plan the camera position, adjust the lighting, put on the actor\'s makeup, practice the walking position, record the scene, start shooting, script monitoring, shoot the lens material, determine the material, etc. A big set.

After one day\'s shooting, the shooting plan for the next day needs to be adjusted according to the specific situation. As long as there is a problem with one of the middle types of work in these complicated links, all the plans made before shooting will be affected, or even overturned.

However, by the time of this film, these things that he often need to worry about constantly have gradually become a lot less. After a long period of cooperation, the core creative team has gradually understood the director\'s production philosophy, and they can also find the director\'s needs tacitly.

This greatly reduces the early running-in time that the crew has to go through, and the shooting work will be smoother.

When the behind-the-scenes types of work don\'t bother to drag the time, the speed of shooting the footage and the rest is just to see the state of the actors.

Another very important point is that Tim Burton, who took over the financial work~www.novelhall.com~, is a producer who fully understands the director\'s work, which allows the crew to keep running smoothly and also makes The director put his energy entirely on creation, and he didn\'t have to worry about chores.

Now Wayne only hopes to maintain the stability of the main creative team for a long time. With their high professional level and skilled and tacit understanding of the heads of various departments, he does not need to be in charge of everything. This is a mature production team.

If he wants to maintain such a team, and on a year-by-year basis, there will not be too much personnel changes. These are what he needs to care about now.

Just like lighting director Steve Wilson, who has worked with him since "Happy Death Day", and is still working with him now, it is also because he will work with the production company to help him get better treatment, and so will others.

This is a commercial society. Only by giving your people more income and status, can people work with you stably.

"Boss." After returning to the hotel, while Naomi Watts walked into the bathroom, Nina sat next to him and whispered what the Australian girl said.

"That\'s a good thing, Nina."