Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and fifty-nine - the next video still uses you

It was the end of another tiring day of work, and by the time Wayne returned to the hotel, it was completely dark.

The filming work is gradually coming to an end, and now there are two big scenes left, one is Batman\'s master and apprentice duel, and the other is the ending scene.

The duel between Bruce Wayne and Henry Duka is the high nest of this film, and it also involves the remaining special effects models, which is naturally extremely important.

And at the end of the scenes of Bruce Wayne and Jim Gordon, it has to play a role in linking the previous and the next. He will lay eggs and make it clear here, telling all the audience that in the next Batman, there will be the Joker they expect. Arthur.

This is the key point to connect the two characters, and it is also the beginning of trying to connect the universe. He is naturally full of expectations for the role here.

"Wayne, are you looking for me?"

Christian Bale looked puzzled and walked into the presidential suite where the director was. Although they got along well, but after the work was over, there was not much communication, so he didn\'t quite understand what happened.

And he can be sure that his performance is very good, so good that he can\'t tell the difference between reality and film. Of course he understands his symptoms, but if he wants to play a good role and seize this incomparably precious opportunity, he must pay.

"What to drink, coffee?" Nina greeted politely when the cast actor sat down.

Christian Bale nodded. "Coffee, thanks!"

"There are not many shots left in this film." Wayne waited for him to take a sip of coffee, then squinted his eyes and exhaled a puff of green smoke, looked at him and said. "It will only take a week at most, and it will be filmed before Christmas.

Christian, personal advice, don\'t rush to pick up another job and don\'t lose too much shape, I mean, you understand? "

"Ah, of course, of course I understand!"

As long as he can succeed in this circle, there is no one with a bad mind. Christian Bale understood as soon as Wayne said it.

The other party personally told him not to take on another film, which means that the next film will probably use him as the starring role. And don\'t lose too much weight, it is Chi Luoluo\'s express, let yourself lose a little bit of strength, the next one is a man\'s play.

"That\'s good." Nodding with satisfaction, Wayne Howe did not hide his appreciation for him, and was willing to give him more opportunities, and also to keep him in good shape to prepare for the next Batman.

"Go back and rest early, keep your performance state, and after filming the rest of the scenes, you need to immediately go into a vacation state and take yourself out of the role."

The film\'s ability to go beyond the shooting plan is absolutely inseparable from the other party\'s good performance.

"Okay." Although Christian Bale was happy, he still maintained his calm personality, stood up and nodded to the rest of the living room, then opened the door and walked back to his room.

With exhaustion on his face, Wayne put out the cigarette **** in the ashtray, raised his hand and rubbed his brow.

The reason he values ​​Christian Bale is also influenced by the fact that he once lived across the Pacific Ocean. Over there, there are always some Hollywood stars who are very famous, but this British actor is not in this ranks.

For example, Matilda, Natalie Portman, who once left a good memory for the Chinese people, although she later won the actress with the help of the black swan, but in the Hollywood circle, she has always been a celebrity. Not the top batch.

Matilda in "The Killer Isn\'t Too Cold" has a huge influence across the Pacific Ocean and even throughout Asia, but this film has never been well received by the mainstream media in North America.

Natalie Portman is always full of regrets whenever she talks about this role. Because of this role, all major media and public fans regard her as the second Lolita. She has always wanted to go the mainstream route, of course she can\'t avoid it.

And this killer Leon, the box office obtained in North America is also very unsatisfactory, but it has an inexplicable popularity there.

There are many such examples, often because the country and social environment are different, and this diametrically opposite situation occurs.

Based on his experience of watching hundreds of films in his previous life, plus some knowledge of Hollywood, most of the Hollywood first-line movie stars that the public thinks there are actually quite deviated.

In the past, when he was on the Internet, he always saw some netizens who thought that Mr. Hai, Mr. Tao, and Jiu Sen were Hollywood\'s first-line male stars. Although he liked these people very much, they were still a long way from a coffee.

These people are only more widely known because of the huge popularity of Marvel movies, but in Hollywood, they are at most third or fourth tier.

The special Robert Downey Jr. can be said to be a first-line, but he is only a first-line in the series of films. He has left Marvel movies. In other projects, he still cannot get the salary of first-line male stars.

And some very powerful first- and second-tier Hollywood male stars are not so well-known there, such as Christian Bale, Jake Gyllenhaal, Edward Norton, Ralph Fiennes and so on.

Christian Bale here is definitely a typical example that all directors like to cooperate. He used to be one of the best male stars, but he has never been popular there, and he is not even as good as in Marvel movies. Soy sauce.

However, there is a later superstar, but it is recognized by the East, the West and even the whole world, that is the huge wrestler, Dwayne Johnson.

He can be said to be the only superstar in Hollywood after the 21st century, and the only superstar with huge box office appeal. It is also the most recognized business superstar in the circle after Tom Cruise and Will Smith got old.

Because after entering the 21st century, the masses of movie fans can receive a lot of information at any time and become more rational. The box office appeal of Hollywood movie stars is gradually declining year by year. In the end, there is really only this big man who has horror The box office appeal, the rest is...

And Wayne\'s purpose is to completely tie Christian Bale to his own boat, which is also for the films after the DC universe.

The character of Batman is too important. In his plan, Bruce Wayne is one of the keys to attracting other heroes. Even for the follow-up film, he will never allow the actor to go out and pick up work randomly, which affects his huge heart. s plan.

Even Ralph Fiennes was the same here, and Wayne wanted to see if the English Patient would change without the young English gentleman.

His heart has always been small, and his bottom line has never been high. If Anthony Minghella loses the Oscar for best director, he thinks the best way to punish him can make people understand that some words really can\'t be said nonsense. of.

"What is this? Is your next project?" Naomi Watts, wearing pajamas, lay down beside him and looked curiously at the two sheets of printer paper in his hand.

"In some ways, the same can be said." Wayne looked at her curiously. Just put it in her hands.

These two general script frames have been faxed back to Los Angeles and sent by Jimmy to the Screenwriters Guild for registration.

One is of course a gorilla handjob, and the other is a gangster movie, especially this gangster project, the biggest feature is the frequency of fxxk, almost every three or two lines, there will be this kind of greeting.

Naomi Watts took a few glances. Tossed the gangster script above. "I don\'t like this kind of story. It\'s Chi Luoluo\'s **** and dark set, and there are so many swear words. This must be another R-rated film."

After saying that, he continued to look at the script below. Wayne shrugged his shoulders, picked up the script she dropped, and continued to think about the plan for the film.

If you want to snipe "The English Patient", you have to have a work that you can produce, and this film is definitely enough, and the rest is nothing more than public relations. He will take out Harvey Weinstein\'s mature public relations methods in the later period, and when necessary, he will attack the Jewish fat man who is still inexperienced in public relations.

Don\'t look at the fat man who is working well with him now, but as long as Harvey Weinstein gets in the way, he will turn his face without hesitation and teach him what public relations are.

"Monster movie?" the Australian beauty asked curiously. "But the investment in this kind of film must be huge. Did you direct it yourself?"

"No, don\'t worry about this movie, it\'s a future plan." Wayne shook his head and didn\'t tell the other party that it was a project prepared for her. "Go to rest early. I\'ve been exhausted during this time. Fortunately, this tiring work is about to end."


Naomi Watts put the script aside, turned off the lamp by the bedside, and got into his arms. During this time, as the heroine, her work was also not easy~www.novelhall.com~ The next day Early in the morning, the crew did not stop in New York City, but rushed directly to the suburbs, where a studio had already been set up, and the main purpose was to shoot the special effects explosion of Gaochao.

For the next two days, in the huge studio, almost all of them were spent in constant cracking and explosions. Especially for the scenes involving the Batmobile, a total of eight prop cars have been produced, five can be driven, and three miniature models.

And each of these Batmobiles weighs six and a half tons. It is obviously unrealistic to let them climb on the roof and on the car. Any kind of house will be crushed, so these shots are all shot by models, and It is the kind of exquisite model that is tiled one by one.

"Start clearing the field now! All unrelated staff should be evacuated to 30 meters away!"

Standing on the roof of a prop car, Wayne held the megaphone and commanded the staff loudly. "Zach, coordinate the pyrotechnic team, and don\'t have any safety hazards when it explodes later."

The scene here is also finished immediately, and there are at most two days left for the scene. He definitely does not want the work to end and there will be some work-related injuries.