Hollywood Drawing

~: 260 - End of Shooting

"Robert, camera number 1 is fifteen degrees down, and uses a medium shot to expand the entire track. Camera number 2 pays attention to capturing the explosion point, I want a clear fire."

Wayne was standing on the prop car, looking down at the huge and realistic Gotham model, holding a loudspeaker and constantly giving orders.

The camera crew is busy debugging, and the pyrotechnic team is also doing the final inspection. Although the explosives they arranged are for filming, the power is vastly different from that of military explosives, and the incidents of broken props that can hurt people are still happening. , which is why Wayne wants to clear the field.

Except for the specially reserved shooting positions during the set, there are no reliable protection measures for other positions, and the various fragments that were blown up are close enough to cut people\'s throats.

After two days of trial and error, the pyrotechnic team also found the best rhythm with the shooting team. Although the constant explosions and cracking sounds are annoying compared to literary and action dramas, the core team has followed Wayne Having worked together for several years, he has adapted to his focused work style.

All were focused to avoid silly mistakes that once again wasted precious prop models.

"The blasting point is ready."

"Camera crew, ok."

When everything was ready, Wayne reconfirmed that the clearing was complete, and then began the official shooting.


It took 7 months to make, and the exquisite Gotham City model once again shattered the tracks running through the city with a muffled sound.

This is already the third one that has been blown up today. The first two have spread to places that should not have been blown up due to the control of fireworks.

In the flash of fire, the railroad through the city, which was arranged to explode, smashed into the ruins on the ground, causing many fragments.

Wayne could see it clearly from a high place. The blasting effect this time was good. The direction of the collapse was basically the same as what he asked for, and the explosion did not affect other buildings.

He climbed down from the prop car, ignored the dust Naomi Watts slapped him on his body, and walked directly to the director\'s monitor to check the footage just shot. The effect of this shot was very good.

"How about it?"

Zach Snyder ran over a little disgraced and asked nervously about the shooting effect. He really wanted to end this kind of torturing ears and nerves as soon as possible.

Nodding with satisfaction, Wayne waved to him. "It\'s great! No problem with this one. Let\'s organize the crew to make a transition. There is one scene left. If it goes well, we can finish all the filming work today."

The time has gradually come to the end of December. Everyone wants to complete the filming work as soon as possible and return to Los Angeles to spend Christmas with their families. The staff neatly packed up the shooting scene and loaded the props and equipment into the car.

The team ran back to Brooklyn from the suburbs before lunch, and Wayne immediately announced a break. They had one afternoon to shoot the ending of Jim Gordon and Bruce Wayne, and this long shot was relatively easy. There\'s no need to take this time.

In the director\'s trailer, just after lunch was over, Liam Neeson opened the door and walked in, greeted Nina and Naomi Watts, and sat opposite the director of the film.

"Tomorrow at the most, the whole filming will end." He reached out and touched his nose and said a little embarrassedly: "I came here to thank you, Director Greenberg, thank you for giving me this opportunity."

As the role of the film second only to the leading role, he played a very important role in Henry Duka. As long as the film can be as popular as the director\'s previous works, his career will take an important step forward.

Shaking his head with a smile, Wayne took out a cigarette and lit it, took a deep breath, and said, "Liam, your acting skills have always been very stable, whether it\'s literary or action scenes, your performance is as good as ever, so you\'re welcome, you are Opportunities to be won at a professional level.”

As one of the two main characters, Wayne is very satisfied with his performance. This uncle, who will save the sky and save the air in the future, has always been very online in his acting skills. Especially, he can always accurately grasp the inner thoughts of the characters. Points needed by the director.

Liam Neeson perfectly played the role of the leader of the Shadow Warrior Alliance. The Shadow Warrior Alliance is also called the Assassin Alliance in the comics. S-El-Gu.

The origin of the name is Arabic, which means "the head of the devil". In the comics, Lars-El-Gu accidentally discovered the Lazarus Pool, obtained the body of immortality through immersion, and then founded the Shadow Warrior Alliance.

He summoned martial arts masters from all over the world and wanted to train them to be his servants. His only purpose was to build an ideal world in his heart.

Although Wayne has made some changes in this film, Liam Neeson still plays the role of the leader, especially the conflict with Batman\'s philosophy, which is one of the core selling points of the film.

"Ok." With a wave of his hand, Wayne stood up to get off the trailer and start the final filming. "Liam, I see what you mean. By the way, there is a party after returning to Los Angeles. Warner Bros. seems to have packed a bar. Remember to come and join."

"I will." Liam Neeson nodded and followed him into the building in front of him.

This scene will be filmed on the roof, and the staff has started to work one after another. When Wayne comes up, the filming site is almost arranged.

The productivity becomes especially high towards the end of filming, and no one wants to stay on the New York set for Christmas.

Wayne walked to the director\'s seat silently, watching the filming scene being arranged in an orderly manner. He didn\'t go to the two leading roles to give a play. After such a long filming, whether it was Christian Bale or Gary Odd Man, they all understand how they should express their characters.

After half an hour, the props and scenery and other related personnel slowly withdrew from the shooting center, and the camera positions were also adjusted. Zach Snyder personally carried the radio microphone and nodded to him, indicating that the shooting can start at any time.

After the two actors were standing by the side of the building and getting ready, the recorder held up the recorder and placed it in front of the No. 1 camera.

"Batman: Hour of War, Scene 342, Act One, Begin!"

Wearing a pure black armor, a black mask, and a black cape, Christian Bale walked into the camera.

"Clang, clang."

He knocked on the launcher that was going into the sky, illuminating the bat, and woke Gary Oldman, who was looking at the city with his coffee.

Jim Gordon turned around and said in a relaxed tone: "It\'s good, I can\'t find the gang boss tied to it."

"police officer."

"I\'m the director now." Jim Gordon looked at him seriously. "You\'ve changed the status quo, the bad police don\'t dare to mess around again, and people are full of hope! But, Naihe Island is still under the control of criminals, we haven\'t caught Klein, and the half of the lunatic asylum he let go. patient."

Bruce Wayne, as calm as ever, said, "I\'ll catch them, and we can revive Gotham City."

"Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard."

"How to say?"

Galio Deman looked at him seriously. "The police start using semi-automatic rifles, criminals use automatic rifles, we wear body armor, and they use dummy bullets. Then what? You\'re wearing a mask and you\'re running around walls!"

With that, he raised his hand and took out a card. "Take this guy as an example. He kills and sets fires. He does all kinds of evil! He likes to play drag shows just like you, and he leaves a business card after committing a crime."

Christian Bale took the card and turned it over with his head down.

At this time, the No. 1 camera controlled by Robert immediately gave a large close-up of the card. On this card, a circus "clown" was painted.

This card was greatly changed by Wayne. If the clown painted above is seen by public fans, they will definitely think of Arthur in "The Clown" at first sight, because the painting is so similar to Arthur, with a red coat and a yellow vest, a classic clown makeup.

This is almost no longer a hint. As long as it is seen by fans, it will definitely be associated with it. In the next Batman movie, Arthur the Joker will definitely join in.

The long-shot performance continued, Christian Bale took a careful look at the card, and said bitterly, "I will check his details."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and prepared to leave the building.

"I haven\'t said thank you to you yet," Gary Oldman said to his back.

Christian Bale stood by the building and turned his head to look at him seriously. "You never need to say thank you to me!"

Yes, Bruce Wayne believes that Jim Gordon, as the only representative of justice in this chaotic and decaying Gotham City, is always worthy of his protection.

Seeing this, Wayne nodded with satisfaction, raised the loudspeaker and shouted: "cut! Perfect performance, this one is fine. There is no need to do it a second time."

As soon as his words fell, the staff watching around UU Reading www.uukanshu.com. Applause for the two performers together.

Not only was he satisfied with the director, but even the surrounding staff felt that the performance was perfect.

When the applause stopped, almost everyone turned their attention to Wayne, and the filming scene gradually disappeared, waiting for the director to announce the final order.

Seeing everyone staring at him, Wayne smiled and shrugged. He raised his legs and stood on the director\'s chair, raised the loudspeaker, and shouted loudly, "The filming is over here, and it\'s all over!"




Hundreds of behind-the-scenes staff on the rooftop and in the corridor screamed together, wantonly releasing their emotions. From the day they entered the crew, through Hong Kong and then to New York, they have been working for almost two months. The hard work behind the scenes is much more tiring than the bright and bright actors.