Hollywood Drawing

~: 257 - The core idea of ​​Batman

Tim Burton walks into the studio, where one by one is being shot. This is an abandoned hotel in New York, which was rented by the crew and turned into an indoor studio.

Among them, almost all the scenes in Arkham Asylum are arranged here.

The small room being filmed was silent, except for the actors\' performances and lines, hardly any other sound could be heard.

Steve Wilson lit the light, Zach Snyder held the radio microphone himself, and Robert held the camera to focus on the two performing.

In a room of a mental hospital, the gang leader Kaman used suicide to express his mental problems, so he summoned Jonathan Klein, played by Ralph Fiennes, to visit.

Wayne was sitting behind the monitor, staring at the two who were performing. This scene was more important. This was the scarecrow\'s first appearance. On the screen, Ralph Fiennes smiled and took out a scarecrow mask from his suitcase.

Before the other party could react, he put on a mask and released toxic gas on him, turning Kaman into a real neurosis.

He is the famous scarecrow in DC comics, a psychology professor, a chemistry expert, and the best at torturing people with his own poisonous gas. And behind him is the Shadow Warrior Alliance.

At this moment, Robert quickly gave him a close-up shot, showing the scarecrow\'s hideous face completely in the lens.

"Cut!" Wayne clapped his hands and shouted, "No problem with this one, Ralph, well done!"

The crew heard him shouting, and quickly started to pack up. The next scene is to shoot the scene in the lobby on the first floor. The props and scenery must be arranged in advance. Everything needed for this restaurant scene.

"Thank you, Director Greenberg." With the help of the staff, Ralph Fiennes took off his mask and ran over immediately after hearing his compliment.

"You don\'t have many roles." Looking at this dedicated British actor, Wayne tried hard to keep his nose out of his mind, patted his arm, and said:

"One more day at most, you can leave the crew, keep your state, and the scarecrow was played perfectly by you."

"Yes, I will."

This time, Ralph Fiennes and Warner Bros. signed a five-film contract. The reason Wayne did this was also for the little wizard.

And this actor can be considered a handsome guy when he is young. He is still an authentic British gentleman, very malleable, and his acting skills are always online.

This bloodthirsty maniac, most of his screen works are dedicated to the villain.

But he is serious, and I am afraid no one can resist him. It is rumored that he has two trump cards, that is, the Ralph-style "warm smile" and "soul eyes"!

Although he is only a small actor now, and only one "Schindler\'s List" can be produced, although he is not a big star, he has always been the type that directors like to use.

"Have you finished the interview?" he asked as Tim Burton watched, packing up his notebook.

The producer shrugged and walked downstairs with him. "It\'s all done. Those reporters shouldn\'t disturb the crew. How long will the scenes be here?"

"Two or three days, let\'s see how the actors perform."

At this time, the first floor has been arranged, the extras are also practicing their positions, and the background diners in the restaurant are also sitting in the arranged positions.

This scene is very simple, it is to show the superficial nature of Bruce Wayne, Christian Bale only needs to play the feeling of playboy.

The two beauties with blond hair and long legs had already laid down in the pool ahead of time, staring at the director\'s seat.

Wayne glanced at the two of them inadvertently, sat on the director\'s chair, and asked the producer next to him, "Where did you find these two stunners? Are they not professional actors?"

As long as you take a look, you know that these two beautiful women have never filmed. They have been keeping their curious eyes open, observing everything in the crew.

At the same time, they are also the crew members, the first focus of attention. The two women were wearing bikinis and had long legs, which attracted the attention of almost all men.

"A signed model for an underwear company, anyway, we only need two large vases that are pleasing to the eye, and we don\'t need them to perform, as long as they are beautiful enough."

Tim Burton thought he was also interested, showed a smile that men understand, glanced around, and whispered: "You can ask them yourself, these two women will definitely accompany you back to the hotel, they are eager to be able to Catch a big Hollywood director."

"Forget it, I don\'t have that mind right now, I just want to finish all the shots as soon as possible."

Although this proposal is very exciting, but thinking of Naomi Watts, who has just been appeased, he thinks it\'s okay. The shooting has come to an end, and he needs to devote his energy to the final work.

"The lights are ok!"

"The camera is ready."

"There is no problem with the live radio."

With all the departments ready, Wayne turned his attention to the set and waved to Zach Snyder, indicating that he could start shooting at any time.

As soon as the on-the-scenes sign "pa" fell, the actors also entered a state of performance instantly.

A waiter in a black suit walked over to Christian-back who was having a meal, bent down and said politely, "Sir, the pool is for decoration, you can\'t go down for swimming."

Christian Bale turned his head and glanced at the two stunners playing in the water, with a just right frivolous smile on the corner of his mouth.

Then he raised his head and teased the waiter: "They are European bold women."

"Now I want to ask you to leave, leave this restaurant." Although the waiter has always been polite, he wanted to drive him and the two women out.

As if he didn\'t hear the other party\'s words at all, Christian Bale took out the checkbook, lowered his head and filled in a series of numbers on the table, and tore off the filled check.

"Sir, it doesn\'t matter how much you tip me..."

"Look." He stood up from his chair and slapped the check directly on the waiter\'s chest. "I\'m going to buy this restaurant!"

He said with a smug look on his face, looked at the onlookers, and continued confidently: "The new rule here is that you can swim in the pool in the future!"

After he finished speaking, he picked up his glass, turned around and left the table with a smile.

"Cut! No problem, Christian, great job!"

Wayne was obviously very satisfied with this scene, so he didn\'t let the filming continue for a second time, and he met his requirements once.

After the filming of this scene, the restaurant lost its meaning, and the crew started the transition without nostalgia.

Today\'s shooting task went so smoothly, it\'s almost unbelievable. Whether it\'s the state of the protagonist or the supporting actors in the play, almost all of them showed their best performance.

The behind-the-scenes staff of the crew are also quietly speeding up their work efficiency. Everyone knows very well that they must take advantage of the actor\'s state to shoot more footage. The sooner the filming is over, the sooner everyone will be on vacation.

"Gary." Wayne walked to the actor who played Officer Jim Gordon, and while the staff was packing up, he told him, "You are the little bit of brilliance left in this decaying city. Be sure to pay attention to the expression control when performing.”

"I\'ll pay attention, Director Greenberg."

Gary Oldman nodded cautiously.

In every scene of this character, Wayne will take more than usual attention, because Officer Jim Gordon may be the only honest cop in the city, he is in the film, a lot of age, still driving a police car Patrol the street, you can see how bad the mix is.

This character doesn\'t take dirty money, but he doesn\'t report colleagues either, because the whole city is corrupt and there\'s nowhere to report.

For this role, Wayne deliberately chose Gary Oldman, a middle-aged uncle who can give people a sense of trust in his decadence. If it is a young police officer, there is still the possibility of rebellion in the future.

But this cop character, in the two films after him, is dead from beginning to end, he represents justice, and it will never change!

This is also the core of the concept of Wayne\'s version of Batman.

In the Old Testament of the Bible, the city of Sodom is a city of sin, filled with all the sins you can imagine, and the sins of human beings that you can\'t imagine.

God is ready to destroy the city, but one of them is a family called Rhodes, who survived the mud and kept the only goodness left in the city.

Therefore, before destroying the city, God told them to leave here early, and when the Rhodes family left the city~www.novelhall.com~, they immediately imposed divine punishment, completely erasing this city of sin.

Officer Jim Gordon and Rachel, Bruce Wayne\'s childhood sweetheart, one is an honest police officer and the other is an honest novice prosecutor. The two of them represent the little bit of justice that remains in Gotham City. .

Although they are weak, they are still worth saving!

This is the core of the values ​​advocated in Wayne\'s version of Batman in the first part, and as long as there is a little hope, no one is qualified to destroy it.

And the goal of the big villain Shadow Warrior Alliance is to destroy this sinful Gotham City, which is the most fundamental conflict of ideas with Bruce Wayne\'s values, which is the so-called dramatic tension.

"Wayne, are you all ready, now?" Zach Snyder interrupted his trance and pointed to the ready crew.

"Ok, let\'s start, if the shots here can be finished today, then we can complete all the shooting tasks this week at the latest, and tell everyone that if you want to start the holiday early, then give me the best state. take it out!"