Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and eighty-eight - good things keep coming

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Wayne has barely cared about Blair the Witch since filming on "Batman: Hour of War" ended and he entered hectic post-production.

Even his manager, Jimmy, had been warned by him to try not to participate in this film as much as possible, and he didn\'t have to meet that big fat man Harvey.

Not an insider, even many media know that Jimmy is Wayne\'s spokesperson, and the two are one. The reason why he warned Jimmy was that he didn\'t want to expose his existence.

As for the operation of this matter, although he has never cared about it, his knowledge of Harvey Weinstein\'s vampire will definitely drain the value of the film and the main creator of the crew, and at the same time, he will not leave a cent for the benefit. The creators who were scolded.

Even if he didn\'t deliberately learn about the film\'s information, he had heard a lot of rumors through newspapers and the staff around him during the period before the Oscars. Fans and the media had been criticizing "Blair Witch" to the extreme for a whole month.

Due to the non-disclosure agreements and publicity contracts signed, the main creators who have been launched must continue to show up to promote the film, attracting fans and media firepower, in order to create a larger topic and create more box office for the film.

As soon as they returned to North America, they knew that they had been tricked. The price of becoming famous in this way was very heavy, but they did not dare not to listen to the arrangement of the big fat man, and did not dare to tell the truth, otherwise the liquidated damages would be fine. Let them live for half a lifetime.

"I heard that the little director was invited by Universal Pictures to shoot another pseudo-documentary horror film?"

Wayne asked curiously, these things are generally more concerned by the assistant lady, and she has always been very aware of these gossips.

"That\'s right, it seems that Universal Pictures gave him $500,000 and wanted him to continue copying "Blair Witch"." Nina nodded and said affirmatively: "Betting with hundreds of thousands of dollars, this cost Not too high."

Hearing this, Wayne scratched the stubble on his chin lightly, and had some thoughts in his heart. "You keep talking."

"Okay. "Blair Witch" was only released in a short six and a half weeks before it was withdrawn from the theater. The film\'s North American box office was 146 million US dollars, overseas box office was 140 million US dollars, and the global box office was 286 million US dollars. This is PwC According to the figures provided by the Taoist accountant, even if there is some moisture in the overseas box office, it will not exceed the million-dollar level.

In the end, Witch Studios and Witch Publishing Company received a total of 116 million dollars in the box office. There is nothing to say about this part. We and Harvey Weinstein each have a 50% share. "

Nina tilted her head, no matter whether the boss could understand it or not, she explained while pointing to the numbers on the form. "You need your signature here, and the share will be transferred to the Greenberg Studio account tomorrow."

"Nice job!"

Wayne happily picked up the pen and signed the authorization document. Good things followed this morning, making him more relaxed. "This amount of money is probably less than 60 million US dollars. Excluding our up-front investment, we have almost made a net profit of 50 million US dollars! Nina, you see, making money is sometimes that simple!"

In this matter, Wayne aside from making a marketing plan, the rest is to invest money, and he hardly bothered. This kind of feeling that others are working hard, and that he is sitting on his hands and enjoying the success, really fascinated him a little.

Wayne couldn\'t help but sigh in his heart, no wonder everyone scolds black-hearted capitalists, but they all want to be capitalists. This feeling of watching others make money for themselves is simply not too cool.

"Is there a bonus? Boss."

Nina is also very happy, as long as her boss\'s net worth is getting richer, she will never be afraid of losing her job.

"Sure, well, three percent, you get the same amount as Jimmy, three percent!"

In his eyes, the money was no different from the money that came for nothing. Jimmy was in charge of watching it in the early stage, and Nina also took care of it at the same time, and he was always generous to the people around him.

When the time line gradually stretched, Wayne knew better than anyone else that no matter how good his relationship was, he needed to use greater interests to unite his core team, and money was exactly what he needed the most.

"Ah! Thank you boss!"

Nina excitedly waved her small fist, screamed excitedly, and her eyes were full of the light of money fans.

Wayne sometimes doesn\'t understand his assistant. He didn\'t mention it for the first two years. The salary he gave her and Sergey in the past two years was definitely a sky-high figure. Nina took care of her own life and all external affairs. Contact, Sergey is responsible for the most important security.

But this chick doesn\'t have to find a boyfriend. She holds fashion magazines all day long and has the ability to easily buy luxury goods on them. She never buys one. She is just like a pilgrim. All the money needs to go into her bag. In the bag, it will almost never be spent again.

"By the way, boss." After the excitement, the assistant lady saw that he wanted to go back to the room to make up for sleep, and quickly said: "Harvey Weinstein has been calling and wants to talk to you. According to my analysis, the first is to Regarding the offline copyright of "Blair Witch", the second is still not giving up on the Lord of the Rings!"

"This fat man has a good plan. Let\'s just say that I\'m too busy during this time, so let\'s delay it."

Wayne shook his head and smiled. The copyright of Blair Witch is nominally owned by the Witch Studio. Even if the distribution work is mainly done by Miramax employees, the distribution company is also a newly registered Witch Company. Already thought of it.

This film wants to operate offline, even if it is a simple distribution of video tapes, it needs the consent of both shareholders of the studio, not to mention other TV rights and other things, these are the bulk of the money.

The reason why Wayne is not in a hurry is that he is aware of the shortcomings of the film. Don\'t watch the box office go up all the way amid the scolding, but during this period, all the market potential has been completely consumed. At this time, to distribute video tapes, operate copyrights and the surrounding market, certainly cannot maximize the benefits.

He has been waiting for a pick-up man. Now it seems that Universal Pictures is a good head. Since even the director has been hired, why not just buy the film copyright and the sequel copyright?

As long as the "Batman: War Hour" is over, he will discuss it with Harvey Weinstein, a film with a North American box office close to 150 million and a global box office of 280 million, he does not believe Universal Pictures Industry is not interested.

Even if Universal Pictures doesn\'t want to buy it, there must be a lot of people in Hollywood who want to buy it, right? As long as they can make money, those production companies won\'t care if they will be scolded.

The main reason is that Wayne doesn\'t want to expose himself, and the insiders don\'t care, but if fans are allowed to know that he is the mastermind and the mastermind who deceived so many people, the aura that has always existed on him will most likely be scolded.

After a year or two, when the public has slowly forgotten about this incident and the anger is not so big, it doesn\'t matter if it is exposed or not. Hollywood has new gossip every day, and the public and the media pay attention. , and not always on one thing.

"I\'ll go back to sleep for a while, and you don\'t have to call me if I have nothing to do." Wayne told the assistant and returned to the master bedroom leisurely. No matter how crazy the outside world was because of his videos, he closed his eyes and slept peacefully. .

In this publicity and promotion activity, the key point of publicity that has been done in advance is the hero and heroine who are now very popular, to be precise, Christian Bale. If it weren\'t for Naomi Watts\' unwillingness, the PR department of Warner Bros. would want to stir up their romance for the two of them.

It can be said that this kind of drama in which the male and female protagonists are in love with each other can be said to be enduring in the hands of Hollywood distribution companies. Movie fans are simple in some aspects. They hope that the handsome men and beautiful women on the screen can also hold hands in reality.

Most of the actors who split and closed because of the film\'s release were in this situation. Even the time to hold hands, the time to be awkward, and the time of the first date were all planned in advance.

Relatively speaking, the director Wayne\'s popularity in the industry must be much larger, but among movie fans in the 1990s, it is still a movie star who is more famous.

After a rare half-day rest, Tim Burton led the team and took off again from New York to start a day-by-city publicity tour. This process was very torturous, but several main actors were not tired of it.

Everywhere, movie fans will use the greatest enthusiasm to receive the main creative team of the crew. The place where Christian Bale appears, as the film\'s release time becomes longer~www.novelhall.com~ has become the focus of fans\' pursuit.

Now he has become the real Bruce Wayne, especially when he appeared in the premiere of the TV station under Warner Bros., which is constantly rebroadcasting, he almost effortlessly surpassed Michael Keaton and became the heart of movie fans. The best of Batman.

All this work has not been in vain. When the turbulent first weekend has passed and a new working day has come, the achievements of "Batman: War Hour" are dazzling enough to make everyone in the circle jealous.

"Congratulations, Director Greenberg!"

On the charter flight from Boston to Seattle, Liam Neeson and Gary Oldman waited until the plane leveled off and walked over to Wayne to congratulate him.

"Hey, what happened to you today?" Wayne opened his eyes helplessly. "This achievement doesn\'t belong to me, it\'s all of us who created it, everyone including you, understand? So, don\'t congratulate me, it\'s better to hurry up and get some sleep, there are many activities waiting for you after landing. ."

Since getting on the plane, the crew, whether actors or behind-the-scenes workers, almost invariably line up to congratulate him. He has repeated these words many times.

"Okay." Liam Neeson usually has more contact with him, shrugged and glanced at Gary Oldman, and said, "Anyway, thank you very much for giving us this opportunity to participate in this great movie. "

"ok! ok! To be honest, I didn\'t expect that the box office figures would be so many. However, these words were originally reserved for the celebration party, and the same is true now. Your hard work is what makes this film successful. The essential."

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