Hollywood Drawing

~: 287 - Nasty and shameful touts

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The explosive first-day box office brought a huge flow of people, and at the same time, it also brought a high amount of peripheral sales.

"$25.5 million?!"

Shaking the printing paper in his hand, Wayne himself felt a bit of surprise, but it was clearly written that on the first day, all kinds of movie peripherals were sold for 25.5 million US dollars, which exceeded the box office of the movie. !

"Unfortunately, we can\'t enjoy this part of the benefits, and the time to enter the circle is still too short. If we want to share the income of the offline market, it is estimated that we will need to lay the foundation through two films."

Nina watched him talk to herself, shrugged and didn\'t say anything. It had been a few years since she worked as an assistant with Wayne, so she still knew the laws of Hollywood.

It is already very difficult for a film company to allow directors or superstars to share the box office revenue. Generally, offline revenue is not considered. This is the basic plan of the production company.

Even if a film has a loss at the box office, it can be operated offline to recover the production cost, it is just a matter of time.

Offline revenue is different from the box-office sales. This is long-term revenue. It can last for ten or twenty years. You can get a profit share from it every year. Even if you die, this part of the share can be regarded as inheritance. inherited.

Therefore, offline income is a restricted area for production companies, and the main creators of the crew rarely get this part of the share.

"No, you and Tim Burton have a share." The assistant lady said jokingly, seeing that he was jealous of the peripheral income. "Of course, it\'s just the numbers set by the directors\' union and the producers\' union."

The film was released, and the surrounding area was only on sale on the first day. It sold for more than 20 million US dollars. Batman\'s Kevlar armor and mask were sold out on the first day. The benefits are too great. To make Wayne jealous.

Hearing Nina\'s teasing, Wayne shrugged. "Well, at least a consolation prize."

The trade union stipulates that this part is not divided much. If it is put on ordinary people, the hundreds of thousands of dollars in this kind of hit film every year is indeed a lot, but with his current worth, he really doesn\'t take this part into consideration. .

The only consolation is that this part of the money is long-term and distributed on time almost every year.

For example, the popular short video platform after more than 20 years, there is a Hong Kong villain tough guy actor, who has revealed this part of the income.

The actor named "Chang Wei" has been able to get the share stipulated by the Actors Guild after participating in "The Matrix". Because of the global success of "The Matrix", the number he receives every year is not low. At least for ordinary people, it is not a small number.

"Hi, good morning." Wayne just put down the fax, Naomi Watts scratched her hair with one hand, covered her mouth with one hand and yawned playfully, and walked out of the bedroom in slippers.

"Honey, how\'s the box office? Wait, let me guess." Naomi Watts took the coffee Nina handed her and sat next to Wayne. "It\'s to be expected that the film did well. It\'s big news if it fails at the box office. I guess it made about $20 million on the first day, how about it?"

As she said that, she looked at the man beside her, saw his relaxed expression, and didn\'t mean to reveal the mystery, so she did it herself and picked up the fax on the coffee table.


After just one look, she screamed excitedly, threw away the printing paper, turned around and threw herself on Wayne. This figure is really amazing, but this unit is still a strong dollar, as high as more than 30 million US dollars!

"Hey, hey, Nami!"

Wayne reluctantly pulled her away and sat down beside him. This woman is already quite old, but she still maintains a warm attitude towards life, and the extroverted character of a Western woman sometimes makes him laugh and cry.

"I remember you still have a show in the morning, right? Calm down and wash up, don\'t delay the promotion."

"You\'re a **** capitalist!" Naomi Watts rolled her eyes at him, ignoring his advice, but picked up the newspaper below, ready to see the media\'s reaction.

""Batman: Time for War" was a big hit at the box office on its first day of release, and after a year, the King of Darkness will once again dominate the beginning of the summer season!

According to the information obtained by this reporter, the film received 35.88 million US dollars in the cinema market on the first day, which completely opened the position of "Die Hard 3" which was released at the same time, as a large-scale film opening simultaneously. , "Die Hard 3" only earned $16.5 million at the box office on its first day.

In the face of the menacing Batman, 20th Century Fox\'s $90 million blockbuster, trying to recover the cost through the box office, has become more and more difficult from the first day of its release, unless the film can maintain a strong reputation, otherwise It\'s hard to maintain high box office receipts..."

-----"New York Times"

Naomi Watts happily put down the newspaper and read the "Hollywood Daily Entertainment" instead.

"It\'s the best noir movie of the 1990s, maybe the Seven Deadly Sins coming out in September, and maybe a few more, but for now, Batman: War Hour is the best noir movie. .

Whether it is visual or spiritual, the impact of the film is very strong. If the color of the cartoon characters is removed, this is a model of a realistic crime film. Wayne Greenberg redefines the type of commercial film. He used Batman to tell the entire North American market that less popcorn-like films can also be successful in the summer!

The core of the film\'s story is amazing, although compared with ordinary commercial films, its content is full of depression, but it is these black elements that give the film an unparalleled storytelling. Wayne Greenberg\'s Batman, this time the perfect balance of commercial attributes and entertainment attributes! He..." Listening to these compliments that don\'t cost money, Wayne was leaning on the sofa and smoking a cigarette, when he found that the Australian girl stopped. "What\'s the matter? Read on? "

"Damn." Naomi Watts pouted and dropped the entertainment newspaper in her hand. "Why are all the media praising you, not mentioning me and Christian! They are discrimination, Chi Luoluo\'s discrimination! No, Wayne, I remember you never take the media\'s praise to heart, right? "

As she said that, she looked at the man beside her curiously, with an incredible expression on her face.

"Everyone likes to hear good things, and I am no exception." Wayne spread out his hands with a cigarette in his mouth. The morning was full of good news, which made him feel very relaxed at the moment. "The newspapers are right. This film is indeed the best one I\'ve done in terms of balance. Even the previous "Joker" only won by other things."

"Ok! Do you want to continue listening then?" Naomi Watts flipped through the newspaper in front of her. "It\'s hardly a box-office report, it\'s a smug tout of you, well, that\'s it."

"The black rose in the Hollywood assembly line movie factory! Wayne Greenberg\'s "Batman: War Hour" completely breaks away from the increasingly homogenized stereotypes of Hollywood, with grand and towering spatial layout and scenes, delicate and full characters Character, deep and serious but well-designed storyline, make up this great film noir.

No matter in terms of performance, script, photography, editing, etc., this work is perfect, especially the soundtrack of the Hans-Timer team, which can be said to be a perfect stone for the creation of the film\'s atmosphere.

Through superb design, Wayne Greenberg can almost be said to have produced a new benchmark for commercial films. In a certain respect, he has indeed pushed entertainment films to another level. In the summer season of Hollywood popcorn blockbusters, it can be Said to stand out from the crowd!

It is precisely because of the emergence of such excellent directors that Hollywood gradually conquers the global film market. This is indeed a carnival for movie fans. Whether they like artistic connotation or big scenes and big productions, they can all get pleasure from the film. Shocking enjoyment!

But for the film and television production colleagues, this was also a devastating blow. Wayne Greenberg smashed the illusions of many colleagues and told them that non-pipeline production could be successful. It is foreseeable that there should be many imitators next year, which is a tragedy for Hollywood and a testament to Wayne Greenberg\'s leadership in the production industry..."

"Ok, ok!" Wayne snatched the newspaper from her hand. He was embarrassed for boasting about this article. Even facing the two closest women around him made him feel ashamed.

"Who wrote this report? I have to say ~www.novelhall.com~ This editor is absolutely talented..."

"Bella Grant!" Naomi Watts joked, standing up and walking into the bathroom. "You can give your cow a call to thank her, no one will brag about you like that!"


Wayne raised his hand and patted his forehead, shaking his head, as if he didn\'t hear the other party\'s ridicule, and looked at his assistant.

"Is there anything else? I have to go back and sleep for a while. After today, it will not be so easy to relax."

He has been busy for several years in a row, especially after the production of "The Clown\'s Soul", and the non-stop production of "Batman: Time for War" has made his spirits tense to the extreme. If not now is the critical moment, he really I want to take a good rest for a whole year.

"Two things! Both need your signature."

Nina didn\'t talk nonsense. She bent over from under the coffee table and took out a large file bag. After bypassing the rope, she took out two forms that made people feel very headache.

"The follow-up share of "The Clown Returns" has been received, and all the share of this film has been paid. Colin Howard needs to use the money to repay the bank loan and continue to invest in the Internet. Your signature is required ."

"That\'s easy to say, what about the other thing?" Wayne Lisso signed the document, and without his autograph, even Nina wouldn\'t be able to withdraw a cent from the studio\'s account.

"Maybe you will be happier about this." The assistant lady raised her eyebrows. "It\'s about the earnings of Blair Witch. We hired PwC accountants to make sure the accounts are clear."

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