Hollywood Drawing

~: twenty six - found you

In the blink of an eye, there was still one day before the closing time of the film festival. There was not much Wayne could do. He could only screen films with Luke.

Their cinema hall has become a scene of the film festival, and the attendance rate of each show exceeds 50%, which is simply a striking spotlight on this street.

Sadly, even so, they still haven\'t found any distribution company. After the last scene, Luke packed up the film copy, turned around and handed the key to the staff. The three of them will leave Utah tomorrow and go back to Los Angeles.

"I just called the film crew of Harbour Entertainment." Jimmy stood beside Wayne and said to him helplessly, "They said they were not interested in our films."

In the past few days, Jimmy\'s leg was about to break, and several large and small companies contacted him, and he also visited two. The results were no different, none of these companies wanted to come and see.

"What about New Line? Jimmy. I remember the earliest New Line cinematographers saw our screening."

Luke walked over to the two of them and asked Jimmy expectantly.

"Similarly, the first contact I contacted was Xinxian, and they also refused, and they didn\'t even want to talk about it."

Jimmy shook his head. The past few days have made him a little exhausted. Physical fatigue is not a problem, but psychological decadence is what hits people the most.

Wayne helped Luke carry a suitcase, and as they walked to the hotel, he said, "It seems that among the small and medium-sized companies that go to the film festival, only Miramax is willing to release our films. I don\'t understand. Why, how can Harvey be so sure I\'ll find him eventually, he must know something."

"It\'s useless, Wayne." Jimmy waved his hand helplessly. "You can\'t tell the truth from the mouth of that dead fat pig, unless he is willing to tell you. The current situation is in his favor, and he will not tell you unless you are willing to sign a contract with him, willingly. was sucked blood by him."

"Let\'s go back to Los Angeles first, and then see if there is any other way. If it doesn\'t work, I will go to the distribution companies one by one and show them. I don\'t believe that everyone has money without making money. This is not like what happens in Hollywood."

The three fell into silence and didn\'t know how to solve the problem. In fact, they didn\'t know what the problem was at all, and couldn\'t find any news at all.

On January 28, 1991, Wayne returned to his long-lost apartment, looking at the room where nothing had changed, still as messy as before he left in a hurry.

Ten days ago, he absolutely did not expect the result to be like this. He thought that the most difficult beginning was over, and he optimistically misestimated the difficulty of the release.

Shaking his head and putting down his luggage, he took out a large garbage bag, and he began to clean the room and tidy up his living environment. The film cannot be released temporarily, and it is not the end of the world. Wayne believes that as long as he can overcome this problem, he will achieve good results in the future.

"When, when."

Hearing a knock on the door, he threw down his shirt while cleaning the table, turned around and opened the door.

"Hey, Nami, I didn\'t expect you to be at home. I\'m cleaning, and the apartment is a mess." Seeing Naomi standing pretty at the door, Wayne turned around and let her in.

"I heard the voice, come and have a look. After listening to your suggestion, I signed up for an actor training class a few days ago, and the effect was not bad, except that the price was relatively expensive." Naomi helped him put the garbage at the door and closed the door. Came to sit on the sofa.

Wayne\'s mood was not too high. Seeing the long snow-white legs sitting on the sofa and casually resting on the coffee table, he finally regained some energy and took a good look at Naomi. Pink home long sleeves are matched with a hip-packed skirt, and the slender figure is bumpy.

His slender, long legs overlapped on the coffee table, and he could see two obvious bulges of his shirt that was not thick, which made him want to move.

Feeling his impulse, Wayne smiled bitterly in his heart. Could it be that he was really under too much pressure during this time? By giving her the opportunity to get coffee, Wayne tried his best to suppress the urge and returned to the sofa with the cup seat.

"Don\'t ask me about the movie!" Seeing what Naomi was going to say, he interrupted her first. "I\'m in a bad mood right now, and I don\'t want to talk about it. In short, this trip to Utah has not been smooth."

"Okay, boy, take it easy, you\'re putting too much pressure on yourself. Is there anything in the fridge? I can make you something to eat." Naomi didn\'t feel reluctant to see that he didn\'t want to talk about that, although she felt in her heart. Also anxious.

Wayne shook his head, got up and picked up the car keys to go out to buy some food. "I don\'t have anything here. The fridge is empty. Want to join us? Let\'s go out to eat."

Just as they were about to go out, the phone rang. Putting down the car keys, Wayne went back to the sofa and picked up the phone:

"Hello, this is Wayne Greenberg."

"Director Greenberg, I\'m Tully from Miramax. I called your hotel today and they said you checked out early."

"Yes, we only rented the theater for nine days. What\'s the matter? Ms. Tully."

"How are you thinking, Mr. Harvey asked me to tell you that if you want, his conditions will remain unchanged, and 800,000 will buy out your film."

Wayne raised his head and motioned for Naomi to sit down, maybe for a while. Then he said into the microphone: "The cooperation method of buying out all copyrights is of course possible, but Miramax needs to sign an agreement with Greenberg Studio."

Wayne continued to talk about his unreliable idea: "We both negotiated and agreed on a number. If the North American box office of "Happy Day" exceeds this number, as a director and producer, I have the right to enjoy the box office share."

The opposite side was obviously silent for a while, and then the voice changed to Harvey\'s: "I can pay you a share of the box office, Director Greenberg." Harvey seemed to have become stupid, and his next words seemed to be greedy enough. "But only the figures set by the directors\' union."

Generally speaking, the Directors Guild has signed an agreement with the producer alliances of major Hollywood production companies. All directors who are members of the trade union can get a portion of the film and videotapes they direct. This is the rule of the Hollywood game. Of course, the proportion of this part in the agreement is very low.

"Mr. Weinstein, I haven\'t joined the director\'s union. I\'m still studying at USC, and I\'m going to apply for membership after I graduate." .

"Then I can only say sorry." Harvey\'s voice didn\'t mean any regrets, and his voice continued to come from the microphone:

"Director Greenberg, believe the plan you said, no distribution company will accept it, but I remind you that "Happy Ritual" you made is a small-cost independent film, not a mainstream movie with an investment of tens of millions of dollars. Commercial production.

Now you are in a situation where there is no choice. No one will distribute your film except Miramax. And if I push your film to the theatrical market, I will definitely need some publicity in the early stage, as well as film copies, which will cost tens of millions of dollars.

You said to yourself, what do you use to ensure that Miramax can recover these investments, and why do we believe that your film can be profitable? You are just a novice director with no success stories. Think again, your choice can only be Miramax. "

Listening to the other party hanging up the phone, Wayne leaned on the sofa and habitually lit a cigarette and thought. He was thinking about another thing, whether it was true that no one wanted to release their own film, as Harvey said.

Be sure to figure out what happened, even if it is really a last resort, you must cooperate with Miramax, and you must know in advance why Harvey is so sure.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and said to Naomi, "Nami, I can\'t eat with you anymore. I thought of one thing. I have to go now. I\'ll come back tonight and invite you to dinner."

"Okay, I\'m on the opposite side, call me when you come back." Naomi saw him go out in a hurry, got up and walked back to the opposite room.

Wayne went downstairs and drove straight to Burbank. Parked the car downstairs on the second floor, and walked to the manager\'s office without any hesitation.

That\'s right, it suddenly occurred to him that others might not be willing to tell him, but Jennings must know something. After all, he almost signed a contract with Castle Rock for the reason that Jennings introduced.

Knocked on the door twice, and after hearing someone inside answer ~www.novelhall.com~, he opened the door and walked directly to Jennings\' desk, sitting on a chair.

"Wayne, I knew you would come to me." Jennings seemed to know that he would come, not surprised at all. "Tell me, I don\'t know much about what you want to know. I was very optimistic about the film and recommended it to the company, otherwise they wouldn\'t explain it to me."

Wayne breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he knew where the problem was, he could solve the problem only if he found the problem. "Jennings, what happened to make Edward drop my film before signing?"

"Well, it\'s because Edward received a phone call from the top of the company, asking him to give up his cooperation with you. To be precise, not only our company, but all the film crews of several companies at the Saint Denis Film Festival, They all received a phone call from their company and refused to cooperate with you.

Don\'t worry, listen to me, I won\'t admit everything I\'m going to say next, when I leave this room. Do you know Universal Pictures? It was the call from Universal Pictures, all small and medium-sized companies, no one was willing and no one dared not to sell the face of this giant. "

After listening to him, Wayne was a little surprised, but it all made sense immediately. The only giants who could make all small and medium companies reject him together, but Miramax had Disney\'s back, so he really didn\'t need to give it to Universal. In the face of the film industry, Harvey is not a person who follows the rules and rules.

Everything makes sense, that\'s right.

"Jennings, who was the first to call you? This is very important to me. I need to know who to understand what the other party wants." Wayne looked directly at him and asked the question he wanted to know the most. "I swear, no matter what I hear, I\'ll forget it when I get out of this office."

"It\'s the director of the film and television production department of Universal Pictures, Phelan Goodman!"