Hollywood Drawing

~: Twenty-seven-1 personal feelings

Out of Jennings\' office, Wayne drives and thinks about who started it all. He believes that even if the other party is just an inadvertent thought, it is an unsolvable problem for him.

It became clear that the cause was a person he completely ignored, Adam Goodman. This was completely unexpected to him. The other party couldn\'t really play the game, and then asked the parents to turn on the real pk after the game.

Besides, Wayne hasn\'t been at school for half a year. This game that lasted for three years should have ended as they grew up.


He patted the steering wheel angrily, completely unexpected that he would be real, making a spoiled child like Adam stumped.

Is the other party\'s tactics clever? Not at all, in Wayne\'s view, even if he doesn\'t need to talk to his father about this, he just needs to use the phone number and name of his father\'s office to call those small companies.

Going around in circles, the reason was here, which made him instantly feel funny.

Now the source of the problem has been discovered, but with Wayne\'s ability, it cannot be solved at all. It is like a dead knot, tightly entangled in his hands and feet.

"Do you really want to sell the film to Miramax?"

He considers the gains and losses. Don\'t look at the wild words he said to Harvey Weinstein. The one thing he knows best is that a director without any qualifications wants to take a low-cost film and sign a mainstream commercial. the kind of issuance contract.

Are you treating Miramax as a charity? Or consider Harvey Weinstein a philanthropist? Or do you still think there\'s something wrong with the people at the publishing company?

Harvey is not an idiot and will never make any brain-dead decisions. All those unrealistic ideas are just excuses he uses to perfunctory Harvey.

If this matter drags on like this, there is absolutely no chance of luck. He began to imagine what he would do if he did sell the film to Harvey.

It is an absolute premise that the film "Happy Memorial Day" is bought out. Harvey is optimistic about the market potential of this film and will definitely not fake it, but his patience should not be too much. This kind of small-cost independent niche film is far from there. To the extent that he has been chased by a big guy like him, a film made by a novice director has no value.

Thinking about it gives a headache. This is the first time Wayne feels that the movie is really not as easy as he thought.

Putting everything aside for a while, he returned to the apartment and walked into the opposite room. He didn\'t tell Naomi about the trouble he encountered. After the two of them had dinner, he stayed opposite.

Facing the blond girl\'s enthusiasm again, Wayne actually felt like he was in a different world. Most of the time, women are always the best medicine for men. At least tonight, he temporarily forgot those troubles on her.

At the same time, in a villa near the sea in Marbury, Townsend Rothman, director of the distribution department of Twentieth Century Fox, received a call. Probably the person who called him was special, Townsend Rothman sat up from the bed in surprise.

He signaled his wife next to him not to speak. Townsend sat on the bed and patiently listened to the other person\'s words, replying a sentence or two from time to time. His wife also looked at Townsend strangely. After he returned home, he usually wouldn\'t care about his work. He didn\'t know who had been chatting with him for so long.

"It\'s definitely okay, but are you sure you want to do this? I want to remind you and Reuben that this is not a small amount of money, and if the end result is not ideal, you will most likely pay a large sum of money that will affect your life.

Well, no problem, you can always call a lawyer to come to Los Angeles to sign the contract, and I\'ll talk to Jeff about it tomorrow. I just didn\'t expect that for more than ten years, Ruben, you guys contacted me because of this matter, and counted me repaying his favor? OK, don\'t worry. "

Hanging up the phone, Townsend-Rothman leaned on the head of the bed with some emotion, slowly recalling the past.

"Townsend, is there a problem with work so late?"

His wife\'s words interrupted his trance. He took off his glasses and put them on the cabinet beside the bed. He slowly lay down. "No, an old friend called and wanted me to give him a favor. Go to bed, it\'s getting late."

The sun in Los Angeles is always bright. Wayne slept until noon, and Naomi opened the curtains before he was woken up by the sun.

"Oh, Nami, what time is it? It\'s a good night\'s sleep." Wayne yawned, sat up and slowly put on his shirt.

"It\'s time for lunch. I bought pizza. You slept really well. I came back from class and found out that you haven\'t gotten up yet."

"I\'m sorry, I haven\'t slept so well in a long time. It\'s okay to get up anyway, and I don\'t want to go to school." Wayne answered her lazily and walked into the bathroom.

"Hey, boy, if you don\'t say it, I\'ll forget that you\'re still a child who hasn\'t graduated. What are you going to do? You can\'t just lie in bed and sleep all the time."

"Sweetheart, you know better than anyone whether I\'m a child or not. I\'m going out for a walk in the afternoon, and I suddenly relax. I really don\'t know what to do." Wayne took a shower, sat beside Naomi, picked up ordered a piece of pizza and asked her:

"What about you, what do you usually do?"

"After filming, I will take classes three times a week, and I will spend the rest of the time to audition for small roles without lines." Naomi asked Wayne tentatively with hesitation:

"Is there really no way for our movie to be released? I know you have been busy all this time for this matter. Is there nothing you can do?"

Seeing her cautious look, Wayne sighed and said, "There is one last way, sell it to Miramax at a loss. Apart from them, no small and medium-sized company with distribution capability is willing to buy it."

Wayne does sometimes think that if this woman is not in this line of work, she is definitely a good candidate for a formal girlfriend or wife. But the fact is that it is impossible for her to leave this line of work. This is her dream. When Wayne saw the look in her eyes at Beverly Hills that day, she knew that she could not give up the dream of fame and fortune.

He admired Naomi from the bottom of his heart, and admired her perseverance and patience. She has a scheming, no lack of means, and is decisive enough to take a gamble at any opportunity. These qualities are absolutely all positive reviews in Hollywood and are the foundation of success.

But these are definitely graves for lovers, and Wayne doesn\'t want to have countless hats unknowingly. He has long discovered a rule that the more famous people in the circle are, the more famous they are, the faster they get divorced. The more you show your love, the sooner you break up.

This is the natural rule of this circle, and no one can escape it.

"In the end, if there is really no company willing to buy it, will you sell it to Miramax? Wayne, I know you, you believe it can be successful more than anyone, but for the time being I don\'t know the reason for your confidence, you absolutely Not willing to sell at a loss, right?"

Naomi looked at him seriously. Of course she hoped that the film would be released. Only after the film was released could she have a better resume.

"I don\'t know, Nami. Now I really don\'t know, but you\'re wrong about one thing, my bottom line is much lower than you think, and in the end, if there is no other way, I will definitely not be reconciled to this film. It\'s just a graduation project."

The two were talking, but Naomi put her hand in front of her mouth, signaling him to keep quiet. Under Wayne\'s puzzled eyes, Naomi listened carefully for a while before saying:

"I seem to have heard your phone ringing all the time. I thought it was a hallucination just now. Someone should be looking for you. Go back and have a look." After Naomi finished speaking, Wayne seemed to hear the phone too.

He quickly put on his leather shoes, and the two returned to his apartment together. The moment the door was opened, the phone stopped ringing for a few seconds, then started ringing again.

"It seems that someone is looking for you in a hurry. Go pick it up and see who can be so patient and call for so long." Naomi pushed Wayne, and the two sat by the phone together.

Wayne shrugged indifferently and pressed the speakerphone directly: "Hello, this is Wayne Greenberg."

"Director Greenberg? I\'m Terry from the distribution department of Twentieth Century Fox. I want to talk to you about the release of the movie "Happy Day". When do you have time?"

Naomi and Wayne were stunned when they heard the words from the other side. No matter who it is, he will never and dare not want to go to such a movie giant to release a movie. Wayne is not so naive.

Naomi was stunned to see Wayne, she quickly pushed him, and pointed to the phone. "Of course, of course, I have time anytime, just in the afternoon. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

"OK, Director Greenberg, you know the address, right? It\'s in Beverly Century City. You can come directly to the distribution department to find me when you arrive."

"Okay, I\'ll set off in a while." When Wayne waited for the other party to hang up the phone, he stared blankly at Naomi and picked her up. "Nami, did you hear that?"

"I heard, it is indeed Twentieth Century Fox."

No, Wayne put Naomi down, something is not right. He would never believe that a pie would really fall from the sky, unless he had a mentally retarded halo today.

Seeing Wayne sitting down, he suddenly put away his happy expression and became calm again. Naomi asked him suspiciously: "What\'s wrong? Hurry up and change clothes, and I have to rush to Century City. I don\'t have much time. "

"Well, it\'s always a good thing, go and have a look first, then help me call Jimmy and let him go directly to the Fox Building, he\'s close to there. Do you want to go and have a look? Ok, go and change your clothes, We\'ll go right away." He said as he walked into the bedroom, getting ready to change into a formal suit.

Walking into the bathroom, Wayne tidied his tie in front of the mirror. No matter what the reason, he was not prepared to let an industry giant like 20th Century Fox contact him.

He has no other choice, unless he is willing to accept the oppression of that disgusting fat man. Even if he sells at a loss, as long as he can use the distribution channels of 20th Century Fox, Wayne will wake up laughing.

Distribution companies have always been at the top of the industry, and the distribution network of Hollywood giants is definitely the most powerful channel in the world. Except for a few multinational record companies, no one can compare to them.

"Wayne, are you all right? Jimmy said he was waiting for us at the entrance of the Fox Building."

"Okay, let\'s go now."