Hollywood Drawing

~: Twenty-five - 2 **** 1 kind of news


Wayne and his party left the hotel. Under the worried eyes of Luke and Jimmy, his face was gloomy and terrifying.

For this young man who will soon turn 21 years old, the negotiation like a roller coaster made him forget the calm mind he had been trying to keep.

Jimmy saw Wayne angrily kicking the trash can on the side of the road, took a few steps to catch up with him, grabbed his shoulders with both hands, and shook it vigorously twice:

"Wayne! Listen, this is Hollywood, don\'t let the anger go to your head. We have other options. We can continue to negotiate with the touchstone. The film festival is a few days away, and we still have a chance."

"Ok, Jimmy, ok!" He broke away from Jimmy\'s arm and rubbed his face with both hands. "Let\'s go back first, Jimmy, you help me contact Touchstone Pictures and say I\'m willing to consider their terms."

After speaking, Wayne tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, thinking about the reasons for all this. Seeing Luke looking at him worriedly, he gave Luke an ugly smile.

Just when everyone thought he had adjusted his mood and was about to take a taxi to leave, he found Wayne standing by the trash can and kicked hard again.


"Okay, I\'m fine, let\'s go back. Jimmy, go ask and see what happened at Castle Stone Pictures and why the contract was suddenly cancelled."

He opened the back door of the taxi, and after getting in the car, he couldn\'t stop thinking for a moment, what was the reason for the other party to make money without making any money.

Luke opened the door of the theater and continued to prepare for the movie screening. Not to mention Wayne, even Luke, the most peaceful one, was frustrated by this unexpected situation.

Seeing that nearly half a year of hard work was about to get results, there was such a **** accident. But now all they can do is continue to show the film and wait for potential buyers that may exist.

Wayne sat at the entrance of the cinema with a cigarette in his mouth, watching the tourists on the road, one by one he got into various cinemas. From the second day onwards, his films were passed down by word of mouth among tourists and gradually gained popularity.

Now, before the start of each game, nearly half of the seats can be filled. He himself knows why, and to put it bluntly, among the independent films shown in this street, only his own films have commercial elements.

Take a look at those independent filmmakers for the so-called art. Most of the things they shoot are vague themes, all kinds of long shots, pictures that can shake people to vomit, and the necessary large-scale emotions. plot.

It seems that without these, there is no so-called film art. He does not deny that some masters can skillfully use this slow narrative rhythm to make films with high artistic achievements, but there are too few such masters.

The teacher has always been right. Movies are always a way of entertainment for the public, not the director\'s own carnival. Professor Anderson told him this before, because he was afraid that Wayne would not be able to get out of the so-called art in the so-called personal style.

Just like the happy festival being shown behind him, Wayne has not changed much based on the principle of insurance, but he can still see the obvious black attribute at first glance.

But most of the film crews in the film company can see that, although the cost is not high, and there are some elements of the director\'s personal style, the core of this film is a Chi Luoluo commercial film, and most of the shots are almost In order to stick to the audience service.

Seeing Jimmy walking over in a hurry, he pressed the cigarette **** to the ground with all his might. Before he could get to him, he asked anxiously:

"How\'s the situation? Have you figured it out?"

"Both news, both are bad news like shit!" Jimmy sat on the side of the road, took the water on the table and poured two big mouthfuls, and continued:

"I contacted Tom from Castle Rock Films just now, and Tom didn\'t know why the company suddenly stopped negotiating. He only knew that the order came from Los Angeles, and Edward directly gave up. Tom couldn\'t ask Edward for the specific reason.

Also, I just called James from Touchstone Pictures and asked them to continue the negotiation, and revealed that you are willing to accept their conditions. But he told me that Mr. Mason refused, and Touchstone decided to drop the film! "

Jimmy finished the two bad news in one breath, and looked at the young man in front of him worriedly. To be honest, even Jimmy himself felt baffled.

He knows that these companies can basically achieve transparency of information, and the biggest possibility is to squeeze this little director tacitly. But judging from what he had learned, it wasn\'t the case. The low-level people like Wayne and the others couldn\'t use this method.

"Jimmy, where do you think the problem is? I\'m in a mess right now, and I can\'t find a clue. But I have a hunch that there must be a problem in some link, otherwise it\'s impossible for both companies to refuse at the same time."

He lit another cigarette. The nicotine can clear his mind, which helps him figure out the problem as soon as possible.

"I\'ll make a phone call later to see which other companies with distribution capabilities are still here. It shouldn\'t be difficult to get their phone numbers. Don\'t worry too much. Hollywood has the most film companies."

Jimmy drank the water from the bottle in one gulp and stood up to try his luck at another company. This is also an opportunity for Jimmy, and even Jimmy attaches the same importance to the film as Wayne, the director and producer.

He has been out of the mail room for more than two years, and the clients in his hands are still some good actors. Clients with a little potential will not choose him as a novice agent. Even the small actor clients in his hands are not his own, they are co-managed with the company\'s two agents.

He saw hope in Wayne. If he could have a successful directorial client, the situation would be completely different. Jimmy would never allow a great opportunity to slip away from him. After graduation, he entered the caa mail room and became a small agent under the mocking eyes of his classmates and friends.

Jimmy believes that he has the talent to do this, even if his classmates and lovers in the past three years have established a firm foothold in Wall Street companies, he is still a small broker, a graduate of Harvard Economics, holding a negligible Salary for small brokers.

If at first Jimmy helped Wayne recruit crew members and actors, it was for those poor commissions. Jimmy, who sees hope now, is for his long-awaited opportunity.

Wayne didn\'t notice when Jimmy left, and now he just wanted to think clearly about what the problem was.

"It wouldn\'t be Harvey Weinstein, the dead fat pig, would it?" Wayne suddenly thought of the fat Jewish man, but thought it was unlikely.

Harvey isn\'t the Oscar scumbag who will call the wind and rain in the future. Even Harvey Weinstein, when he was at the peak of Hollywood\'s power, couldn\'t make those medium-sized film companies bow their heads and cooperate with him.

With a "pop", he slapped himself on the thigh hard, yes, you can go to Miramax of Harvey Weinstein and try it to see if their attitude has changed.

Face is the most useless thing in this circle. Wayne doesn\'t mind negotiating with a cheeky face. Face is worthless in front of the dollar.

Hurrying in to greet Luke, who was showing, Wayne returned to the inn, picked up the phone, and directly dialed the number that Miramax filmmaker Tully gave him.

"Hello, this is Wayne Greenberg, Ms. Tully, I want to talk to Mr. Weinstein again, yes, it\'s still about the film, okay, no problem, I\'ll be there soon!"

Putting down the phone, what he thought was right. Miramax dared to ask for a movie that no one else wanted. He had to go and see what was going on.

This time Tully took him directly to Harvey\'s room. He looked at the big fat man in front of him, sitting on the sofa in a suit, still feeling uncomfortable for a while. What it is, perhaps no one knows better than him in this day and age.

"Mr. Weinstein, I think we can continue to talk about the release of my film, I believe that the film\'s ability to Happy Holidays will definitely bring good benefits to Miramax and Mr. Weinstein! "

Sitting opposite the big fat man, Wayne said something unconscionable. He never thought of selling the film to him now. Miramax was only the last choice. He just wanted to dig out some news from this fat pig.

"Listen, Director Greenberg, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com I didn\'t want to see you again, but your film still has some value. I only give you one chance, $800,000, I want all the copyright, but I Promised to send it to a public screening in theaters."

Among the film company personnel Wayne has come into contact with these days, Harvey definitely has the sharpest vision, no one. If the first film of Happy Holidays can achieve good results, it must continue to be filmed. This film has the potential and space for a sequel.

To the extent that he can bring Miramax to a medium-sized film company, Harvey relies on his own vision. He is by no means rude and savage as he looks, he is an extremely intelligent Jewish businessman.

"No, Mr. Weinstein, if I make $800,000, I won\'t even be able to earn back the cost of filming. In that case, I\'d rather watch it at home." Wayne shook his head, scolding the greedy dead fat pig in his heart.

"You will agree, whether it\'s today or later." Harvey picked up the glass, looked at the young man opposite, and continued: "You have no choice, I believe that even if you disagree today, there will be people who will come to me again. one day.

Look at me, child! Only me, Harvey Weinstein\'s Miramax, can release it for you, think about it, next time you come back, it\'ll be half a million. "

He looked at the confident look of the other party, and the other party definitely knew something to be so confident. But he couldn\'t tell his words, and he had no chance to play with an old fritter who had been in control of the film company for many years.

"Well, I\'m going back and thinking about it. Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Weinstein."

Seeing that the other party was not exposed, Wayne stood up happily and decided not to waste time with him. I have already got what I want, at least I know that the source of the problem is not this big fat man.