Hollywood Drawing

~: Twenty-eight - out of the pie

Twentieth Century Fox Film Company, arguably one of the most important film and TV program distribution and production companies in the United States, is headquartered in Century City, west of Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California, United States.

This company, founded in May 1935, is still one of the Hollywood movie giants. Since it was acquired by Murdoch\'s News Corporation, its perfect upstream and downstream channels include all media-related industries.

The F150 pickup was on its way to Century City, and Wayne mulled over all the information about the giant movie company. When he was a projectionist on the other side of the Pacific, the Hollywood giant passed through his hands and screened many, many films.

Later, I was sick in bed because of a heart problem. Even if I didn’t deliberately learn about the outside world, I also heard the blockbuster news that this giant was acquired by Disney.

On December 14, 2017, Disney announced to acquire some assets of 21st Century Fox for $52.4 billion in stock.

Unexpectedly, Comcast, the largest cable operator in the United States, proposed a plan on June 13 of the following year to acquire Fox assets for $65 billion in cash to compete with Disney.

Note that what Comcast offered was a cash transaction. It didn\'t take long for Disney to raise its offer to $71.3 billion, and Comcast withdrew from the competition on July 19.

Fox executives were satisfied with the offer, 71.3 billion was indeed an offer they could not refuse, and the acquisition officially entered the procedural stage.

In fact, the reverse is also true. Fox has an irresistible attraction for Disney, and this deal is a win-win. And this has also created Di Bao Bao, the world\'s first media group, and Fox is too important for Di Bao\'s supplement.

What Disney doesn’t have, Fox has. All kinds of copyrights that the follow-up income cannot be calculated, even Di Baobao can\'t refuse.

Among the Big Six in Hollywood, Fox’s distribution tastes may be the most complex, with almost no genre shortcoming in sci-fi “Avatar”, love “Titanic”, horror “Alien”, comedy “Home Alone”, and animation “Ice Age” .

Even Fox still has the world\'s largest movie ip, the copyright and subsequent distribution rights of the first "Star Wars", and Disney has acquired Lucasfilm at this time. Launched, almost like stealing money from the pockets of fans.

The car was parked in the parking lot under the building. Wayne looked up at the building and had a hunch that his Hollywood road might start from here.

In the rest area at the entrance of the building, Jimmy was walking around anxiously, and when he saw Wayne had arrived, he let out a sigh of relief. Jimmy didn\'t know how he got on Foxgate, but it was definitely a turning point.

"Hi, Ms. Watts." Jimmy greeted Naomi before continuing, "Wayne, who did Fox contact you? Is it credible? It\'s not a prank, right?"

Don\'t say that Jimmy was confused, he was wondering too.

"The call I received at home is clear when I go in and look at it. To be honest, I don\'t know how they know me."

As soon as the three of them walked to the front desk of the building, a white man in his early thirties stood up on the sofa in the lounge area next to him. He took a careful look at the three of them and walked directly to Wayne.

"Director Greenberg? Hello, I\'m Terry with you."

Seeing Terry reaching out his hand, he quickly reached out and held it together. "Hello, I\'m Wayne Greenberg, you can call me Wayne."

"Oh, okay, Wayne, let\'s go up and talk." After that, he turned around and led the three of them into the elevator.

Jimmy, who was following behind him, looked at his director\'s client more and more strangely, and asked the staff of the Fox distribution department to come downstairs to pick him up. What happened to the world? Could it be that he wrongly blamed these giant companies, which can be called rogues in the industry?

The three of them were puzzled and followed Terry to the sixth floor silently, and walked into a small conference room.

After everyone sat down, Terry looked directly at Wayne and asked, "Director Greenberg, I\'m here to chat with you this time, to hear your opinion, how do you want to distribute your film?"

"Then you don\'t need to watch the movie first?" Wayne asked the other side strangely. "If possible, I hope to sign a distribution contract with you and distribute it in a mainstream way."

His strategy has not changed. He asks the price all over the sky and pays it back on the ground. This is also his way of testing each other. Wayne doesn\'t know why they find him. He doesn\'t believe that pie will fall from the sky.

"There will be an internal audition meeting, and you will need to prepare film copies and project-related materials in the future, which can be arranged tomorrow."

He thought about Terry\'s words, which made him more and more puzzled. The other party didn\'t continue to talk about the issue of distribution, and he was ready to be ridiculed by the other party and sold at a loss, which made him feel like punching the air with all his strength. feeling of suffocation.

"Okay, I\'ll bring a copy with me tomorrow. What about distribution?"

"Okay, that\'s it, you can go back and prepare. The distribution can be discussed after the internal film meeting. We need to know the quality of your film before we can customize the distribution strategy." They shook hands and ended the conversation.

The three people walked into the building in a daze, and walked out in a daze. It wasn\'t until she got into the car that Naomi shouted:

"Ah! Wayne, did you see that, they\'re going to release our film. God, Twentieth Century Fox is going to release our film!"

This sound woke Jimmy and Wayne, and the two looked at each other with questioning eyes. They understood that this was abnormal and very illogical.

"Jimmy, do you think the film I made might really be so famous that it spread to Fox and asked them to come to me to discuss the release? Or did I not wake up?" Wayne was driving the car, thinking that he might have hallucinations for a while. .

Jimmy frowned after hearing this: "Impossible, who do you think you are? Normally, even if you take the film and give them free or even subsidized money, these giant companies won\'t give you a second look."

"Yeah, there\'s no reason." As he drove the car into the parking lot, Wayne felt more and more that something was wrong. "What are we going to do, Jimmy, bring a copy and come straight over tomorrow?"

"Come on, anyway, this is a huge opportunity." Jimmy slapped the seat hard and continued: "We don\'t have a choice, when they finish watching the film and talk about distribution, they should understand how something happened."

Just as they drove out of the parking lot, another office on the sixth floor of the Fox Building, a Jewish man in his fifties, was looking at their car from the window.

"Terry, I will participate in the audition tomorrow, and I will call Yuliana. There are only three of us. You arrange it in advance."

"Okay, Mr. Rothman."

Yuliana Avtiva, one of 20th Century Fox\'s film selection experts, usually has some say in the company\'s introduction and distribution of films. She is a real professional film watcher in the industry. She not only watches a large number of various films, but also selects those with market potential and recommends them to the company.

Julianna is a die-hard supporter of Townsend Rothman in the company for many years, and the relationship between the two also maintains a very good relationship. And Yuliana\'s most powerful thing is to gain insight into market dynamics. She is by no means empty talk like a film critic. She can analyze what type of films the market needs at any time.

Townsend thought about it for a long time after the lawyer left. He didn\'t think that a small-scale trial meeting, a 20-year-old novice director\'s practice work, needed to dispatch top experts like Yuliana Avtiva.

What made him change his mind was Terry\'s news that Harvey Weinstein, a vampire, had taken a fancy to the film, which gave Townsend some interest. He wanted to see what film this young man who had not graduated had made, and why did he let that dead fat pig chase after him and buy it out.

For Townsend Rothman, the audition session was meant to go through the motions, then throw the film into the theater and show it, and it\'s just a matter of favor. He has a lot of things to do, and he doesn\'t have so much spare time to care about such a small-budget independent film.

But the follow-up investigation report of Terry and the news about Harvey made him a little interested, ready to let Yuliana see if there is any market prospect.

In Wayne\'s apartment, Luke, who had just arrived, was told by Jimmy, UU read www. uukanshu.com also finds this bizarre. But now they don\'t have time to think about that, and they are discussing tomorrow\'s test film together.

"Luke, make sure there is no problem with the film, you have to check it again early tomorrow morning." Wayne thought hard about the preparations, he knew that he had no chance of making mistakes.

"Don\'t worry, there will never be an accident." Luke was so confident that he was going to look for the next job, but he didn\'t expect that this film would turn around.

Jimmy only said, "Wayne, you have to plan ahead, how to sign the release contract."

"Do you think we are qualified to put forward conditions? Don\'t be silly Jimmy. After you try it out tomorrow, see what the other party has to say." Wayne looked at Jimmy helplessly and continued:

"As long as the other party is willing to release the film, even if it makes me buy it out at a loss, I have said that my bottom line is much lower than you think."

"What if Fox would like to release it on a normal basis?" Naomi asked him aside.

"Nami, I have never been mentally handicapped since I was a child. How insane must the head of Fox\'s distribution department be willing to agree to those fantastic conditions I put forward?"

That\'s right, every time he negotiates with the distribution company, he puts forward the mainstream distribution conditions first, but he charges sky-high prices to test the bottom line of the other party\'s heart.

"Okay, no matter what, let\'s put our doubts aside for now and focus on the test tomorrow." Jimmy clapped his hands, attracting a few people\'s attention. "Wayne, even if the pie that fell this time is wrapped in a bomb, can\'t you resist eating it?"

Seeing everyone looking at him, Jimmy shrugged: "I\'ll go back first. I\'ll go to the company before I get off work to inquire. I\'ll see you at the entrance of the Fox Building tomorrow at 8 o\'clock."