Hollywood Drawing

~: twenty-four - domineering fat pig

Yes, as Jimmy said, he himself felt that his lower body could not be worth millions.

Luke was completely immersed in the joy of the screening. From the beginning of the afternoon, twenty or thirty people watched each performance. Luke looked at the audience in the front row from behind, and never closed his mouth.

Wayne is thinking about the big man he wants to see tonight. During this period, even if the other party hasn\'t started playing the Oscar game recklessly, for people like Wayne and the others, this is definitely a big man.

Speaking of Harvey Weinstein, the news he saw in his previous life was definitely mixed with praise and criticism for this famous Hollywood producer, and the comments were highly polarized. Some people say he is a big liar, and yes, standing on the person he deals with, he is definitely a big liar.

Some people say that he is a very successful producer, businessman, filmmaker, and capitalist. That\'s right, he has won several Oscar winners with one hand, and has released and produced countless small-budget independent films.

He also tapped into directors like Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez, who gave many small directors the chance to succeed. Even if he fell into the Mi Rabbit movement in the end, there were still famous movie stars who spoke for him and used personal relationships to suppress news reports that were unfavorable to him.

This man is complex, a typical Jewish capitalist. Wayne has deliberately got to know each other. In some ways, this is a self-centered tyrant, and it is difficult to give people a good impression.

After all, most of the things he did were quite unprofessional, especially when dealing with actresses and female stars. After being forced to wear pants, he did not recognize people. He did a lot.

At eight o\'clock in the evening, after calling Tully, the three Wayne took the film copies and took a taxi to the Hilton Hotel.

Tully waited at the entrance of the hotel and took them directly to the conference room on the seventh floor, where the movie projection equipment had been prepared so that they could start directly.

After the movie started, he and Luke sat behind the projector, watching the legendary studio boss with incredible eyesight. Obviously the big fat man didn\'t take his little director to heart, and didn\'t even let Tully introduce him.

This is a typical fat Jewish man. He looks very uncomfortable at first glance, especially his domineering posture, which makes people feel that he is a troublesome person from the inside out.

Anyway, as long as he can give Wayne a better price, he really doesn\'t care who he sells the film to and who he works with.

The screening of the film gradually came to an end. When the heroine ended the sacrificial day cycle and kissed the hero, Luke turned on the lights in the conference room.

"Mr. Weinstein."

Jimmy was just halfway through when he was interrupted by Harvey:

"Excuse me, can you guys go out first and let me and Tully discuss it?"

Jimmy shrugged, nodded and agreed to take Wayne and Luke out of the conference room and stood in the corridor.

"Jimmy, has this man always been so domineering? I don\'t see anything embarrassing about him."

Luke walked around depressedly, teasing Jimmy.

"Luke, Wayne, there\'s no way, he\'s not on the same level as us now, don\'t be angry about this, think about the hard work you guys put into making the movie, as long as he can buy it and release it, these are all trivial things, don\'t make trouble with the dollar ."

He listened to Luke\'s words and nodded silently. Jimmy was afraid that he and a young man like Luke could not stand each other\'s attitude and screw up the business, which was for their own good.

Outside the conference room, the three formed a small circle, discussing how to negotiate the price if the other party wanted it.

In the conference room, Harvey and Tully are also discussing the prospects of the film.

"Tully, you\'ve done a great job. This film has great potential. But considering that this is a novice director\'s Virgo, or a niche horror thriller, you must lower the price and buy it directly."

"I think so too. Basically, there are no major problems in the whole film. On the contrary, the selling point is clear and the design is ingenious. Do you want me to call them in?"

Seeing the boss nod, Tully walked to the door of the conference room and greeted the three of them to walk in together. Wayne sat opposite Harvey.

"Director Greenberg, $1 million, buy out the entire copyright of this film, I will send it to the theater, how about, if you agree, we can sign a contract at any time!"

Before he could speak, the big fat man on the opposite side made an overbearing bid. Hearing what he said, he shook his head and said:

"Impossible, Mr. Weinstein, the price you said is impossible. I won\'t sell it at a loss, and other companies are much higher than your offer."

This is just Harvey\'s tentative offer. Don\'t look at his righteousness, but Harvey himself knows that the other party can\'t agree. Looking at the novice director sitting opposite, I didn\'t notice that the other party was so young until now.

At most, he is in his early twenties, and he may not have graduated from college yet. Harvey judged the form. This young man should have invested all his savings into the film, obviously impulsive but talented, perhaps idealistic.

"Well, 1.3 million US dollars, the cost of your film will never reach this price. How, I am very sincere, I promise to send the film to the theater, this should be your debut, can the first one I don’t think I need to say more about what it means for a novice director to go to the theater.”

Wayne looked at the other party in disappointment. He regarded himself as a scumbag, used his ideals to lower prices, and acted as an upright hooligan. Even if he really agrees to the other party\'s conditions, he doesn\'t dare to trust him. The shamelessness of this person is recognized in the circle.

"I\'m sorry, I\'ll stop here today. I\'ll go back and think about it. See you next time, Mr. Weinstein, Ms. Tully."

He didn\'t have the patience to listen any longer. This kind of person is the type who can take advantage, never spend an extra penny, and never think about others. It seems that he thinks too well.

After finishing speaking, put on the packed film, and walked out of the conference room with the three Luke.

"Director Greenberg, $1.5 million, the film will appear in theaters, and I guarantee there will be at least ten more. This is the last price. If you go out of this door, you don\'t need to contact me again."

Hearing the big fat man\'s words, he paused in his footsteps and walked out without turning his head. He was not the only buyer. Not only did Luke dislike him, but Wayne also disliked this domineering fat pig.

The result was unsatisfactory, and the three discussed whether there were any potential buyers. And what Jimmy meant was to go back and find the touchstone and negotiate again, at least their conditions were much higher than that of the fat pig.

He himself felt that there was no need to worry too much. It was only the second day, and before the film festival ended, there would be more opportunities.

Just as he thought, at noon on the fourth day of the film festival, Tom of Castle Stone Pictures brought their company\'s distribution manager and expressed his willingness to discuss the price.

He and Jimmy took two people and sat in front of the Starbucks on the side of the road. Each of them asked for a drink before they officially started chatting about the film.

"Director Greenberg, I\'m Edward, from Castle Rock\'s distribution department, Tom told me about the film, and in fact Jennings talked to me, and after watching it today, I think they\'re right. , is promising, so I can give my conditions directly.

In this way, we are willing to pay 2.5 million to buy the North American copyright of this film and promise to release it as soon as possible. In addition, if the film box office successfully reaches more than twice the cost line, you can also give you an incentive bonus. I believe my sincerity is big enough, what do you think? "

Well, although it\'s still less than the price in his heart, it is already the most sincere one for the other party\'s offer.

"Yes, but I want to keep the overseas copyright and follow-up copyright. I also want to try to shoot the second sequel to this film."

Wayne only put forward this condition. Others don\'t know that he knows it. Even if the buyout fee is low, as long as he has these two copyrights, he can make a lot of money and accumulate capital for his next feature film. This film\'s previous life But I did a few shots.

And the usual rule of thumb for hair style buyouts is that the distribution company owns the North American copyright of the film. He also didn\'t naively want a normal distribution sharing contract, which is a fantasy for him now.

Even if the distribution company gave it, he wouldn\'t dare to ask for it. These Hollywood film companies, but even the vampires on Wall Street dare to take the money~www.novelhall.com~ There is no reason for them to sue, let alone Wayne. Little director.

"Yes, Director Greenberg, that\'s all for the general direction. For the specific contract, you can bring a lawyer to our hotel tomorrow. If there is no problem, we can sign the contract tomorrow."

Hearing his words, Wayne was instantly relieved. After shaking hands with the other party, he returned to the theater and leaned back on the chair. He\'s been under a lot of pressure these days, but it\'s all over now.

Looking at the audience in the theater, it was the confidence these audiences gave him, and his confidence would surprise those who looked down on this film.

The next morning, he first went to the airport to pick up his lawyer Ryan, and then went straight to the hotel where Tom and the others were staying, in the conference room on the fourth floor. He and Luke Tom laughed and chatted. When the lawyer was checking the contract, he hurried in. A staff member of Castle Rock Films called Edward out.

After the lawyer checked the contract, he nodded to him, indicating that there was no problem. He smiled and picked up the pen. When he was about to sign the contract, Edward pushed the door in and stopped him.

"I\'m sorry, Director Greenberg, the contract has been cancelled, and the film Castle Rock has decided not to buy it. You can go to another company and ask. I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future."

Seeing Edward whose attitude changed drastically, everyone was at a loss.

"Mr. Edward, can you give me a reason, I need to know what happened."

Wayne forced himself to calm down, looked at the other party, and smiled when he went out, but when he came back, he bluntly stated that the contract was not signed and the film was no longer wanted. There must be some special reason.

"There\'s no reason, I\'m sorry Director Greenberg, let\'s stop here today, I still have a job."

After speaking, he glanced at Tom, turned around and walked out of the conference room.