Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and twenty-six - 1st share, $90 million

"Daisy\'s event went very smoothly. Your autographed videotape works very well. Now her discussion group has more than 2,000 **** fans."

In the business class of a plane bound for Australia, Nina said to Wayne, who was sleeping with his eyes closed.

Although the agent Jimmy usually communicates with Daisy, Nina also cares about this aspect of work. These fans are the basics of her boss. As long as the fan organization grows stronger, the new film of her boss will be more successful. Guaranteed success.

"I see." Wayne nodded.

Now the potential of this movie fan organization has not been fully realized in his heart, and it still needs to be settled through time.

As long as 1997 has passed, that IMDB is acquired by a certain internet giant and then becomes bigger, that\'s when this kind of fan organization will exert a huge influence.

At that time, what they can influence will not only be their relatives and friends, but also network marketing will be able to enter the stage ahead of schedule.

Even Wayne has some other ideas, considering whether to let the black fan organization appear in advance, and control the black fan leader in his hand, plus the Internet navy, I am afraid that the film released at the same time as his own film will be hacked by these people. Come.

Times have begun to change gradually. The Internet will become the biggest platform that affects young people. Print media and TV media may never imagine that one day they will decline so completely.

Thinking of the large amount of cash he was about to get, Wayne opened his eyes, looked at the assistant and asked, "How about Colin?"

Nina shrugged, an excited look on her face. "It went well. Warner Bros. didn\'t argue. The first box office share should be credited to the studio account tomorrow."

According to the contract signed at the beginning, Wayne enjoys 20% of the global box office, and the basic salary of 20 million US dollars in the early stage has been paid in three installments before the film starts, after the film is produced and released.

The first box office share of "Batman: Hour of War" involved 20%, a terrifying share figure.

Warner Bros. took out the $250 million North American box office it received for the first time, and the $200 million recovered from overseas box office was included in this share. The first time Wayne was able to get it, it was as high as $90 million. .

This figure is in the top three of the highest paid directors on record except for Spielberg\'s "Jurassic Park".

However, this number seems to be very high now, and laymen would probably find it unbelievable. In theory, film companies have always played the role of vampires, and it is difficult for them to spend the money. There is only one reason why they are willing to pay such high remuneration, and that is that the value created by the director is far exceed this number.

In the mid-1990s, Wayne\'s share ratio was still among the top in Hollywood, but in the past few years, this is nothing, and many commercial film directors have obtained this number.

Twenty plus twenty is no longer an exclusive treatment for superstars, and even the number of directors or producers who receive this treatment far exceeds the number of film and television superstars who belong to scarce resources.

For example, Peter Jackson, a New Zealand bearded man, because the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy became a **** in one fell swoop, the next filming "King Kong", the treatment immediately increased to 20 plus 20, which is 20 million in the early basic salary, Plus 20% of the global box office share.

If it is the director of the sequel film, this number may be even higher.

Before Wayne and Spielberg, only George Lucas could get hundreds of millions of dollars through the director\'s share. Not to mention Star Wars, which has become a cultural icon, that series is too special.

The film "Raiders of the Lost Ark" alone brought him more than 170 million US dollars in revenue after it was released.

Among the pure producers, relatively few can get this kind of sharing contract. In the heyday, Jerry Bruckheimer was the only one who could stably handle the film company.

"Ninety million dollars! Tsk tsk tsk." Wayne babbled, although he knew this figure early, but when the money was really given to him like this, it still made him feel a little incredible.

You know, this is the first box office share, and there will be a large share waiting for him when the film is released from the world.

"When the money arrives tomorrow, you immediately contact Colin and ask him to take necessary tax avoidance measures. If such a large amount of cash comes in, I\'m afraid the vampires from the IRS will target us. Tell Colin, I would rather give more to children\'s charity. Organize to donate some supplies, and don\'t want to give any more to those vampires!"

If the biggest headache for Wayne is probably the Internal Revenue Service. The vampires keep their eyes on celebrities like them because the jobs are all big cash.

Ironically, in this country that started with tax resistance, the only two things people can’t escape are death and paying taxes. Even the super-rich who have many tax avoidance methods are a headache for the IRS.

"Okay." Nina nodded. "I suggest that, in addition to setting aside part of the bank loan, the rest should be transferred to the Greenberg Charity Fund first."

"Okay, don\'t move the money for now, I have to think about it." Wayne thought about it, but he was not ready to continue investing the money in the stock market. He wanted to mix it up in "The Lord of the Rings", otherwise he bought it hard. It would be too much of a loss if the copyright and the bulk of the interests were taken away by Warner Bros.

Moreover, he has never forgotten what Townsend Rothman said at the beginning. It may not be the right time yet. After the 20th Century Fox CEO is replaced, it may not be.

Coupled with the Marvel that he has been hanging, the value of superheroes has begun to show, and if you want to cut flesh from them, you also need a lot of cash.

Putting money into the Greenberg Charity Fund is the best way to avoid taxes in the name of charity without affecting daily use.

Now the daily expenses of the entire manor, the salaries of more than twenty security guards, gardeners, service staff, as well as Nina, Sergey, and even Wayne\'s own expenses, are all spent from the charitable fund account.

This is also an unspoken rule of the rich in North America. For example, the two new Rolls-Royces ordered by Sergey are also paid from a charity fund account, but the person who usually controls this account is the assistant lady.

"We should bring Nami." After talking about business, Nina said casually: "Leaving her in Los Angeles by herself, you can see that she is very unhappy."

On this issue, Wayne has no room for negotiation. "No, I\'m going to observe Zach\'s filming progress, and I\'m going to work. Her belly is already big, and it\'s inconvenient to take her with me."

Naomi Watts has been deliberately controlling herself during this time, trying not to walk out of the gate of the manor, so as not to be photographed by the paparazzi on her stomach.

Accompanied by Golden Retriever every day, either reading books or studying, or watching dog blood TV series.

"Nina, when I go back, I will immediately start preparing for the filming of the new film." Wayne thought about it for a while, and decided to find something for the Australian girl to do to relieve her prenatal anxiety. "You can help me find some books about producers and let Namidor read them, which will be good for her in the future."

"no problem."

Now that this woman has his child, in his heart, he is actually reluctant to let the other party continue on the road of stardom, but that is the other party\'s ideal, and he has no reason to stop it.

Not much has been done in terms of career planning for female stars. In his memory, the one who did the best was Julia Roberts.

From a first-line superstar who can get 20 plus 20, and slowly transformed into a behind-the-scenes producer, Dazui Zhu has done a very good job. Also getting thicker.

After the plane landed smoothly, Wayne and his party pushed their suitcases and walked out of the airport waiting hall, and they saw Luke Simmons waiting.

After a few people got into the car, they didn\'t go to the hotel that they had booked, and drove directly to the production crew in the suburbs of Sydney.

"Zach\'s filming work went smoothly, and the communication with Industrial Light and Magic was no problem." While driving, Luke Simmons introduced the situation of the crew. "There were a few times when something went wrong, I thought Zach was going to explode, but he still suppressed his temper, it was like a different person."

Thinking of Zack Snyder\'s blushing face because of his patience with his temper, Wayne said with a smile: "This shows that he is doing a good job, and losing his temper will make the staff more nervous~www.novelhall.com~ There is nothing else. usefulness."

Raising his eyebrows, Luke Simmons nodded. He knew in his heart that Hollywood directors, big or small, are basically all temperamental. Under huge investment pressure and work pressure, any work error may ignite the powder keg.

However, Zach Snyder followed Wayne for several years, not only learned how to control the crew, but also suppressed his temper and did not let anger affect his work, and he also learned very thoroughly.

"I saw your new film conference on the news. I\'m afraid I won\'t be here for long this time, right?"

"About two days." Wayne opened the car window and looked at the unusual scenery outside the car. "So if you have something difficult to deal with, you\'d better tell me as soon as possible. Before the 15th, I have to rush back and start the preparations for the new film."

Before December, in half a month, he has to complete the audition for the main actors, and in early December, he has to complete the scene survey and other work, and strive to start shooting before the new year.

This film is purely realistic, and basically does not involve complicated special effects production and addition. Wayne has calculated that if the shooting goes smoothly, his side may end earlier than Zach Schneider\'s work.

"What, the crew has a situation that you can\'t control?"

Luke Simmons shook his head. "Not yet, the actors are very cooperative with Zach\'s work, except that the behind-the-scenes team is slower to run in, and not many bad things have happened."

Of course, there\'s a lot of **** going on, especially among actresses, but those are just minor issues, and there\'s no need to let Wayne know.

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