Hollywood Drawing

~: 327 - You must complete it by May

"Hollywood Draw(!

The car drove unhurriedly all the way, and Wayne looked at the scenery that kept receding outside the window, and chatted with his senior brother Luke Simmons from time to time.

Even if he didn\'t say it, he could hear from the lines of the chat that Luke Simmons, a producer, was not easy at work.

However, these are all things that must be experienced. As the person who controls the greatest power and finances of the crew, how to cooperate with the director to shoot at work, not to shift the direction of the filming and production, and not to impose too many restrictions on the director, this is something that needs to be tempered very much. .

"Wayne." Seeing that he was approaching the studio in the suburbs, Luke Simmons hesitated and glanced at his face from the corner of his eye. "What is the relationship between that Li Guohao and you?"


Hearing the other party\'s question and withdrawing his gaze from the window, Wayne looked back at him and said, "What happened? Lee\'s performance is not good or is he doing something in the crew? There is nothing between us except work. relation."

"No, Lee has always been very professional at work, especially in action scenes. That kind of fighting style is called Kongfu, right? He plays very beautifully."

Seeing that the photo studio was already in sight, Luke Simmons slowed down, and the expression on his face became more and more weird. "As for doing things in the crew, I don\'t think it should be counted. After all, he didn\'t affect other people..."

As the speed of the car slowed down, he watched Wayne\'s face from time to time, trying to make sure that the other party knew something.

My younger brother took good care of that lee, and acquaintances knew this matter. Even if the crew did not have a role suitable for the other party, they would arrange an action director for him, or put him in the stunt crew.

But Luke Simmons accidentally discovered some things that made him suspicious, wondering if it was because of these, his junior and brother, that he was so supportive of the little actor lee, and always wanted to take him by his side.

"Just tell me what happened." Wayne shook his head, took out a cigarette with a smile, and lit one. "No one cares about smoking in this **** place, right?"

Luke Simmons lowered the window a bit, looked behind him in the rearview mirror, and said, "No one, you\'re free. Well, then I\'ll just say it, I accidentally found out that Lee might like a man, You know that, right? I mean it\'s possible, but I\'m not sure."

"Aha?! Cough, cough!"

To be honest, he was really surprised when he suddenly heard this gossip, and he almost spit out a cigarette.

"Shit, put away that weird look of yours! Of course I don\'t know, Luke, as long as lee is fine at work, it\'s not uncommon in this circle, I warn you, don\'t Talking about this to other people, his personal life and preferences are none of our business."

"no problem……"

Until now, Wayne didn\'t know his senior brother, why when he talked about this stammer, the other party was suspicious of him.

To be honest, there are a lot of big men and women in the circle. Some people are quite secretive in what they do, but most of them don\'t care about other people\'s opinions. Almost people in the circle will not be surprised by this kind of thing.

Although I always have a tyrannical mood in my heart, I like rough gameplay, but in any case, my taste is not as heavy as men and women.

He knows why Luke Simmons thinks this way. Many people in the circle are also normal at first. However, with the gradual increase in status, power, money, etc., normal women and normal gameplay have gradually been unable to stimulate them. nerves.

What happens after that is taken for granted, so these people will try their best to find stimulation, so there is alcoholism, drug use, leaf cigarettes, illicit drugs and promiscuity regardless of gender.

The practitioners in Hollywood can be said to be the group of people who advocate freedom the most. Regardless of whether it is illegal or not, or immoral, as long as they use the name of freedom, they have nothing to dare to try!

Parking the car outside the studio, Luke Simmons raised his wrist and glanced at the time, walked inside with the three of them, and said, "It\'s time for a break. Would you like to try the crew working meal?"

Wayne shrugged. "I do not mind."

He just passed the security inspection at the gate, and as soon as he came in, he found out that the government here has given a lot of support to the crew, not to mention the high tax rebate policy, and it is possible to build such a perfect shooting venue in just a few months. It requires a lot of human resources.

"The low-level employees hired by the crew here, as well as some temporary workers and extras, are all natives of Australia." Seeing him looking around curiously, Luke explained as he walked. "Zach should be in the director\'s office, let\'s just go over there? Or look around?"

"Go directly, my time is limited."

Walking into the largest studio, the staff kept greeting them along the way. Almost as long as they came from Los Angeles, they were not unfamiliar with his face. From time to time, people could hear whispers.

But there are some behind-the-scenes staff, but none of the main actors have seen it. They should all return to their trailers to rest.

"clang" "clang" "clang"

With two light knocks, Luke Simmons pushed open the door directly.

In the small director\'s office, Zach Snyder sat behind the desk, frowning and lowering his head to write something in the notebook. The desk was full of various documents and looked messy.

"Damn it, I forgot that you\'re coming over today." Zach Snyder looked up, saw a few people coming in, and reached out and patted his forehead.

"You should pay attention to personal hygiene, well, and the working environment."

Wayne was not polite, and sat directly on the sofa next to him, looking at the other party\'s messy hair and the piles of documents in the office. "Luke, didn\'t the crew have a personal assistant for Zach? It\'s like it\'s been ransacked."

"I don\'t need it. I don\'t want others to touch my things. I learned this habit from you." Zach Snyder knew that the other party was joking, shrugged his shoulders and walked over from behind the table, sat beside him and ordered the assistant. nodded.

"It\'s just that I may not have learned so thoroughly. After all, I don\'t have such a capable Nina around me."

Wayne smiled and waved. "Let\'s get down to business. How\'s the shooting progress? The work here will probably end in a few months."

"There is no hope before the new year, and it will be as soon as mid-January next year." Zach Snyder sighed, leading an entire large-scale production crew independently, which is far more difficult than he imagined. There is no Wayne here to press him, except In addition to filming work, he has to constantly coordinate the relationship between various departments and solve various conflicts that arise in the work.

"When we first started shooting, the running-in progress was very unsatisfactory, but this time has been much better, and the shooting work has finally entered the right track..."

Wayne listened to the other party\'s report on the shooting progress, and nodded from time to time. According to the current progress, the shooting material will not be completed until January. The special effects of this film are also required, and the post-production work may take several months. time.

"Zach, you have to speed up the shooting." One hand gently scratched the stubble on his chin, and after listening to the other party\'s report, Wayne looked at him seriously and said, "You can\'t just think about shooting, but also Allow enough time for post-work.

Making and adding special effects is never a time-saving task. I don’t care how you communicate with ILM. This “Matrix” must be able to complete all the work before May and be on time for the summer vacation. Start showing. "

He said these words in a very serious tone, and there was no room for negotiation. He didn\'t care whether the other party was directing a big project for the first time. In the work of this project, he was a producer and a film company owner. Officially put forward their own requirements.

Watching Zach Snyder\'s thoughtful expression, Wayne knew he was counting the shooting time. "Also, you need to give a clear completion time when the film is transferred to the post-production work, and Warner Bros. needs to arrange the files in advance and make a publicity plan in advance.

Don\'t forget, Zach, before the film is officially released, I will participate in the internal preview. If the film is not qualified, you need to think about the consequences in advance. "

What can the consequences be? Several people in the room knew that if the final film was of substandard quality or deviates from Wayne\'s design, Zack Snyder might be replaced directly, and the project would be re-edited by the company.

For the first time he officially filmed a big production, Wayne won him the right to participate and advise in the later stage, because of the trust of the cooperation over the years. This treatment, which is more than ordinary directors, is also one of the heavy pressures on Zach Snyder.

"Ok." Zach Snyder also looked serious and nodded solemnly. "I will speed up the shooting progress, you can rest assured of the work here."

Seeing that their exchange came to an end, Luke Simmons stood up and said, "Okay, do you want to go eat together? Or do you go back to the hotel to eat?"


Before he could finish speaking, the office door was pushed open, and South African Diamond walked in with a look of surprise.

"Hey, dear, I heard that you are here, why didn\'t you say hello to me in advance?"

The woman completely ignored other people\'s gazes, hugged Wayne\'s arm directly, and looked at him excitedly.

"Okay~www.novelhall.com~ Let\'s go out for a walk, don\'t worry about me when we eat." Wayne raised his eyebrows, said to a few people, and waved to Sergey and Nina as well. Don\'t follow yourself and walk out of the office with Charlize Theron.

"Go to my trailer, it\'s there." Out of the studio, the South African Diamond pointed to a makeup trailer and walked with his arms in his arms.

After getting in the car, Wayne found that there is a lot of space inside, except for a dressing table and clothes rack, the rest of the space can be used for rest. However, his eyes did not stop in the car, but involuntarily looked at the woman beside him.

There should be her role in the morning, so she is still wearing a tight costume. This tight leather jacket, worn on the already tall and charming South African diamond, immediately hit Wayne\'s aesthetic.

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