Hollywood Drawing

~: Three Hundred and Twenty Five - Director's Cut

"Hollywood Draw(!

"Haney, is this true?"

In a two-person apartment near Burbank, Daisy grabbed a sandwich in one hand and took a bite from time to time, while holding a newspaper in the other hand, she suddenly exclaimed.


Hector Henry had just tied his tie, took off his suit jacket and was about to go out, when he heard his girlfriend\'s exclamation, he walked to the sofa and asked.

Pointing to the headline of the "Los Angeles Daily Entertainment" newspaper, Daisy looked in disbelief. "Look at this, is it true? I just saw similar news on The Hollywood Reporter."

"The Departed will be my last large-scale R-rated film! --- Wayne Greenberg."

Taking the newspaper from his girlfriend, the first thing he saw was this huge headline. However, he still knew the doorway inside, and he didn\'t think there was anything strange.

Seeing this, Hector-Henry left in no hurry, reached out and picked up a sandwich from the plate on the coffee table, sat down against his girlfriend and read the newspaper while eating.

\' At the press conference of Wayne Greenberg\'s new film "The Departed", he personally answered reporters\' questions, explaining that this new film will be his last large-scale R-rated film, and that he will return to work after the end. The focus is on the PG13-level DC comics.

We deliberately interviewed several well-known film critics and film critics on this issue. Todd McCarthy said he did not believe the news. After the reporter specially emphasized the authenticity of the news, he said that it would be a loss for the entire Hollywood. A PG13-level noir film could not reflect Wayne\'s talent at all!

Another well-known film critic, Kenneth Turan, also expressed the same opinion. He believed that Wayne Greenberg should not have made such a decision, and called him the noble black crown outside the Hollywood assembly line.

The New Yorker\'s David Dembey has other opinions. He thinks that fans of R-rated movies need not worry. Wayne Greenberg will not leave the large-scale R-rated movies, because he will be caught in the middle of the large-scale lens. In the state of not being able to make films, even if he made the annual box-office champion "Batman: Time for War", David Demby still reserves his opinion...\'

Hector-Henry shook his head, and had no desire to continue watching. He was very familiar with this thing, and the Warner Bros. distribution department often played this way.

"Ha, Daisy, don\'t believe this thing, even if there is some controversy, it should be arranged by the company, in order to promote Wayne\'s new film in advance."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the remaining newspapers and stood up to go out to work. Today he is going to hand over work with his colleagues, and then prepare to participate in the preparations for "The Departed".

This huge good news, he has not told his girlfriend yet, but he has already made his plan in his heart, ready to give his girlfriend a huge surprise as planned after the film officially starts.

Before going out, Hector-Henry noticed the video tapes filling the storage room, and asked again worriedly. "Honey, are you sure you don\'t need my help?"

"Hey, this is my job, of course I don\'t need your help." Raising her arm, Daisy made a threatening gesture at him. "Don\'t worry about me here, there will be other people who will help me, and they are eager to get these good things in advance."

"Ok, call me if you have any questions."

There was a "bang" on the door, and Daisy was the only one left in the apartment. While enjoying breakfast slowly, she picked up another newspaper.

These newspapers were specially bought by her early in the morning, because there will be an event organized by fans immediately, so she must know more about the new film.

"Well, this is not bad." While talking to herself, Daisy stopped turning her hands and stared at the "Los Angeles Times" in her hands.

\'Batman Part II, will meet you in the summer of 1997. At the press conference of Wayne Greenberg\'s new project, he announced that he would start filming the second Batman film immediately after finishing the new film "The Departed", which will also be released in the summer of 1997...\'

"clang" "clang" "clang"

The door was knocked from outside, Daisy raised her hand and glanced at the time, put down the unfinished sandwich, and whispered to get up and walked to the apartment door. "Did I say the wrong time? No, why are you here so early?"

"Hi, good morning, Daisy."

"Good morning, Bowman, why are you all here so early?" He opened the door, preparing to let in a few people.

Four or five young people stood at the door, greeting a white girl. The only thing that stood out was the black boy at the end, with his white teeth and a sunny smile.

"Everyone wants to see the surprise in advance." The black boy in a security uniform explained to Daisy with an embarrassed look on his face.

"We heard that the videotape this time is a collector\'s edition, which is much longer than the normal release version, isn\'t it?"

"comeon! Well, it\'s all there." Daisy pointed to the storage room, no matter how many people tossed, she shook her head and went back to the sofa, picked up the unfinished breakfast and continued.

"Schroeder, did you change shifts with your colleagues today?"

The black boy always had a warm smile on his face. He was holding a videotape gift box in his hand, and he couldn\'t put it down and looked at it. "Yes, just left it for you guys to help, can I open it now?"

Nodding her head, Daisy pointed to the video recorder and said, "Of course, the car I booked came over at ten o\'clock, and there was plenty of time. Maybe we can take a look at the so-called easter eggs first!"

This batch of tapes was specially made by Warner Bros., except for Wayne\'s signature on the box, which looked like a regular collector\'s edition.

However, the feature film of the videotape is nearly twice as long as the version released in theaters. This is the so-called director\'s cut, but the director responsible for the second editing is not Wayne but the editor Dwayne Scott.

This version of the videotape is prepared to be bundled and sold by the popularity after the release of "Batman: Time for War", which belongs to another round of means of harvesting fans\' money.

In order to distinguish the ordinary version sold before, Warner Bros. not only let Dwayne Scott add more than an hour of content, but also added some easter eggs, and special shots during filming and promotion.

"It\'s not enough time to watch it all, let\'s just watch the last one?" The white girl Bowman turned on the video recorder, took Schroeder\'s video tape while asking, and stuffed it into the old-fashioned video recorder.


"Okay, I\'ll keep the main film, and go back and enjoy it by myself."

Several young people were sitting on the sofa, all staring at the TV, and when the footage appeared on the screen, every now and then a burst of laughter could be evoked.

There are actors such as Nicolas Cage, who tricked the staff during filming, and Wayne\'s ice cube face when he was angry, and even recorded the process of the clown putting on makeup.


"Oh, God!"

Daisy suddenly exclaimed together, and everyone turned their attention to the black boy. "Schroeder, is that you? You actually attended the premiere of Joker."

This is a video on the red carpet of the premiere. Wayne uses his body to protect a black girl, while Schroeder keeps explaining something.

This scene drew the black boy off-screen into the memory of the past. His lips trembled, and the warm smile on his face disappeared. "Yes, I went to that premiere, it was my girlfriend, but then we broke up..."

"Sorry, that\'s such a pity." The emotional Bowman shook his head, sat down beside the black boy, and gave him a comforting hug.

"No, that premiere meant a new life to me!"

Infected with a strong smile, it climbed up his face again, revealing a set of white teeth. Probably no one would have thought that this boy who gave a warm smile to everyone he had had such a gloomy and decadent life.

At the end of the videotape, the unexpected scene reappears. It can be seen that this is the streets of New York, and the iconic steps have appeared in the film.

"It\'s Wayne, what is he doing?!"

The close-up shot was given to Wayne\'s face, which was clearly captured, his somewhat soothing and nervous smile. And then there\'s the dance recorded by Zach Snyder.

At that moment, Wayne seemed to have traveled through time and space and was possessed by Joaquin Phoenix. The dance of just tens of seconds, after being added by Dwayne Scott with the later soundtrack, has a peculiar charm.

Everyone\'s eyes widened, and Daisy muttered to herself. "How do I feel that this scene is supposed to be like this, Nicolas Cage\'s performance is not as shocking as Wayne\'s..."

"I also have this feeling."

"That\'s right!"

It was not until the video tape ended for a while that several people slowly recovered and pulled away from the lonely feeling. In fact, at a certain emotional point, the mentality of Arthur the Clown and Wayne at that time did have something in common, and they were both full of strangeness and loneliness in the world around them.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

The apartment door was knocked again. Schroeder walked over and opened the door. A middle-aged man in blue overalls stood at the door and asked politely, "Is this Daisy\'s house? I\'m the truck driver~www .novelhall.com~ The car she called helped deliver."

Daisy in the room screamed when she heard it. "yep, wait a minute, we\'ll load up right away."

"Ok, friends, the entertainment time is over, we will send the video to other people, or we should split up and try to get this work done in one day. Don\'t forget to remind them that these collectible commemorative editions are Wayne\'s own pocket. All the gifts for him are all with his signature!"

"We understand." Bowman picked up a box of videotapes and was about to walk out the door. "This is a good thing for Wayne\'s die-hard fans of the Greenberg discussion group. I will tell them to support Wayne\'s new film together when the time comes."

"gogogo! Then get moving!"

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