Hollywood Drawing

~: Three Hundred and Twenty - Reception by the Father of Star Wars

"Hollywood Draw(!

In front of the Dolby Theater in Beverly, a red carpet was flanked by a large number of journalists and moviegoers.

After the Rolls-Royce Silver Spike stopped smoothly, Wayne opened the car door and helped Naomi Watts in a black evening dress. Facing the snow-white flash, the two walked forward with a smile on their faces.

"Hey Wayne, look this way!"

"Director Greenberg, please cooperate and let us take a picture."

"Ms. Watts, this way..."


When media reporters saw the two of them walking on the red carpet, they were shouting loudly, hoping that the two would slow down, take some simple poses, and take more photos with them.

But the two obviously didn\'t have this idea. Although they kept smiling after getting out of the car, they walked very fast.

Wayne directly ignored the media reporters and the screams of the fans on one side, and led Naomi Watts straight to the theater door.

"Darling." The Australian girl kept smiling and waved to fans from time to time, causing a burst of shouts. "There are quite a few of your fans out there, and they even keep the Vanity Fair with your cover! Are you sure you can\'t sign it?"

"This is not the opening ceremony of my film, there is no need to steal the spotlight and show the limelight."

While speaking softly, Wayne\'s footsteps didn\'t slow down at all, just like he didn\'t see his own fans. "Remember to remind Nina when you go back and ask her to contact Daisy of the fan organization, and I will release some autographs for **** fans."

He hadn\'t been doing it since the chaos of autographing fans at the premiere a few years ago, and showing off and being close to fans was less important than the problems it might cause, and he added. Not the star standing in front of the stage.

On today\'s occasion, it is even more impossible to interact with fans. This is not the premiere of his film, and he is just here on the platform. He is not guilty of stealing the limelight and causing unpleasantness with David Fincher.

Compared with the celebrities who walked on the red carpet before, Wayne and the two were much faster. When they walked to the interview area, they could see that the reporters in front had hurriedly ended the interview and turned their attention to them. .

The two took the signature pen handed over by the staff, and after signing the words, several reporters immediately surrounded them, and the microphone and voice recorder were also stretched out in front of them.

"Director Greenberg, can you talk about your thoughts on David Fincher?"

A female reporter with "Hollywood Chronicle" hanging on her chest couldn\'t wait to ask.

"A great director." Wayne understands the meaning of his coming. Since he is to cheer for the other party, he will never be stingy with his own praise. "After watching The Seven Deadly Sins, you will find that David Fincher is definitely the closest contemporary director to Hitchcock, even though they have completely different styles.

But the same is their use of the language of the lens, which is very tasteful. They really use audio-visual thinking to express suspense, instead of saying some suspenseful words through lines, which reflects his pure audio-visual, pure film way of thinking..."

Naomi Watts smiled, held the man\'s arm, and watched him face the reporter\'s questions. She played a very good foil role.

She knew in her heart what her position on this stage was. Even if she put on makeup for more than two hours before going out, she could not become the center of the media.

But when she turned her eyes, the smile on her face suddenly froze. Behind the group of reporters, a beautiful woman in business attire with a white shirt and a hip skirt, kept scanning herself up and down with curious eyes.

It was Bella Grant, and Naomi Watts recognized her as soon as she saw the majestic peak of the opponent\'s white shirt, and the delicate face with her hair up.

During this period of time, Wayne was rarely very honest, and did not let any woman come to the manor, nor did he hide from her to go out for the night, giving the Australian girl an illusion that this man was alone.

The moment she saw the editor-in-chief of the beauty, she woke up in a trance. The reason why the man beside him was so honest was that he was taking into account his own mood. After all, some things could not be changed.

"...Wayne, what do you think of the box office of "The Seven Deadly Sins"?"

Wayne smiled and said confidently to the recorder: "There is no doubt that this is an outstanding work, it will be the box office champion this weekend, and no other film can threaten "The Seven Deadly Sins"!"

"Wayne, one last question." A male reporter raised the microphone and asked loudly: "Do you think this David Fincher masterpiece has any hope of surpassing your predecessor, Batman, and threatening your annual box office championship. s position?"

"Hey, brother, this is a problem for me." Wayne shook his head with a wry smile, raised his arm and pointed at the theater: "I can only tell you, David Fincher is a good director, some great The film does not need to be measured by the box office. As for whether it will threaten Batman\'s annual championship position, fans need to go into the theater and find the answer."

After speaking, he patted Naomi Watts on the waist lightly and was about to leave the interview area. He had already seen someone walking over on the red carpet, preparing to make room for the guests afterward.

"Where are you looking!" The Australian girl took his arm, motioned behind several reporters, and reminded in a low voice. "Your little cow lover didn\'t come to interview you today!"

"Nami, that\'s because she doesn\'t want unpleasantness." As soon as Wayne reminded her, he looked up and saw Bella Grant in business attire, nodded lightly to the other party, and pulled the Australian girl around and walked towards the theater go.

It\'s hard to guess the mood of a pregnant woman. Obviously Bella Grant knows this too. Everyone is a decent person. If there is unpleasantness on this occasion, it is estimated that the names of the three of them will appear on the front pages of many media tomorrow morning. superior.

"Wayne, thank you for coming."

As soon as he entered the gate of the theater, David Fincher, the owner, greeted him and extended his hand with a smile. "Good evening, Ms. Watts."

Wayne shook hands with the other party and said equally politely, "Nice to meet you, David. "The Seven Deadly Sins" is a masterpiece and will definitely be a success!"

Looking at this director who is nearly ten years older than him, he sighed in his heart for a while. It was the film directed by the man in front of him, which gave him the first time to appreciate the charm of film noir.

"Hi, Wayne." Before they could exchange a few words, an old Jewish man walked out of the theater and greeted him with a smile on his face. "Let\'s go, David will be very busy tonight. We will have a chance to chat together in the future. Let\'s go in first."

"Good evening, George."

The one who came out was George Lucas, the father of Star Wars. Wayne hugged him, turned his head and nodded politely to David Fincher. "Don\'t say hello to me, you can keep busy. George and I will go first."

"Okay, see you in the cinema later."

It was not until the backs of the three people disappeared on the stairs that David Fincher withdrew his gaze.

If there\'s one shooting style he likes the most, it\'s this young man. Although I entered this circle nearly ten years earlier than the other party, the speed of development is very different.

In 1992, when he finally picked up the guide tube and started to make his first movie "Alien 3", the young man had already achieved amazing box office achievements. They were both black people, but they had completely different fates.

Now he only hopes that this "Seven Deadly Sins" can be as successful as the other party, and never repeat the collapsed word of mouth that appeared in "Alien 3".

"George, do you know David well?"

Wayne took Naomi Watts with him beside the father of Star Wars, and asked a curious question as he walked to the lounge on the second floor.

Not only can George Lucas be invited, but he can also help to call the guests. The relationship between them has aroused Wayne\'s curiosity.

"Okay." George Lucas took a photo of his forehead and explained: "David was not a director at first, he was a special effects engineer at Industrial Light and Magic. As early as 80 years, he participated in I\'ve done special effects work on Star Wars, so..."

He is also a favorite to help the younger generation. He immediately wanted to understand the outline of the matter. From this point of view, I am afraid that David Fincher was able to direct "Alien", which should also have the face of the father of Star Wars.

The three walked into the lounge, with formulaic smiles, nodded and greeted people along the way, came to the lounge area and sat down.

"I heard that Steven has approached you several times?" Looking at this young junior, George Lucas immediately thought of his old buddy, and now DreamWorks\' fortunes are not good.

"Here!" While speaking, Nina, who had long been waiting from the back door, walked towards them.

"Yes, I\'ve approached me a few times." Wayne shrugged and said without hesitation, "But they were all rejected by my agent. George, it\'s impossible for me to direct other companies\' projects, Steven. My DreamWorks is not good either, and my work plan has been scheduled for two thousand years, and there is no time."

"It\'s okay, we all know some things."

George Lucas sighed in his heart. His old buddy knew that the chances were slim, but he kept trying to invite this young man to make a move, just to make DreamWorks better.

But as long as you think about it carefully, you know that the possibility of asking him to move is zero. I am afraid that Wayne would rather film for other giants than accept the invitation of DreamWorks. Their positions are naturally opposed.

As one of the major shareholders of Warner Bros., it is not bad to be able to suppress DreamWorks by itself. This is the most basic business sense. As long as DreamWorks has the ambition to become bigger, this sense of opposition will only become more and more obvious~ www.novelhall.com ~ no other solution.

Just as Wayne and George Lucas were chatting, not far from them, two eyes were watching him seriously.

"Kevin, is that young man? Do you want to take him to visit our company?" An old man with silver hair retracted his gaze and asked his companion suspiciously.

From his tone, one could hear disapproval, and in fact he thought so too. Wanting to rely on a film director to save the company is simply whimsical, let alone a *** in his early twenties? !

Kevin Feige didn\'t care what his partner said, staring intently at the young Hollywood mogul. "My goal today is him, no matter what, I will find a chance to chat with him!"

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