Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and nineteen-7 deadly sins

Producer Clayt Singer\'s words were agreed by almost everyone. When he mentioned the young director, everyone nodded subconsciously.

In the past, it was only from the mouth of Townsend Rothman of 20th Century Fox that the praise of Wayne Greenberg was circulated, saying that he and Jerry Bruckheimer were two rare producers. genius.

Yet in Hollywood, where commercial touts are ubiquitous, few take that kind of propaganda seriously.

To say that Wayne Greenberg is a directing genius, perhaps no one can refute, he has proved his ability in directing with his unparalleled achievements.

The "Blair Witch" was born, and in a few weeks, it made more than 100 million US dollars in the theater market, which surprised all the production companies in the circle, and suddenly realized that marketing can still play like this!

When Universal Pictures approached the director of the original film and wanted to buy all the copyrights of the film, they found out that the representative negotiating with them turned out to be Wayne\'s agent Jimmy.

It wasn\'t until then that they realized that in addition to Harvey Weinstein, the manipulator behind the scenes was hiding a stronger hungry wolf in the depths.

"The first videotape of "Blair Witch" sold very poorly and performed mediocrely in the rental market. If you want to recover the money invested in buying the copyright, the second film must be successful."

Ron Mayer\'s face was cold, and when he mentioned the videotape and surrounding copyrights, it was a burst of heartache.

The online and offline results of this film are completely unworthy of the volume it should have had, nor the box office results it created.

It stands to reason that this type of high-box-office horror film should be an absolute hit in the videotape market, but it is contrary to the law of the market, and its performance has always been neither salty nor bland.

If you only rely on offline operation of copyright, it will probably take more than ten or twenty years to recover the cost of investment.

"I suggest that we simply don\'t change anything, just follow this marketing plan again." Justin, an executive in the distribution department, said while looking at the CEO.

"I have carefully analyzed this thing, and it is not only "Blair Witch" that succeeds with it, but also the benchmark of the horror film "Frightening Clown", which uses this method. It seems that Wayne Greenberg This plan has been tested twice, and the desired results have been obtained."

Seeing that there was no objection around, Ron Mayer also nodded. "Then let\'s publicize it as planned. The company has set out tens of millions of marketing expenses for this project. You have to spend them all for me within two weeks, which will cause social discussion as soon as possible."

In order to replicate the success of the first film, Universal Pictures only gave the little director $400,000, just wanting him to shoot close to the first film.

The fact is also the case. The effect of the finished film is no different from the first film. The shaky long shots fill the entire film, and even the rough editing effects are deliberately imitating the first film.

It can be said that Universal Pictures chose the most secure production method in order to avoid accidents.

After the meeting, Clayt Singer followed behind the CEO. After entering the elevator, he observed the other party\'s expression for a while and said:

"The offline performance of the first part of "Blair Witch" completely fell short of our expectations. I suspect that this was also designed by Wayne Greenberg. Otherwise, how could he be willing to sell the copyright of the over 100 million box office!"

"Whether he expected it or not, it doesn\'t make sense to say this now." Ron Mayer sighed, looking at the constantly beating floor numbers in front of him. "You have to keep an eye on the little director and a few actors, and don\'t have any news that shouldn\'t appear before the film is released!"

"I will."

Nodding, Clayt Single paused, lowered his voice and said: "I mean, should we disclose the news that Wayne Greenberg is the mastermind of "Blair Witch" through our media Go out and give him some trouble!"

As long as the other party has a movie release, it will definitely become a box office bomb. This has almost become an industry rule. This is very bad, and no one wants to see this continue.

As long as this kind of success continues, the production company will subconsciously choose to avoid Wayne\'s work, or in the summer when the land is expensive. That dark maniac collided.

The tragic Sony Columbia in this regard has already tested all studios twice, each time being ruthlessly crushed.

The experience of this year\'s "Braveheart" is still in sight. Many people feel that the potential of this film has not been released, and it has been squeezed out of the mainstream market by "Batman: War Hour". It cannot be said that this is not an alternative sadness .

Regardless of whether it is because of Warner Bros., through other off-site means, it is still Wayne Greenberg\'s high-quality works, and fans\' blind trust in the brand "Greenberg Production".

"Forget it." Faced with this proposal to ruin the reputation of the other party, Ron Mayer considered it for a while, until the door of the elevator "ding" opened, he frowned and said as he walked out.

"The screening of "Batman: Time for War" has entered a stable period. Even if we produce evidence and release information now, it will not affect the film\'s over 300 million, and it will offend the young man in vain. Maybe Warner Bros. , and will pounce on us and bite us for him, it\'s not worth it."

Universal Pictures is not afraid of Warner Bros. Both are Hollywood giants, and there are media groups behind them. It is impossible to talk about who is afraid of who among the Big Six.

But for things that have no interests, it is completely unnecessary to provoke unnecessary competition between them.

"Also." Universal Pictures CEO gave Clayt Singer a deep look. "Don\'t be deceived by Wayne Greenberg\'s appearance. Any kind of generosity, sympathy for minorities, etc., are just packaged by the media. If you think you can gain a firm foothold in this circle, there will be kind people. People?!" He didn\'t know and couldn\'t be sure if the other party was being careful, but since he was able to successfully succeed in this chaotic circle, it was absolutely impossible for him to have a high bottom line.

And in his eyes, this young man is a disaster. How many people have been unlucky because of him. If you look closely, you can find out that in the end, this tempting proposal was rejected by Ron Mayer.

Or doing so can indeed affect the trust of some fans in Wayne Greenberg and shake their support for his subsequent films, but what can Universal Pictures get? Totally not worth it.

Universal Pictures is very fast. From the next day, just like Harvey Weinstein did at the beginning, various local radio stations in North America, second- and third-rate newspapers and magazines, and Blockbuster video hall stores are full of people seeking people. notice.

Just like a re-enactment, in the evening science exploration program, a clipped video about witches appeared again. In a trance, most of the people were reminded of the disgusting cheating, and the anger in their hearts returned again.

"Shit, here comes this one again." In a Blockbuster store, two young people were holding a video tape they had picked and were queuing up to register and pay when they saw a missing person posted on the wall.

"Frank, it must be that son of a **** director again. It\'s not enough for him to deceive us once, he wants to do it again! fxxk!"

The young man wearing a baseball cap pointed at the missing person notice on the wall, and swears with his companions without any scruples.

"Jensen, I want to kill the director when I mention this." The white boy named Frank also gritted his teeth. "I called on many friends to promote it together. Who knew it turned out to be a fake documentary film, and my friends called me a liar for a month!"

Almost at the same time, the two of them recalled the stupid things they had done, and also recalled the anger when they found out that they had been deceived.

Looking at the two videotapes in his hand, Jensen tried to suppress his negative emotions, swearing to his friends while checking out. "I will definitely remind my friends this time, no one should be fooled by this again. When I think of the triumphant look of that liar director, I feel disgusted!"

"Yes." Frank nodded. "I\'m with you too. Let\'s go back to the school to promote it, so as to save more people from being deceived."

The two walked out of the store angrily with the videotape. The good mood they had made to watch a movie together on the weekend was also ruined by this incident.

When they walked to the parking lot, opened the car door and were about to go back, a white boy in a volunteer coat came over with a large stack of colored printer paper.

"Hey, can I disturb you for two minutes?" He took out two prepared missing persons notices from his arms and handed them to the two of them. "These are three female college students from Princeton who have disappeared because of their pursuit of witches. Please, if you see them, please call the number above. Their families are very anxious now, and please help spread the word..."



Before he could finish speaking, two swear words came from the opposite side. Under his stunned expression~www.novelhall.com~ the two boys ignored him, opened the door of the pickup, and drove out of the parking lot cursing all the way. .

"Where did I say something wrong?" The boy sat on the bench by the road and said to himself while looking at the missing person notice in his hand. "Damn, I said the same last time, why have people\'s attitudes changed?!"

This is not the first time this has happened. In the morning, almost no one picked up his missing person notice. Most of them gave him a cold look and turned away.

There are also a small number of people, just like the two boys just now, cursing.

The last time he did this job, people were still very enthusiastic, and they would spontaneously help him distribute these things.

But he never thought that this kind of situation was not just encountered by him, it was happening all over North America.

Regardless of the effect of the publicity, within two weeks, Universal Pictures fully reproduced what Harvey Weinstein did, and then the film was launched at a scale of 2,098 theaters. .

It is very unfortunate that in October, before the Christmas season has just passed, the "Seven Deadly Sins" released by Warner Bros., which has been re-filed, was also released on the same weekend.

Wayne was invited by Warner Bros. to attend the premiere of the film.

The reason why he happily agreed to go to the platform for "The Seven Deadly Sins".

Because the file change of this film was influenced by "Batman: Time for War", he took the initiative to make way for him. He also wanted to watch this classic film on the spot, get to know David Fincher, inspect Brad Pitt and chat with him.

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