Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and twenty-one - just at Brad Pitt's handsome face

"Boss, those two people have been watching you, front left."

While chatting with George Lucas, Wayne heard Nina\'s whispered reminder behind him, and inadvertently looked over to where she said it.

George Lucas didn\'t notice his movements, suddenly remembered something, and opened his mouth to invite him. "Probably in November, there will be a USC alumni association, come together if you have time."

"no problem."

The invitation from the other party reminded him instantly. The father of Star Wars has always been proud of his identity as a USC alumni. He seems to donate a lot of money to the school every year. He is definitely a generous alumni.

"I haven\'t been back for a long time, and the busy work almost made me forget about it."

Talking about this, Wayne felt a burst of sigh in his heart, thinking of the teacher who has always supported him unconditionally, Professor Anderson-Horowitz.

During those few years in college, all the teachers thought he was a freak. He obviously had excellent professional learning ability, but every time he shot a short test video or homework, it was **** stuff.

Only Professor Anderson-Horowitz has always encouraged him to stick to his own personal style, and he has also seen through the things behind the short films, which are purely experimental tools and have nothing to do with what he wants to express.

Looking at the young man on the opposite side, his eyes flashed with memories, and George Lucas guessed that the other side was probably thinking about the good college life. It is said that this kid was very fond of cheerleaders when he was in school. .

"The meeting place is at USC, and I\'ll let you know the specific time later." Seeing him recovering from a distracted state, George Lucas continued: "I suggest that you should go back and have a look when you have time, and don\'t forget the beauty. college life. Okay, let\'s go down, the movie should start soon."

Several people stood up together, and led by George Lucas, walked towards the screening hall.

Before going downstairs, Wayne glanced at the two people without a trace, and found that one of them was still observing him.

"The silver-haired old man is Stan Lee, the father of Marvel comics." Nina came close to him and explained the origin of the two people in a soft voice with a voice that the two of them could just hear.

"Most of Marvel\'s superheroes are designed by this old man. The young man next to her should be called Kevin Feige, who seems to be an executive of Marvel Comics."

After softly explaining the other party\'s origin, Nina held Naomi Watts\'s arm again, away from the boss who was thinking while walking.

Until he sat in the reserved seat under the leadership of the staff, Wayne was still brainstorming.

Now he can be sure that the purpose of the other party\'s coming here is definitely to get close to him, but in the lounge just now, they didn\'t rush up to say hello and get acquainted. Then there is only one possibility left, they are going to chat with themselves at the later party.

Don\'t think too much about the purpose of finding yourself, it must be related to superhero movies. Now the days of Marvel (surprise) are not very happy. Stan Lee, the father of superheroes, the character created by himself, has been sold out by the company.

In addition, it is now the cold winter of the comics industry, and their eyes will inevitably look in another direction of profit.

Wayne is definitely not going to direct a Marvel movie. He is very sure of this. Marvel is a mud pit right now, and the smell is pungent when the light is close, let alone jumping in.

He owns all the copyrights of an entire DC comics character for him to choose from, and he doesn\'t want to play a thankless game like saving Marvel at all.

Now he is thinking about which first-tier heroes the other party has, or the copyrights of famous second-tier heroes, can he think of a way to buy some. Even if you don\'t shoot and make it yourself, it\'s good to use the studio and Warner Bros. to make money.

Now he\'s not afraid that the other party won\'t sell it. Marvel\'s life is so miserable. If it\'s a big deal, he will give them more fire to make them even worse. Selling a son will become addictive at the beginning.

It stands to reason that DC and Marvel are actually not as antagonistic as the public thinks. Perhaps the two companies have some minor conflicts, but they are not absolute hostility.

If you look at the comics carefully, you can understand that the settings of many heroes are very similar, and there is a lot of "learning" from each other.

The reason why the two companies feel hostile is that two thousand years later, Marvel is in a lower position. Because of the rise of superhero movies, DC comics have been completely suppressed in the limelight. Marvel fans themselves think so.

This can be considered a desperate effort. After all, in the years before the turn of the century, when people mentioned superheroes, the first thing that came to mind was almost DC comics. Marvel has always shown people with a small transparent image.


Naomi Watts reached out and stabbed him in the waist, and after seeing him come back to his senses, he leaned on his shoulder and reminded him softly. "The movie is about to start, you have to pay attention, and now the state of mind wandering anytime, anywhere is more and more frequent."

At this moment, the lights in the theater began to go out one by one, and Wayne glanced at George Lucas beside him, showing an apologetic smile.

"I\'m fine." Shaking her head to Naomi Watts, she squeezed her hand twice, and whispered, "I\'m just thinking about some issues, let\'s watch a movie, this will be a masterpiece of."

The pre-screening advertisements began to be played on the big screen. He said this with a wry smile. It is estimated that Australian girls will not be able to watch films like "Seven Deadly Sins", and they should not like them.

What she really likes is the kind of happy commercial films, or the **** and touching romance films.

The film started quickly, and the auditorium gradually became quiet. Wayne has seen this film more than once, except that some details have been blurred, the general context is still very clear.

This is a film with strong religious overtones. In fact, as long as he sees the title, it will remind him of the classic "Seventh Seal".

If Bergman questioned and explored the roots of faith and the existence of God in The Seventh Seal, then The Seven Deadly Sins shows what the world would be like if faith were lost.

The New York in the film is dark, damp, dirty, chaotic, and the continuous murder case is simply **** on earth.

"Well, are you not used to it?"

From the beginning of the movie, Naomi Watts watched on Wayne\'s shoulder. Halfway through the movie, when he noticed the woman\'s frown from time to time, he tilted his head and whispered in her ear.

"You should like this kind of film very much, right?" The Australian girl glanced at him, rolled her eyes from a close distance, and said, "No wonder you and the media praise the director of the film so much, the core of the story and the way it is expressed, between the two of you. We must be able to talk."

Although Naomi Watts doesn\'t like this type of movie, as an insider, she can still see what the director wants to express.

The film seems to just show the world that humanity has fallen and that the guilty will be punished. In this way, the film has a warning meaning of moral exhortation, and people may reflect on whether they are guilty or not after watching it. In other words, this is also an analysis and warning of the dark side of society.

Think about some things in Wayne\'s works, except for the different ways of expression, they do have the same idea.

When the movie screening ended, several people stood up together, and along with the large audience, they applauded the creative team in front of the big screen at the same time.

George Lucas waited for the applause to stop, and went to congratulate in no hurry. After sitting down again, he tilted his head and looked at Wayne. "How is it? What do you think after reading it?"

"A cold and desperate film." Wayne raised a hand and scratched his chin lightly, looking at the creative team surrounded by guests under the curtain. "David has done an excellent job of showing people the sin and indifference of the world without lack of storytelling, without telling people how to avoid this situation and deterioration..."

Talking about his own views, he didn\'t say some words. This film, after the lack of Morgan Freeman, did not have any special influence. Also, Brad Pitt in it, he\'s going to be a scumbag!

Just looking at Brad Pitt\'s face, the box office of the film is basically guaranteed. I have to say that David Fincher must have considered the market audience when choosing actors~www.novelhall.com~ Wait until the audience After exiting and the crowd was almost gone, Wayne got up and came to the main creator, sending formulaic blessings, and then taking advantage of their participation in the film conference, a few people left the theater and came to the hotel banquet hall that had been reserved. Once started a social event.

"It\'s Brad Pitt, right?" George Lucas confirmed with him, looked at the other party and nodded, and continued: "When the creators have finished attending the press conference, I will introduce you to you, and you need to find a quiet room. the lounge?"

Wayne held a glass of champagne, toasting familiar faces around him from time to time. "No, it\'s just a simple chat to see if he\'s suitable for a role in my next project. I should go back soon after that, George, Nami is pregnant, this situation is not suitable for her."

As he said that, he reached out and patted the hand of the woman beside him, showing a smile of his aunt who was looking forward to the arrival of a new life.

"Shit, you lucky boy." George Lucas raised his glass, the two touched it, and took a big gulp at the same time. "Having a child will make you become a man faster. What a lucky boy."

The two were chatting, and as soon as they looked up, the father of Star Wars was stunned for a moment, and saw a man walking directly towards them, the target was obviously them.

"Wayne, the person who is coming here is Shay, your father\'s former "good friend", do you need my help?"

Seeing a man about the same age as his father, who kept staring at him and walked over, Wayne shook his head slightly. "Forget it, I have no conflict with him, let\'s see what he wants to do."

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