Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and twenty-two - the number divided into horror

"George, how about letting me talk to this kid alone?"

Not only Wayne and the others were watching the coming, but a lot of eyes were cast in the banquet hall at the same time. Just from the way he spoke when he came over, Wayne could tell that he was a middle-aged man with a domineering CEO type.

George Lucas gave him a deep look, nodded and prepared to get up and leave. When he walked to the other side, he couldn\'t help but reminded him in a low voice.

"Bob." He glanced at Wayne behind him and sighed inwardly. "If I were you, I wouldn\'t treat him like a child."

After speaking, he didn\'t care what happened here, shook his head, and left with champagne.

Wayne and he had been watching each other since Bob Shay sat down, and the corner of the lounge area was so dull, as if it was cut off from the atmosphere of the banquet hall.

After five minutes passed, the person who came suddenly raised his wine glass, touched him lightly, then raised his neck and drank the champagne in the glass.

"Wayne, Wayne Greenberg, right? I\'m Bob Shay, and few people call me Bob, they\'re used to calling me Shay."

Looking at the young man in front of him, Bob Shay always felt a familiar strangeness. "You are very similar to Reuben when you were young. I mean your looks. When your father was young, he was not as calm as you."

"Mr. Shay."

With an indifferent expression, Wayne waved to the assistant, took the cigarette, and waved to let the two women leave.

"Cha." "Cha." After two light lighter sounds, he tilted his head, lit the cigarette in his mouth, took a deep breath, and exhaled a large cloud of blue mist. "Is there anything you can say directly, I don\'t think you are too busy, just want to chat with someone?"

Wayne is still quite curious about this person. From a normal point of view, New Line Cinema has never been a top Hollywood production company, but from the production of "Seven Deadly Sins", "Lord of the Rings" series and "Spike". The moment series began, the company has quietly become Hollywood\'s most influential independent production and distribution company along with DreamWorks.

Because of his early cut, New Line Pictures will definitely deviate from the original line, but no one knows more than him how powerful Bob Shay is.

"Relax, kid, just chat." Bob Shay took a sip from time to time. "Seeing you reminds me of when Reuben and I were young."

At this moment, Wayne saw the two people from Marvel Comics and found the assistant lady, they should be communicating something.

"I\'m sorry, Mr. Shay." Wayne shook his head, raised his glass to signal, drank the rest of the champagne in one gulp, and pointed in Nina\'s direction. "I have other things to do, I will talk when I have time."

Bob Shay\'s surprised expression flashed when he saw him get up to go. "You don\'t want to hear about your father when he was young?"

"That has nothing to do with me."

Wayne waved his hand and turned to leave. Since the other party only saw that he wanted to chat a few words, he didn\'t have the heart to continue listening.

As he said, he is not curious about his father and each other when they were young. To repeat it from Shay\'s mouth, it is nothing more than a competition of different ideas, which means nothing to him.

And New Line Pictures will be swallowed up by Warner Bros. sooner or later. No one can change this.

Seeing that Wayne ended the communication with the other party, Naomi Watts came over immediately, reached out and pointed lightly behind him, and whispered, "Those two people, it seems that they want to ask you to chat."

"Go and see first."

This occasion is at most a contact, and if you want to talk about things in depth, it is obviously not suitable here. He is going to make an appointment with the other party to have a good chat and see what they think.

"Boss." Nina saw the two of them coming over and took the initiative to introduce them. "This is Mr. Kevin Fitch from Marvel, and this is Stan Lee."

"Hello, Director Greenberg." Kevin Feige extended his hand first. "We sent you an invitation through your agent Jimmy before. I hope you can visit Surprise when you have time."

"Hello, nice to meet you." Wayne shook his hand with a formulaic reserved smile. "I\'m sorry, but I\'ve been busy with work and I can\'t always find time."

Instead of focusing on the future Marvel CEO, he has been curiously observing the silent Stan Lee, the father of superheroes.

For this pushy old man and fans of Marvel movies, it will be very familiar, and he has a cameo in many movies.

And Joe Kubert, the father of superheroes in DC, is obviously too low-key compared to the other party.

Kevin Feige noticed his gaze, smiled and extended the invitation again. "Mr. Greenberg, what do you think of our superheroes? Hope to sit down and chat sometime."

"No problem." Wayne nodded. "I\'m also a fan of Marvel Comics."

Seeing that he agreed, Kevin Feige took it as soon as he saw it, shook his hand politely and said, "ok, we\'ll contact Ms. Nina later, so I won\'t disturb you."

After speaking with Stan Lee, he turned and walked to the rest area.

The reason why they came to this premiere today is to date each other. This kind of thing cannot be done overnight. Being able to date each other is a good start.

Stan-Lee has been watching silently since Kevin Feige and each other greeted each other, and until now, he still doubts whether it will work.

"Are you sure this young man can change the status quo of the company?" Stan Lee asked after glancing at the young director behind him. "We are very reluctant to continue to operate now. Even if we can invite him, I am afraid that there is no money to make movies, and if we invite him, I don\'t know what the price will be."

"No matter what it takes." Kevin Feige frowned and sighed softly. "Is there anything else we can lose? Perhaps this is Marvel\'s greatest hope right now."

The cold winter of the comics industry, I don\'t know how long it will take, but at the very least, the company has to find new revenue points to survive this endless winter period.

The superhero movies produced by Wayne Greenberg have opened another window for them. If the superheroes under Marvel can also be put on the big screen and be successful, just selling peripherals and licensing can make the company Get out of immortality.

Take a look at the current DC comics. The more influential way of images has led to greater sales of Batman comics, as well as the authorization of those characters. Just thinking about it makes Kevin Feige jealous.

The two had just left when George Lucas walked over with Brad Pitt.

Before they could say hello to each other, Wayne vaguely heard the assistant lady, discussing with the Australian girl in a low voice behind him. "He\'s so sexy, he\'s even more handsome than in the movie..."


I have to say that Brad Pitt in this period has both tough guy temperament and handsome attributes. Even when he saw this actor, he felt that he was handsome.

"Good evening, Director Greenberg, Ms. Watts, thank you for coming to the premiere of the film." Without waiting for the introduction from the father of Star Wars, Brad Pitt took the initiative to greet him. The big stars who can live successfully in this circle know how important it is to have a good director.

"I\'m a die-hard movie fan of yours. From the earliest "Happy Death Day" to "Batman: Hour of War", I have watched it more than once."

"Good evening." Wayne didn\'t care whether the other party was a real movie fan or not. Such a smart person would probably say these words to any director he met.

He looked at the big star from top to bottom, and looked at it carefully, whether it was his body or his face. The most important thing was the temperament of the other party, which did not match the role he wanted him to play.

"I don\'t know if you have a schedule for next year. In this way, before December, there will be an audition for my new project. If you are willing to try it, remember to ask your agent to sign up for you."

It\'s very uncomfortable to be observed like a cargo, but Brad Pitt knows it\'s a good thing and tries his best to keep his smile.

"Of course." Hearing this news suddenly, surprise flashed across his face. "Director Greenberg, I mean of course there is a schedule. I will tell the agent to sign up for me, thank you for giving me this opportunity."

"Ok, after a while, I\'ll let Warner Bros. send you an invitation." Wayne nodded with satisfaction and smiled at George Lucas. "That\'s it, George, I\'m going back first."

Brad Pitt is indeed a good candidate in his eyes now.

But the two sides have never cooperated, and he still has doubts in his mind about the other\'s acting ability. Everything depends on the audition performance.

There is still some time before the film starts to prepare, and he is not sure if a more suitable candidate will appear by then.

But in terms of image quality, Brad Pitt has a huge advantage. Although this big star has always been a literary artist, that face can guarantee that when shooting commercial films, he will bring some female appeal.

The premiere of "Seven Deadly Sins" here was very lively and received a lot of media attention. Another film, which also opened on Friday, has been quiet and did not hold such a huge investment. party.

The second part of "Blair Witch", all marketing methods seem to copy the first one, and despite the unsatisfactory feedback received by Universal Pictures before the film\'s release, it still did not change its plans.

After three days of the first weekend, the results were not as expected by Universal Pictures. On Monday morning, CEO Ron Mayer shredded the statistics.

The second part of "Blair Witch", like the first part, received a lot of scolding just after it was released, but this is the only thing that is the same.

When the first movie was released, amid the overwhelming scolding, fans kept getting angry and walked into the theater in groups, wondering how bad the movie was.

When this film was released, Universal Pictures and the Cinema Alliance negotiated the screening scale of more than 2,000 theaters, and it was extremely deserted on Friday.

After three days of the first weekend, it only received a measly less than $4 million at the box office.

As soon as he went to work early in the morning, Ron Mayer received a call from the three major theater companies headed by Emperor Cinemas. The film\'s screening scale will be reduced to the minimum in the contract starting on Monday.

Needless to say, the vacated curtain must have been given to "The Seven Deadly Sins".

In contrast, "Seven Deadly Sins" has been well received as soon as it was released. Whether it is the professional reputation of the film or the public praise of fans, there is a trend of explosion.

The performance is particularly obvious at the box office. In the first three days of the first weekend, "Seven Deadly Sins" reported $55.08 million, overpowering Tom Hanks\' "Apollo 13" and topping this weekend\'s box office champion.

The popularity of this film also made David Fincher famous. Brad Pitt, the star of the film, became the ideal lover of North American women for a while.

But there is one film that has been in the media spotlight despite being in theaters for more than ten weeks.

"Batman: Hour of War" has been shrunk again and again, and now fewer than 700 theaters are still lining up every day. The film has already secured the annual box office champion in advance, and the North American box office is still growing slowly, reaching 307 million US dollars.

The film has gradually dropped in many overseas regions, and only a few remote areas are still showing.

"Batman: War Hour" has been screened in more than 70 countries and regions, not counting the regions where it is still being released, and the overseas box office has achieved a total of 380 million US dollars. There is basically no hope of hitting 400 million US dollars.

Warner Bros. is also clear that although the box office of this film is surprising, and the surrounding sales during the release period are very amazing, the most important role is to lay a solid foundation for the serialization of its subsequent films.

Time slowly advanced to October. Through Jimmy, Wayne submitted his new project "The Departed" to Warner Bros. Film and Television Production Department. His mind also began to slowly change from the state of vacation and began to think more about work. question.

After the new project was submitted, it quickly passed the review of Warner Bros., and immediately notified the agent Jimmy, who could start negotiations on the investment, production, and personal treatment of the director.

The result of the negotiation, Wayne, is not in a hurry. The two sides have the most basic tacit understanding. Normally, the state of the negotiation will not break down. It is just a matter of the length of time to reach an agreement.

The reason for submitting the project review so much in advance is to allow enough time for Jimmy\'s negotiation.

"Warner Bros. has no objection to our 50% investment. There is an example of "The Matrix", this relatively lower cost project, there is no problem, there will be no investment. The problem, this has been determined after the first contact."

In the first negotiation, after a simple mutual test, Jimmy ran to the manor immediately and reported his work to Wayne.

Jimmy looked at Wayne\'s face and found that he had nothing to say, and continued: "The first time was just to test each other\'s bottom line, but I found that as long as you mentioned your personal treatment, Bruce Rosenblu, the negotiator in charge of the negotiation. um, will immediately change the subject.

This shows that Warner Bros. has some concerns about your personal treatment, and wants to leave this issue to the end. There should be some special circumstances, otherwise your remuneration is very easy to determine, and this part is almost transparent. "

In fact, Jimmy and Wayne have already had a tacit understanding on the issue of remuneration. As long as Warner Bros. gives the same treatment as Batman, they will not ask for more.

This treatment is basically the highest salary in Hollywood, and it is unrealistic to want to share more.

The basic salary and share are like this at the top, and it is very difficult to just be a director or producer if you want to involve the income from the surrounding and channels of the film.

"I see." Nina said suddenly, she pushed the glasses on her face, and her shrewd eyes flashed behind the lenses. "It\'s time for the first box office share of "Batman: Hour of War"?!"

Wayne nodded slightly, there should be a reason for this. I am afraid that the figures of the later share will surprise the company\'s executives and many shareholders.

From the current box office figures alone, he can roughly calculate that his total share of the later period must exceed 100 million US dollars.

I believe that Warner Bros. will not default in this regard, but this terrifying figure has also shocked many shareholders and high-level executives, making these people have concerns about the salary of his new project.

"Crack." Jimmy slapped his thigh hard, with a look of sudden realization. "Damn, this is a huge sum of money, I\'ll go to Warner Bros. tomorrow to urge it."

"They won\'t default on this part of the money, it doesn\'t matter if they urge or not." Wayne waved his hand, indicating that there is no need to worry. "Keep the negotiation rhythm, I want to be able to start the preparations for the new project around mid-October."

Given how important he is to Warner Bros., the other party will only transfer the share to the studio account in advance, and there is absolutely no other situation.

Even if it is the treatment of this new project, he believes that in the end, Warner Bros. will pinch the nose and agree.

Just looking at Wayne\'s box office share is indeed very high, but compared with the profits he has created for the company, this aspect will not be a problem.

"I understand, don\'t worry, the negotiation will end before mid-November." Jimmy nodded, suddenly remembered something, and looked like he was hesitant to say anything.

Wayne asked curiously, "What\'s wrong? What else?"

"It\'s that Peter Jackson."

When it comes to the New Zealand beard, Jimmy looks worried. "That person is crazy! Except for the necessary food and going to the bathroom, he lived directly in the office. The intern at the front desk told me that he was already spoiled..."

It doesn\'t matter what else, this kind of workaholic is not likeable, but it\'s not annoying either. But Peter Jackson\'s state terrified Jimmy, fearing that he would die suddenly in his new company.

"After you get off work, tell him to go back and rest." Wayne was dumbfounded. He knew the reason for the other party\'s crazy work, and it was all painted by his own pie. "If he doesn\'t want to, just tell him that I will change people for this project!"

"no problem."

The adaptation work of "The Lord of the Rings" cannot be completed in a short period of time, it is a production cycle in units of years.

After Jimmy went back, he went to the Warner Bros. Building the next day. This time, his purpose was not to negotiate. Twenty simply urged his clients to make a later share.

It was not until he got the guarantee that he would pay on time that he left contentedly.

The whole month of October was spent in negotiations between Jimmy and Warner Bros. At the same time, "Seven Deadly Sins" was a huge success in the theatrical market, grossing more than $130 million at the box office.

At the beginning of November, when the popularity of "Seven Deadly Sins" had just passed, Warner Bros. had another box office bomb, and "Detective Plane" took over the **** of the theater market.

With the appeal of Jim Carrey and others, as well as the good audience reputation of the previous work, the first weekend and three days, it took 62 million US dollars.

Seeing that a year is about to pass, the media is reporting a lot when looking back. This year can be said to be a bumper year for Warner Bros. The big productions released have all achieved great success.

At the same time, Jimmy and Warner Bros. ended negotiations on a new project, and the two sides finally reached an agreement. Warner Bros. announced the news of Wayne\'s new project through the media for the first time.

As is customary, a media meeting will be held, at which time more inside information about The Departed will be revealed.

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