Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and thirty - all waiting for him to fail

Wayne made a hurried trip to Australia, and the day after he returned to Los Angeles, he got together with his core creative team for a brief preparatory meeting.

Compared to Batman, this film will take less time to shoot and produce, because there is no special effect addition work for anti-lock, nor a long preparation period, and the need to run around.

After the preparatory meeting that day was over, Ector-Henry packed his bags and boarded a plane to Boston to inspect the location and contact the crew\'s residence.

At the same time, the audition for the main role is also about to start. There are many people in the circle who are staring at the Wayne project. Less than a day after the news was released, dozens of resumes were delivered to the casting director Schwartz through the agent. .

In the resumes sent by these big and small agents, there are many actors who have become famous. On the contrary, there are very few characters who are unknown.

This has something to do with Wayne\'s request. He has roughly selected candidates for the three main roles in this play. Unless they perform really well and have reasons to impress him, they won\'t make changes easily.

The most important thing is that these three main characters all need certain acting support. However, in this circle, actors with both acting skills and box office appeal are themselves scarce resources, and even fewer can meet the needs of the characters.

Even the three people he was thinking of now were slowly settled one by one after careful consideration. It would be very difficult for others to impress him and let him replace them. Similarly, if the actor he personally invited fails to meet the film\'s requirements, he will not hesitate to replace it.

On November 20th, the front of the Warner Bros. studio became lively again. Reporters and paparazzi with a keen sense of smell gathered around the gate early, waiting for the stars who would enter it.

As Wayne\'s new film, "The Departed" naturally attracted a lot of media attention, but they knew almost nothing about the film except for the name of the film and the fact that it was a gangster film.

They hope to get some information about the script of the film from the mouth of the audition actor. Moreover, most of these actors who participated in the audition are not unknown, and they themselves represent the topic.

But this time they are destined to be mostly disappointed. So far, only Christian Bale has seen the full script, and he does not need to audition for the role he needs to play.

As for the acting skills of the British "Batman", Wayne has nothing to investigate, and the other party\'s efforts and dedication also reassure him.

The information revealed in this play is that there are only two young male protagonists, and now one has been occupied in advance, and the remaining one. All the actors who auditioned held their breath, knowing that the competition had become more intense.

"Only a nominal $1.2 million is not what you are worth!"

In the dressing room of the studio\'s studio, agent Chambers walked back and forth around his client with an expression of disbelief. "Think about it clearly. If we agree to this condition, I am afraid that the crew will offer you this price in the future!"

Actors\' self-depreciation is definitely a taboo in the business field, especially for actors who are on the rise, self-depreciation will only send a message to the production company that you are only worth the price.

This is not a matter of one or two times. With the beginning, the crew who send you invitations later will all follow suit one by one.

"Chambers, this is Wayne Greenberg\'s project!" Brad Pitt was also hesitant. These words seemed to be said to the agent, but they were actually the reason why he persuaded himself. "And he also took the initiative to invite me. This opportunity may further my career. Think about the British Batman. Does anyone doubt his worth now?"

The agent glanced back at the door, leaned forward, lowered his voice and said, "But this is a realist gangster movie! Who can guarantee that he will never miss? Listen, if Wayne Greenberg is in If you are invited in DC’s masterpiece, you can take it with your eyes closed, even if you don’t get paid, it doesn’t matter, but this is a realistic film.”

This is not the first time such an argument between them has appeared. Generally speaking, each time it ends with Brad Pitt\'s silence.

The biggest reason why he was unwilling to refute the agent was that Chambers was thinking of everything for him and had no selfishness.

No one can never fail, of course he knows this truth, even if that person is synonymous with success, it will not work! This is the consensus in the circle. Everyone is waiting for his first miss. As long as this appears for the first time, there will be no production company in the future, and he deliberately avoids him during the film schedule.

The essence of the matter is this, except for Warner Bros., everyone is looking forward to Wayne\'s failure, but there is no company willing to make the first bird to compete with his film.

"His goal is Oscar." Brad Pitt was very shrewd and guessed the opponent\'s goal early in the morning, at least it was one of the goals. "That\'s important, isn\'t it?"


Broker Chambers let out a long sigh of relief and sat down on the lounge chair and spread out his hands. "I\'m just reminding you, don\'t be blinded by the halo of that young man. The 1.2 million salary is too little. Whether it\'s worth the risk or not, you decide for yourself."

This is undoubtedly a gamble. Brad Pitt should have taken advantage of the popularity of "Seven Deadly Sins" to take on a higher-paying commercial production, instead of taking the risk of participating in this unprofitable project.

If you win the bet, your fame will naturally increase, and fame means worth. Maybe you can follow the film and go to the Oscars for a walk. If you lose the bet, then needless to say, it completely wastes the popularity created by this "Seven Deadly Sins", not only wasting time but also making money.

Brad Pitt gritted his teeth. "Participate in the audition first, and if we can pass, we will agree to Warner Bros.\'s conditions."

Next to him, there was also an actor who came to audition for the male lead, but there were two of them together. There were only the two of them in the dressing room, and there was no agent to accompany him.

"Matt, I just saw Brad Pitt." Ben Affleck looked unlucky, feeling that their hopes for this audition were infinitely close to zero.

"comeon! Ben, don\'t do that."

Matt Damon reached out and patted his brother on the shoulder. "Until the audition is over, no one will know what the outcome will be."

Nodding lightly, Ben Affleck showed a wry smile. This is already the two of them. It\'s the second time they have come together to audition for Wayne\'s new film. Seeing the brilliance of admiring himself, he inexplicably lost to the Englishman.

The reason why he came again this time was purely because he was pulled by his friends. He originally thought that he had a glimmer of hope because of the good impression he left on the director last time, but the moment he saw Brad Pitt, he knew It\'s hard to compete in this role.

The opponent just starred in "The Seven Deadly Sins", and now is the most popular time, this is not a male vase, in addition to being handsome, he also lacks acting skills, and the box office appeal is not comparable to the two of them.

"It\'s about to start, we\'re ready." Matt Damon heard footsteps outside the dressing room and reminded his good brother with a smile. "If we are not selected this time, it\'s a big deal to continue writing "Good Will Hunter" and get investment by ourselves."

"buckle" "buckle"

Just as he was talking, the door was knocked twice, and the voice of the agent came in. "Matt, get ready, you might be the first."

"No problem!" Matt Damon called out to the door.

In a conference room transformed into an audition room, Wayne sat alone behind Schwartz, watching his two assistants install cameras and flipping through the screened resumes.

Among them, there are a few acquaintances, who can make him look familiar, and they are probably all celebrities who will make their mark in the future. One of the ID photos was recognized by him at a glance, Frank Grillo, that is, the father Frank in Wolf Warrior 2.

There are many such examples. Almost every time I participate in an audition, I can see some familiar faces more or less.

"Jennifer Connelly, it\'s interesting, isn\'t this woman short of filming?" Wayne looked at Schwartz, reached out and clicked on the resume he just drew. The above experience can be called brilliant, such as "Shocking Times" released the year before. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The casting director shrugged and said without hesitation: "Someone found Bruce Rosenblum, and then he called me. If you don\'t like it, I will notify her agent tonight and cancel her. The audition is ready tomorrow."

"It doesn\'t matter, just keep it."

Leaning on the chair relaxedly, Wayne folded his hands on his chest, and thought about it carefully. It seems that Jennifer Connelly, who is in her early twenties, is so beautiful that she can bubbling up?

"I\'m fine here." Schwartz saw his assistant nodded to him, raised his wrist and glanced at the time, then turned to him and said, "Then start?"


Not long after, there was a knock on the audition room door, and Matt Damon walked in first. The layout of this audition room is no different from other crews. However, he still noticed the difference. There was only Wayne behind the casting director, but there was no producer.

"Mr. Damon, you don\'t need to introduce yourself, I remember you." Before the casting director could speak, the rare Wayne spoke first. "Here\'s a scene, and I need you to act it out, Schwartz, you\'re going to act for him."

This start was interesting, but it was really Li Kui who bumped into Li Gui, took out a piece of printing paper that had been prepared a long time ago, and raised his hand and handed it to the other party. "Ready and ready to start."

The moment he saw the script, Matt Damon was stunned. On the short half page of printing paper, almost every line was inseparable from swear words, and he rushed to this line. This film will also be an R-rated film. It\'s hard to avoid 18 bans for a dirty movie!

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