Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and thirty-one-fxxk, it's none of your business here

Sitting in the audition room, Wayne looked intently at the actor in front of the camera. At this time, Matt Damon was still a little young and immature, but the face of the other party has always been very popular with the audience.

When looking through the camera, he saw that the other party said he was ready, and after the show officially started, he never opened his mouth to command, wanting to see if the other party could give him a surprise.

Schwartz knew his mission, and when he came up, he twisted the opponent\'s arm, showing no mercy at all.

"What is this? Do you want to arrest the police? Shoot!" Matt Damon turned back and kept talking with a nervous expression. "Only one of the two of us is a cop, Bill, you know what? Bill! No one knows you\'re..."

"shutthefxxkup!" Schwartz\'s performance was not professional at all. He shoved each other and shouted his lines while he was doing a good job.

"I\'m a Massachusetts State Police Officer, what are you ****? fxxkyou!" An exasperated shout kept coming from Matt Damon\'s mouth. "fxxk, I deleted all your police files..."

"You deleted my file, huh?" The casting director read his lines step by step according to the scene.

"yeah, kill the police! Let\'s see what happens..."

It can be seen that just a few minutes after I got this script, Matt Damon was a little confused about the role he was going to play, and his acting skills were not as natural as later.

Without waiting for the other party to continue the performance, Wayne ended his bad taste ahead of time, "Clang, clang" raised his hand and knocked on the table twice, indicating that they don\'t have to continue, and this performance can end.

Schwartz shrugged and glanced at Matt Damon regretfully. He could just feel that the young actor was trying very hard to integrate his emotions, but the time was too short for him, and although he could watch He came out with some acting talent, but his acting skills were quite immature.

This kind of actor who is talented in acting and can get into the emotions of the characters, generally only needs to be tempered by two plays, and his acting skills can quickly mature.

To put it bluntly, he is too young and lacks acting experience. This kind of experience refers to the main character, and you can\'t run away from it.

"Do you have anything else to watch?" Schwartz asked Wayne in a low voice as he sat back on the camera and handed the prop gun to the assistant. .

Shaking his head gently, Wayne drew a big fork with a pen on Matt Damon\'s resume. "Come on, I don\'t have time to accompany him to hone his acting skills."

"Ok, let\'s go here." The casting director stopped the audition, with a routine smile on his face, and said, "Mr. Damon, the crew will notify your agent of the audition result within three days at the latest. Now you can go back and thank you so much for coming to this audition."

Done! Hearing these words, and looking at Wayne who was looking down at the documents, Matt Damon guessed that he was out of the game.

He knew that in the performance just now, his performance was not very satisfactory. He had tried his best, but facing the script and characters he knew nothing about, it was really confusing, and he couldn\'t guess what the director wanted. what effect.

It wasn\'t until he walked out of the audition room that he suddenly remembered that because of a moment of frustration, he ran out without saying hello to the few people inside.

"What\'s the result?" As soon as he went out, Ben Affleck put his arms around his shoulders and dragged him to the dressing room. "Is there any hope of being selected? You talk."

"There should be no hope." Matt Damon shook his head, helpless and frustrated in his tone. "They didn\'t give me any other opportunity to perform at all other than to let me perform a little inexplicable scene."

Thinking of the short piece he just performed, he immediately stood in place, tilted his head and approached his friend\'s ear, and whispered to the other party what he had seen and understood.

Since he has no hope, if Ben can be selected, he feels that the result is not too bad. "The short story they gave me has only two main characters, and this audition should be to choose one of them..."


Just as he was talking, Ben Affleck suddenly reached out and patted him on the back, shook his head in his doubtful eyes, and motioned him to look ahead.

At this time, Brad Pitt and his agent were passing by, and the four looked at each other with their eyes. The meanings in their eyes were the same, and they were all full of vigilance.

It was clear to several of them that they were the main competitors and that this audition would leave only one winner.

When the second audition began, unlike just now, Wayne put aside his bad taste and focused on Brad Pitt through the camera.

Unlike the big star in his memory, Brad Pitt didn\'t have long hair at this time, and on his slightly younger face, the hormonal breath was blowing in his face. This tough guy had a ruffian temperament very unique. .

The other party\'s special temperament and appearance should be particularly attractive to women, otherwise women such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston, and Angelina Jolie would not fall in love with him successively. Hug.

Almost every woman with him will provide him with countless topics and degrees of discussion, especially Jennifer Aniston, which is not very helpful to his career.

Thinking about it on the other hand, it might make sense to say that this guy\'s early career has always relied on women.

Brad Pitt in front of the camera, after a simple greeting, followed Schwartz\'s instructions and kept posing in various shapes.

A few minutes later, the casting director looked at Wayne, and he and several assistants in the room understood that the role was decided by the other party\'s feelings, and for the time being, no one knew what effect he wanted the actor to show.

Wayne looked at the props master. "Give him a prop gun, a pistol."

Picking up the prop gun that Schwartz had just used, the prop engineer immediately handed it to Brad Pitt.

Holding the pistol, Brad Pitt looked at Wayne, who was sitting at the back. He was not a novice actor, this was Hollywood, and he knew very well who was the one who could make the decision. The other party was the leader of the entire project.

"You\'re familiar with this short scene, and you can start anytime when you\'re ready." Wayne asked the casting assistant to pass the piece of printing paper just now to the other party, looking at the handsome star who lost his slag. continued:

"I need you to show anger and other emotions. You can play it according to the scene. Brad, you are this undercover agent Bill. Schwartz, you help him set up the scene."

Brad Pitt nodded cautiously. "No problem, I\'ll prepare."

For this audition, he didn\'t get any inside information, but from his last play, he guessed that the role the other party wanted him to play was probably of this type.

"What do you want to do? Arrest a cop? Shoot..." Schwartz began to repeat his lines step by step after Brad Pitt signaled to be ready.

"shutthefxxkup!" A suppressed roar interrupted Schwartz, and the actor in the field tilted his head slightly, looking exasperated, as if he was really pointing a gun at someone.

The conversation between the two continued. In the face of Schwartz\'s rather amateurish performance of lines, Brad Pitt was much more professional. Even when he performed against the air, he was trying to bring into the character\'s emotions.

The actor\'s eyes are very well used. At the beginning of the show, he expresses his emotions very well through his own eyes. Coupled with his good appearance, this moment showed a special temperament.

Speaking of intangible things like temperament, in the film, in addition to the actor\'s own image cost, it actually depends more on the operation of the makeup artist and the matching of clothing.

However, sometimes, the actor can accurately convey the temperament that the director wants through his own expressiveness. This kind of actor is usually closer to the role. Of course, the talent in acting is also indispensable.

In the early stage of his career, Brad Pitt, who mainly shoots literary films, completely met the requirements in this regard. Wayne also observed a very important point. Although the other party\'s acting skills are not particularly mature, he can get him. The middle and upper score, playing this role is not a problem at all.

A short swearing performance ended quickly. Wayne flipped through the resume and documents on the table and said, "Mr. Pete, have you received combat and gun training?"

Putting the prop gun back to the prop engineer, Brad Pitt showed a smile and said, "Yes, before shooting "Seven Deadly Sins", I received systematic training, and then I got used to this fitness method. "

"Can you simply show a little fighting action?" Wayne asked directly.

Without any hesitation, Brad Pitt threw two punches forward and performed two more kicks. Don\'t look at the actual power, just look at the action, he does have a fighting foundation, and this level of filming is enough.

"Very good." Wayne nodded with satisfaction. Although these things are just icing on the cake, there are some foundations, which can save a lot of trouble when shooting and save training time in this area.

He put Brad Pitt\'s resume aside, looked at Schwartz and said, "Just here."

After the audition, Brad Pitt showed a smile as soon as he went out. He knew in his heart that his performance met the director\'s requirements, and the probability of getting the role was very high.

On the way back to the dressing room, they happened to meet Ben Affleck who was walking towards him. They glanced at each other, nodded silently, and then passed each other.

If nothing else, there should be little hope for this character, Brad Pitt can be sure of this, provided there are no accidents. Young actors have special performances in auditions, and things that impress directors or producers to change their minds often appear in the circle.

When Ben Affleck walked into the audition room and greeted him politely, he started his performance under the command of Schwartz.

Just like the previous two actors, even though Wayne had already made a decision, he gave the other a few minutes to perform, and patiently watched his audition.

"That\'s it, Mr. Affleck, the crew will notify your agent of the audition results within three days at the latest, thank you for coming to this audition."

The casting director\'s routine words rang for the third time.

"OK, thanks."

Ben Affleck responded, opened the door and walked out of the audition room, shook his head to his friend who was waiting at the door, and walked out of the studio in silence.

"It seems that we have to go back and continue to write "Good Will Hunting"." Matt Damon smiled bitterly, and while discussing with his friends, he left Warner Studios again disappointed.

At this moment in the audition room, Schwartz raised his hand and glanced at the time, and said to Wayne, who was looking through the documents with a cigarette in his mouth, "Are you going to continue?"

"Forget it, let\'s continue in the afternoon. Let\'s all rest." Wayne rubbed his temples, stood up and stretched his arms. "Let\'s go out to eat something?"

Schwartz shook his head. "I\'m going to sleep for a while, and I\'m exhausted by the annoying phone calls during this time."

Wayne shrugged, turned to open the door and walked to his office. He knew why the casting director was tired. Since the audition started, the other party not only had to screen the actor\'s information, but also deal with various relationships, staring at the actors of this project. But a lot.

Back at the office, I called Nina and Sergey, and the three walked out of the big studio, ready to go out to find some food.

"Big man, go find a tram, I\'m going to starve." The assistant lady hid in the office all morning, checking Wayne\'s financial problems during this period of time. These things are usually dealt with by accountant Colin, Nina Will carefully check again.

This girl with an ordinary appearance and a shrewd heart knows that compared to the nominal accountant Colin Howard, her boss obviously trusts her personal assistant more, especially in terms of money.

So every time there is a financial transfer, Nina will check it carefully. Even the monthly loan repayment to the bank, she must know what is going on, so as to prevent any problems that no one wants to see.

Practitioners in this circle, it is too easy to get money, and they are all in large amounts of cash. In addition, most of them are not highly educated and have no correct financial management concepts at all, so they often hear which Big stars, big directors, and gossip by accountants.

"Boss, look over there."

While waiting for Sergey to drive the tram, Nina inadvertently looked at a studio not far away, and suddenly saw a familiar figure, she immediately patted Wayne lightly and pointed to the studio on the left. "Looks like Halle-Berry, shall we go and see?"

Nina was going to pretend she didn\'t see it, but now that Naomi Watts has a big belly, she doesn\'t want any problems.

But the black pearl over there was obviously arguing with someone. A man with a big belly just pushed and tore the black beauty. Obviously, she couldn\'t pretend not to see this situation.

"Let\'s go and see, shit."

For this kind of woman who took the initiative to not contact him, Wayne never bothered. To put it bluntly, it was just a transaction between them. It is very common to bring him some special enjoyment with spirit and body.

Now that the transaction is over, women are unwilling to be implicated in him, and he will not provoke the other party if he is not good enough, and he is not short of women, right?

They hadn\'t seen each other for a long time, and Wayne didn\'t pay attention to the other party\'s later discoveries. I didn\'t expect to meet here~www.novelhall.com~ What film is this studio preparing? "As he walked, he turned around and asked the assistant lady. In the Warner Bros. studio, many crews are renting every day, preparing to shoot various movies, even the neighbors he didn\'t care about.

"I don\'t know." Nina quickly followed Wayne and shook her head.

The two approached the small door of the studio, and clearly heard the impatient voice of Halle Berry.

"Mr Baird, let me go, or I may choose to call the police!"

"NO, NO, NO. You wouldn\'t do that." The man\'s voice revealed smugness, he was sure that this pretty black pearl would not call the police, otherwise how could she be in the circle in the future.

"Listen, Harry, isn\'t your purpose here to audition for the heroine of The Greatest Crisis? I can assure you, this role will be yours, and she will be you for a trivial effort. of."

Harry-Berry obviously hesitated for a moment, but looking at the potbellied appearance of the other party, he still couldn\'t convince himself. "I need time to think, let me go, Mr. Baird!"

"Hi Harry, need help?"

When he heard about the movie character, Wayne wanted to turn around and walk away, and he wasn\'t going to be involved in this kind of shit. But since Harry-Berry had rejected the other party, and the other party was still pulling her bag to keep her from going, he shook his head and walked over behind them with Nina.

"fxxk, it\'s none of your business here, fxxkoff!" The middle-aged man spit out a bunch of swear words before he could see who was coming.

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