Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and twenty-nine - I don't play finance

"Hollywood Draw(!

After a simple dinner provided by the hotel, Wayne went back to the bedroom early, holding the South African diamond to prepare for an early rest, got off the plane and rushed to the studio, and there was another fight at noon, which made him feel that he was overwhelmed. Get some energy.

"Hani, you are going to stay here for a few days this time."

Charlize Theron was wearing pajamas, sitting in front of the vanity mirror, smearing skin lotion on his face with both hands, and suddenly looked back at Wayne who was leaning on the head of the bed and asked.

He looked up and looked at the South African Diamond, thought for a moment, and said, "Tomorrow at the earliest, the day after tomorrow at the latest, the preparations for the new film will start in Los Angeles soon, and I have to go back to host it."

"Ah, leaving so soon?" The woman looked surprised, lifted the quilt and got into his arms, adjusted her posture, and rested her head on his chest comfortably.

Raising his hand to gently stroke the woman\'s hair, Wayne looked at her and smiled. "I came here this time, just to see the progress of Zach\'s shooting. Since everything is going well, it doesn\'t make sense for me to stay here. I will go to the studio tomorrow to see it. If there is no accident, I will go straight to the airport."

As he spoke, his other hand slipped into the woman\'s pajamas skillfully, and began to swim under the quilt.


Charlize Theron raised his head from his chest, bumped his chin lightly, looked into his eyes without hesitation, and rolled his eyes. "Haney, isn\'t the madness at noon enough? I have a big role tomorrow, don\'t torture me."

"Ok, I\'ll be gentler..."

After a night, when Wayne opened his eyes again, he was alone on the bed. Reaching out to touch the watch from the bedside table, and looking at the time in front of him, he realized that he had slept for nearly ten hours.

I haven\'t touched a woman for a few months, and I overslept and overslept for a while.

"Boss, are you awake?"

The bedroom door was knocked by the assistant lady from outside. "It\'s nine o\'clock, we still have to go to the set."

"Ha..." Covering his mouth and yawning, Wayne lifted the quilt and put on his clothes, and said loudly, "I\'ll come right away, you and Sergey pack up, and we\'ll go directly to the airport from the crew in the afternoon."

Walking into the bathroom, I simply took a shower, took the two of them to the car arranged by the hotel, and went straight to the studio in the suburbs.

Unlike the situation when he came over yesterday, the entire crew is busy today, and in the largest studio, Zack Snyder has already started filming.

In the venue is Li Guohao\'s action scenes. This kind of shot always looks coherent, but the shooting is very short, sometimes even a shot takes less than two seconds, and Zach Snyder will stop it.

Wayne didn\'t go to disturb their normal work, just stood outside the crowd, leaning in front of the studio door and watching carefully.

In the action scenes filmed now, except for the scene of the male protagonist Neo, almost everyone else is a substitute, especially when seeing Charlize Theron\'s substitute turned out to be a bearded man wearing a tight leather jacket, he immediately His eyes were stagnant.

Recalling the game of leather jackets, and looking at the beards who were performing earnestly in the venue, he decided not to play this game with the South African Diamonds again, otherwise he would think of this stuntman every time, it was too emotional, I can\'t say It will also leave a psychological shadow.

In fact, all Hollywood crews are like this. Action scenes are usually performed by stunt doubles. Even if the main characters are very good, the director will be cautious about such performances.

If the main character performer is injured, the consequences will be much more serious than that of a stunt crew member. Slowing down the filming progress of the crew is tantamount to increasing production costs. For such a large group of hundreds of people, the daily expenses are not a small number.

As a substitute for Teti at the bottom of the circle, there are not so many concerns. Even if there is an accident, the big deal is that the crew compensates for some money according to the contract, and the filming will never stop. There is never a shortage of such bottom-level staff.

In 2011, when jet-li was filming "The Expendables 2", his stuntman Liu Kun died unexpectedly in a blasting scene. At that time, the stuntman was only 26 years old, but his family received only 160,000 compensation. Note that it is RMB.

In a movie like "The Expendables", there are always a lot of explosive scenes. For safety reasons, even if you want to shoot yourself, the director and producer will not agree. Don\'t look at the few scenes of jet-li, but also Safety protocols must be followed.

His stunt double had a different contract with the crew. According to the black and white terms of the contract, the crew only had to compensate for this life of 166,000. A young life was taken away by the crew with this amount of money.

In fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon. As long as it is a commercial action film crew, there is no problem in the shooting, it is simply delusional.

"Why doesn\'t Lee use a stand-in?" Sergey stared curiously at the action guides, looking eager to try, and muttered. "Although he hits beautifully, I still feel that such an action can\'t stop me from punching."

"It\'s not necessarily..." Wayne shook his head gently, watching Li Guohao and the others pat and stop. "He\'s got a great father, and that\'s a TV show, the guy who can get New York to amend the constitution."

Saying that, he waved to Luke Simmons, and when the other party approached, he said, "Luke, I\'ll leave it to you, I\'ll go back to Los Angeles right away. Call me anytime if you have something, and I won\'t disturb Zach\'s work. already."

"No problem, I\'ll take you?"

Wayne patted his arm and shook his head. "Forget it, the hotel has sent a driver, you can do it."

When I came to Australia this time, I found that everything went smoothly. They came in a hurry and left in a hurry. Before the afternoon, they boarded the return flight.

Wayne didn\'t put much effort into the Matrix project. He is also a normal person, and it is impossible to want everything. Since he has no time to make this classic, it is the best choice for him to give this series to his own people.

In fact, no matter in the business field or word of mouth, "The Matrix" used to be his choice. If this series is not made crookedly, it is destined to be recorded in film history. Relish.

But people are always making choices. No one can take all the good things. Since I chose Chongo next year, I will definitely not have the time and energy to make "The Matrix". I really have to leave it to That pair of brothers (sisters), he must not be reconciled.

Judging from Wayne\'s current situation, this film is tasteless to him. If he wants commercial results, it is better to make superheroes directly. If he wants academic affirmation, this film is definitely not as good as "The Departed".

The plane landed at Los Angeles International Airport. As soon as Sergey\'s car came out of the waiting hall, Nina answered the phone and looked at Wayne with a smile.

"Boss, the phone call from Colin, $90 million has been deposited into the Greenberg Studios account, and Warner Bros. has moved quickly."

Wayne nodded with a smile on his face. It was always a pleasure to make money. "As per the plan, transfer the money to the charitable fund first, and wait for my notice for the rest."

"Colin wanted to talk to you, but I refused."

Nina opened the car door and got into the car, continuing: "Our accountant seems to have other ideas and wants to convince you personally."

Taking out a bottle of water from the car refrigerator, Wayne raised his head and took a few sips, then asked casually, "What does he want to do? Next time you tell him directly, even if the Internet market is good now, the money will be useful to me. "

"It\'s not the Internet, it\'s finance." Nina knew that this was one of the fastest ways to get money, and now her boss is indeed qualified to sit at this poker table.

If it is said that the stocks of Internet companies that sell concepts are the scythes that cut the leeks of ordinary people, then finance is a harvester, and the two are completely incomparable.

Of course, if you want to play this game, you must pay a little price to buy tickets to the table, otherwise the gang of Wall Street Jewish bosses will not contact them through Colin.

Hearing the finance, Wayne\'s face darkened. "What did Colin say?"

"There are people who want to talk to you, and these people are interested in Warner Bros. and the film industry."

"Push." ​​Without any hesitation, he immediately gave his answer. "Tell Colin Howard, I don\'t touch things that I can\'t control, even if I make money."

The assistant lady smiled, showing a look she knew for a long time. "I have rejected him for you."

Wayne nodded and let out a long sigh of relief. "I\'m not short of money, and I won\'t have money in the future. I don\'t want to participate in that kind of game. Nina, you have to remember that there are really no good people in this circle, including myself. But financial, hum, I still I don\'t want to go to **** after I die."

It is still in the mid-1990s, and in the eyes of ordinary people in this era, there is nothing special about finance. For this industry, people\'s understanding is just a group of money players.

But in another 20 years, many people will begin to understand slowly, and they will find that finance has become a nightmare for people all over the world. If there are more sins than anyone else in this world, the people who make more sins will go to hell, and you will find that, without exception, almost all of the people at the bottom of **** are financial.

Even the executioners who have killed countless people are probably not as bad as these gangs of finance.

The first step for financial institutions to play with society is to create social demand. They will make ordinary people short of money. They will create credit cards for you, create various loans, and use all the names you call them to let ordinary people go. Have a life you can\'t enjoy before.

In this way, there is only one theme left. If you borrow money from him, then borrowing money from him will lead to an increase in the needs of ordinary people, and then the producers who meet the needs of ordinary people will also be short of money, so they will also borrow money from him.

Now almost all the West is in this vicious circle, that is, from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the present, only one thing has been done in the past five hundred years, that is, financiers have expanded the world\'s demand, and then deprived the world of wealth.

This is the main reason why in North America ~www.novelhall.com~ 42% of households cannot afford a dollar and 60% of them cannot afford a thousand dollars.

This is also called class solidification. For an 18-year-old North American child, whether he wants to go to school or work, he has only one way, and that is loans.

When he took out a loan to go to school, bought a car, and bought a house, he would suddenly find that his life was inseparable from loans and credit cards. Under the habit of spending ahead of time, his whole life would change. I can\'t get a penny, and my days are always spent in non-stop repayment.

But ordinary people don’t know that the money that financial institutions lend them to go to school, buy a house, buy a car, and credit cards are all leveraged by financiers. And Wall Street is the center of this game of exploiting ordinary people, and the financiers are also the rule-makers of the game that exploit ordinary people.

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