Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and ten - I will not be Mrs Greenberg.

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"How about it?"

After returning to the manor, Wayne didn\'t bother to go up and change his clothes. He kept sitting in the living room smoking a cigarette and waiting for the result. When he saw Nina coming downstairs, he couldn\'t wait to ask.

The assistant lady nodded slightly. "Mary communicated with her for a while. From the HCG test results of the urine test, it is basically confirmed that she is pregnant. Mary will come down here, and she will have to wait for the specifics."

Although he was mentally prepared for this result, hearing the assistant lady\'s words still made Wayne feel all kinds of feelings.

Inside this body, after all, is a soul with oriental characteristics, no matter how thoroughly westernized it is, some things cannot be changed.

And the descendants, for the soul of the East, are like a root, proving the meaning of their existence.

In fact, after so many years, Wayne has always hinted to himself in his heart that this world is absolutely very real, no matter what he hears or sees, or his parents who gave him infinite love, let him try not to put this Treat it as a game.

But doubt about his own body is one of the biggest secrets in his heart. Since he was a child, he has discovered that he is far smarter than his peers. The huge study plan that normal people can\'t understand, but he can complete it with ease.

Although his body has never been a big muscular man, he can only be regarded as strong at most, but he can withstand the collision of rugby sports. All of this made him have doubts about his body, but the unexpected arrival of his offspring made him dispel all \'s concerns.

In this way, it is just that God prefers this body, and has given him some talents that are superior to ordinary people, and the others are no different.

"Mr. Greenberg."

Without making Wayne wait too long, the female doctor, Mary Elizabeth, who was specially hired by the housekeeper Hella, walked down from the second floor. She works for a private hospital in Beverly, and she has signed a non-disclosure agreement before coming. These two points ensure that celebrity ** will not be disclosed at will.

Reaching out his hand and shaking it, and inviting her to sit down, Wayne asked, "Doctor Elizabeth, how is it?"

"It can only be initially determined that Ms. Watts is very likely to be pregnant."

In the face of the super rich who can live in such a place, and the world-class director who is famous in the United States, Mary Elizabeth follows the convention and does not say anything completely.

Countless seniors in their industry have proved it with facts. Unless you get a detailed examination report in the hospital, you must not give a positive answer. This is the center of Hollywood where private life is chaotic. It is endless.

Wayne\'s eyes suddenly became sharp, looking at the young female doctor. "can not confirm?"

"You misunderstood, Mr. Greenberg!" Mary-Elizabeth saw that he was in a bad mood and quickly explained. "Because of the conditions at home, we can only test urine HCG through urine, but the accuracy of this method is less than 100%.

Now we have only made a preliminary determination. For the specific and detailed examination results, we need to go to the hospital tomorrow to do a blood HCG test by drawing blood. If the blood HCG is greater than 10mluml, it can be 100% confirmed to be pregnant.

Whether it is an intrauterine pregnancy, an ectopic pregnancy or a biochemical pregnancy clinically requires further examination..."

Seeing the impatient look on the other\'s face, the female doctor swallowed a mouthful of saliva and continued to speak at a faster pace: "Of course, we can also pass the B-ultrasound examination when we go to the hospital. Well, the fastest and most convenient is of course. It\'s a urine HCG test, and the results can be seen in a few minutes, but the results are not 100% accurate, so I can only say that it is tentatively confirmed that Ms. Watts does have symptoms of pregnancy."

After going around for a long time, she never dared to say a few words. The private lives of these female stars are extremely chaotic. According to what she has learned, it is very common to smoke contraband, take drugs, and have sex.

This excessively chaotic private life has greatly affected the results of the urine test for HCG, as well as the strange female diseases caused by these bad living habits, which may cause the illusion of pregnancy.

"Ok, I understand." Wayne nodded lightly. In fact, he understood from the doctor\'s subtext. No accident, Naomi Watts pregnancy is no problem.

"In this way, Dr. Elizabeth, before nine o\'clock tomorrow morning, I will take Nami to your hospital for a specific examination. You can make an appointment for me. Hella, help me take Dr. Elizabeth back."

"No problem, Mr. Greenberg." The female doctor breathed a sigh of relief. The man opposite looked at a very young and sunny man, but when he really faced the serious man, she realized how much pressure was on. She knew very well in her heart that this was Everything may be an illusion brought to her by the other party\'s terrifying wealth, but it made her truly feel uncomfortable.

Before leaving, after hesitating for a while, Mary-Elizabeth still opened her mouth to remind. "It\'s better for Ms Watts to stay away from alcohol, it\'s not doing her body any good, it\'s not doing any good for her baby."

"Thank you, I will pay attention." Wayne smiled rarely and nodded to her.

When the female doctor left the living room, he turned to look at the assistant lady. "Nami was drinking tonight?"

"I only drank a little, not much..." Nina replied softly while looking at his face cautiously.

"I see, you should rest early. Tomorrow, let Nami do a blood test together. I\'ll go and have a good chat with her."

After speaking, I walked directly up the stairs to the second floor and came to the Australian girl\'s own room. The first thing she saw when she opened the door was Naomi Watts holding the golden retriever and whispering to herself.

At this moment, Wayne is also tangled in his heart. The sudden arrival of this child is indeed a surprising and pleasant gift. However, it does not match the plan he made for himself for the first half of his life. You must know that God\'s gift is not just a gift. A small life also comes with the responsibility to the mother of the child. He turned around and closed the door gently, walked to the bed and sat down next to the other person, he reached out and slowly stroked the golden retriever in the other person\'s arms, looked up into her eyes and said, "Nami, I think our relationship We need to talk a little bit, it\'s important for babies who haven\'t even been born yet."

"I understand, Wayne, you promise to love him, right?" Naomi Watts let go of the golden retriever in her arms, touched her stomach, and asked uncertainly. "Or are you really ready? Ready for your own baby?"

The Australian girl knows each other and knows that in his life plan, there is absolutely no option to have children in his twenties, and all his energy will be put into work.

From the few words that were revealed when they chatted between them, it could be found that this man\'s future work plan was enormous. Although he has achieved great success now, his pursuit of film career will never stop.

Now suddenly there is a child, which obviously will involve a lot of energy and even affect the other person\'s life plan.

"I think I\'m ready. This is God\'s greatest gift to me, and there\'s no reason why people shouldn\'t cherish it." Wayne had a gentle look on his face, and his words were very firm. "What about you, Nami, are you ready to be a mom? Even if you want a security, I can give you a wedding..."

"No! Wayne, please..."

Hearing his words, Naomi Watts\' pupils instantly dilated a lot, and she rejected his proposal for the first time. "I understand you, is being Mrs. Greenberg a guarantee? No, absolutely not! I thought about this question a few years ago, and the answer is, I can\'t accept that every day you come home, you have to guess where you are. Which bixxh have you kissed outside!

And as long as I marry you, it means that my career and pursuits are all meaningless. Ask yourself, will Mrs. Greenberg be allowed to go out to act and pursue fame and fortune? ! You will not allow me to do this! "

Although her refusal was extremely firm, when she heard that the man was willing to give her a wedding, Naomi Watts felt happy in her heart, but she would not agree. She thought about this question countless times before she became pregnant.

She knows how good this man is. She has seen him with her own eyes, and has reached the current position step by step, possessing terrifying wealth.

Then don\'t care how successful a man\'s career is, he will not deliberately suppress some personalities, as she just said, as long as he continues to be successful, women in this circle who want to climb into Wayne\'s bed may be able to Row from Beverly to Burbank!

As long as he is a normal man, no one can stand this kind of temptation, not to mention that he is a **** with unlimited energy?

Since she knows that she can\'t accept such a thing happening, she simply doesn\'t want to get too much, so as not to cause an imbalance in her heart~www.novelhall.com~ Also, what she has always pursued, Naomi Watts is very sober, She likes the feeling of being chased by the media and fans. To be a big star is her goal in the first half of her life, and she does not allow herself to give up.

To become Mrs. Greenberg, you can get everything easily, but what you need to pay is impossible for her to accept.

Wayne was stunned for a moment, and was silent for two minutes before he straightened his face. "Nami, the chance is only this time, are you sure you don\'t regret it?"

"No regrets." Naomi Watts\' eyes became firmer, she stretched out her white fingers and gently stroked the sunny and handsome face in front of her. "You always knew what was on my mind, didn\'t you? Listen, Wayne, I love you so much, but I would never be Mrs. Greenberg! I can feel your affection for me, and we don\'t have to do it for the kids. Show up, change the way you get along, I\'m pretty sure of that."

Australian girls believe that the best way to maintain mutual understanding is not to easily change the way they get along. She just had to be sure that Wayne would love the child between them, and it would be good for both of them.

"I hope you can always think like this." Reaching out to hug the woman beside him, Wayne gave her a deep look. "Go to sleep, we\'ll get up early tomorrow morning to have a check-up to see the baby\'s health,"

Although he didn\'t want to admit it, he was secretly relieved when he heard the other party\'s decision. Sometimes Wayne feels that he is quite hypocritical. If it is put in twenty years, I am afraid that he will be beaten to death by a punch, right? !

It may be that Naomi Watts knows him better than himself, and it is indeed the most fortunate thing for him to not change the way of getting along for the time being, and it also reduces a lot of trouble.

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