Hollywood Drawing

~: 309 - You might be a dad!

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The carnival was still going on at the party. It was like a large-scale hunting event. The handsome men and women were constantly analyzing possible targets, and when they spotted them, they did not hesitate.

The relationship between the prey and the hunter keeps changing at any time. There will always be men and women who look at each other and walk towards the main building of the villa to find more primitive happiness.

When the dazed Wayne left the party scene with two beauties of different shapes in his arms, not only those who had been staring at him saw it, but also Naomi Watts, who was staying with the Batman cast and crew. .

"Do you want me to remind the boss? His mind is not very clear now!" Nina looked at the Australian girl worriedly and asked softly.

With a "pop", Naomi Watts threw the beer bottle out, making no secret of her bad mood. "Damn, let him go! Now his head is at its most awake, f**k! This man is a beast that can turn blue at any moment..."

As the annoyed abuse came out of her mouth, Ralph Fiennes and Liam Neeson looked at each other around and quietly left the position.

"What happened to Nami?" Ralph Fiennes gossips and stabs Liam Neeson with his elbow. "I remember that she shouldn\'t be like this at ordinary times, right? There are many women who are related to the boss, and there are many scandals. Namiko has never expressed jealousy."

"It will only be other women who are jealous of Nami. As long as she doesn\'t kill herself, she and the boss will at least be another pair of Hepburn and Givenchy. The relationship between them is too special!"

Liam Neeson shook his head gently. In his view, Naomi Watts clearly had an imbalance in his heart, which was definitely a precursor to death. It\'s hard to get a man\'s special relationship, let alone a Hollywood boss, but it\'s very easy to destroy this special relationship.

Looking back again, Ralph Fiennes suddenly smiled and said, "Liam, be careful I tell the boss, you put him together with that old Guy from Givenchy..."

Watching the two go farther and farther, Nina patted the Australian girl\'s hand worriedly. After making sure that there was no one else around, she carefully observed her face and said softly, "I suggest you tell me about possible pregnancy. Boss, your current state will be discovered by him sooner or later!"

Hearing the assistant lady\'s words, Naomi Watts\' face became even more ugly.

In fact, in the middle of the global publicity campaign, she suspected that there was something wrong with her body. She was in her twenties when she was full of energy, but she suddenly began to feel tired and couldn\'t sleep.

Coupled with the fact that relatives who have always been on time did not come, this made the Australian girl even more entangled. She was afraid that it was what she was most afraid of, that she would have a child during the critical period of her career, and she had never been prepared for this kind of situation.

So she didn\'t even dare to test it. She was constantly struggling these days. Should she tell Wayne or not, she should go and check it secretly and remove the child.

"Nina." Naomi Watts reached for a bottle of beer, sighed softly, and pulled her hand back. "Do you think career is more important, or being a mother is more important?"

This question has been bothering her, but there is no one to talk to. If the assistant misses guessed, she might still struggle.

What made her even more uncertain was Wayne\'s opinion on the matter. Naomi Watts is the person who knows him best, and knows very well in her heart that if she still wants to pursue fame and fortune in this circle, even if the child is born, the man will not allow her to raise her alone.

She has thought about this issue more than once. With Wayne\'s domineering style of behavior, she may leave her children for the first time, and there is a high possibility that she will cut off the road to stardom.

Pushing her glasses slightly, Nina\'s eyes flashed with absolute rationality. "I think you\'d better not continue to hide it. Even if you don\'t want to keep this child, you should discuss it with the boss in advance, otherwise, your relationship will have major problems in the future!"

After she finished speaking, she closed her mouth. In the end, it was up to the other party to make up her own mind.

As one of the women who knows Wayne best, Nina believes that, by the nature of her own boss, it is very difficult to change the rules of **** behavior, and Naomi Watts is indeed a difficult decision to make, even if she is born. After giving birth to a child, he has to accept helplessly that the father of the child has other women\'s affairs.

And the assistant has never told the other party. In the second half of the year, Wayne prepared a big project for her. The investment in this project is ready. Telling the other party about this will only make her fall into a deeper entanglement.


Naomi Watts looked at the carnival crowd around, everyone was working hard to get drunk, successful people were drinking alcohol with their arms around beautiful women, and some people were sharing leaf smoke in the corner.

All of this suddenly made her feel sick and wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

"I figured it out, you accompany me to find him, I need to talk to him, I don\'t want to wait any longer!" The Australian girl gritted her teeth, her face changed several times in a row, and finally walked towards the villa.

As for whether it will disturb the other party\'s interest, she doesn\'t want to think about it at all now, she just wants to leave all the problems to that man as soon as possible, she has suffered enough these days.

"Calm down, Nami."

Nina trotted and followed her, while proposing: "Otherwise I\'ll go to the boss, how about you wait outside?"

During this period, a woman\'s emotions are completely uncontrollable. If she sees some exciting pictures, the assistant may not know what she will do.

"No, I\'m sober, why do these questions bother me?" Naomi Watts hated the more she thought about it. "If it wasn\'t for him, like an animal, leaving those shit-like things on me, how could this happen, damn..." After asking the two adaptable students to determine which room Wayne was in, Australia Without any hesitation, the girl turned the door handle and opened the door.

Just as she imagined, the three people who had been drinking didn\'t even bother to lock the door, they pushed it open with a little force, and when they walked into the room, the scene that caught their eyes was definitely exciting.

One was plump and hot, the other was slender and tall, with two snow-white backs kneeling on the ground, and the man sitting beside the bed saw her suddenly come in, and his face was instantly filled with astonishment.

"Holy**! Nami, what are you doing!"

"We need to talk, now!" Naomi Watts had long thought of this scene, completely ignoring the two surprised women who turned back, looking at him firmly.

"You go out first." Although Wayne\'s mind was still a little confused, he found the other party\'s abnormality after being shocked. This kind of firm gaze was only in his memory when they first met and the other party\'s yearning for Beverly. appeared.

"Yes, put on your clothes and go out first, and I\'ll call you later."

The two women looked at each other and couldn\'t believe what they had encountered, but they put on their clothes generously, and each kissed the man\'s face before leaving.

In the villa room tonight, there are many people who are more crazy than them. When the two of them came out of the door with their clothes disheveled and mumbled the words starting with b indistinctly, the adaptable students would not be surprised for a long time. .

"Tell me, what happened?" Wayne shook his head vigorously, still feeling a little dizzy, so he simply gave up the idea of ​​wearing clothes and pulled the quilt over his body. "Nami, give me a reason for your willfulness, you should understand that I have my own social freedom and private life!"

Nodding to Nina outside the door, Naomi Watts closed the door, sat by the bed, reached out and picked up his cigarette, pulled one out and lit it, and took it one by one.

After being silent for about two minutes, when the impatient expression appeared on the man\'s face, she bit her lip, looked up into the other\'s eyes, and said:

"Wayne, you might be a dad!"

After speaking, it was as if he was relieved, and the uneasiness disappeared, so he just stared at his reaction.


He suddenly remembered that this woman had been sluggish ever since she came back. Not only did she like to sleep in the room, but she also had complicated expressions on her face from time to time.

Try to calm yourself down as you try to recall a point in time when they had a previous relationship. The moment he heard the news, the drunkenness on his body and the annoyance he had not vented all disappeared in an instant.

"During this time, you had a relationship with me, right?"

After saying this sentence, he regretted it, and he wanted to give himself a big mouth. Sure enough, the woman\'s face turned blue-black visibly to the naked eye.

"Fuck you!"

Naomi Watts never thought he would ask this question, trying to suppress her anger. "I\'ve known you since 1990~www.novelhall.com~ I\'ve only had a relationship with you alone. I\'m different from you, understand?"

"Ok, I see, give me some time to think about it and let\'s all calm down, okay?"

Wayne put on his trousers as he spoke, and regardless of whether the shirt was tucked or not, he put his tie in his pocket, put on a suit jacket, and walked out with his arms around her.

He opened the door and said to Nina, "Notify Sergey, we will go back to the manor immediately, and let Hela call the family doctor, yes, right now, I want to confirm the result tonight!"

From the moment she got in the car, Naomi Watts held his arm and put her head on his shoulder in silence.

Wayne is also thinking about how to deal with it. He has always asked himself in his heart whether he is ready to be a father and how to be a qualified father.

Yes, since he heard the news, he had no intention to let this little life that came unexpectedly disappear. All the doubts he had always had about his body gradually disappeared as the woman became pregnant, but he had to hear the doctor confirm it himself.

He had just remembered that Naomi Watts indulged herself very much, and there had been no security measures between them for the past two years. And I also trust the Australian girl very much, and I have never suspected that she will have ulterior motives, so I have never been as cautious and full of precautions when facing other women.

But all of this came too suddenly, neither of them had thought about this aspect, nor had they ever made any preparations for this aspect.

Beverly outside the car window was full of feasting and feasting. Looking at the scenery that kept passing by, Wayne forgot everything about the work, and gently stroked the woman\'s hair with his left hand, waiting quietly for the outcome of the matter.

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