Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and eleven - the beacon of pathfinding is here!

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The next morning, Naomi Watts put on a cap, big sunglasses and a mask, and accompanied by Wayne, went to Beverly Private Hospital for a blood test in a low-key manner.

The result is still ideal. The Australian girl has been pregnant for about six and a half weeks, and her physical condition has been good. As long as she has passed the reaction period during this period, she will no longer be as sleepy as she is now.

As a result, the new project "King Kong" originally planned to be submitted to Warner Bros. was also postponed by Wayne. This project will always be reserved for Naomi Watts until she is willing to come back and film.

Regarding some publicity tasks for "Batman: War Hour", he personally called the Warner Bros. distribution department, and the Australian girl would suspend all work and rest in peace in the manor until the child was born smoothly.

The new project "The Matrix" successfully passed the review. The first fund of 20 million US dollars was entered into the account of a third-party guarantee company. As usual, Warner Bros. specially prepared a press release for the signing of this project. meeting.

Wayne only showed his face for a while before the press conference. After the official signing, he quietly gave the stage to Zach Snyder and Luke Simmons and others. He didn\'t say a word even for the preparatory meeting of the crew , just sat silently watching.

"The Matrix" is expected to invest about 70 million US dollars, jointly invested by Greenberg Studios and Warner Bros. Production Company, each contributing 50%, to establish a hacker studio together.

Warner Bros. is responsible for the distribution of the film. In accordance with Hollywood industry rules, normal distribution fees are drawn. Similarly, the copyright of the film also belongs to Warner Bros.

It is clearly stipulated in the contract between the two parties that Greenberg Studio enjoys 50% of the normal revenue of "The Matrix", including box office, movie peripherals, offline copyright operation, video tape rental and sales, etc.

But this kind of omni-channel income, the stipulated time is fifteen years after the film is released, and all the income generated after that, has nothing to do with Greenberg Studios, and all belong to Warner Bros.

This is the first time Wayne has been involved in channel revenue, a field that is the same as the production company\'s private land. If it weren\'t for his increasing importance and his participation as the owner of the film company, it would be difficult for Warner Bros. to give up this opportunity. partial income.

There is also the most important point, this part of the investment of Warner Bros. is produced in the name of Wayne Greenberg, and the investment drawn from the film fund there is not a penny itself.

This is the resource influence of industry giants, which is simply a white wolf with empty gloves.

If "The Matrix" is a big hit, Warner Bros. won\'t make a penny less. Most of the funding for the film\'s publicity and distribution is left-handed and right-handed. Even the publicity channels are its own subordinate branches, and the projects in it are simply not available. Check, basically take out the money here and put it in the pocket over there.

The box office revenue of subsequent films will also be given priority by the distribution department before it can be credited to the hacker studio\'s account, and the two parties will share it according to the contract ratio.

The last is the most profitable peripherals, copyright trading authorization, video tape rental, trading, etc. This part also has nothing to do with investment funds, and is the site of Warner Bros. and Greenberg Studios.

Therefore, investing in big movies is indeed huge profits, but these profits have nothing to do with outsiders. Now is the mid-to-late 1990s, and it is also the most mythical period for Hollywood movies to make wealth. Many foreign film foundations, during this period They have all become the object of woollen wool by the production company.

Until more than 20 years later, although this kind of thing has decreased, it still happens constantly. There are always rich people who feel good about themselves and plunge into this circle to pay tuition fees.

For the project "The Matrix", if Warner Bros. were a little more ruthless, they could even negotiate with Wayne in advance, so that in the final project, there would be a loss after deducting box office revenue.

In this way, investors not only can\'t get the income they should have, but also can\'t get back the production funds invested in the early stage.

Hollywood studios are very familiar with this kind of thing. If they want to make a loss for a film, even if they invite an entire accounting firm, they still can\'t find clues from the messy financial transactions, let alone go to special The Lahua Balance Court went to court.

Of course, all means are only aimed at outsiders. This is the reason why the production company is reluctant to accept funds from the circle. Everyone knows what is going on, and there will be much less room for manipulation.

The project of "The Matrix", Wayne\'s Greenberg Studio, will definitely not be an obstacle to Warner Bros. His identity as a major shareholder has been determined. No matter whether the film\'s final accounts are in losses, his share of the proceeds will not be. will be less.

Not only the profits of Greenberg Studios will not be small, but also his interests from Warner Bros., business is business, but he can indeed benefit from both sides.

No one thinks this is wrong, even Warner Bros. shareholders. The business community is the norm. Everyone is an integral part of capital, and the rules have always been like this.

Moreover, the executives and most shareholders of Warner Bros. and Time Warner did not pay much attention to the "Matrix" project. They have been staring at the second part of "Batman".

The profits that superheroes can create have been basically proved by Wayne, and they can indeed be compared with successful animated feature films. If you analyze them carefully, the popular Disney animation studio "Pocahontas" has been trending at the box office. The stable "Batman: War Hour" has a very similar peripheral profit composition.

Walt Disney\'s various channels are crazy selling dolls, clothes and skirts, children\'s stationery and other derivatives.

Warner Bros. also sold bat armor, masks, darts, capes, car models and other derivatives during the release of the movie through its channels. It can be said that this game, Warner Bros. is Chi Luoluo copying homework, how Walt-Disney did it in the past, they learned how to do it.

This is what makes other giants in the circle jealous. No one knows how much profit those low-cost peripherals can generate. The premise is that you have a platform that can display them and make fans willing to pay for the works.

In the past, this kind of work was exclusive to Disney, but now Wayne has opened up another direction, reminding all Hollywood companies that Warner Bros. was the first person to eat crabs, and the corners of his mouth were oily.

Just on the Warner Bros. side, hoping that Wayne will be able to recover sooner and continue to make DC superhero movies, Universal Pictures was the first to be unbearable and announced the official project of the new project "Hulk".

The Hulk is expected to invest 120 million US dollars, and the target is the first Batman movie. Universal Pictures has not concealed its ambitions. It is almost telling the media and fans that this big guy that no one can control is and Bruce- Wayne\'s same level.

They invited back Billy Bakerby, the director of "The Trial of the Hulk" in 1989 and "The Mystery of the Hulk" in 1990, and announced to the media in advance that this would also be an epic masterpiece with a dark and serious theme.

"Imitators will come, don\'t worry too much, Hollywood always does!"

At the door of the Warner Bros. conference room, Zach Snyder is setting up the preparatory work, and Wayne is sitting on the lounge chair outside the door, watching the news in the newspaper with interest.

Jeff Robinoff quietly sat beside him, glanced at the newspaper in his hand and said, "Universal Pictures is burning red eyes by profit, superhero movies are not so easy to copy. "

Wayne tilted his head and glanced at him, the corners of his mouth also curled into a mocking smile, shook his head and said, "There are many companies that own superhero copyrights, and everyone is waiting for a beacon of light, and Universal Pictures jumped on its own. Come out, it\'s really..."

Hollywood giants with superheroes, everyone sees the horror profits created by Batman, why no one can wait to announce the production? Because they all know that compared with the hundreds of millions of dollars invested in superhero movies, there are too many places to take risks.

These companies would rather wait and put their money into safer projects than risk such a large sum of money.

If you really want to make a movie of the same type, Sony Columbia\'s success rate will be the highest except for Warner Bros. The popularity of Little Spider is comparable to that of Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent in North America.

But even the company of the book can hold back its eagerness, continue to wait for the opportunity and observe the market, but Universal Pictures is the first to be unable to hold back.

Just by looking at the news published in the media, Wayne immediately understood that they must have deliberately studied Batman, tried their best to extract all the elements of success, and then added them to their own films.

What he sneered and mocked was precisely the self-righteousness of the other party. Everyone was blindfolded by Batman\'s success. They all ignored the most important point. In this era, superheroes not only need hundreds of millions of dollars to invest in talent Production, this kind of film is an uncompromising genre film.

Now is not the post-2000s when superheroes are rampant. The audience of this era, by default, this kind of movie is a niche genre movie, and it may not be as mainstream as "shit", "urine" and "fart" comedies.

And why is Wayne not in a hurry, preparing to shoot slowly one by one to pave the way? It is because even if you have Wang Zhuang in your hand~www.novelhall.com~, you must slowly cultivate the movie-watching habit of fans. You can\'t throw the bomb out at the beginning, otherwise it will only waste Wang Zhuang and blow up the air.

"Zach, it\'s okay." Jeff Robinoff shook his head in the direction of the conference room. "Although the crew he\'s forming now are all veterans in the industry, I\'m afraid that Zac won\'t be able to hold them back. The authority of the director is too important! You should let your team join this project."

Where did the authority of the director come from? To put it bluntly, it is achieved with success. No one can help Zach Snyder in this level. This is the place where his overall planning ability is most tested.

"No." Wayne shook his head without hesitation. "Steve and Robert need to pay attention. The behind-the-scenes team has also been busy for several years, and I have other plans for the follow-up. It is what Zach must do to form his own production team, and he needs such an opportunity. prove yourself."

"Okay." Jeff Robinoff shrugged. The cooperation between them was not once or twice. Out of trust in him, he didn\'t ask more about the arrangement after that. "I heard that Nami is pregnant, congratulations! Having a child can make a man mature very quickly."


Talking about this, Wayne unconsciously brought a warm smile. "This feeling of anticipation is very strange, and it may continue until the baby comes out. It\'s too early to talk about this. Let\'s go to your office. Regarding my future work plan, there are some things that need your assistance and the company\'s assistance."

"Ok, no problem."

Jeff Robinoff was very curious about what kind of project could make this young man give up directing "The Matrix" and push back the second Batman movie.

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