Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and sixty-five - how long like a little old man?

"Hollywood Draw(!

Perhaps celebrities are strange creatures who are both afraid of being ignored, losing exposure, and being overly disturbed by the flash.

Today\'s Naomi Watts seems to have fallen into such a vicious circle. Even if she knows that it is impossible to be photographed in the car, she is still fully armed with a mask, sunglasses, and a hat.

Early in the morning, as soon as the Rolls-Royce Silver Thorn drove out of the manor, the car was like a magnet with amazing magnetic force. In an instant, it followed more than two dozen cars and at least a dozen motorcycles.

Crowds of paparazzi reporters, like sharks smelling blood, hung firmly behind them, and kept making calls to inform more colleagues of the news.

The current situation is very obvious, the youngest richest director in Hollywood, and the child of a famous Hollywood actress may be born at any time, and there is a chance that one lucky person will take some pictures. It is impossible for the child to appear in the media for several months. The Australian actress who is photographed can still sell for a big price.

The Beverly Hills Clinic of the Fertility Center in North America and Southern California can be said to be the first choice for celebrities to have children.

Things went far better than Wayne imagined, and there was no **** plot that often occurs on TV dramas. At noon, Naomi Watts was pushed into the delivery room. After more than three hours, the nurse picked up a baby girl, and she was exhausted. The best Australian actress.

"Nami, maybe you should respect the next child."

Contrary to the impression, as soon as it got dark, Naomi Watts seemed to have regained her energy and unexpectedly asked to get out of bed.

"Hmm? How do you need to respect, isn\'t the baby healthy?" The Australian girl looked at the baby cradle beside the pillow, her eyes full of maternal brilliance.

Wayne smiled and shook his head. "Ok, it seems I\'ve been thinking too much."

This process was very different from what he had imagined. There were no heart-wrenching shouts in the corridor, no busy doctors and nurses, no long and anxious waiting, and even the mother of the child was not as weak as she imagined.

After the baby was checked, it was confirmed that the health was directly handed over to the parents, and was not sent to the complicated intensive care unit.

Looking at the woman\'s current state, Wayne reckoned that she should not have to mention that she was ready to confine her.

However, all this seemed normal to the people around him, which made him wonder for a while that white women are so healthy?

Until the next day, when he returned to the manor fully armed, he still felt dizzy. From time to time, he glanced at the child in the crib to remind himself that he was really a father.

In the spacious master bedroom on the third floor of the villa, a corner was deliberately separated. Fendi the golden retriever was lying on the side of the crib, looking at this little guy curiously. For a moment, the eyes that looked at the golden retriever were full of distrust.

"Never mind, Elena, Fendi won\'t try to hurt her."

Naomi Watts and Wayne leaned together, and after only a day, they seemed to have recovered most of their energy. At this time, they were studying a magazine about parenting knowledge.

"Okay, Ms. Watts," Elena agreed, but she was physically honest and didn\'t have the slightest idea of ​​staying away from the crib.

Whether it is the child\'s father or mother, both of them are newbies, but money can always solve most problems. The housekeeper hired a good Mexican nanny in advance. She is an expert in this field. They don\'t need to worry about breastfeeding.

"I suggest you go back to work tomorrow." Naomi Watts curled up with her long legs and leaned on Wayne\'s shoulders. "Fendi doesn\'t need his father\'s care at all. I\'ll ask Hela to help me hire a teacher in a few days. I want to get back to normal as soon as possible."

"No, Nami, she can\'t be called Fendi."

He felt awkward when he mentioned this, just like now, when Golden Retriever heard the word from the two of them, he was looking at him with a puzzled face. "Actually, we can think of other names, there is still a lot of time, what do you think."

As for the other party saying that he wants to get back in shape, he has no opinion at all. He has seen the resilience of white women, and there is really no such thing as confinement.

The only thing that made him uncomfortable was the baby\'s name, which Naomi Watts seemed to like very much.

"Why? Don\'t you think this name is very meaningful?" The Australian girl raised her head in confusion, pointed to the crib and said, "Look, Fendi was with me every day until the baby appeared in front of it, and now it Protecting our children."

"ok, ok."

Wayne raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. "As long as you like it."

"Hey, little Fendi, listen, your dad agreed, and you\'ll be called Fendi, Fendy Greenberg." Naomi Watts walked over to the crib and bent over with a triumphant victory. , whispering to the sleeping child.

"Look, Honey." The Australian girl carefully stretched out a finger and gently placed it in the child\'s small hand. "How pretty is Fendi, she\'s a real little beauty, isn\'t she?"

"Is there?" Wayne couldn\'t help frowning, tilting his head and observing the sleeping girl again. "Why do I think she looks like a wrinkled little old man? This kid won\'t inherit any of our advantages, will he?!"


Naomi Watts turned her head angrily, like an enraged lioness, leaving the crib softly. "That\'s your daughter, how can you describe her like that, shit, you won\'t get it right?"

The two new parents cast worried glances at the child together. The more the Australian girl looked, the more she felt that there was nothing wrong with what the child\'s father said.

"Mr. Greenberg, Ms. Watts."

The nanny on the side couldn\'t listen any longer, and held back a smile and explained. "Everyone is like this when they are born. We are no exception. Just be patient. After a few days, the skin will become delicate and the appearance will become very cute."

"Are you sure?" Naomi Watts seemed to grab a life-saving straw.

"Of course, I can swear to God that this will be a very beautiful little princess." Elena shrugged and instantly felt that her profession was great, otherwise, would this unreliable pair of big star parents despise her? children are not necessarily.

Besides, does this sleeping baby girl really need to be pretty? With such a billionaire father, she was born at the point of success in her life, and her appearance was the last thing to worry about. If needed, some people would line up to praise her.


The Australian girl seemed to let out a sigh of relief, rolled her eyes at the man beside her, and continued to lean on him to grab the parenting magazine. The woman enjoyed the current atmosphere very much, at least at this moment, the father of the child belongs to her alone.

Wayne also felt a little childish, and shook his head with a smile. "Elena, I will tell Hela that your salary will be doubled!"

"Thank you, Mr. Greenberg." The child-rearing nanny was almost stunned by the sudden surprise, and immediately thanked him in a hurry. "I will take good care of the baby."

Taking another look at the wrinkled and wrinkled daughter who looked like a little old man, Wayne was sure that everything in the past two days was completely different from what he imagined, including the appearance of the baby when he was first born. What a jacket should look like...

"Here comes the Hollywood princess!"

At ten o\'clock in the morning on March 16, the famous Hollywood director Wayne Greenberg drove his newborn baby and actress Naomi Watts from the Los Angeles parenting center Beverly Clinic back to the top of Beverly Hills. s home. According to relevant news learned by reporters, actress Naomi Watts gave birth to a baby girl yesterday..." -- "Los Angeles Times"

"...Naomi Watts, a famous Hollywood actress, gave birth to a child with director Wayne Greenberg yesterday, and the two have returned home today. This pair of golden-child-like parents, perhaps All that\'s missing is a grand wedding! It is reported that actress Naomi Watts and Wayne Greenberg met in 1990. At that time, the Hollywood director had not yet made his fortune and was making his first official movie in his life. Long films and running around..." - Los Angeles Daily Entertainment

"According to this reporter\'s knowledge, Wayne Greenberg\'s first child was born yesterday at the Beverly Clinic, a California parenting center. This child who won the starting line at birth is destined to grow up in the spotlight of the media. Not only does she have a great director father, but her mother is also a big Hollywood star..." - The New Yorker

"Wayne Greenberg, director of Batman: Hour of War..." -- The Washington Post


Early the next morning, the media reported the news of Naomi Watts\' birth as if they had a tacit understanding. The Los Angeles Times even called the newly born baby girl a new generation of Hollywood princesses.

This news instantly detonated the enthusiasm of the public. Many movie fans who liked movies deliberately found the "Time Magazine" some time ago. On the cover, Wayne was dressed in a black suit, looking down at the camera lens. In addition to a large pile of film footage, He also held a little boy with a bat mask in his hand.

And the title of this issue of Time Magazine is called Warm and Righteous Film Noir Maker.

Most people don\'t care what Time is reporting~www.novelhall.com~ just want to get some of the rare photos of Wayne, put them next to Naomi Watts movie posters or magazines, check out this pair What is the talent of the talented and beautiful?

The long-term low-key behavior in the past two years has made Wayne\'s reputation far more popular than the image. Countless movie fans have seen his movies, but they have always been vague about his appearance.

The last time a magazine with his photos was released on a large scale was Vanity Fair four years ago.

What makes many stars who are working **** PR during awards season vomit blood is that in the face of the upcoming Oscars, the North American entertainment board is once again occupied by Wayne, or a newborn baby, and people are speculating. More info on this baby girl.

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