Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and forty-two - interesting...

The studio gradually quieted down, and everyone turned to Wayne, who waved to Gilmour, indicating that it was time to start.

"The Departed, Act One, Scene One."

After the field remembered the assistant director\'s order, he held the field record board in front of the main camera and shouted loudly, "Start now!"

Today\'s sky is a bit gloomy, and the sun can hardly be seen, which is the most satisfying place for Wayne.

When the two people in the center of the shot heard the start, they immediately entered the state of acting. Neither of them belonged to the category of novices. Even if they came to a difficult scene at the beginning, they did not feel flustered at all.

Christian Bale had blood on his nose, his hands were struggling to be cut back by Brad Pitt, his face revealed an excited and anxious look, and he kept looking back at his opponent with force.

"Shit! What is this? Are you going to arrest the police? Shoot?!"

In the face of provocation, Brad Pitt pulled out a pistol and pointed it at him while searching his opponent in handcuffs.

Christian Bale continues. "There\'s only one cop between us, Bill! You know what? Bill? Nobody knows..."

"Damn! shutthefxxkup!"

Brad Pitt, holding a gun in one hand, wrapped his arms around each other\'s neck, shouted angrily, and pushed him forward.

Christian Bale kept turning his head while being pushed forward. "I\'m the Massachusetts State Police, whothefxxkareyou?! I deleted your police file!"

Hearing this, Brad Pitt showed shock at the right time, shoved the other party against the wall, and raised the gun to his head. "You deleted my police file! Huh?"

"yeah, shoot the police, let\'s see what happens to you?..."


Before Christian Bale could finish his lines, everyone heard Wayne\'s voice calling to stop, which came from the loudspeaker.

Standing not far from the director\'s seat, Gilmour raised his hand, scratched his hair, and walked behind the monitor. This performance seemed very good to him, and he didn\'t understand why it was called off.

Before that, he was shooting a Mexican-style film, and the performance requirements would not be so tight. At this time, the director called to stop, and he really didn\'t understand what the problem was.

The two leading actors of the film turned their heads together and looked here with doubts.

Wayne sat in the director\'s chair and beckoned to both of them. "Brad, Chris, come together, looks like we need to talk."

Said and turned to look at Gilmore. "Let the crew rest for a while, and we\'ll start shooting in fifteen minutes."

Not only did the two male protagonists come over together, but the gang leader Jack Nicholson, who had been watching, also leaned over behind them. He wanted to get familiar with the director\'s shooting requirements as soon as possible.

"My question?" Christian Bale pointed to his face and asked first.

Wayne habitually lit a cigarette, remembering the brief rivalry between the two just now, and nodded lightly. "It\'s not just you, it\'s both of you that have some problems."

Saying that, he stretched out a finger and pointed at Christian Bale\'s face. "I don\'t know what you have learned during your two-month internship as a police detective, but the performance just now clearly proves that you may have done useless work like shit! Chris, as soon as I entered the performance state, I seemed to see Bruce - Wayne.

I can see that you are trying your best to restrain yourself, but the state is indeed contradictory. Colin does not need to have a gloomy temperament. I repeat, forget all your previous performances, you are now an undercover among the police. "

This is a heavy rebuke to the British actor, but it is only for him alone. As a person who Wayne absolutely trusts, he will give the other party stricter standards.

Christian Bale was obviously stunned by the reprimand, then nodded silently, looked at the ice cube face of the director who was in the working state, and slowly sat aside.

"Brad, there\'s something wrong with your expression, pay attention, I\'m just talking about the expression, the emotions and eyes are very good." Wayne turned his head and looked at Brad Pitt, who was instantly nervous. "I don\'t know how you cooperated with the director in "Seven Deadly Sins" or the previous films, but here I have to be perfunctory!"

Saying that, he pointed to the corner of the other party\'s mouth and continued: "Your current emotional anger has changed to violent anger, there is no problem at all, but you don\'t need to be so outspoken, and violent anger does not mean that you need to show it exaggeratedly."

"Ok, I understand, give me a few minutes and I can adjust my facial expressions."

Brad Pitt knows that there is no conflict between himself and the director, and that the other party is not only too demanding of himself. Compared with another male protagonist who was reprimanded, he was not called shit, was he?

Wayne likes actors with a good attitude. Brad Pitt, who was working with him for the first time, was still obedient. The tight muscles on his face loosened a little, giving him a smile that was not a smile. "The shooting task I set today is only this set of shots, so the two of you have enough time to adapt and practice. If it doesn\'t meet my requirements, I don\'t mind shooting this set of shots for several days!"

Hearing his words, the two male protagonists, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, looked at each other and felt a toothache at the same time. Just think about how boring and painful it would be to grind the same shot many times in a row.

"Wayne\'s requirements have always been so strict?"

Jack Nicholson, who silently turned and stepped back, asked Nina next to him softly. He knew that this mediocre-looking woman was more than just a personal assistant, and he never meant to look down on her.

"It\'s divided into films." The relationship between the assistant and the main creator of the crew is okay, and she doesn\'t mind revealing some unimportant information. "For example, in the last Batman, he didn\'t have strict requirements for many scenes. As long as it was acceptable, he would not stop the performance. After all, it was just a commercial film."

Jack Nicholson smiled, and he understood the meaning. This young director is too sober. It is definitely a good thing to be strict with this not-so-commercial film, otherwise why would he impress the old men in the academy.

After a short break, the two male protagonists walked to the center of the camera again after a simple make-up, ready to start the next performance for an unknown number of times.

As said, Wayne is not in a hurry at all. Now that he has chosen a relatively difficult ending scene, he is ready to spend a few days to find the character status of the actors, while running in the tacit understanding of the people behind the scenes.

The Boston side officially entered the shooting, completely ignoring the curiosity of the media and the public. Now everyone is waiting, waiting for Wayne or Naomi Watts to stand up and announce the good news to the media and fans, and then reap a wave of blessings .

It took only two days for the news to break out. Today, some media did a street interview. Facing the combination of young Hollywood directors and well-known actresses, most passers-by and fans gave positive feedback, thinking that they were a pair of golden boys. The jade girl expressed her hope to see them enter the marriage hall and give the unborn baby a complete home.

"Wayne\'s movies are so cool! Naomi Watts is so hot, and their kids are going to be so cool too!"

"Hey, I\'ve long thought there was something wrong with the two of them. How could ordinary friends bring Naomi Watts to any event with Wayne, but they\'re really a good match, don\'t they?"

"That unborn baby is really lucky, the father is a great director of filming, and the mother is also a big star. You ask what you think, of course they are a great group, I really hope they can officially announce it!"

In the live broadcast of the TV station\'s entertainment channel, many passers-by and viewers who were interviewed were quite optimistic about this matter, especially the young people interviewed, a large part of them were Wayne\'s fans.

When people are thinking that this is another sweet love affair, because the child has to be exposed, many talk shows on entertainment channels also began to discuss with the help of the heat.

The topics they discussed were different from ordinary people, mainly Wayne\'s wealth, income analysis of the movies he made, speculation about investing in Warner Bros. shares, and Internet investment information that could be found on the surface.

Everyone knew that he made a lot of money, but when all this was put on the stage, countless people in North America were startled.

Wayne has never been No. 1 in Hollywood\'s annual income, and he has never been included in any rich list, and now people know through vague analysis that ~www.novelhall.com~ he may already be worth a billion dollars around, or even more than that.

When the topic of wealth is constantly brought up, the word American Dream is also constantly mentioned. Whether it is ordinary people or colleagues in the circle, they all think that Wayne is the biggest representative of the American Dream since the beginning of the 1990s.

Things have gradually changed their taste, the eyes of the majority and the media have deviated from their original purpose, and after the discovery of the huge hidden wealth, the focus of people\'s discussion has become Wayne himself, who, from his college days to Hollywood, was Countless people started researching nonstop.

At the same time, there are also the women around him, and the rumored girlfriends who have been reported by the media. There is no doubt that he is an out-and-out playboy.

"Wayne Greenberg never respects women! He is like a violent demon and beast who will only hurt more women for his perverted desires!"

The crew spent three days in a row on the top of the building. Originally, today\'s filming work went very smoothly, which made Wayne feel very good, but when he returned to the hotel, he received a message from the public relations department of Warner Bros., which completely aroused his concern. alert.

This is a preview of a talk show, and the woman who appeared on the TV was someone he had almost forgotten about. After a while, he remembered that she was a member of the cheerleading team and had **** with him. One of the most frequent.

He vaguely remembered that this little blond cat named Katie was with Adam Goodman before graduation.


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