Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and forty-three - wait and see

"Hollywood Draw(!

"boss, boss!"

Since returning to the hotel and being notified by the PR department of Warner Bros. and seeing the introduction of the cbs cable TV station, Nina found that her boss was lost in thought.

When she called twice in a row, she woke up the stunned Wayne. Seeing that the other party\'s eyes had recovered, the assistant went to the sofa and turned off the TV with a snap.

"There is also news over there in Los Angeles. After Anthony Pellicano\'s investigation, those photos came from a paparazzi, and the buyer was Stuart Baird. As for the next thing, he is still investigating, just tell me. Let you be mentally prepared, there are many people who follow up this time, and the specific development of things is still unclear."

"Aha, can\'t see clearly?"

Wayne suddenly laughed contemptuously. Just after he got the news, he thought about the whole thing carefully from beginning to end. The reason why Nina feels familiar with this one-by-one method of breaking the news is because this is the most common behavior of several giants.

Think about how Warner Bros. sneered at Morgan-Freeman at the beginning. First, it attracted great attention from the public and the society through the continuous reports of its media, and then broke out the scandals about the other party again and again at the peak of public opinion.

When people\'s discussion topics and gazes came over, representatives of a group of disadvantaged groups and various female victims jumped out. These women who were worthless before suddenly received a lot of legal aid, as if a group of people smelled Like a **** shark, he started biting black movie stars in the media.

After Morgan-Freeman\'s reputation was completely smeared, Warner Bros. bought his wife and granddaughter through aid, and together with the female victims who jumped out, accused him in the media and in court.

Using the huge capital and media power of the media group to make a person black from the inside out, become a traitor, become a perpetrator who has paid tens of millions of dollars, this routine will certainly make people feel familiar.

"Don\'t worry about which Hollywood Eye, he can\'t find any clues about some things, and we don\'t need any evidence, just guesswork."

Wayne "clicked" the lighter, tilted his head and lit the cigarette in his mouth, took a deep breath, and exhaled a long puff of smoke. "Ha, Nina, guess how many people want my bad luck?"

The answer to this question is self-evident, the assistant lady did not say anything, just silently accompany him to think.

I am afraid that in addition to Warner Bros., the other five giants and a series of small and medium-sized companies in Hollywood are reluctant to see a director who continues to achieve great success. This circle has always been like this. The market has never been so big. You have been eating more and taking more, which means that other people have a lot less interests.

So Wayne said that just guessing is enough. Before things are clear, even guessing can only make a rough guess. Before all the tricks are used, those who hide behind will not easily surface.

"This is not something that Stewart Baird, that little editor can do." Nina reached out and pushed her glasses. At this time, the eyes behind the lenses were shining with a light of wisdom far beyond the usual.

"I guess he was being used, or just wanted to disgust us, but I didn\'t expect anyone to join the follow-up action. First of all, Nami is pregnant and has your child, this matter can indeed attract enough attention. , a well-known Hollywood director, a well-known female star, naturally has a large enough topic!"

Nina kept doing the analysis, and halfway through, she suddenly took out the notebook that she had been recording all kinds of things in the circle from her briefcase, and flipped to the last few pages.

"Boss, the current public opinion doesn\'t do us any harm. This should just be the beginning. Maybe I think too much, but we have to make some preparations."

Wayne nodded lightly, and did not interrupt the assistant\'s analysis. In terms of personal IQ, this woman is a true scholar who is only one out of tens of thousands of people, far smarter than him, a cheater.

"Nami\'s former manager has left." Nina pointed to a new message in the book, and her tone revealed the surprise of discovering the fox\'s tail. "After she was interviewed by the media the day before yesterday, and she personally proved that the child in Nami\'s womb is yours, I deliberately got to know this person from the Warner Bros. PR department.

If you guessed correctly, the agent lady has already thrown herself into the arms of caa. When Jimmy left caa, I don\'t remember being very happy. Martin-Bob, the current leader, you have not gotten the results you wanted after several appointments! "

Just like Nina analyzed, caa is definitely the one who wants to make Wayne unlucky. If there is no chance, they may be able to avoid the river, but as long as the opportunity arises, they definitely don\'t mind stepping on it secretly.

"That\'s right." Wayne picked up the cold coffee, drank half of the cup in one gulp, and leaned back on the sofa in a relaxed manner. "With the various resources caa has mastered, I have the ability to find Katie. If only things were that simple..."

Nina\'s brows furrowed. Yes, things are never that simple. No matter how much that woman bites, it won\'t have much impact on Wayne\'s current financial status. The mastermind behind this will not fail. clear.

You don\'t even need to come forward on your own side at all. The legal department of Warner Bros. can make a woman without money and power suffer to the death. If she dares to say a word indiscriminately in the media, she will take huge legal risks and pay for it. The cost is unbelievable.

"What are we going to do now?" Nina looked at the suddenly relaxed boss, tried to give her own advice, and said, "Would you like to let Warner Bros. PR department intervene, whether it\'s to guide public opinion or reveal something else? Diverting public attention can take a lot of people\'s attention away from us."

She is talking about the public relations method commonly used in Hollywood. It has been proved for many years that this method of attracting disasters is very useful, and many public relations teams of celebrities have been using it with pleasure.

"Don\'t worry." Waving to Miss Assistant, Wayne shook his head and smiled suddenly. "I\'m not Morgan Freeman, and it doesn\'t make any sense to me to splash dirty water or play with female victims. It\'s enough for us to continue filming and see who else will show himself. I\'m also curious. What are those people planning!"

When he said these words, although he always laughed, his heart was extremely tense.

There is no doubt about the fact that someone wants to engage himself. Who is involved in this matter, what is the purpose, and what means will be used later, these are more important to him.

He has been in this circle for a few years, and the more he realizes one thing, the competition must be everywhere. If he wants to avoid some messy things in the future, at least he needs to know who has calculated him.

The shooting continued the next day, and the scenes on the rooftop went smoothly. Brad Pitt and Christian Bale gradually entered the state they should have.

The footage was filmed one by one, stumbling, and then Jack Nicholson\'s entry gave Wayne enough surprises. The old actor\'s acting skills are solid, and the interpretation of this negative role can be said to be easy to come by. .

When the filming of the opening cutscene was over and the crew was packing things up on the street to start the transition, Jack Nicholson walked up to Wayne, and under the suspicious eyes of Gilmore and others, he said:

"I have some ideas for the next scene."

It\'s been a few days since filming officially started, and this is the first actor to offer an idea, and Wayne looks up at him, equally curious about what he\'s trying to say, hopefully not a suggestion to revise the story or something.

"Don\'t get me wrong, Wayne." Seeing that several people around him were looking at him, Jack Nicholson spread his hands and quickly explained.

"I have no opinion on the character setting and script, just a personal opinion, since it is going to show Frank Costello\'s lewdness, can he put it on the actress\'s bare **** when he is smoking powder, and then During sex, let the powder scatter freely."

Leaning on the chair, Wayne lightly rubbed the stubble on his chin with one hand, considering the other party\'s proposal.

"Ok, let\'s try it out when we shoot. If it works well, I\'ll use your proposal to shoot this set of shots."

It doesn\'t matter if Jack Nicholson looks like an old pervert, his proposal definitely makes sense, and Wayne doesn\'t mind taking it out to see the effect.

After all, this is a pure American gangster film, and he is also afraid that he will be influenced by Eastern thinking. Although it is all infernal, it is completely different.

It can be said that although the two films have a high degree of similarity in the core of the plot, Wayne still changes the background when writing the script to make the story completely American. In particular, the policeman in the film is set by him as a negative image, just like other Hollywood films.

In terms of the plot, it is different from the rich Hong Kong-style plot structure. He is not ready to play anything in the whole film~www.novelhall.com~ It is directly American-style wildness full of traditional meaning. Carefree, foul-mouthed flesh and bullets fly together, which is in line with the living environment and viewing values ​​of North America.

In the American experience of watching movies, the grass-roots gangster brother feels wild and direct. From entering the industry to the beginning and then to the development, it depends on a lot of irritability. After success, it must be full of absurdity. There is no Xiangjiang Sanhe at all. The unmistakable spirit of senior cadres.

So for Jack Nicholson\'s proposal, Wayne has no reason to object, in a way, the old actor\'s life experience is indeed more useful.

In the subsequent shooting, it also proved that the other party\'s performance was indeed effective. In the end, this scene showing the gangster Frank, completely adopted Jack Nicholson\'s proposal.

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