Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and forty-one - let the harassment leave behind and start shooting

"Hollywood Draw(!

In the penthouse suite of the Four Seasons Hotel in Boston, Wayne stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the night scene under his feet was dazzling with traffic lights, which was different from the glitz and hustle of Los Angeles, and had a more modern atmosphere.

Since the assistant said that he felt something was not right, he fell into silence and stood alone in front of the window all night until it was completely dark and the ashtray by his hand was full of cigarette butts.

A lot of things can\'t come to the truth based on guesswork alone, but from the analysis of the current situation, they can\'t cause him the slightest trouble. This is what makes people most puzzled.

It\'s just a few photos, so what if he publicly admits to being the father of the child in Naomi Watts\' womb?

According to the usual trend of public opinion, this will only be discussed by the public for a while, and perhaps most people will give their own blessings, and then the media will follow up and hype a wave of golden boys and girls. This is in line with the normal fermentation of things.

But the sudden appearance of the former agent who was fired by Naomi Watts and willing to risk offending himself by identifying the child in the media made Wayne smell something unusual.

"Someone gave her greater temptation and benefits..."

Muttering softly, the only thing he can think of is this, but even if it is, he still can\'t guess what these represent.


Wayne squeezed out the cigarette in his hand again, turned around and called the assistant. "Contact Anthony Pellicano tomorrow morning and ask him to investigate who the earliest photos came from."

Nina nodded. "Okay, boss."

If anyone in Hollywood circles is the most useful information collector, it must be Anthony Pellicano, the Hollywood Eye. In the past two years, the assistant has always been in contact with the other party. As long as someone collects information about Wayne, they will know it immediately.

Compared with the charging standard of a well-known private detective, his work efficiency is also far higher than that of ordinary people. In Wayne\'s mind, this person is like a master of data analysis, who can always find out what he wants to know from clues. information.

"Let\'s do this first, at least I can\'t see how it will hurt me." Shaking his head towards the assistant, he walked to the bedroom without having dinner.

No matter what happened, the first task in front of him now was the filming of the film. As for other issues, Wayne could only passively wait and see what was going on.

Early the next morning, the crew of nearly 150 people in front of and behind the scenes walked out of the hotel in an orderly manner amid the hustle and bustle of the early morning, forming a long motorcade, and soon arrived at the filming location prepared in advance.

A building here was leased, and outside the crew isolation zone downstairs, dozens of local movie fans and media reporters gathered. Because there were too many people at the scene, Wayne had to ask Nina to inform Ector- Henry, let him contact the local police department to maintain order.

Before everything became clear, he would not accept any media interviews. Even if some of the fans watching came to him, they had no intention of stopping to sign and say hello. After the car stopped, he lowered his head and entered. building.

Since the morning, there have been non-stop congratulations from the staff. Today, the news has completely spread, and almost everyone knows that he is going to be a father. In normal people\'s thinking, this is a good thing.

Originally, there was a large number of media onlookers just after the filming started. This was mixed. Although the quiet shooting environment was lost, too much media attention would slow down the work, but at the same time, it could also gain more attention for the film. to advance publicity.

When such a suitable opportunity arises, the most important thing Wayne should do is to give an interview, in order to create more eye-catching topics, and by the way, do a wave of free publicity for the film.

He wouldn\'t have hesitated to do it without the revelations from Naomi Watts\' former agent.

Although his films have achieved great success at the box office before, if you think about it carefully, the first two films are mostly tricky, while the latter films themselves are adaptations, and they are born with great popularity and topicality, allowing the film to create The high box office has a good foundation.

Frankly speaking, this "The Departed" can be regarded as an original script. No matter how good the reputation is after it is filmed, it still cannot get rid of the limitation of non-sequel adaptation films. Let alone him, in another 20 years, this No one can break the circle.

After all, movies still have to make money, not to mention that Greenberg Studio still holds 50% of the investment, and he is even less likely to let his money go to waste. Oscar\'s golden statue is not so expensive.

"How about I organize those reporters and get Brad Pitt and Chris to do an interview and promote the movie?" Hector Henry walked over to Wayne and joined him in looking at the crowd through the window.

Faced with such a good promotion opportunity, as the second producer, he was also moved. This is simply an advance promotion channel without money.

"No, these people\'s thoughts are not on the film, we mainly focus on filming." Wayne shook his head, took one last look at the gathered crowd, turned around and walked to the elevator with his assistant and others.

Gilmour, Schwartz and others have been up for a while, and they are coordinating the various departments to arrange the shooting scene, as well as setting up the camera position and adjusting the lighting in advance.

According to Wayne\'s idea, although this film has a commercial nature, the production method is more similar to an independent film. There is no clear release date, so naturally enough time is reserved for shooting, as long as it can be completed before April or May next year. .

It is the beginning of December, as long as there is no accident, the film will be screened or officially released in Los Angeles before the summer season next year, and the film will definitely be screened for a long time in order to obtain tickets for the 1997 awards season.

This non-sequel adaptation of a realistic gangster film itself is a type of 18-ban, and naturally it is impossible to have an excessive market, and it cannot be compared with science fiction or action films at all, so the awards season is his good place.

Even Warner Bros., the co-investor, knows that if Wayne\'s new film wants to get the North American box office of more than 300 million US dollars, even if God comes, there is no way to do it. The natural audience will determine the film\'s box office ceiling.

The adjustment of the camera position and lighting has been completed on the roof. Christian Bale and Brad Pitt are constantly pairing their lines during the interval. The specific performance requires them to have practiced, and only the first scene is shot. The ending part of the film was something that no one thought of, which made the two people who were not familiar with them face even greater challenges.

After coming to the main camera, Wayne checked them one by one again, and confirmed the work with Robert, Steve and others before the official shooting, so as to avoid negligence and problems after the official shooting started.

Even if many films have been shot, the start of each new project is the beginning of a new challenge for the director. Any negligence in work may waste the efforts of dozens or hundreds of crew members.

Therefore, no matter how many times there are successes, every new film shoot is a journey for the director to constantly solve the difficulties.

After confirming that all these were all right, Wayne walked back to the reserved monitor, took a look at his director\'s notebook, and compared the scene arrangement. The director\'s sufficient preparation in advance determines the efficiency of the next shooting. He never likes to play with inspiration and play on the spot.

This is Hollywood, even if it is a type of film with a target awards season, he is not required to have a tight production time, and it is impossible for him to shoot a film for several years like Old Monster Xu.

Through the footage transmitted from the camera to the monitor, Wayne picked up the loudspeaker on the table and shouted to Steve Wilson: "The light is a little harder, now it is softer, yes, a little darker, I need to have a grim effect."

As the lighting group adjusted quickly, he pointed to the background wall on the side of the rooftop. "Weeks, adjust the position of the old paint buckets under that wall, now they can\'t be seen from behind the camera."

"It\'ll be fine right away." Weeks Hart nodded quickly and ran over with two props assistants.

"What else is inappropriate?" Gilmore, the assistant director, came to him and asked nervously. "I\'m talking about sets or other preparations."

All this was coordinated and arranged by the assistant director in advance. Since it was the first time to cooperate with Wayne, he hoped to know more about each other\'s shooting habits.

"Just some fine-tuning, don\'t be nervous." Wayne understood what he was thinking, and pointed to the monitor. “There is never room for sloppiness in the construction of a film, and it has to be perfect. It depends on what happens before the shot, on location, and crucially in post-production.”

While the staff was adjusting, Gilmour immediately raised his spirits when he heard Wayne\'s words. He knew that these were the work experience accumulated by the other party, which was quite rare for him.

"Like the lighting just mentioned, if we want to change the tonality as needed, the easiest way to achieve the effect you want is the lighting. The lighting adjusted through post-production is far less accurate than the scene. the lights..."

Wayne kept talking casually~www.novelhall.com~ This way he could get into work as soon as possible, forget about the media reporters surrounding the studio downstairs, forget about his own baby in Los Angeles, and forget about everything else that has nothing to do with it. focus on what you do best.

"The lights are ok!"

"The set is alright!"

"The camera is ready!"

The crew stepped out of the camera, and when everything was ready, Brad Pitt, who played Billy, and Christian Bale, who played Colin, walked into the camera together, and everyone looked at the director. , just wait for Wayne to start filming the first scene.

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