Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and forty-nine - will not be interrupted this time

"Hollywood Draw(!

This is destined to be a night that will not make people calm, whether it is insiders with various ideas in Los Angeles, or the media related to entertainment finance in North America.

Because Wayne\'s net worth was frequently discussed by the media during this time, even some talk shows invited some so-called financial commentators to analyze the young director\'s investment choices from various angles.

This naturally attracted the attention of some financial media, especially when the debate about him began to appear, and the identity of celebrities and rich people was destined to easily arouse the curiosity of ordinary people, even if the media was not related, the sense of smell was very sensitive, chasing Hot spots can be said to be the instinct of these people.

In the bedroom of the Presidential Suite at the Four Seasons Hotel in Boston, Wayne had a flat face, sat beside the bed holding the phone like a golden knife, listened carefully to the voices coming from the opposite side, and occasionally responded softly.

At this time, Jennifer Connelly, who was busy with her head down, also had a trace of dissatisfaction in her heart, but it was difficult to express it.

The good thing tonight has been interrupted by the phone twice in a row. Even if it is not far from the microphone, she has not heard any conversation, but she can be sure that the two consecutive calls are women, and the things that are said are still unresolved. are very important.

Otherwise, with her understanding of normal men, it is impossible for these lower body animals to suppress their instinctive desires for unimportant things.

This opportunity tonight is very important to Jennifer Connelly. She has been in this circle since she was a child. She knows one thing very well, that is, the results obtained are completely different from someone\'s support and her own efforts.

Now that I am fortunate to join the other party\'s crew, I must not only want to shoot this film, but also want to improve my social status and coffee status. This kind of realistic film is by no means the best choice, but it is a ladder.

The important thing is to seize the opportunity to shoot outside, try to find a way to please him when there is no woman around him, and strive to make this man think of himself as soon as he has a suitable character when he makes a big commercial production later.

As long as she participates in a major commercial production of the other party, the promotion of her own celebrity status is far greater than shooting such realistic gangster films.

Independent film circles and professional awards may look down on vase-type actresses. The mainstream Hollywood commercial film circle does not have prejudice against vase actresses. On the contrary, successful vase is an essential element in commercial films, and it is also an actress to enhance the value of coffee. the most direct way.

Jennifer Connelly never thought of becoming an acting school like Meryl Streep, even if there is an Oscar for best supporting actress and Oscar winner, no one will think that Meryl Streep Pu is a representative actress in Hollywood in the 1960s and 1970s.

Her eyes have always been on other actresses of the same age. Cameron Diaz, who has been called the representative of North America\'s **** sweetheart by the media, and Naomi Watts, whose popularity has been steadily increasing, relying on the beautiful soup bend Overtaking Nicole Kidman and so on.

After careful analysis, all of these actresses have one characteristic. Behind them is a man who supports them at any time, so if Jennifer Connelly wants to seize the opportunity and not let go, she may be able to catch up with Wayne\'s project and even catch up with her. Beyond the few famous actresses of the same era.

Just as people and the media now think of Julia Roberts when they mention the representative of Hollywood actresses in the 1990s, Jennifer Connelly also thought of becoming the representative of Hollywood actresses at the turn of the century in a few years.

However, all this is not easy. Famous actresses in this circle or actresses who are ready to become famous are more or less struggling with such ambitions, often in places that ordinary people can\'t see, the competition between actresses The intensity is the greatest.

However, the man she is humiliating and serving is one of her hopes. Sometimes the reality is so cruel. Just relying on the talent in acting, the lovable face, the figure and the effort, it is far less than the man who is on the phone. promise.

It\'s as if the woman who called at the end of the first phone call had obviously got the kind of promise she wanted most.

"Let\'s do it like this, keep the status quo first, and then I\'ll ask Nina to contact you. At least I have to find a way to expose the person who tempted you. I have to know, who is hiding behind the scenes and reaching out randomly!"

Wayne listened to the phone for a few minutes before finally speaking to break the silence. "Stay at ease with the filming crew of "Independence Day". Now it seems that at least 20th Century Fox has not participated in the filming, but I can\'t tell what will happen in the future. I should pay attention to what I say, and don\'t accept any media interviews for the time being. !"

The phone was put back on the bedside table with a "click". The man sitting beside the bed picked up the cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, and spit out a cloud of blue mist, and then reached out and patted the man who was still busy. woman.

Looking up with a suspicious look, he suddenly opened his mouth and smiled, as if the blue smoke he had just spit out had also spit out the haze of the past few days.

"Okay, we have to pause again." Wayne patted the woman\'s hair lightly with his palm, pointed to the nightgown that was thrown aside, and said, "Put on your clothes, and then help me call Nina. Come in and say I have something to talk to her about."

"Now?" Jennifer Connelly asked in surprise.

He nodded. "Yes, let\'s go."

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, the woman wiped her mouth neatly and put on her bathrobe, pushed open the bedroom door as if she had remembered something, turned around and leaned against the wall, tilting her head to look at Wei who was sitting beside the bed smoking. kindness.

"And then? Do you want me to stay tonight?"

"Of course, sweetie." Wayne shrugged with a cigarette in his mouth, and stood up to straighten his bathrobe. "Things will be over soon. After waking up Nina, you stay in the living room for a while, I promise it will only take a while."

When the assistant lady came over, her hair was messy, and she was still rubbing her eyes from time to time in her pajamas. It could be seen that she was not in a good mood. She should have been forcibly woken up not long after she fell asleep.

"Boss, shouldn\'t you be taming the little wild cat at this time? Is there anything more important than this?"

It\'s a personal thing to get up and get angry, Wayne seems to have not heard the ridicule in her tone, and briefly narrated to her the two phone calls just now.

Nina\'s eyes also regained wisdom, listening and thinking. "It seems that those people\'s plan is to let the woman close to you stab the most critical knife!"

Both the assistant and him knew that if these women stood up and spoke to the media, their credibility would not be comparable to that of the little wild cat named Katie, and things would become much more difficult.

Wayne nodded lightly and sneered, with obvious sarcasm. "Don\'t worry, none of those women are stupid. You will contact them tomorrow to find out who is behind the temptation."

He\'s been hiding in Boston like he\'s not the one being hacked, but that doesn\'t mean he really doesn\'t care. Now his idea is very simple, first figure out who has been involved, and then slowly stab back.

If you can run, the monks can\'t run away from the temple. As long as they are people in this circle, Wayne has the means and the time to play with them.

"Ok, then I\'ll go back to sleep." Nina yawned while covering her mouth, and turned to the living room with her messy hair. "By the way, do you want me to help you call that little wild cat back?"


In the middle of the night, Jennifer Connelly and Wayne were desperately releasing the enthusiasm of their young bodies. One was willing to cooperate, and the other hormones were always very strong. Fortunately, the hotel\'s sound insulation level was high enough to put all the Strange sounds were left in this bedroom.

The woman lay on Wayne\'s arms tiredly and fell asleep. He reached out and took his watch from the bedside to check the time. It was already two o\'clock in the morning, but after venting, he didn\'t feel sleepy anymore, feeling rather refreshed.

This woman gave him a very different feeling. She was in her early twenties, with a nearly perfect face, and her delicate temperament was brave enough to try more ways to play. The alternative sense of contrast was extremely fascinating.

And her skills are quite good, and she doesn\'t reject some of Wayne\'s little hobbies, which is simply a perfect bed partner for men.

Looking at Jennifer Connelly in her arms, thinking about the two women who called tonight, I have to say that they are very smart and don\'t want to be the knife in the hands of others, although this knife is not Anyone can do it.

Maybe only the people around Wayne understand that no matter how hard some people spend, they may not really cause him much harm. Instead, when things pass, this big boy with a sunny appearance and a bottomless heart can do it silently. Nothing is surprising.

And he is confident that he will not overturn the car because of a woman. Whether it is looking forward or backward, the European and American billionaires are more crazy than each other. Has the car overturned? No, does it work? Useless.

The most important issue involved in this is money and power. These two things can satisfy 90% of women\'s desires, so ah, those celebrities and rich people who were bitten by women and overturned, all fell to the ground. stingy on the door.

Which of the women around her is not a smart actress who became famous in later generations? Since they are able to make their mark in this fiercely competitive circle~www.novelhall.com~, none of them have a bad mind.

Between the uncertain temptation of strangers and Wayne, who has greatly helped their careers, they may be overwhelmed by temporary interests, but as long as they have time to consider the gains and losses, they will definitely not take such uncertain risks.

Even the lions in the zoo know the difference between having a meal and a full meal, not to mention whether the promise of a full meal can be fulfilled is still a question, don\'t think everyone is like Wayne. Credit, turning over immediately after use is the normal state of capital.

"How are you going to continue..."

Muttering softly, he hugged the beauty in his arms and closed his eyes.

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