Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and fifty - my goal is to be a golden man

The night in Boston faded away, and Wayne leaned on the head of the bed comfortably early in the morning, until the woman ran into the bathroom with her mouth covered, and then she put on her clothes unhurriedly, walked into the bathroom and started to wash.

The two stood side by side in front of the mirror, grabbing the toothbrush to clean up their personal hygiene, and a trace of exhaustion could be seen on Jennifer Connelly\'s face. Obviously, she slept briefly after the strenuous exercise last night, and she did not rest.

"Honey, how am I doing?"

While wiping her face with a towel, she looked at the man beside her, who was also holding a towel and doing the same thing.

"Well, I have to say, your technique is great!"

Shrugging, Wayne hung the towel back on the sink, tidied up his shirt, and got ready to start the day. "Comeon, if we still want to have breakfast, we have to go out quickly."

At about 7:40 in the morning, the huge motorcade left the hotel again and drove towards the location.

As imagined, a large number of media reporters have been surrounded by the long-arranged suburban shooting location. Compared with the petty troubles some time ago, more people came today.

Cars drove into the location one by one, and every member of the crew watched the reporters silently. Since this morning, the atmosphere of the crew has become a little weird, and everyone knows the reason.

"That won\'t work, there are too many media reporters outside."

After getting out of the car, Wayne looked out on his hips and said to John Gray, who was standing beside him: "The filming work will definitely be affected, think of a way to divert those people\'s attention."

"It\'s no use for me to be interviewed, those people are targeting you." John Gray waved his hand irritably and kicked a stone. "Shit, I\'ll go out and try to deal with it."

"Forget it, I\'ll go with you, those people are not so easy to kill."

After beckoning to Sergey, the two walked towards the large number of reporters surrounding the door under the watchful eyes of many people in the crew.

Too much media attention now has caused some hearts in the crew to fluctuate, and it becomes difficult to continue the quiet shooting. If Wayne is not for a relatively better shooting environment, he is not willing to face these media too early. .

"Director Greenberg, can you talk about when you developed a mental illness?"

"Hey Wayne, do you really like violent abuse of women?"

"Wayne, what do you think of the accusations against you by Katie and the women\'s organization?"

As soon as the two came out under the protection of Sergey and security, they were immediately surrounded by a crowd. In front of Wayne was holding at least seven or eight recording pens and microphones of various kinds. The photographers around the crowd were also dying. to start pressing the shutter.

In addition to the messy sound of various questions, there is only the sound of taking pictures.

"Quiet, don\'t mess up, or we\'ll go back now." John Gray shouted several times in a row, before the scene gradually quieted down.

"Question one by one, you only have five minutes, it\'s best not to waste it," Wayne\'s voice entered everyone\'s ears. "The crew will start filming on time in five minutes. I have to be responsible for the more than 100 staff behind me. Okay, let\'s start!"

The reporters in the front looked at each other and understood that every issue was important and that five minutes would never be wasted on insignificant matters.

The sharp voice of a female reporter suddenly rang out. "Director Greenberg, you have been studying film noir since college, and after graduation, you entered Hollywood and succeeded in shooting film noir. Is the reason why you like this type of film related to your mental illness?"

"I\'ll only answer this question once." Although Wayne was mentally prepared, his face darkened when he heard a similar question. "I don\'t have any mental illness, I don\'t have any mental problems, and I don\'t have a penchant for violent abuse of women. All these are groundless speculations! If I were you, I would be more cautious about reporting, and there are laws to say nonsense. Risky!"

The female reporter shouted unwillingly. "But your work is full of blood, darkness and violence..."

"Next, I have already answered!"

He immediately waved his hand to interrupt the female reporter, apparently not intending to answer.

"Hello, Director Greenberg, I\'m Frank from the Los Angeles Times." Another male reporter introduced himself, noticed that he was looking at him, and took the time to ask: "Can you talk about the Complaints of abuse of women and college ex-girlfriends, did she lie to the public?"

Wayne nodded. "As a matter of fact, I can\'t remember who she is. Regarding the issue she said was injured by my violence, you can sue at any time and use the law to do justice to yourself, right? Why didn\'t she sue me? This is indeed very important. Strange."

After speaking, he shook his head impatiently, frowning at the clearly dissatisfied crowd in front of him. "Okay, the last question, the crew is about to start work, I have to go back to host the shooting."

The scene suddenly became quiet, and the other party finally accepted the interview, and got these few words without pain or itching, which is not in line with the thinking of most reporters.

"Wayne, can you talk about the new project I\'m shooting now?" A reporter from the outside said suddenly under the glare of many colleagues. "It\'s been rumored that your new film is targeting the Oscars, isn\'t it?"

"That\'s right, that\'s it!" He didn\'t bother to hide it, and nodded happily. "I don\'t deny that the production of "The Departed" has great expectations for the Oscars. Of course, it\'s too early to say this. Everything depends on the effect of the film after it is made."

Suddenly hearing the news that he admitted that the new film was made for the sake of Ao, made the scene quiet for a while, and no one thought that there would be such a windfall. This gimmick is no less than a woman\'s problem.

The reporters present were all from the entertainment media, and most of them were half insiders, and they were no strangers to the Academy\'s highest honor, Oscar.

There is a problem involved. The academy has always liked to please its own films, or to make a film that suits their tastes, but the premise is not to say it, or even to do it too deliberately.

The Oscars have always been so contradictory. Everyone knows that some award-winning films are simply homework for the little golden man. The probability of winning is indeed high, but no one will blatantly shout it out.

After all, those judges and Oscar have to face, and shouting out will only have the opposite effect, making the lobbying work of the awards season more difficult, and some things can only be done, not said.

So sometimes the old men from the Academy of Film and Art are no different from the widows who became bxxxh and set up a torii.

If you don\'t make a film that suits their taste, the probability of winning must be extremely low, but if you do it too deliberately, you will be resisted by the academy who is clinging to the last shred of face.

Wayne simply and neatly admitted to the media that the goal of making the film is to be a golden man, which is equivalent to setting up obstacles for himself to win awards. The reporter who originally asked the question did not expect the answer to be like this. Usually, the director expresses his yearning for Oscar in a veiled way, and expresses his intentions to the Academy without explicitly saying it.

So until he and John Gray went back for a while, the scene was still buzzing with discussions, no matter what, they didn\'t get anything out of this interview.

Before most of the reporters left, seeing that filming had begun inside, it was as if Wayne didn\'t care too much about what was being said about him outside.

"Wayne Greenberg Suspected of Mental Illness..."

"Faced with accusations of abuse of women, Wayne Greenberg denies a..."

"At present, there are more than five women\'s rights organizations in North America, calling on women to boycott Wayne Greenberg\'s works..."

"Regarding Wayne Greenberg\'s net worth, our reporter has conducted multiple investigations..."

"Some experts pointed out that the reason why Wayne Greenberg loves black films must be related to his unfortunate childhood. The reporter visited the school he grew up in, and everyone who came into contact with him proved that he has always been The most lonely one..."

"Wayne Greenberg himself admitted that the purpose of making The Departed was for the Oscars. He was nominated for best director three times and missed that honor each time, it seems this time…"

In an apartment in Burbank, Daisy frowned and looked at the piles of newspapers on the table. The paper media, which were almost related to entertainment and finance, were constantly reporting and hyping everything about Wayne.

This situation is clearly abnormal. Even if he is a relatively well-known rich and famous person in the United States, it is impossible for him to continue to gain so much attention. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

And Daisy is disgusted by those distorted reports about women. In the past few days, more than a dozen movie fans have withdrawn from their organization because of various reports.

"The bxxxh of motherfxxk! When I received the tapes some time ago, this is not the attitude now! sonofthebxxxh!"

Daisy was not the only one who read the newspaper together, but also seven or eight die-hard fans of the fan organization, all of whom were leaders of their respective groups. It was not these people who spoke at this time, but a black guy.

The warm smile that he usually had no matter who he was facing disappeared, and his anger made his already dark face slightly distorted.

Different from other members of the fan organization, Schroeder is grateful to Wayne\'s film from the bottom of his heart, that is the source of motivation for him to change his life, and it is also the most important white moonlight in this black man\'s heart, so he is the most angry one.

In particular, the fans who knew that they had received the videotape had withdrawn on their own initiative, which gave him the illusion of betrayal.

"We have to do something to support Wayne, guys." Schroeder took a few deep breaths and broke the frozen atmosphere. "I said, we have to figure out a way to tell people who are being misled by the media reports that Wayne is not like that..."

"Wait." Daisy\'s eyes suddenly lit up, raised her hand to stop the black guy\'s rap-style words, and muttered to himself in a low voice. "Media reports, media reports, Warner Bros. also has its own media, we need a convincing fact..."

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