Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and forty-eight - Technology has suddenly become unwieldy.

100 Universal Plaza Avenue, Universal Studios, halfway between Los Angeles and media capital Burbank, the second-oldest Hollywood movie giant, distribution, administration and other departments have moved to New York, with only the production department and offices Still here.

It was completely dark by this time, and Universal Pictures CEO Ron Mayer stood by the office window, holding a cup of coffee, watching the brilliant lights of Burbank in the distance.

There is a recognized center of the media industry. It is not a big place, and there are hundreds of large and small media companies. Most importantly, there is also the Hollywood giant Warner Bros.

In recent years, the film industry giant has expanded rapidly. Through the continuous success of sequels and Wayne Greenberg\'s blockbuster noir films, the revenue figures are staggering year by year, especially this year, revenue. It has been confirmed that it is once again ranked at the top of the top six.

If this is nothing, the Hollywood giants will have their ups and downs, and no one will be complacent for too long. Maybe the loss of a super big production can wipe out all the profits for a year?

Especially in recent years, the volume of large-scale productions has become larger and larger, and the investment has also increased. The cost of a Hollywood first-line sci-fi or action blockbuster has increased to hundreds of millions of dollars in investment. If such a terrifying investment is thrown into the street, Even the Big Six will slow down for a long time.

This is because there are media groups behind several giants. If it is those small and medium-sized film companies, the failure of a first-line project will cause such film companies to go bankrupt and reorganize.

But when everyone invests in movies like gambling, Warner Bros. is the first to find a weight that is almost certain to win. The first-line projects they have invested in in the past two years have become more conservative, and their goals are all aimed at the sequel series whose success rate is much higher than the original. .

The sequel has a huge fan base, and it\'s hard for Warner Bros. to fail in this regard.

They also have the dark genius of Wayne Greenberg. This year, because of the comic film released by him, the offline marketing channels of Warner Bros. have gradually become better. Walt Disney, which started out chasing animated feature films, produced various derivative products, licensing, etc., which created unplanned profit points for the company.

However, to the disappointment of other giants, this is just the beginning. In the latest news from Warner Bros., the second Batman film can start preparations at any time. At the same time, they have also established a new screenwriting department to assist Wayne. - Greenberg writes other superhero scripts.

All kinds of information revealed the ambitions of Warner Bros. and DC Comics. Their comic plan has been fully planned, and it is likely to be designed in a few years.

However, there is only one absolute core of the manga change plan, and that is Wayne Greenberg. This is the irreplaceable executor of the DC series of films. It can be found from the work plan disclosed to the media at the press conference of his previous new film. After the film, it was the beginning of the comic blockbuster that frequently landed on the big screen.

No one wants to see such a scene appear, but now that young man has unknowingly acquired plump wings in a few years, and it is difficult to suppress him easily.

The matter of becoming a shareholder in Warner Bros. completely changed Wayne Greenberg\'s identity. From the day he became a shareholder, he was no longer a weak director, and turned into one of the bosses of the movie giants. an integral part of capital.

So when the opportunity arises, everyone reaches out tacitly, hoping to reduce the success rate of his works in various ways. No one can come out of these chain-by-chain methods intact. This is also the most commonly used and most effective method for giants to use media, channels, capital and other resources.

"The ratings of cbs are wide enough, and the effect should not be bad!" Ron Mayer, who had been staring out the window, said suddenly after taking a sip of coffee. "Notify our media, as well as the parent company\'s cable network, to follow up on this topic from tomorrow morning."

"The media have all said hello, and I believe we will follow up when the time comes." Justin, who rushed from New York in a hurry, replied in a low voice. Anyway, Wayne Greenberg has been very hot during this time, and everything reported on him is not good. will lose.

According to the previously unknown tacit understanding, it is definitely not only their family who will follow up tomorrow. As long as they don\'t want to miss this opportunity, I am afraid they will silently follow the hype and guide public opinion.

In the past two years, this kind of tacit understanding has only appeared twice in several giants. The first time was also aimed at a Jew, that is, the good man Steven Spielberg of DreamWorks.

No one wants to see a seventh giant in Hollywood, but the ambitions of the good guys are well known, and it\'s just the beginning. As long as the Jewish director doesn\'t give up his ambitions, the inexplicable targets that follow will only increase.

Wayne Greenberg is the second. The reason is the same. No one wants to see Warner Bros. growing faster and faster because of him. Now the North American market is so big. To lose a little.

Although several Hollywood giants cooperate a lot with each other, competition with each other is always the main theme.

"To speed up the production of The Hulk, we need our own superheroes!"

Walking back to the rest area, after putting down the cup, Ron Mayer continued: "If this "Hulk" can be successful, I will contact Marvel immediately, although their first-tier characters are sold out, but second-tier heroes There are many more, so the first one is really important!"

Being able to be the CEO of one of the six majors is enough to prove Ron Mayer\'s ability and vision. He wants to contact Marvel Comics now. If he can make the decision, he even wants to settle the comic company directly.

But he is just a senior worker, not the boss of Universal Pictures. Those shareholders who really can call the shots are Conscat, the parent company of the second largest TV operator in North America.

Therefore, the board of directors and the top management of the parent company will not support any of his ambitions for Marvel until there is no achievement to prove the value of the Marvel superhero.

Whenever he thinks of this, he is full of jealousy towards Jeff Robinoff, who is also the head of the movie giant. Warner Bros. is not only an important part of the media group, but also owns the treasure of DC Comics.

Justin shrugged, his tone full of ridicule. "Bill Baker had other ideas, and the producers had told him that the film had to be dark, otherwise we wouldn\'t mind having a different director."

Since "Batman: Hour of War" is dark and serious, and has also achieved great success, there is no reason for "Hulk" to risk changing the style, which is the consensus of the executives of Universal Pictures.

Take a look at Batman, which has been shown for six months. In such a long screening period, it has never experienced a cliff-like drop in the box office. Even if it is now approaching the next stage, the scale of screening has been reduced to less than 200 theaters. Rates are still partially guaranteed.

Just for this, they have no reason to be innovative. With the Hulk\'s good reputation, coupled with the proven successful shooting style, what Warner Bros. can do, Universal Pictures will not be too bad to replicate.

Seeing that it was getting late, Ron Mayer finally asked in a low voice, "The woman hasn\'t let go yet?"

Just mentioning this gives Justin a toothache. "No, the woman seemed to be dragging on purpose, and she was always hesitant."

""The King of Big Talk" is about to start filming, try to get the agent to contact the other party again and tell her that this is the last chance. If you continue to hesitate, you will only miss the second cooperation with Jim Carrey!"

Ron Mayer shook his head. The key to the next plan is women. It stands to reason that there should be no actresses who can reject a first-line production heroine.

The other party\'s first success was obtained by working with Jim Carrey. Now that this opportunity is in front of him, he does not believe that the woman can refuse.

As for giving up the opportunity presented to him for Wayne\'s sake, he didn\'t even think about it. This circle has always been very realistic. It\'s normal to turn around and not recognize people. Everything only depends on the size of the interests. , not to mention that there is a fart feeling between them.

The temptation is not limited to the "Big Talk" project. As far as Ron Mayer knows, the agent also brought an invitation to "Men in Black", and he doesn\'t believe that the woman will refuse in the end.

Everything that is happening and is about to happen in Los Angeles doesn\'t affect Boston. At this time, in the master bedroom of the penthouse suite of the Four Seasons Hotel ~www.novelhall.com~ Wayne is sitting by the bed, holding the phone in his hand and responding from time to time.

"Kami, it doesn\'t seem like you\'re that easy to be tempted, do you? I didn\'t expect you to tell me this."

Cameron Diaz\'s voice came out with a hint of annoyance on the phone. "Damn, sugardaddy? You have no idea how much I gave up! But I\'m sure you\'ll give me more."

Wayne was silent for a while before he said, "You won\'t regret your choice today, Cammy, you\'ll get more. Oh, fxxk, tap..."

"What?" Cameron Diaz asked suspiciously on the phone.

"It\'s okay, don\'t be in a hurry to reject them. I\'ll go back and ask Nina to contact you. That\'s all, hang up first."

When he pressed the phone to the table, he looked down and saw the innocent face of Jennifer Connelly, winking playfully at him.

"I\'m sorry, dear, I didn\'t mean to hurt you, I swear!"

"Shit, I want..."

Before Wayne could finish speaking, the phone rang again, and helplessly suppressed his urge again, and reached out and took the microphone again. But he didn\'t speak in a hurry, instead he covered the microphone and looked down at the innocent face.

"Look, I\'ll definitely make you regret it if your technique is suddenly clumsy!"

After speaking, he felt it carefully, and answered the phone with a satisfied expression on his face. "Hi, good evening, this is Wayne Greenberg."

"Wayne, I\'m Harry, there\'s something I have to tell you..."

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