Hollywood Drawing

~: 351-96 Batman Parade

"Hollywood Draw(!

The uproar in public opinion is not without a little benefit. No matter what the original intention of the media is, it is inevitable that Wayne\'s new film "The Departed" will be frequently mentioned before the filming is over.

Perhaps the various rumors in the recent period have a good incentive for some female public, and at the same time, many male star fans have gradually increased their expectations for "The Departed".

Many people want to know what Wayne will look like this time with Oscar ambitions and a gangster film that is almost exclusively devoted to men\'s romance.

Time is advancing slowly day by day, and the crew who stayed in Boston seems to have not been affected in any way. A group of footage was shot at an unhurried speed. As the three male protagonists get more and more adapted to the roles, the speed of the shooting It is also increasing unknowingly.

During this period, the public relations department of Warner Bros., which had been on the sidelines, finally began to refute the reports that were not favorable to Wayne.

And through its media and parent company media, a notice was issued, saying that any inappropriate remarks against Wayne will be investigated by the Warner Bros. Legal Department, and people need to be responsible for their own remarks, whether it is the media or women\'s rights organizations.

So in the last days of late 1995, the biggest gossip in North America had been all sorts of comments about Wayne. Even sober ordinary people have discovered that the entertainment reports on the market today are completely two kinds of views.

A large part of the media has spared no effort to black Wayne, and at the same time, they have also kept guiding public opinion, persuading ordinary fans overtly and secretly to boycott his films together.

And there is another part of the media that keeps refuting all kinds of black materials about Wayne, especially about his abuse of women. They deliberately turned up the interviews of several women before, saying that all these are all lies with intentions. .

In a survey conducted by Vanity Fair, in the past two years, Wayne has been ranked among the top female fantasy boyfriends in North America. , indicating that he is no longer regarded as an object of desire.

What makes people laugh and cry is that ordinary women don\'t care whether he is abusing women or not. Abused by a billionaire boyfriend.

Before the new year, various reports about Wayne have always occupied the largest space in entertainment news.

When the agent of caa contacted Cameron Diaz and Harry Berry again, the two women, under the command of Nina, first pretended to agree to each other\'s conditions, and learned that they agreed to the conditions. After changing the name of the project, he cut off communication with the other party neatly.

For Nina and Warner Bros., it is enough to know the name of the project, from which it can be analyzed which company has participated. This kind of thing never needs to be completely clear, and it never needs evidence.

So when Wayne heard the names of Universal Pictures and Sony Columbia, he didn\'t show the slightest bit of surprise, he just wrote it down silently, and then in his spare time during filming, he kept thinking about how to stab the knife back. .

On January 1, 1996, "Batman: Hour of War", which stayed in the North American theater market for more than half a year, officially left the theater and ended the magical trip to the theater.

On the next day of the film, the North American box office number stopped at 313.2 million US dollars, and the global box office was about 790 million US dollars, and it became this year\'s annual box office champion without any suspense.

It was also on this day that Time Warner\'s TV station cnn channel set its sights on a group of Batman fans in Los Angeles.

On January 1, 1996, thousands of Batman fans took to the streets of the Walk of Fame. Most of them wore bat armor or bat capes, and some of them also wore black masks.

The leader of the parade was a black guy, and he held a homemade sign in his hand. In addition to a bat mark, it also clearly wrote a slogan in support of Wayne.

"Justice born in darkness, never fear attacks from darkness!"

Originally, it was just a silent parade of die-hard movie fans, but no one expected that more and more young people would join in along the way. Many people saw their outfits and went back home to take out the iconic items they bought while watching the movie.

When the crowd walked into the Walk of Fame, the line inevitably grew larger and larger. The crowd behind Schroeder and Daisy was conservatively estimated to have exceeded 3,000 people.

This situation has aroused the sensitivity of the Los Angeles Police Department. You must know that it has not been two years since the riot occurred. Most importantly, the leader of the parade was a black man.

The police station temporarily mobilized hundreds of police officers. On this day, many police officers were canceled their leave, and they all received an emergency notice and ran to the Avenue of Stars to maintain law and order.

The only thing that can relieve the police department is that these movie fans wearing Batman gear have never acted excessively. They didn\'t even shout a slogan during the whole process, especially the part of the movie fans who walked in front were just silent. Follow the leader forward.

After this rare situation happened, it attracted a lot of media attention in a short period of time. The cnn news TV station, which had been prepared for a long time, simply drove the satellite live broadcast vehicle over, and directly sent the live pictures to the whole North America. Thousands of households.

"This is the cnn global report, and now the famous Avenue of Stars is behind me." A female anchor wearing a skirt held a microphone and started the real-time broadcast in a very fast but clear tone towards the camera in front of the satellite broadcast car.

"We can see that the number of people in this "Batman" parade has exceeded 3,000 people, and there was no quarrel or chaos at the scene. The fans have been keeping calm, they are using their own way of expressing an opinion..."

The satellite signal sent the live pictures to countless families watching TV. This rare scene also attracted the attention of a large number of ordinary people. The ratings of cnn TV station soared at the same time.

"Who came up with this idea?"

Far away in the hotel suite in Boston, Wayne watched TV with his hands on his shoulders, and suddenly turned to look at the assistant beside him.

During this period of time, no matter what the outside world talked about, he didn\'t pay any attention to it. He just focused his attention on shooting. He knew better than anyone that the ultimate purpose of the dirty water was to make his film fail.

So the most important thing right now is not to pay attention to all kinds of rumors, but to control the quality of the film. It is far more convincing to do things than to say them.

"It\'s Daisy and the leading black Schroeder." Nina raised her hand and pushed the glasses on her nose, and said directly without scruples about Jennifer Connelly, who was sitting next to the boss.

"These two people contacted local movie fans in Los Angeles, hoping to have a voice channel of their own to express their support for you. Warner Bros. agreed to this matter and contacted the parent company Time Warner in advance, and then dispatched the CNN satellite live broadcast car. "

The picture on the TV continued, but Wayne was not in a good mood. In fact, it didn\'t make much sense to do this. Since those women refused the temptation behind the scenes, the popularity of this matter will not last long. .

There are not many means to target him. As long as the woman around him doesn\'t stab him, all kinds of unfounded speculation and Katie\'s one-sided remarks will not cause him much harm at all.

It is true that there will be a large number of female fans who will give up his films because of various rumors during this period. This situation is unavoidable, but Wayne\'s films have always been not very friendly to women, so the impact is far less. imagined big.

He and Warner Bros. have figured out these things for a long time, and he is very confident that he can restore the temporarily lost fans through the second Batman movie. You know, ordinary people are very tolerant of this circle, and they are also relatively forgetful.

Watching the TV, Wayne shook his head helplessly. "Doing this will only deepen people\'s memories and keep my name discussed for longer. But let\'s leave it at that for now, at least let some people know that my fan base has never been shaken."

He doesn\'t care if someone is targeted on women\'s issues, no matter how intense the hype is, it will only make his name stink a little in a certain group.

It is now the mid-1990s, and the consciousness of feminism is just in its infancy. Whether it is social consciousness or ordinary people\'s thinking, it is far less radical than later. Even in Hollywood movies, scenes of big heroines have always been avoided, so completely There is no audience.

If the time goes back 20 years, perhaps under the social atmosphere at that time, the super rich will be a little bit taboo about the Mi Rabbit group. After all, there are indeed a lot of Hollywood bigwigs who have been bitten by the group of women. At that time, Warner Bros. CEO Kai Kai Vin-Tsuhara was hammered.

At the same time, it is not only Wayne and others in Boston who are watching the TV. Paul Knight, an executive of Sony Columbia, is also staring at the parade in the TV screen.

It wasn\'t until the cnn TV station switched to other news that he frowned and picked up the phone on the table, hesitated and dialed it out.

He didn\'t wait too long, the moment the call was connected~www.novelhall.com~ he said directly to the microphone: "I\'m Paul, don\'t contact the woman from caa on your side, since that The agent used the role of "Men in Black" and didn\'t get the two actresses hooked, so forget it. Yes, just pretend it never happened."

Long after he hung up the phone, he kept looking out the window in a trance. If a good opportunity arises, Sony Columbia doesn\'t mind stepping on that director and Warner Bros. along with it, and I\'m sure everyone else thinks the same.

And all of this is definitely useful. Now the director\'s reputation has indeed been affected a lot, and in some specific groups of women, the impact may be even greater.

It\'s just that the most important step has not been taken, which makes him feel very sorry. If the two actresses can stand up, the effect may be dozens of times better than now.

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