Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and eighty - their respective responses to the advance field

As a large number of excited fans began to exit, the premiere was here, and it was basically over.

Facing the guests lining up to come forward to congratulate, Wayne voluntarily gave up his seat and pushed Zach Snyder to the front of the stage. Seeing the huge repercussions caused by the film, the excited Zack Snyder blushed, and at the same time relieved most of his anxiety.

The same is true for the subsequent press conferences. After only showing one side at the beginning, Wayne gave up the media center, left the press conference in a low-key manner, and walked to the hotel opposite in advance.

As he said, today\'s protagonist is Zach Snyder, and several main actors on the crew. He can provoke disputes without hesitation to attract attention, and use media controversy to attract fans\' attention, but all of that is for the film\'s box office, not to grab unnecessary limelight.

At the same time as the premiere ended, "The Matrix" also opened 2,000 advance shows in major cities in North America. In this respect, it is not much different from "Hulk", and the other party\'s advance show is also about 2,000.

On Friday, that is, tomorrow morning, "The Matrix" will open on the scale of 3,023 theaters in the United States and officially land in the North American theater market, competing head-to-head with "Hulk", which opened in 3,057 theaters in the same period.

Therefore, the amount of the box office in advance is very important, which means that which film can get the first mover will have the first-mover advantage in the fierce competition in the first weekend.

If you only compare the party scene after the premiere, there is no doubt that "The Matrix" is more star-studded. A large part of the platform guests, the primary purpose is for this reception, and social networking is always the theme of such occasions.

Wayne dealt with it for a while at the reception, said hello to his acquaintances and was ready to go back, but was once again held back by Nicolas Cage, who came to him.

Today\'s Nicolas Cage is much more mature than three years ago. The most obvious feature is that at least the literary style that he exudes all the time has disappeared, which also means that the big star has officially understood the importance of business. sex.

"The Matrix will definitely sell well, this film is very unexpected." With a smile on his face, he touched Wayne with champagne, took a sip and pointed to the surrounding environment, said. "Can you find a place to talk for a while?"


Wayne nodded, and took two women, Nina and Naomi Watts, and stopped an adaptable student. Under the leadership of the adaptable student, the group walked into a lounge.

After the adaptable students brought in a few cups of coffee and closed the door, Nicolas Cage glanced hesitantly at the two women, but still said, "Wayne, is the second Batman movie about to start production?"

"It is tentatively scheduled for around the beginning of October."

Without any intention of concealment, Wayne directly gave the specific date. After finishing speaking, he took out a cigarette from Nina\'s handbag, lit one with a click, and observed the big star through the smoke.

In fact, the purpose of the other party\'s search is clear in their hearts, but they are still thinking about the role of the clown in the second part.

But the candidate in Wayne\'s mind has not yet been determined. He is busy enough during this time, and he will be even more busy in the future. Besides, there are still a few months before the shooting of the second part, and there is enough time for him to consider the pros and cons.

"About the role of the clown..." Nicolas Cage was also observing the other party. Seeing that he did not show any other expressions, he simply put away all hesitation and said directly:

"Although it\'s a little early to say this, I still want to communicate with you that I\'m fully prepared to play the role of the clown again. You know, losing weight again is never a problem for me."

Looking at each other secretly, Wayne nodded. This is indeed a trouble. The actor who plays the clown must be thin enough. This is an image that cannot be changed on the screen. .

After all, not everyone can lose weight and gain weight quickly within three months like Christian Bale, which requires innate physical talent and strong self-discipline.

Sometimes physical talent really outweighs hard work. Gaining weight and losing weight is easy to say, but it has always been an international problem in practice. In Wayne\'s memory, the Oscar-winning film "Green Book" invested by Dad Ma, tortured the protagonist Viggo Mortensen to death.

Before the filming of "Green Book", he needed to gain more than 40 pounds. Sadly, long after the actor contract was signed, the production company and the crew discovered that he was a rare genius. A physique that is not easy to get fat.

So when I was working on set, I had to eat a nutritious and fattening meal every two or three hours. Viggo Mortensen always forgot to eat it, and his weight always went up and down.

In the end, the crew could only send a nutritionist to supervise him to start eating at the point of time. The strange scene where he was called to stop eating in half the scene happened every day in the crew. Even after a hard day\'s work, he had to be in front of the nutritionist. Eat a fried chicken burger to fall asleep.

And the weekend off is a rare time for him to relax. As a result, he ate a few meals less after two days of relaxation. When he returned to the crew on Monday, he was a little smaller. When he changed clothes before starting work, he found that his pants were loose...

It is not uncommon for such a situation to occur. It means that the actors themselves are tortured, and the crew has to extend the shooting time accordingly.

"Nikola, we\'re old friends." Wayne thought about it for a few minutes, then took a sip of coffee to moisten his throat. "So I don\'t say that it\'s not suitable to talk about work without an agent, that kind of excuse. I really have been considering whether to use you. Everyone knows the benefits of joining the Batman series, but there is one thing that makes people hesitate..."

Nicolas Cage saw that there was a drama and immediately spoke. "What, just say it."


Now that he has started talking, he has not hidden it. "With your current worth in the industry, it\'s too high for the Batman series! Let\'s just say it, the investment in the DC comic series is already huge, so I didn\'t plan to hire big names at all. This is related to whether the funds are as much as possible. A lot of it is used for film production." The more sequel films are made later, the more terrifying the remuneration they need to pay for the directors and actors, which is almost unavoidable.

Now that the series has just started, Wayne\'s plan is very clear, except for Christian Bale, no one is irreplaceable, and those main actors have signed contracts, and there is no way to talk about it.

"I can give up the base salary..."

"No." As soon as the other party spoke, he was interrupted by a wave of his hand. "Nikola, I\'m not going to lie to you, DC comics change the superhero series, especially the Batman movie, Warner Bros. will not open a sharing contract for anyone except me. So, if you want to continue acting Arthur, the only way is to take a pay cut."

These words made Nicolas Cage fall into silence, and the two women on the side could see that he was struggling.

The reason why I never forget the role of the clown and want to play it again is because this role has brought him so much brilliance, and I want to use this familiar image once again to awaken the memory of him from fans all over the world and improve myself in the circle. Cafe inside.

But Batman is not a literary film, it is a commercial film of Chi Luoluo. It is a taboo for a star to lower his worth for the sake of a big commercial production. No famous actor is willing to do this.

Originally, he was not short of invitations, but on the other hand, he was a clown, and Nicolas Cage was temporarily caught in a dilemma.

"Give me some time, let me go back and discuss it with the agent carefully, and I will give you a reply as soon as possible."

It wasn\'t until Wayne was about to end his cigarette that there was an answer from the other side. But this is normal. Nicolas Cage is no longer that literary fan, and it is even less possible that he has no worries at all and promises anything on a whim.

"Before August."

Wayne extinguished the cigarette in his hand, stood up and sorted out his suit jacket, and said, "I will wait for you until August, these two months are enough for you to consider, if you are not sure by August, I will Find other actors from scratch."

After finishing speaking, he took the two women out of the lounge, greeted the creators of the crew who were entertaining guests, left the hotel early, and got into the car and drove in the direction of Beverly.

Nicholas Cage in the lounge didn\'t move, he was sitting on the sofa frowning and thinking about ~www.novelhall.com~ This matter was different from what he had imagined at the beginning. From Wayne\'s attitude just now, we can see that, Doesn\'t really care much about who plays the role of the clown.

"does it worth?"

Sofia Coppola didn\'t know when he came, and the sudden question interrupted his thoughts of worrying about gains and losses.

"You don\'t understand." Glancing at his cousin, Nicolas Cage raised his hand irritably and rubbed his forehead hard. "Although I don\'t lack all kinds of invitations now, it doesn\'t give me the opportunity to go further. It\'s a very good opportunity for me to play the clown again."

The main purpose of coming here today, the two have talked many times before. Sofia Coppola patted his arm and did not give his own opinion. This is related to each other\'s career, even relatives can\'t Speak easily.

On this Thursday night, countless moviegoers who were unwilling to wait flocked to the cinema, wanting to watch the movies they had been looking forward to for months earlier and enjoy this summer movie viewing feast.

The premiere parties on both sides were still going on, but the atmosphere was completely different. Zach Snyder led the cast and crew, grinning and toasting the guests who had always been there, even if they had to get on a flight to New York tomorrow morning and open the United States Publicity tour.

The executives of Warner Bros. did not have any plans to work overtime, including CEO Jeff Robinoff, who ended their day\'s work early and went home to rest, even Wayne was no exception.

On the other hand, Universal Pictures is on the contrary. Producer Brian Glazer and director Bill Bakerby just walked around the party and joined Justin back to his office, anxiously waiting for the box office. statistics.

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